I am shamelessly going to recycle these questions and see how 2009 compares to 2008!
1. What did you do in 2009 that you'd never done before?
* Saw Pearl Jam, went on holiday by myself, walked in MBT's.
2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
* Not sure I made any for 2009, and if it was to continue not smoking I shamefully failed. So this year - lose some pounds, quit smoking, enjoy life.
3. How will you be spending New Year's Eve?
* Yet to be determined. Hiding?
4. Did anyone close to you die?
* Yes. In shockwave circumstances too.
5. What countries did you visit?
* Tunisia. Ireland.
6. What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009?
* More hugs!
7. What date from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
* May 23rd. Wembley. Gillingham got promoted!! Hooray! (contrast last year!)
* July 2nd. My flat. Surprising my Mum with my brother being there!
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
* Getting myself finally on holiday.
9. What was your biggest failure?
* Starting to smoke again.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
* I fell on some ice and knackered my knee early on in the year.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
* MBT's. A holiday.
12. Where did most of your money go?
* Food. Footie. Fags.
13. What song will always remind you of 2009?
* 'Footsteps', Pearl Jam live @ the O2 18th Aug
14. What do you wish you'd done more of?
* Walking. Blogging.
15. What do you wish you'd done less of?
* Smoked.
16. What was your favourite TV program?
* Doctor Who.
17. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
* Not really. My dislikes remain the same.
18. What was the best book you read?
* The Damned United.
19. What was your greatest musical discovery?
* Jazz!
20. Whose behaviour merited celebration?
* Simeon Jackson in the 89th minute (!?)
21. Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?
* Best not say, though there are several.
22. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
* Seeing PJ. Seeing Pat Rafter.
23. Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder? Happier.
ii. thinner or fatter? Fatter.
iii. richer or poorer? Richer.
24. How did you spend Christmas?
* With Ma & Pa and a tops Christmas Pudding!
25. Did you fall in love in 2009?
* Yes.
26. How many one-night stands?
* None.
27. What did you want and get?
* Promotion. Well done the Gills!
28. What did you want and not get?
* Younger!
29. What was your favorite film of this year?
* 'The Reader'
30. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
* Again so long ago. I was 36 in 2009 and I had the day off work, walked and went to the cinema to see 'Australia', which I thought was a tops film.
31. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
* More holidays!
32. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2009?
* Footwear is about comfort and quick walking!
33. What kept you sane?
* Walking. Lots. And reading.
34. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
* Pat Rafter! Good to see him again at the tennis!
35. What political issue stirred you the most?
* Feckless people and credit cards. STILL!! The banks. The government bailing them out.
36. Who did you miss?
* My brother. Esp as he was over for such a short time.
37. Who was the best new person you met?
* Benedict.
40. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2009:
* Its not the quantity of my friends but the quality of them that keeps me sane. Which is still as true this year as last. And to have faith.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
For some reason people my blog activity has been pretty sparse since August. I can only put this down to Facebook becoming an easier medium and my blessed PC getting slower by the day. It makes it look as if I haven't had a life for several months - which is far from true!
The footie season reached an epic climax and had anyone told me I would be revisiting Wembley I would have scoffed. But I did and the result was sublime. This was also the period of planning my Mum's surprise birthday treats with Dad and Stu. Early July was indeed very special as a result.
Once my brother returned to Oz though I was quite depressed. Bereft. The support I craved was not as robust as I had hoped and so the summer became a real time for inner reflection. I spent the August Bank Holiday completely angry with myself and resolved to free my mind and start living my life again, as the independent and single minded person I know I am. So I resolved to stop hoping and mentally changed my perspective. It stood me in good stead and with a renewed sense of self worth I set about the next few months in high spirits and ready to tackle anything. Of course by then the football season had re-started and I had plenty of events booked for the rest of the year. I went to see 'I'm Sorry I haven't a Clue' and resumed my military walking regime. Solitary pursuits that I could excel and feel comfortable doing. Likewise becoming totally absorbed in Motorsports - F1 and the Moto GP's. Great viewing! Esp with both on the Beeb and with extra items on the Red Button! Go Button indeed!
