Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I need an early night... I am here b4 10pm with a view to being asleep by 10.30!
I realised today that I have lived with 3 ladies called Gill over the past x number of years, use the word Gill in my web name! (Fairy_Gill!) And erm support the Gills. Is this a weird underlying theme in my life that I have been denying..?
Oh and I have a 'date' tomorrow evening...which feels sort of odd.
I feel a trite nervous, apprehensive and in my head have thought of billions of reasons why it will be a nightmare... only time will tell.
I should know it only ever goes one of two ways - I mean how many times have I dabbled in these waters..
Guardian Soulmates - fairly successful (Millwall Matt and Vice Cop) maybe if I hadn't clarted off to the US for three months one of them would have grown into something. Still remember meeting Matt at the RFH. It was a Sunday back in 2000. It was such a brillant first date. We walked, we talked, we laughed. We kissed at London Bridge. Wow. It's moments like that, that keep you going.
Then my Lycos ventures. They were entertaining. Some very much more so than others... meiow. And I have met people who are genuinely tops blokes. Sadly Cupid's zing hasn't always been vested on these meetings.
And now, 6 years on, here I am again, feeling less youthfully naive and wrapped in inertia. I am happy on my own - why upset the status quo? Oh yeah I WANT A HUG now and again.
I guess I liked the fact that when I got an email from this guy it made me smile. Which can only be a good thing.


Anonymous said...

We all know that a hug now and again is worth more than winning the cursed lottery - it's just that sometimes you don't get either! One you can do something about so I hope your date was successful.

Karoona said...

true enough!

I had a pleasant hour or so. Just a bit of a confidence boost really! Not sure if Cupid's strings were plucked but good to have different conversation with someone totally not like me!