to see 'The Dark Knight' this evening... slurp! Christian Bale for 2hours 30mins... yum! It's been a while since the '3.10 to Yuma'!! And it means I can add another seen! to my list!
this is a short dip into my mind...can't promise to totally let slip all my thoughts ... i think too much.. it could be messy...!
Saw the Dark Knight last night - am not quite sure what I think of it. I was restless for the last third...
Christian Bale's not bad though ;)
Christian was tops - even his rather gruff Batman voice was ok by me. I wasn't restless but I could sense those around me were... I am still keen to see it at the IMAX for the full experience - am sure I could sit through it again!! :-)
It was awful - very disappointing. And he spent most of the time clad in leather speaking like Orson Welles so we nover got a chance to admire his looks.
Maggie Gyllenhaal has let herself go as well.
Maybe the hyped talk of Oscars is the problem - sets expectations too high... question - was it better or worse than Batman Begins (Personally I thought is was ok - but not as good as Batman Begins).
I did enjoy the juxtaposition of White Knight vs Dark Knight and Batman's constant internal battle with the right thing and the reality... poor guy lost his love. Must move to Gotham!
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