September was very much about sorting myself out. MBT's were purchased. I went to the Doctors and finally sorted out my pill. (amusingly they never actually ask how sexually active you are - it may have been quicker as they could have said you don't really need to be on it at all!). My mood has since become less extreme.
October was revisiting the past as well as visiting places I hadn't been before. Finally caught up with Ziggy face to face. It was as if we had not been parted for several years. I went to Southampton (we lost) and spent a rather brilliant weekend in Milton Keynes (we lost again - but StadiumMK does have very acceptable seats!). Baggy and Kezza were on fine form. Though I felt lacking in exciting things to talk about and the week following I was quite down - the realisation that all my gorgeous friends are asunder across the UK. It was also the month that my swimming exploits started to run dry. In part due to events (Andy Williams at the Royal Albert Hall), a minging cold/cough and then from Nov onwards it was closed due to a dodgy roof. I am very much looking forward to returning on the 4th Jan 2010. My stomach and arms miss the exertion!
November. A time of displacements and absences. I finally booked a week off and then to make it even better booked a week away from London. I ventured to the Tunisian sun and a week of luxury and relaxation. It was an experience. A good number of the waiters wanted to take me out and many asked if I was married. I was something of a curiosity and the pale English skin and lack of French vocab made for some amusing conversations! It was decadent to be centre of attention but I enjoyed it. A full Californian body massage (front and back - I suspect my Masseur was more embarrassed than I) a mud wrap and facials. I spoiled myself. Bliss. I read lots of books and lounged in the sun. I meet genuinely friendly people who gave me their book and introduced me then into the intrigue of Henry VIII. I wrote reams of thoughts. Perhaps with some downtime I'll jot it up here. The true reflection of my week of solitude.
I returned to the bedlam of a work. An imminent merger and conflicting messages. I was a little perturbed but bounded on regardless. The following fortnight I worked 4 day weeks with 2 Wednesdays of tennis to break the monotony. The 02 for a day (I saw Rafa and Roger!) then the joys of the Royal Albert Hall and Pat Rafter. Swoon!
This was followed by an arena gig - Placebo at the O2 and too many cocktails in the O2 lounge.
December now in full flow it was the run into Christmas. Party on 4th. Dinner on 11th. Then a barren week socially. Technology drinks and Christmas Eve.
Christmas itself was most pleasant. Just Ma and Pa and me. Christmas Eve was in part amusing and in part a tad baffling. I did though have company on the train home! A fellow Sittingbourne-ite. We drank Stella and made the carriage laugh with chat about huge birds and oven capacity. Christmas Day.. Santa was most kind. Unlike Boxing Day when he decided he would make me suffer a pretty dire game of football which my team did not deserve to lose. And then the extended weekend. Bliss. Pottering, walking, drinking and eating. Very agreeable.
So you see despite the lack of posts I have been quite busy! Too busy to post - but I think of Assume Nothing frequently and all the things I want to write about.
So belatedly Happy 4th Birthday Blog! For once on Nov 21st this year I was otherwise pre-occupied! At El Jem in Tunisia and taking lots of photos! Which I feel more than makes up for not posting a best wish then!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
All about me!!! Sort of!
** All about Capricorn
Every sign has a 'patron planet.' Yours, dear Capricorn, happens to be Saturn -- Mr. No-Nonsense himself -- and this is a great place to start explaining the nature of your sign. Astronomers and amateur stargazers find those rings surrounding that beautiful planet simultaneously fascinating and lovely, but its colorful circles are also an appropriate symbol of one of the things Saturn holds dear: boundaries. And as Saturn's favorite sign, you've definitely learned the value of keeping your boundaries intact. After all, without self-discipline, order, rules and regulations, where would we be?
You've also been given a love of structure, a respect for experience and a great big dose of common sense. You only take calculated risks, and you can be the very soul of caution. In fact, if you're not careful, you can end up a bit too pessimistic.
But as anyone who knows you well can testify, this absolutely doesn't mean you don't know how to have fun. While your wit is dry and your humor is the exact opposite of slapstick, your sarcasm is unbeatable. What really makes you laugh, though, is intelligent humor -- the more odd and quirky, the better!
