Monday, June 28, 2010

Week ahead...


You’re into a pivotal month with a bang, with this very weekend likely to illuminate your future path, or at least make an interesting diary entry. As Pluto is involved, so is getting to the bottom of things. Good time for a purge of goods and chattels. There are more revelations to come before July is out. Take the initiative on long-term plans, especially anything to do with the job/new job. The business end of the year arrives late summer, but you can set things in motion now.
This being the month of your partner sign of Cancer, all one-on-one relationships are up for re-evaluation and a check to see they are still fit for purpose. Achieving intimacy may entail some financial sweetening. Horse trade with partners, be wary around open rivals.

Your Week Ahead starting Sat, June 26: You are not quite like other people. You are made of different stuff. You are, for example, more diligent and dedicated, more determined to stick with what you believe in, regardless of the pressure to settle for a lower standard. And you are fussier about what you do or don't want. Given this, there's no point in trying to judge yourself by anyone else's standards. Nor is there a point in listening to someone else's judgement of you! This week, while a new comet passes through the sky, people can think what they want. Regarding one key issue at least, you are right and need neither prove this nor apologise for it.

Your Week Ahead Part Two - Love Focus: It's always nice to feel supported, understood, appreciated, respected and powerful. It's nice to feel this way - but it's rare for us to get quite so much help. Often, life seems like an obstacle course, full of dangers we must dodge, plus hurdles we must somehow surmount. It could all be easier, of course, if you had lower standards and less idealistic aspirations. But you can't give up on these just because they don't always make you popular. The new cosmic comet speaks of your need to be strong and purposeful. That may not bring you universal acclaim but it does mean that at least some of what you are after, you will get.

The Moon’s eclipse in Capricorn today is due to bring new opportunities for growth and change your way, so do not hold on to the past, or let a loved one who needs reassurance from you hold you back. This is not a time of endings, but of new beginnings, so ask for their support and include them in your plans.

Saturday's lunar eclipse was in your sign and next month's solar eclipse is in your opposite sign - all of which suggests pending change both in family dynamics and at work. Between eclipses people often make the decision to move on or to do things very differently. Expect a little of that this week and for certain people to announce that they're taking the weekend to think things over. In some respects this might please you enormously. It could be that a headache is going. And yet: at a different level you could feel disquiet about the unfinished business that will be left unresolved. With the high probability of extraordinary developments in a partner's world too, there's much for you to think about. It might help to see all this as scene-shifting (which might even be literal: redecoration may be discussed). The accent is very much on change.

Ooh the times...

