The weather was superb! At Fleet services we stopped at 10.30am for a good hour long stop. Sat outside in the sun with a milk shake and chewing the fat. Myself, Pops and three coach loads of equally anticipating Gills' Fans. Today we were on the cusp of equally a 50 year old record. Seven wins on the spin/bounce/trot.* For the first time all season the sun was shining and we were all in optimistic spirits - a rare brew indeed.
To be honest the break off the coach was a blessed relief. Ever since we got on at 8.15am there had been a shrill woman's voice pervading the coach. How she did it I do not know - but after the first 30 minutes it was somewhat annoying. I as a traveller tend to plug in and tune out - but on these coach trips I do find myself inspired and deflated by the chit chat between people going on around me. It's a slice of life but I am still unable to decide if it is unique or in actual fact par for the course. Either way I learnt that the chap behind us was in the Forces and based at Yeovilton. So he would be getting extra value for his coach fare - heading for Yeovil meant we were going to be in that part of the world. Maybe that's why Dad and I began reminiscing about aeroplanes/air shows and air fields we have camped at the end of. It also sparked me to dig out some photos on Sunday of my geography field trip. Back then I had curly hair and Deidrie Barlow glasses... but that really is another story!
But I digress. Back on the coach and passed Yeovilton and for the keen spotter Boscombe Down and into the trading estate... round a well groomed roundabout** to Yeovil Town's ground.
We were early so we sat outside and enjoyed the view!?! Or in my Dad's case studied the programme and got harassed by wannabe journo daughter... doesn't he look proud?!

Okay it was small. But it was sunny! We were standing. Oh yes the terrace is god here.

Haven't had to stand at a football match for years. Literally years. So this was a real wander down memory lane. Before I am able to revel in sentiment for the old Rainham End I am rudely awaken by a group of foul mouthed, vitriolic blokes (I say blokes they were pubescent yobs). The game started well - very well in fact. Black scored and we went naturally loopy. Everyone happy - songs etc reflect this. Then some moments of madness by Sanchos in the penalty box and we're level and down to 10 men. Never a great means of playing through the next 70 minutes. The Gills slipped into Bristol City ways and the crowd of 'fans' behind us vented their spleens at the referee, the Yeovil players and anyone that wasn't a Gill. This got more hateful and mindless as the goals kept going in. There is a graphical relationship but as I quit Pure Maths A-Level after a fortnight (for Classical Civilisation - well the boys came over from the boys grammar school for it also - at last at aged 17 mixed classes) so I cannot use the correct terminology. Either way as goals went in the line became very nearly vertical in relation to the language used.
I was fuming. Yes I am a girl/woman/ladeee/female - whatever - but at the heart of it I am Gillingham Football fan. We are 4-1 down and all I want the crowd to do is get behind OUR team. Not threaten the ref with death. Oh and yes there were stewards in the vicinity who could hear - but they did nothing. It is unacceptable. They clearly had no interest in the game - yet I am sure if challenged they would have accused me of having no heart. Vicious circles?
Some of our fans even left after the 4th went in. Bye bye bye bye... Disgraceful. To avoid a cliche...you never leave a game cos you have no way of knowing how it will end.
As we are the Super Gills and the lads did somehow pull themselves together. A fluke/deflection off Flynn and an amazing strike from Crofts meant we were 4-3.. and pushing for the equaliser and pride restorer. Not to be though.
As my last away trip for the season it will be remember with a mixture of feeling. Saddened really that my experience was coloured by a bunch a idiots. The sort of experience that puts people off going to football matches. As for me - I'll be back on the away day bus next season. I have on the whole really enjoyed the experience if not always the results!
The day did have a highlight - the team bus pulled up at the service station on the way back and sat on the wall I was closest as Jason Brown and Matt Jarvis ascended the steps - so I smiled - they smiled back - well what do you say when you have lost - 'Unlucky' - 'Well played lads' - sometimes actions speak louder.
Thanks chaps for another treat - see you at the last home game for 2005/06.
* Please delete as you see appropriate
** Please refer to trip to Doncaster
curly hair and Deirdre Barlow glasses? any chance of a picture?
Bill - as it's you I will endeavour to get it scanned and uploaded. It will no doubt ruin any chance I had of being a model but hey - I wasn't really cut out for that anyway! Cheers Dee
Hey - as a Yeovil fan just found this by accident and enjoyed very much. Keep up the good work and good luck to you and your Dad on your travels this year.
thank you!
Not doing so well so far this year!
All the best to you too!
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