You deal with relationships much the same way you handle shopping. Your first step is to see what's out there by doing some observation and comparison. You won't settle for anything less than exactly what you want. And once you have it, you tend to those you love in much the same way you treat your most treasured items: You spoil them, pamper them and do absolutely everything you can to make things last. The lucky person who ends up in a permanent relationship with you can rest assured there's nothing you won't do to keep that relationship thriving, especially as the years go by and you invest more and more time into each other.
Not a Capricorn? Take a look at your planetary profile -- your strengths and weaknesses -- and how the planets line up for you with a free Real You Reading. Gain a better understanding of yourself and your relationship with the world around you, and open yourself to personal improvement and self-discovery!
** Your Starcast for December 21 to January 19
December 21: Sun enters Capricorn
As we near the end of the year, you may feel a bit nostalgic and contemplative as you think about where you've been and where you're headed. The Sun’s entrance into Capricorn takes place when the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the Sun. This marks the Winter Solstice, a time celebrated throughout the ages by many cultures. During this practical earth-sign time, tune into your goals and -- just like Capricorn’s animal symbol. the mountain goat -- set your sights high.
December 21: Jupiter conjunct Neptune
These two big planets finally reach the third and final conjunction (in this series). This is an energy you have been working with since earlier this year, when the first conjunction occurred on May 27 in Aquarius. This idealistic pair continued to travel together and formed a second conjunction on July 10. Jupiter expands the spiritual inclusive nature of Neptune, which helps people to reach out, network and dream big. You have been helped and continue to be wherever this duo is currently transiting in your own chart.
December 25: Venus enters Capricorn
It’s always an interesting shift when the love planet leaves nomadic, freedom-oriented Sagittarius and enters serious, pragmatic Capricorn. If you’ve wanted to nail down your wandering Romeo or Ramona, now is your chance! Capricorn loves nothing better than a real commitment, and those with staying power in their DNA are ready to make one. Don’t try to push anything, though, as plans will take time to develop with Mars currently retrograde.
December 26: Mercury turns retrograde
Because Mercury turns retrograde in ambitious Capricorn while next to the north node, this is a very potent retrograde period. You receive information that will help you. Pay extra attention now to conversations, messages and ideas that you or others discuss. Although all of the typical Mercury retrograde cautions apply, if you can use this time to more deeply formulate your ideas and plans, you will be able to implement them with great power and strength in January when Mercury turns direct on January 15.
December 28: Venus squares Saturn
Even Venus in sensible Capricorn apparently needs to be reminded of boundaries and rules. You get plenty of clarity about your most important relationships. That’s the good news -- and also the bad news, for there’s nothing quite like a clear-eyed, fantasy-free view of the ones you love. Just make sure, with Saturn’s current placement in Libra, that you don’t overwork your mind too much on this one.
December 28: Mercury conjunct north node
The words you choose and the ideas you express have particular importance with this conjunction. Mercury represents communication. Think of the north node as the road ahead. What you say now can move you forward in a significant way. It’s like you can now get on the escalator instead of walking up all those stairs! Misspeak and you will feel as if you're on a stairmaster, going over the same territory over and over again.
December 31: Full Moon lunar eclipse in Cancer
The final of four lunar eclipses of the year occurs on the final day of December. (We have also experienced two solar eclipses this year.) This final lunar is in the water sign Cancer, which is quite emotional and very compassionate. Whenever lunar eclipses occur in water signs, the sensitivity factor is ramped-up. All lunar eclipses are like an extra-intense full Moon, an emotional high tide when you assess where you are emotionally. In the days following this Moon, but before the next new Moon, get a plan together to maximize what’s great -- or to make changes that will make you feel more comfortable. This Cancer Moon is opposed by the Sun (the Sun is always opposite the Moon at a full Moon) and Venus and Pluto in worldly Capricorn. With the pull from people and circumstances in your environment that are keeping your career on your radar screen, do what you can to pay attention to your personal needs while remaining mindful of your family’s needs.