are perhaps a changing. For a start I am wireless and typing this - and that is very modern for me. Have to mind that I don't burn my legs and not sure how well my back likes it...
To be honest I have been avoiding my laptop. Stupidly it reminded me too much of the joy it gave me in its first few days. It would boot up and I would be online chatting to Paul within seconds. The excitement of getting that email was all consuming. Total distraction. I was too happy to believe my luck. Now the emptiness of the email box being empty is too much too bear. I fear that is starting to change - I still think of him. I wonder if he ever thinks of me or the intensity we shared. Strange how one event can tarnish or enlighten so many others. It has made me think about communication a lot. How people interact. The way that technology has made us communicate in a far less personal way.
I'm not really here to talk about that.. I could rant on about the England football team - but what would be the point? The team's level of commitment far less than their fans. Mugs that we are. They are overpaid and over hyped. They never looked any threat and no amount of group stage excuses could cover that fact. Radio Five this afternoon has been excellent - Chris Waddle has been bang on with his 'punditry' - I'd prefer to think of it as insightful and well argued observation. He has been there - played for England - in the pre Premiership era. It meant something back then. When England failed it hurt. Today does not hurt - it just makes me embarrassed to have re-flagged my St George's cross. Then again I can wave it for the cricket team, and Lewis and Jenson... any number of other sports I also watch.. Yesterday was awesome - Grand Prix quals, Moto GP (Lorenzo is taking it on... and Randy D. P's efforts were inspiring! Him and Spies (oh damn it Yarns said he would be one to watch - he was right.) Tennis - last night watching Murray take his opponent competently. Whilst Nadal and Federer have fought through 5 setters... Sport is my company!
Friday was an odd day. My anticipated Pearl Jam evening with the Actor was not to be that way. I wonder where I fit in - in that sphere. I was so angry, again the communication was weak. My fault or his. I don't know. And he has his reasons. I did though recoil to my usual self esteem position of having 'mug' on my forehead. So I went with Craig. We had a good larf. Drank too much Tuborg and then he hooked up with his mates. Can anyone explain to me what 'fish-hooking' is? I came home to CW by myself - defo dancing to Madge on the tube as I did... the local for the end of Sparky's headlining music night set. I walk into a emotional maelstrom. I am told I am the only honest friend someone has - and that I tell it like it is. Oh perhaps I do. And perhaps I don't. Sparky was very hyper. I made my excuses and came home to reel at the current waves around me. I suspect I am walking in a different direction to everyone else. My hardest drug is a pint or two and sorry to say the ciggies.
This week at work has been a trial too.. having taken Wednesday afternoon off to watch footie First Man calls me - I ignore the first 2 calls - right during the first half... can you believe it? (mug) I pick up at half time. I am so confused. Should I stay and fight or just admit the situation - wider - and closer to home is all too much? Not being there meant I wasn't available for beers and more rant soaking up. Home with a glass of wine and a pizza; England at least won - but still unconvincing.
Thursday I did something positive and went to the Birkbeck Open day - to suss out what creative writing course would best suit a budding novelist and generally disillusioned Project Manager.
That felt hollow with all the other crap flying around. My heart not in it - but as I walked away I did think it was good first step.
Last week I went to a Women in Technology seminar and that buoyed me - I did some networking (a thing I hate) and I learnt some useful things about taking control of my future. I suspect this blog post may well herald the change of my direction. Time to stop hiding behind feeling tired and the numerous drunken mistakes I have made recently and get myself sorted for my future.
I've also neglected mentioning the footie season being announced... Cheltenham at home first game.. but that's a way off yet.
Not sure if I'm still on track diet wise. But last Monday I did at least get my sad arse to swimming again havinf missed about 3 weeks. And the pool closes in October for refurb so there's a date to aim for.... The first step is the hardest and yet the most important. Weigh in tomorrow is therefore a must too...
It's been 2 months since I got the goodbye email. I still don't understand it - I have rationalised it though. Shame it meant I had to face the hurt of January/February that I had buried and quite possibly the never ending saga with Sparky. I must let go of my past. Even the quirky bits that made me smile but ultimately never sustained me. Or accept them for the writing fodder they will no doubt become!
I was set on booking a holiday to Cuba. Still not done. Need to do something. Escape this current streak of life. Every week day I wake up and think - Oh my god not this joke again...
Still I do though and without the aid of drugs or drama queen histrionics. I face myself every morning and evening and think is this it? How can I change it?
On Thursday evening I have 2 tickets to see Shakespeare. Bought as a birthday present from someone who days later was clearly seeing someone else. Perhaps I should sell them both. Or go on my own. Done that before.
I have been dabbling on again - but its a once a week dabble.
And so 2 months on.. growing stronger - gaining clarity on my future. Perhaps getting less tolerant of people - or my responses to them.. break the cycle Karoona - break it.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

A reminder - mid year

In 2009, something difficult has been hovering over your world. You have been trying to fight it with everything you have got, but you have had to cope with big restrictions. As we move into 2010, these begin to lift, especially between April and July. In that time, you will gain real faith in yourself. But at the end of July, we reach the last in the series of oppositions between Saturn and Uranus that, since 2008, have been taking you far out of your comfort zone. Around September, you get the ultimate confrontation with their force. Either negativity gets the better of you once and for all... or it finally concedes defeat at the hands of your dearest hope. Here's your chance to make a change that lasts you the rest of your life. Your year won't be simple or easy but it will be deeply, profoundly rewarding. You will keep finding yourself almost magically equipped with whatever you need. There are forces looking out for you that you are not fully aware of. You may never be able to quite explain exactly how you managed to do what you did or change what you changed in 2010. But you will manage it. Even if you find yourself racked and riddled by doubt. Even if it seems as if nothing is going to fix what's now broken, what needs to evolve, within you and around you, will evolve. I am always reluctant to use the word 'destiny' because you have freedom. You can choose not to benefit from all you are blessed with this year... but you won't choose that! Instinctively, you will know what to aim for and you will be supported by people and situations that somehow bring out the very best in you.

Part Two
2010 contains 365 days, 8,760 hours, approximately half a million minutes, about 31 million seconds. All you need is one of those seconds to bring you a moment of truth. Do you remember, when you were small, climbing to the top of a tall slide and preparing to launch yourself? Did you spend ages wondering if you'd ever find the courage to let go? Some things are much harder to contemplate than to achieve. If you look, in your daily forecast over the next twelve months, you'll find much advice that varies daily depending on the celestial circumstances. You may even find messages from me that say 'Go for it now" But to be clear, though you'll find the climate from April to July particularly inspiring and betweenAugust and September, pressure will be most intense, you can take your big leap at any point; When you're feeling most hopeful, most anxious...or just most inclined to think it's never going to happen. It's a mental block you have to overcome; an emotional impediment that you have toget past. It's only going to take a second but the benefits are going to last a lifetime. And it IS going to happen!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Today I am supporting England...

by wearing my not so subtle Bulldog T-Shirt... it sparkles too!! courtesy of New Look!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I had been geared up to write lots.. then I read my posts for June 2006.. what has changed?!

.... mmm

Exactly.. so I am conserving my creativity for when it strikes...

Summer Party - please suggest captions!!

