I have used very few on Assume Nothing recently. To be honest much of my musing has been written elsewhere - the hidden blog - the blog where I thrash all my true feelings around. Rarely finding answers but it has been therapeutic to get some of it out onto paper as it were. Not to say I have stopped assuming nothing. Just means my mind has been elsewhere and creative posting has therefore dropped down my list of things to do.
Well what a week has just passed. Snow. Never seen it like that in London all the time I have been here (nearly 10 years on and off). You know it is quite intrusive when even the trusty London buses are going nowhere. I did get to the tube on Monday morning. But for once in my life I decided to save myself the frustration and do a sensible thing. Stay home.
It was a different kind of Monday. Had plenty of work related reading to do whilst the soothing tones of the radio kept me soldiering along. The random emails from people in the office or en route to it kept me feeling as if I was at my desk. Could I work from home permanently? Not sure. I find it hard to sit still at home at the best of times. But I do like the idea of getting 2 hours of my day back which I currently lose to commuting. That said the trip in and out is a great time to read and/or exercise. If I sorted my routine I could do it. But then I'd miss the social interaction that comes with an office environment. Ah. Yeah. Maybe working from home would be less distracting. Less complex. Less political. Less fun. On a good day being in the office can be fun and rewarding. I got a glimpse of that this week. That feeling tends though to be the result of your colleagues. Many of my closest friends are ones I have worked with and/or currently do work with. But they getting fewer. Being a manager doesn't help your friendships. Much of the last 3 months it has felt very isolating - management and departures. That said this week I connected with my old boss from Leicester, Annette. And Jonny G and I are always sharing footballing woes. So both of us were quite down yesterday afternoon. The Internet and mobile phones give you access to people you may otherwise lose touch with. These methods are at once a curse and a blessing. I try and keep them a blessing.
SO Tuesday I go to work. My calves aches from the walk I took on the Monday exploring CW and Wimbledon's snow fields. It was a busy and all round good day. Planetface and I went to SOS for lunch and as per usual Gregg and John were in. Planetface was slightly unfortunate with his meatball and chips portion though.
Wednesday. Wednesday starts with a needy missive from Oz. It brings my mood down a few levels. By lunchtime it is sorted. I start to question my assertiveness (lack of) and whether I am just a gullible fool. My holiday looks once again to be up to me. For me. On my own. Oh well. You enter the world alone and leave it as such so it's all good practice!
Thursday. A mediocre day. I go to Sainsos after work and it is heaving. Later I call the Actor in the evening and get his Voicemail. We were due to speak Wednesday to finally catch up but the Everton/Pool game went to ET and by then I was too tired. He has not be in touch since.
Friday. Ah the wretched female curse hits. Back ache. Back ache. Time warp mind. I wake up late. Leave late and then by waiting for a tube I can actually get on arrive late to work. Except at my end of the room there is no-one there. Had I not fessed up no-one would have known. Which is untrue. Of course people should be able to see if you are in - your bag for example. And in my case my coat. My changed trainers for shoes. Lots of tips that can identify if people are in or out. Perhaps I am too observational. Either way the day is a struggle! I can't find a comfortable position. Argh! I get out at lunchtime with Paul to go to the Heart Hospital at Baker Street. He returns his monitor and we go for lunch at a local cafe. It makes a nice change to be further away from the office, despite the dreary weather - its just pleasant to have a different perspective.
Saturday. ah. Well this deserves a separate entry.
Either way the week has felt like a struggle. The weather - thinking about routes, wearing different clothes to deal with the conditions. Just trying to stay warm at work. By the time I get back to CW on Friday all I am capable of is a BK Angus burger and bed. Phew.
Three more weeks and then I have 2 weeks off.. any suggestions?! (Anything!! Cheer me up!!)