January 4: Sun conjuncts Mercury
The communicator planet joins the Sun, imparting plenty of information. You should be feeling quite pragmatic with this Capricorn conjunction as you thoughtfully weigh pros and cons; you are likely to make a few changes in some of your plans and projects. Because Mercury is still retrograde, it is best to analyze thoughtfully but without yet making decisions. The truth is, you will change your mind more than once. So give your mind a break and don't finalize anything just yet. This is a fruitful time to reflect and ponder, but not to act!
January 7: Sun quincunxes Mars
The 150-degree aspect, the quincunx, describes energy that is a bit off-kilter. It's kind of like a curve ball: what you think you see coming is not exactly what you end up with. Mars heats situations up and you will help yourself this week by remaining open to changes. Don't get stuck with one point of view or one way to go. Mars is retrograde -- like a salmon swimming upstream -- so take this formidable energy and direct it toward goal achievement. Just don't expect things to happen right away, for part of what you're doing now is long-range planning.
January 8: Venus quincunxes Mars
When the planets of love (Venus) and desire (Mars) are not exactly on speaking terms, you either get a whole lot of passion ... or argumentativeness. With Mars retrograde, people tend to pull back their energy and, in general, act more strategically. Mars in Leo has a large dose of pride (perhaps unhealthily so), while Venus in Capricorn is quite status-conscious and commitment-focused. How do you get these two to get along? Make love, not war!
Every sign has a 'patron planet.' Yours, dear Capricorn, happens to be Saturn -- Mr. No-Nonsense himself -- and this is a great place to start explaining the nature of your sign. Astronomers and amateur stargazers find those rings surrounding that beautiful planet simultaneously fascinating and lovely, but its colorful circles are also an appropriate symbol of one of the things Saturn holds dear: boundaries. And as Saturn's favorite sign, you've definitely learned the value of keeping your boundaries intact. After all, without self-discipline, order, rules and regulations, where would we be?
You've also been given a love of structure, a respect for experience and a great big dose of common sense. You only take calculated risks, and you can be the very soul of caution. In fact, if you're not careful, you can end up a bit too pessimistic.
But as anyone who knows you well can testify, this absolutely doesn't mean you don't know how to have fun. While your wit is dry and your humor is the exact opposite of slapstick, your sarcasm is unbeatable. What really makes you laugh, though, is intelligent humor -- the more odd and quirky, the better!
You deal with relationships much the same way you handle shopping. Your first step is to see what's out there by doing some observation and comparison. You won't settle for anything less than exactly what you want. And once you have it, you tend to those you love in much the same way you treat your most treasured items: You spoil them, pamper them and do absolutely everything you can to make things last. The lucky person who ends up in a permanent relationship with you can rest assured there's nothing you won't do to keep that relationship thriving, especially as the years go by and you invest more and more time into each other.
Not a Capricorn? Take a look at your planetary profile -- your strengths and weaknesses -- and how the planets line up for you with a free Real You Reading. Gain a better understanding of yourself and your relationship with the world around you, and open yourself to personal improvement and self-discovery!
** Your Starcast for December 21 to January 19
December 21: Sun enters Capricorn
As we near the end of the year, you may feel a bit nostalgic and contemplative as you think about where you've been and where you're headed. The Sun’s entrance into Capricorn takes place when the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the Sun. This marks the Winter Solstice, a time celebrated throughout the ages by many cultures. During this practical earth-sign time, tune into your goals and -- just like Capricorn’s animal symbol. the mountain goat -- set your sights high.
December 21: Jupiter conjunct Neptune
These two big planets finally reach the third and final conjunction (in this series). This is an energy you have been working with since earlier this year, when the first conjunction occurred on May 27 in Aquarius. This idealistic pair continued to travel together and formed a second conjunction on July 10. Jupiter expands the spiritual inclusive nature of Neptune, which helps people to reach out, network and dream big. You have been helped and continue to be wherever this duo is currently transiting in your own chart.
December 25: Venus enters Capricorn
It’s always an interesting shift when the love planet leaves nomadic, freedom-oriented Sagittarius and enters serious, pragmatic Capricorn. If you’ve wanted to nail down your wandering Romeo or Ramona, now is your chance! Capricorn loves nothing better than a real commitment, and those with staying power in their DNA are ready to make one. Don’t try to push anything, though, as plans will take time to develop with Mars currently retrograde.
