It means so many things. But as the current management wind down their flag the locals are making the most of the place. Saturday was a 40th Birthday day do.. and if your name wasn't down.. then there was no access!
However if you are in the know and know the deal then Sat Nite started with the Rev 2 Sheds 70's disco. I rocked up at 9.30pm. Which was in time to grab a stool by the bar and also in time to hear the beginning of a long line of musical turns... This is me n Pete. He is from Scotland and our local Wember-ley insider. The poster in the background is the b-d boy in action with an Easter twist...well the night was called Bunnie Bash!
The music included all the local favourites.. SW20; the twins (Tim N Simon) and their amazing steel drum; Bruce H and the Brucette's; Dick; Bruce; Adie; John Le Champangion (I've seen him in SavaCentre - kinda of ruins the myth! Oh darn I have told you all that before!); Greeny; Kath; JJ; Craig and his harmonica... all very rousing. Below are my 'arty' takes on the evening. Mainly to protect the innocent!! I do have others on request! One's where you can actually see the individuals mentioned. These pictures on the other hand are the rogues of the gallery. They include the b-d boy, Adie; the management, Craig and Ursula; Pete and Greeny. Not quite sure why everyone was wearing shades... there are words that come to mind.. but it's best I leave those to one side. Anyway some good news came on Saturday.. the last night of the Proms as it were is now a week later than first thought - so I have a home game will be able to rock up fashionably late and just as sassy as the Saturday just gone...!?!?!
Nelson's Rogues and....
...................the Nelson's Riches
This is me at some point during the evening... I think it had gone midnight and I had been seen dancing - but not normal dancing, on a floor, with other people. One must understand that the noise levels after a certain time must go down. So I was throwing some shapes whilst listening to the music through a pair of headphones - luckily with a long curly wire which meant I was a bit like Zebedee!! Boing Boing! All over the floor! Bring it on...!!
These people are my friends - they put up with me dancing like a freak and like to see me smiling! The Crew are Wocca (back to camera - apparently a nutter from the South Island in NZ), Mr G (apparently a nutter from NSW), Dog is hiding behind me (Dog, otherwise christened Stephen, from Queensland therefore a banana bender!?), Me (drunk clearly), Tammy (drunk clearly), Pete (erm guess what - yes - that's the correct answer - drunk) and David - who is from Ireland. Well as drunk people go we were all very subdued really. Tired maybe? Or overwhelmed with the whole experience...
Do you like the lights and artwork? In a month's time the pub won't look like this - the new owners are having a re-fit. I really hope they don't lose the vibe of the place. It's not a fancy pub and the wine range has taken time to grow beyond one house white and one house red (yes there is now a choice!) and the Tetley's is seldom on but it does have an atmosphere of its own. And the people at the bar are amongst the gems. There have been many core bar flies and some have moved away - names like Maria and Steve, Nobby, Terry the hairdresser; and those who don't drop in so much Taff, Bev and Pablo to name a few. It has never been full of totty and that has never really been the reason I go. But for some conversation, over a beer, that isn't work or family related here is the place I can go and in the last few months with a breath of fresh air in my step, and a spring in my mind, I have started to meet more people and feel even more at home. I may not go every night but when I do go it's cos I want to chat to different people and share a joke. Talk sport. Talk local news. Moan about the tube. Find out some gossip. Chat about the latest gig people have been too. Clubs. Bars. Etc etc. Who knows - will a raised floor and sectioning the place up ruin this? Who knows - but watch this space... times they are a until the landlady rings the last orders bell, drink up and cheers!
Oh and other news of the evening.. Bruce gave me a Cadbury Creme Egg... Merry Easter everyone!!
Love the travelogue round the waterways of the EastEnd. When can us couch potato suburbanites expect another one?
I hope the next one will be very soon...more likely once the football season is over and I have lots of spare Saturday's again!
Gald you liked it!
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