This morning I woke up minus the dull feeling of a late night which has coloured the past 2 mornings. Tho to be fair hearing upstairs playing piano at 11pm, even through my earplugs could be said to negate even that assumption. However I was more rested and more sober. 7.30am. 'The sonne rising' I got dressed and walked.. camera at my side. I'll post the better ones on Kazza's Walks - but here are a taster of the fruits of being an early worm in the city...

The frost and the river as it warmed in the sun were so perfect. How could I ever get bored with this country? Or indeed this part of it? Especially at this time of day when most are still snoring into their dribble soaked pillows. A selection of the rest of my Colourful Nature pictures can be found now on Kazza's Walks
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