December 26: Mercury turns retrograde
Because Mercury turns retrograde in ambitious Capricorn while next to the north node, this is a very potent retrograde period. You receive information that will help you. Pay extra attention now to conversations, messages and ideas that you or others discuss. Although all of the typical Mercury retrograde cautions apply, if you can use this time to more deeply formulate your ideas and plans, you will be able to implement them with great power and strength in January when Mercury turns direct on January 15.
December 28: Venus squares Saturn
Even Venus in sensible Capricorn apparently needs to be reminded of boundaries and rules. You get plenty of clarity about your most important relationships. That’s the good news -- and also the bad news, for there’s nothing quite like a clear-eyed, fantasy-free view of the ones you love. Just make sure, with Saturn’s current placement in Libra, that you don’t overwork your mind too much on this one.
December 28: Mercury conjunct north node
The words you choose and the ideas you express have particular importance with this conjunction. Mercury represents communication. Think of the north node as the road ahead. What you say now can move you forward in a significant way. It’s like you can now get on the escalator instead of walking up all those stairs! Misspeak and you will feel as if you're on a stairmaster, going over the same territory over and over again.
December 31: Full Moon lunar eclipse in Cancer
The final of four lunar eclipses of the year occurs on the final day of December. (We have also experienced two solar eclipses this year.) This final lunar is in the water sign Cancer, which is quite emotional and very compassionate. Whenever lunar eclipses occur in water signs, the sensitivity factor is ramped-up. All lunar eclipses are like an extra-intense full Moon, an emotional high tide when you assess where you are emotionally. In the days following this Moon, but before the next new Moon, get a plan together to maximize what’s great -- or to make changes that will make you feel more comfortable. This Cancer Moon is opposed by the Sun (the Sun is always opposite the Moon at a full Moon) and Venus and Pluto in worldly Capricorn. With the pull from people and circumstances in your environment that are keeping your career on your radar screen, do what you can to pay attention to your personal needs while remaining mindful of your family’s needs.
January 4: Sun conjuncts Mercury
The communicator planet joins the Sun, imparting plenty of information. You should be feeling quite pragmatic with this Capricorn conjunction as you thoughtfully weigh pros and cons; you are likely to make a few changes in some of your plans and projects. Because Mercury is still retrograde, it is best to analyze thoughtfully but without yet making decisions. The truth is, you will change your mind more than once. So give your mind a break and don't finalize anything just yet. This is a fruitful time to reflect and ponder, but not to act!
January 7: Sun quincunxes Mars
The 150-degree aspect, the quincunx, describes energy that is a bit off-kilter. It's kind of like a curve ball: what you think you see coming is not exactly what you end up with. Mars heats situations up and you will help yourself this week by remaining open to changes. Don't get stuck with one point of view or one way to go. Mars is retrograde -- like a salmon swimming upstream -- so take this formidable energy and direct it toward goal achievement. Just don't expect things to happen right away, for part of what you're doing now is long-range planning.
January 8: Venus quincunxes Mars
When the planets of love (Venus) and desire (Mars) are not exactly on speaking terms, you either get a whole lot of passion ... or argumentativeness. With Mars retrograde, people tend to pull back their energy and, in general, act more strategically. Mars in Leo has a large dose of pride (perhaps unhealthily so), while Venus in Capricorn is quite status-conscious and commitment-focused. How do you get these two to get along? Make love, not war!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Inner Guide
You are much more intuitive than you think you are, karen! Yes, you are a very practical and pragmatic soul, but your hunches are strong, even if you don't always listen to them. Tuesday you may have a flash of insight, as the bright Sun in your sector of your sixth sense sextiles Neptune, so be sure to pay attention to what your inner guide tells you. You may be unhappy in your yoga class because your vibes just don't mesh with those of your teacher. That's OK - it's a sign to get up off your mat and seek instruction, and enlightenment, elsewhere! You will find you are overloaded with household chores, favors to do for friends, and errands to run on Thursday as the Moon in Capricorn squares stern Saturn, your ruler. Your own needs will go on the backburner as you spend time attending to others, at least for a while. You'll embark on an inward journey this weekend, as you strive to get to know yourself better. Sunday, Mars turns retrograde in Leo in your sector of self-awareness and personal power, and you'll reflect on the best way to transform yourself, and your life, over the course of the next three months.
