Tuesday, February 08, 2011


Am currently addicted to the album 'Instinct' by Mandalay.
Influenced by a c-d single sent to me whilst I was in the US for 3 months in 2000; Matt the Millwall fan sent me 'Flowers Bloom'. A haunting and excellent tribute to love - unrequited.
Pity it has probably taken me until now to realise why he sent to me.. and how my non-reaction to it probably caused the relationship to terminate on my arrival back in the UK.
Strange how music and places resonant.
Spiller Groovejet - takes me back to 10 years ago when I met Hugo Lovegod.. ah funny days, funny indeed. Gills were in the Championship. Not anymore. Oh well...


Anonymous said...

Get back into screamadelica x

Karoona said...

We wanna be free!

Anonymous said...

We going to have a party...x