I am sure I did smile during the evening... but not for a camera!!

My profile

photo, as used on here, was rejected by the eHarmony dating site... what a farce that site is by the way... no-one ever contacts anyone... so what's the point!? Or am I just too un-marriable!?! That said every day on Match I get the your profile is proving popular today email ... well it only takes 3 views... and they are probably from the same person!! LOL. So as yet no new love interest and no interest in love .. apathy is my current state of mind....

Monday, June 14, 2010

Week ahead...

Distinguish keenly between your short and long term agendas. The rare planetary combination at the root of your ‘scope is an alert to issues of where you live and/or your family duties. What you now discern becomes the new paradigm in 2011, so read the signals as best you can.
Work and career, as if you didn’t already know, are likewise unlikely to carry on the same old way indefinitely, and here too, you’re being offered a heads-up of the shape of things to come.
Such issues properly belong to mid-summer (starting at 21 June). Here and now is a time to concentrate on the details: schedules, timetables, making space to attend to your health. Oh, and the need to escape from such duties and embrace rugged mountains, sun-scorched beaches or wherever you dream of escape. A holiday, sure, but also the place where you are free to rant and rave to your heart’s content without being contradicted.
Your Week Ahead starting Sat, June 12: You can't paint a wall with a hammer. You can't knock in a nail with a brush. Sometimes, though, when we are in a hurry to get a result, we feel we don't have time to stop and equip ourselves with the correct tools for the job. We try to codge and bodge, using whatever we have to hand. The result is rarely successful. Sooner or later, we have to stop trying to do things the wrong way, separate ourselves from what's not working for us and gather up a more appropriate set of resources. Don't struggle on under unsatisfactory circumstances this week. Take the time to get it right and you will yet get it very right indeed.Week Ahead Part Two - Love Focus: What's a fair price to pay for a bottle opener? If you're in your local convenience store, you won't expect to be charged much for this little device. But what if it's late and hot and you are miles from anywhere. You haven't drunk for hours. And your only hope of refreshment is in a sealed glass container. Then, it's probably worth as much as you can afford. I neither seek here, to justify exploitative pricing policies nor encourage you to be opportunistic in your plans. But it's worth pointing out that under particular circumstances, some things matter more than others. This week, you've got just what someone else needs!
A new project or idea may have the stars behind it, but you could create more problems than you solve by taking on too much this week. Thursday’s link between the Sun and Neptune also gives you extra insight into someone’s feelings. It seems that all you have to do to win them over is be open and direct.

A clear and obvious sign that something needs adjusting comes your way as the lunar eclipse brings your love ruler theMoon into your sign and lines her up with Pluto - planet of transformation. You will not miss it.

Whether you're single or attached you're being given an opportunity to start the next six months with more emotional honesty than the previous six ended. It's time to break a cycle and start a much more positive one. A new moon shows just how well you have done and single Capricorns get a friendly smile that could go a very long way towards something more than making you feel warm and cuddly inside.

And attached goats see the grazing has improved on their side of the fence, too. Talking and listening are the new aphrodisiacs and so much cheaper than oysters, serve frequently and enjoy the results.

Oct puts lovely Venus in the love sector of your chart which is like getting the eye from the tour rep on an 18-30s holiday without the need to shove jelly down your knickers. Then again...

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Jolly June?

Lucky Days: 8, 9, 17, 18, 26
Yucky Days: 6, 7, 13, 14, 19
Fashion Icon: Sienna Miller
Colour: Black Patent Leather
Although it may deceptively seem like your life is falling apart at the seams as June unfolds, you can blame any shifts on the approaching Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn. This intense event, exact on 26 June, is building up pressure, but it’s a good kind of pressure. If you’re willing to banish the old, toxic energy in your life with minimal resistance, you’ll easily deal with any changes like a champion. The key is to go with the flow and watch the transformation unfold. Uranus, the change-god, conjuncts with Jupiter in your domestic sector on 8 June. This rare event can shake you at your very core. Luckily you’re as sturdy as they come, so chances are any changes will feel more like a minor rumble in your steady, structured life. The real impacts of the eclipse can take at least six months to be revealed in their entirety. Here is where your legendary patience serves you so well. You can wait for it, analyse it, and understand it before it even happens. The Sun lights up your partnership sector on 21 June, transforming you from a workaholic mogul to cozy lovebird – just in time for some summer lovin’.
Your June Monthly Forecast: We have to be careful with salt. If we put too much in our food, we render it inedible. If we use too little, it becomes bland. Much the same can be said about the pinch of salt with which we must take various ideas and suggestions. We all need a degree of scepticism. We absolutely don't need cynicism. Your doubts, now, are more potent than you realise. Express them too emphatically and you may spoil a perfectly good proposition. Though you're right to suspect that an opportunity will have drawbacks, there IS an opportunity and a rare, powerful, life-changing one too. Recognise (and take) it in June.