December: Lucky Days: 7, 8, 17, 18, 26
Yucky Days: 3, 4, 9, 10, 25
Fashion Icon: Kate Bosworth
Colour: Gold
Hold on to your hat (and your heart for that matter) because you’re in for one very tumultuous spin in your relationship arena this month. You can probably already feel the big Lunar Eclipse in Cancer brewing in your partnership sector. This will provoke major changes–from the way you view your significant other to the kinds of people you will attract in the coming year. Time has been flying by at supersonic speed for you lately, so you’ll welcome the mid-month slow down when Mars and Mercury both go retrograde and force an easier pace. Although this makes business a bit of a bitch, you’ll appreciate the rare breather it will impose—especially in the midst of the frenetic holiday season. Who couldn’t use a little time-out? When the Sun enters your constellation on the 21st marking the Winter Solstice, you’re officially in your glory. Trade cheers for fears Capricorn—amazing things await you on the other side of 2009.
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
This is really difficult to express, and I am bound to sound clumsy, but the Saturday I was preparing to go on holiday a family friend took a life changing decision and threw herself in front of a train.
Today is her funeral. I cannot begin to imagine how desparate she must have been.
I didn't find out until the Monday of my return and when I was told it took my breath away. It was/is a shock. It has been in the back of my mind a lot over the last week and measuring the madness that goes on at work each day against that has to a degree kept me centred. It also highlights that there are many people with other stuff going on beyond the work place despite which doesn't stop the daily demands. Why are we not kinder to those around us?
I hope that she has found peace - whatever that may have meant for her.
Just discovered my stars for November...
Lucky Days: 3, 4, 20, 21, 30
Yucky Days: 7, 8, 13, 14, 28
Fashion Icon: Kate Bosworth
Colour: Tan
The big news of November is the Saturn/Pluto square. Peaking on the 15th but in effect from the 1st, you’ll be feeling this transit deep in your bones. Saturn rules your sign and Pluto is currently in Capricorn until 2024. If it feels like those bones are creaking a bit, it’s just because these heavy-duty planets are on track to destroy whatever isn’t working in your life. It’s not as scary as it sounds; it’s just so that you can rebuild yourself even better than before. You’re the quintessential Sisyphusian figure, constantly climbing mountains that others intentionally avoid. Even you could grow tired this month, darling Capricorn, and you’d do well to take a nice, long break. If you refuse to heed the call and keep pushing, your health could suffer and then you’ll have no choice but to regroup. Why not plan the revitalization in advance? It’s as easy as picking a weekend and booking a holiday in a location where there are truly no distractions. You might even consider leaving your Blackberry at home, if you dare.
Blimey - that's exactly what I did!!!!!!! Spooky.
Lucky Days: 3, 4, 20, 21, 30
Yucky Days: 7, 8, 13, 14, 28
Fashion Icon: Kate Bosworth
Colour: Tan
The big news of November is the Saturn/Pluto square. Peaking on the 15th but in effect from the 1st, you’ll be feeling this transit deep in your bones. Saturn rules your sign and Pluto is currently in Capricorn until 2024. If it feels like those bones are creaking a bit, it’s just because these heavy-duty planets are on track to destroy whatever isn’t working in your life. It’s not as scary as it sounds; it’s just so that you can rebuild yourself even better than before. You’re the quintessential Sisyphusian figure, constantly climbing mountains that others intentionally avoid. Even you could grow tired this month, darling Capricorn, and you’d do well to take a nice, long break. If you refuse to heed the call and keep pushing, your health could suffer and then you’ll have no choice but to regroup. Why not plan the revitalization in advance? It’s as easy as picking a weekend and booking a holiday in a location where there are truly no distractions. You might even consider leaving your Blackberry at home, if you dare.
Blimey - that's exactly what I did!!!!!!! Spooky.
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