I finally graced work at 12.45 2 and a half pounds lighter than I was last week and in good spirits. Except my swipe card had stopped working. SO I couldn't get into the building. The first thing that goes through your mind is that you have been sacked and not yet told.
I have not been sacked.
And with any luck I will get a new card with a NEW PHOTO on it so I no longer look like a freaky alien - pic to follow...

Sad news. 90th minute. Aussies out to the Italians. And this evening's game was by all accounts tres dull. The more I ponder it the more I think England will blunder through to the final. If of course Nostradamus and his Spanish prediction is not proved correct.
"The leader is not fit for purpose" Great News - so we can we take him back and change him? Sorry recycle him?
PMT update... 3 tabs of evening primrose oil seem to be doing their job... any major mood swings which follow will of course be reported in full graphic detail. You have been warned.
Thanks for the update re menstrual cycle. I was worried we were not going to get one this month - which could only mean menopause or pregnancy.
You should have asked the boiler man to look at the cooker in return for all your free advice....he's probably a qualified sparky.
I'd ring your landlord, explain the situation and see if he knows an electrician - you'll probably have to get the new cooker wired in anyway....
Having just moved, I can confirm that our landlady is going to hate us - discovered this morning our shower needs replacing, and the oven door fell off yesterday.
All this after we insisted on the gutters being cleaned and the windows being fixed.
Cobblers! I just left you a comment and got a blog error message.
The gist of it was that the landlord will probably know of an electrician - I expect you'll have to get the new cooker wired in, too.
Actually, I think getting an outside firm to do it is a GOOD idea, 'cos if your cooker blows up second time you use it they are liable. If someone does it as a favour you have no redress!
Our oven door fell off last night, and the shower needs replacing (it has 2 temperatures, too hot, and "oh look all my skin has peeled off"). Our landlady is going to hate us.
Jees!! So many comments - so little time! Can feel mood slipping!?!?!
Yes I suspect another call to errant landlord due.. deep joy.
Ah well, two of my comments were a tad redundant!
Did I mention I can see a huge cock out of my window? ;)
The countryside is splendid!
baggy, I can see at least three knobs, a prick and a cock out of my window and I am nowhere near the country.
some of us just look out the window and day dream about such things.....
PS 3 tennis balls for 99p in an SW19 charitee shoppee!
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