In 2009, something difficult has been hovering over your world. You have been trying to fight it with everything you have got, but you have had to cope with big restrictions. As we move into 2010, these begin to lift, especially between April and July. In that time, you will gain real faith in yourself. But at the end of July, we reach the last in the series of oppositions between Saturn and Uranus that, since 2008, have been taking you far out of your comfort zone. Around September, you get the ultimate confrontation with their force. Either negativity gets the better of you once and for all... or it finally concedes defeat at the hands of your dearest hope. Here's your chance to make a change that lasts you the rest of your life. Your year won't be simple or easy but it will be deeply, profoundly rewarding. You will keep finding yourself almost magically equipped with whatever you need. There are forces looking out for you that you are not fully aware of. You may never be able to quite explain exactly how you managed to do what you did or change what you changed in 2010. But you will manage it. Even if you find yourself racked and riddled by doubt. Even if it seems as if nothing is going to fix what's now broken, what needs to evolve, within you and around you, will evolve. I am always reluctant to use the word 'destiny' because you have freedom. You can choose not to benefit from all you are blessed with this year... but you won't choose that! Instinctively, you will know what to aim for and you will be supported by people and situations that somehow bring out the very best in you.
Part Two
2010 contains 365 days, 8,760 hours, approximately half a million minutes, about 31 million seconds. All you need is one of those seconds to bring you a moment of truth. Do you remember, when you were small, climbing to the top of a tall slide and preparing to launch yourself? Did you spend ages wondering if you'd ever find the courage to let go? Some things are much harder to contemplate than to achieve. If you look, in your daily forecast over the next twelve months, you'll find much advice that varies daily depending on the celestial circumstances. You may even find messages from me that say 'Go for it now" But to be clear, though you'll find the climate from April to July particularly inspiring and betweenAugust and September, pressure will be most intense, you can take your big leap at any point; When you're feeling most hopeful, most anxious...or just most inclined to think it's never going to happen. It's a mental block you have to overcome; an emotional impediment that you have toget past. It's only going to take a second but the benefits are going to last a lifetime. And it IS going to happen!
Part Two
2010 contains 365 days, 8,760 hours, approximately half a million minutes, about 31 million seconds. All you need is one of those seconds to bring you a moment of truth. Do you remember, when you were small, climbing to the top of a tall slide and preparing to launch yourself? Did you spend ages wondering if you'd ever find the courage to let go? Some things are much harder to contemplate than to achieve. If you look, in your daily forecast over the next twelve months, you'll find much advice that varies daily depending on the celestial circumstances. You may even find messages from me that say 'Go for it now" But to be clear, though you'll find the climate from April to July particularly inspiring and betweenAugust and September, pressure will be most intense, you can take your big leap at any point; When you're feeling most hopeful, most anxious...or just most inclined to think it's never going to happen. It's a mental block you have to overcome; an emotional impediment that you have toget past. It's only going to take a second but the benefits are going to last a lifetime. And it IS going to happen!
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