Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Do you ever get that? A phase in your life when you think you are seeing someone you know but in actual fact it is their doppelganger? At present '40pence man' is haunting me by way of doppels. I know it's not him - he nevers goes sarf of the river.(Thames) But imagine a cross between Moby and John Malkovich and you're on the same page as me. The jacket and canvas bag with a longish strap.. walkman and way of walking. They seem to be everywhere. I know that's not really the case.. just feels that way today and for the last few.

Which is kinda of better than thinking you have seen people you knew at Uni and have lost touch with, for whatever reason, but you know if you do meet them they will have so much to tell you about their lives. I have several suspects in this category who I think I see and am then relieved its their doppel.

I wonder if anyone has seen my doppel, and I do not mean Condie Rice!


Anonymous said...

i once had the honour of being a lawyers doppel at my place of work. I was regularly mistaken for him. On one occasion I had to show someone my credit card to prove I was not him. He never got mistaken for me though.

And he has now left. Or perhaps I left and he stayed having taken my life over.

Anonymous said...

I have been thinking about the credit card episode. I now think that the people asking me to prove it were taking the Michael (oh the irony) and in fact the joke was actually on me.

It's taken a decade to realise that.

Anonymous said...

Ok. You win. After 3 weeks of thinking. What f**king "way of walking"? That much must be the act of Mr D. Ganger, because youre certainly right about sarf of the Thames.

Of course I am assuming here that you are unaware that "gänger" means "walker" and this isnt some obscure pun.

Karoona said...

Well you do walk don't you? I have never seen you crawl along like a snail for example!! Everyone has a style of walking... including you.

As an aside the week before last was a week of 'Mr Fudge' doppels.. you know the guy - the one I thought was called 'Mr Fudge' cos he looked like a square of the lush SW food stuff..not because it was his actual name... oops.