Don't back down this week, karen! You know that you are correct in your feelings regarding a particular person or circumstance in your life, and it's important that you follow through on your insight. Allow your wisdom to guide you on Tuesday, as Mercury retrograde conjuncts your ruler Saturn in Virgo. Remember, you have the ability to see through anyone's façade, and you can easily spot someone's hidden agenda, thanks to your rock solid and earthy common sense. Hold fast to your inner determination on Wednesday, as the Sun in Libra squares powerful Pluto in Capricorn in your sector of self. You may be trying to lose weight, or overcome a bad habit, and you are not seeing the positive results you hoped for right now. Remember to take your new life regime one day at a time, and to build slowly on your progress. Before you know it, you will have accomplished your goal! You often keep your emotions under wraps, but on Sunday you will surprise yourself by openly demonstrating your feelings, as the Moon in Capricorn opposes volatile Mars in emotional Cancer. Venting a bit will do you good, so feel free to display your thoughts and feelings this weekend.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Tread Carefully For Best Results
Mars in your partnership zone, karen, continues to make waves and challenge you in ways that you may find quite irritating. It won't help to get on the defensive, but it is good to talk and to be prepared to listen to what your lover or business partner has to say. Make sure it is a two-way conversation, and you will stand a better chance of clearing the air and creating change where it is most needed. Don't be led astray on Tuesday and encouraged to part with your money without knowing what you are letting yourself in for. If in doubt, hold back and read the small print. It could save you a lot of cash. Mercury continues to be retrograde in your career zone and will move into Virgo on Thursday. Over this week you should be especially careful if you need to sign legally binding contracts. If you can wait until Mercury turns direct after September 29 you will have a chance to review the content and decide if you want to go ahead. However, a New Moon on Friday is great if you are about to travel abroad or take up a class. Bon voyage!
Monday, September 07, 2009
Back On Track
Your standing in your community is very important to you, and you expend a lot of time and effort establishing connections in your neighborhood. Early this week you may find yourself running into a spot of trouble with someone you associate with in your community, as Mercury, the planet of communication, turns retrograde in Libra in your sector of community affairs. Someone of influence and importance in an organization you are both members of will start to throw his or her weight around, and you will need to take a back seat to this person and his or her wishes. You may find yourself having to bite down on your understandable anger at this person's attitude, but luckily for you, your powers of self-control are immense. Your sense of purpose will return to you in full force on Friday, as Pluto turns direct in Capricorn in your sector of self. For the past several months, you have been feeling listless and unmotivated, and you haven't really been able to formulate a life plan for yourself. You are a determined Cardinal quality Mountain Goat, and now you will feel back on track and in control of yourself and your own destiny.
Friday, September 04, 2009
Rossi... not Francis.

Last evening I went to the BBC Radio Theatre to see the recording of 'I Guess that's why they call it the News' (Ep 3) and in my tight jeans, white shirt and black waistcoat I did have a passing resemblance to said F. Rossi. But he is not nor ever has been my hero. As for the recording very entertaining. The evening itself. Left me a key question. Or perhaps questions. Mm. Hey ho. Today also represents a week without a ciggy. Get in. Ttfn. JY.
Lucky Days: 8, 9, 16, 17, 25
Yucky Days: 5, 6, 12, 13, 19
Fashion Icon: Zooey Deschanel
Colour: Radiant
Ready yourself for a month of miscommunication Capricorn. The Full Moon falls in your house of correspondence, thinking and siblings on 4 September. This lunation promises to flood your inbox with myriad messages. Use your grounded wisdom to discern a true emergency from a hyped-up drama. Before you feel like you must immediately respond and save everyone crying out for help, check in with yourself. Remember that this is an insanely chaotic time prior to taking any action. Mercury spends the majority of September in retrograde in your house of higher thinking and travel, so escape is not a viable option if you’re looking for an “easy” way out. The New Moon on 18 September will bring better news concerning future travel if you can just hold off until the end of October when Mercury is back in phase. Your ruler Saturn has a chance to settle into its exalted home of Libra this autumn, and it should feel mighty nice for you. In the meantime, it’s a good thing patience is one of your most accessible virtues, because you’ll need heaps of it to endure the madness of September.
Your Month Ahead: The world is changing, right before your eyes. Little is as it once was. Each day brings something new to digest and consider. That's why you feel so keen to protect and preserve a part of the past. It somehow suggests a sense of safety. Be careful, History is a false refuge. Only the future affords true protection! And the only truly safe way to get there is by allowing yourself to adjust and adapt. Be fluid, be flexible and be ready to start moving in a new direction. You may feel daunted by what's now being asked of you, but you'll soon feel proud that you managed to rise to the challenge so well.
Establish some firm personal boundaries with your boss on the 3rd. News about a property deal improves your home life on the 4th but could create problems around the professional front. You could get contradictory information from your boss on the 7th; ask for a clarification to be put in writing. The 11th finds you overextending yourself. Be realistic about what you can afford on the 15th. Adopting a more charitable outlook will help fight depression on the 17th. The 18th invites you to take an advanced class or get your degree. Let a skilled person teach you the ropes around the 20th. The 21st is good for restoring a beautiful but shabby work of art. Any contract you sign on the 22nd could prove restrictive. Don't take advantage of your authority on the 23rd. The 29th has you reconsidering some long held political or religious beliefs.
