Wednesday, June 14, 2006


It's hot - so open the windows on the tube - it helps!
The pavement - it's meant for walking - not reading a book and dawdling!
Brazil - are not unbeatable - so beware the Aussies!
Owen Hargreaves - give him a chance - just because he doesn't play in this country and you haven't been indoctrinated about him by the media - he is still a tops soccer player !
Watching BB makes you realise that being made to feel odd at school happens in all warps of life - be strong and you will find yourself!
If you can - read jPod - it is very amusing and will transport you away from your day to day!
Sleep well and drink plenty of water!
Smile - it makes people wonder what you've been up to!
Be kind to your parents!
I bid you good day.

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