Monday, May 02, 2011

May mirth?


Are you a bright of eye and bushy of tale mountain goat? Or somewhat bedraggled yet oddly invincible variety?

Your horoscope contains both roles. The first comes with today’s new moon in Taurus, signalling a personal renewal, a re-grounding of your most personal loves, desires and fond hopes.

The second role concerns profession. No way does any self-respecting Capricorn let professional issues slide, but when your ruling planet is stuck to the roof of your ‘scope, as it is 2011-12, it’s a given that people even higher up the totem pole are going play it awkward and by the rule book. You and your boss resemble two Capricorn Goats circling each other suspiciously.

Still, you have been here before, many times, slugging it out for your rightful share of respect (and loot), and this looks suspiciously like a month off from the worst of the battles. (Of course, you may decide to cash in your hand completely and begin again – December birthdays might be thinking along those lines.)

The need to turn your attention to domestic matters and family Arran gents, discussed in last month’s forecast, remains in place, along with planets in your house of home and hearth.

The bright and bushy role is the one to focus on in the short and medium term. A trio of planets move into Taurus, a fellow earth sign, in mid-May, opening an especially joyous spell when even you may be prepared to make it up as you go along. Fine time to seek out those you love, kids, family, and pursue your hobby of choice; scale model of the Nebraska railroad, ukulele yodelling, raising prize lupins.

Summer delights in part, then, but the soon-come arrival of Jupiter into this same zone of passions suggests this summer may have some extra delight up its sleeve.

Full Moon in Scorpio 16/17 May: Comfort in being one of the gang. A plush romantic prize.

Lucky Days: 2, 3, 11, 12, 18
Yucky Days: 6, 7, 13, 14, 27
Fashion Icon: Sienna Miller
Colour: Black
Spring awakening has officially arrived as a sexy convergence of planets take over your love sector this month. The sweetness begins on the 3rd with the New Moon in Taurus, so make your wishes known early in the month to get the party started. On the 11th, Mars brings the mojo. You’ll feel more confident about going after all you desire without being apologetic or covert. It’s not easy to convince overachieving Capricorns to just have fun for an entire month. You’ll have to think of it as “Project May” and challenge yourself to excel at pleasure with five stars. The Sun will enter your work sector on the 21st so you can get back to work responsibilities sometime after that date. But the first half of the month has to be devoted to sheer, unadulterated bliss. When Venus and Mercury join the love scene on the 15th, there’s nothing stopping you from an onslaught of fun and romance. The Full Moon in Scorpio on the 17th (in your social sector) will give you plenty of opportunities to get yourself all glamorous for the right reasons. No longer will you suffer from the all dressed up and nowhere to go syndrome.
Your May Monthly Forecast: Some people make music. Others paint. Some read, some write, some dance, some design, some just dream. We all, though, have to express creativity. You may live in a world full of concrete and conformity, but you are a creature of nature; an impulsive, spontaneous being that has come to this earth to celebrate, not to feel stressed out. It has been a while since you last felt inspired to smile and relax. Events in May, though, will gently remind you of how good life can be at its best. Dare to do something different and a little magic will find its way into your every encounter.

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