Yucky Days: 5, 6, 12, 13, 19
Fashion Icon: Zooey Deschanel
Colour: Radiant
Ready yourself for a month of miscommunication Capricorn. The Full Moon falls in your house of correspondence, thinking and siblings on 4 September. This lunation promises to flood your inbox with myriad messages. Use your grounded wisdom to discern a true emergency from a hyped-up drama. Before you feel like you must immediately respond and save everyone crying out for help, check in with yourself. Remember that this is an insanely chaotic time prior to taking any action. Mercury spends the majority of September in retrograde in your house of higher thinking and travel, so escape is not a viable option if you’re looking for an “easy” way out. The New Moon on 18 September will bring better news concerning future travel if you can just hold off until the end of October when Mercury is back in phase. Your ruler Saturn has a chance to settle into its exalted home of Libra this autumn, and it should feel mighty nice for you. In the meantime, it’s a good thing patience is one of your most accessible virtues, because you’ll need heaps of it to endure the madness of September.
Your Month Ahead: The world is changing, right before your eyes. Little is as it once was. Each day brings something new to digest and consider. That's why you feel so keen to protect and preserve a part of the past. It somehow suggests a sense of safety. Be careful, History is a false refuge. Only the future affords true protection! And the only truly safe way to get there is by allowing yourself to adjust and adapt. Be fluid, be flexible and be ready to start moving in a new direction. You may feel daunted by what's now being asked of you, but you'll soon feel proud that you managed to rise to the challenge so well.
Establish some firm personal boundaries with your boss on the 3rd. News about a property deal improves your home life on the 4th but could create problems around the professional front. You could get contradictory information from your boss on the 7th; ask for a clarification to be put in writing. The 11th finds you overextending yourself. Be realistic about what you can afford on the 15th. Adopting a more charitable outlook will help fight depression on the 17th. The 18th invites you to take an advanced class or get your degree. Let a skilled person teach you the ropes around the 20th. The 21st is good for restoring a beautiful but shabby work of art. Any contract you sign on the 22nd could prove restrictive. Don't take advantage of your authority on the 23rd. The 29th has you reconsidering some long held political or religious beliefs.
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Heart & Mind!
I picked up some vitamins in Sainsos on Saturday supposed to help with short term memory and circulation. They contain fish oil. It occurred to me that was quite ironic bearing in mind the memory capacity of the average fish.... Funny the things you think of as you are yomping home in the rain....
But at least I remembered it 4.5 hours later....
But at least I remembered it 4.5 hours later....
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Step into September!
I am not sure why my stomach muscles ache or indeed why my legs were 'buzzing' all night. Flops (FitFlops) or balls (Balance Pilates ball)?!
Either way new lease of life today... new month, new danger... new challenges, I fear.
Bit like starting a new term at school.. !
Either way new lease of life today... new month, new danger... new challenges, I fear.
Bit like starting a new term at school.. !
Yes people the sum total of my four days. A pair of FitFlops and a bottle of perfume.
So I longed for my four days away from work. Well it started not as I would have wished. Which in some ways was a good thing. I got horribly drunk on 2 tequilas/ a Guinness and countless vodka tonics. So very drunk that I am not sure how I got home. I am aware en route home I got particularly honest via text message. I spent all of Friday in bed. Why was any of this good? Well it has meant no ciggies since Thursday. So that's 4 days without. It's a start. The hammering head and all day retching were not so pleasant. What a waste of a day off.
It also meant for the last few days I have been able to think. See things. Whatever I felt for the Actor it is all so very much in the past. And he has a life way beyond anything I have to offer. As for my other spam message. First Man. I have to accept that this madness/depression and general grey demeanour is down to being a total shadow in his life. No-one knows anything about us and so its all been in my head right? I just don't think mentally I can stick at this game. Just waiting just in case. Knowing that in his head there is a whole world to explore. The chance we had went. The secrets we share are just that - secrets. So no matter how strongly I feel its all not to be. I am so angry. When there was a hint I was off to Oz he practically begged me to stay. Now he can barely invite me out anywhere. In case people get suspicious... So selfish. It is as if my feelings and hopes can be switched on and off at will. Perhaps I have watched too much drama this weekend - but if something feels right why does it become so destructive?
So for 3 days at least I have been walking lots.
Buoyed by my own self discipline today, I updated my profile - the real me. The sunny. Amusing. Attractive me. Even reflated my Pilate's ball and stretched those stomach muscles. Be prepared and all that.
Otherwise I have enjoyed my total lack of responsibility this weekend. Just me and whatever I fancied to entertain me. Grand Prix. Moto GP. DVD's. Walks and some iPlayer catch ups. I also bought 2 more cactus. Bloody vicious things... heyho - at least they may live..!
And so to Tuesday. Do I stay a shadow or do I get some items out in the open? I fed up of being a sponge. Dripping with despair.
Hope you all had great weekends.. BBQ's? Family dos? Weekends away with special friends etc etc. All the things I have avoided. I just want to lay on the grass and watch the clouds with a n other. Simple request huh.
Anyway FitFlops could well be the future!! I'll let you know.
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