Monday, June 30, 2008
Changing Gear
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
Release of Pressure
My Weekend
close your eyes and lose the feeling that's been sinking
close your eyes and count to three
close your eyes rewind, I know just what you're thinking
close your eyes and think of me
Larger than life niceties
bigger than you, more than me
I've got the Monday morning blues
and oh my god I've got the home for you
and give the everyday morning you...use
there's things right here I can't afford to choose
sincere, caramel, champagne, down drain, tell him, no gain
it's so damn physical it will sustain
and too damn technicolor to refrain
and much too taxing for my little brain
why do we never know enough of happy ends?
why do they never show?
all the times that we have been so good and caring
how many times we'll never know
Packed it like a punch out to lunch
I got a little hunch that stood out from the bunch
as if that's not a enough I need another reason why
that god damn bitch of life she made me cry
so I'd like to poke her squarely in the eye
and it hurt so much I feel like I could die
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
This amused me...
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
I followed the instructions to the letter
I wondered how it worked.
Next morning I was quite sure I knew how...
They should come with a warning - 'more Loo Paper may be required. Drink with extreme care!!'
Wish I had read this review first!!!
May have some use if I ever get constipated again!! Or if my upstairs neighbours pop in for a cuppa. Hee hee.
Have to admit though it took me a moment before I could navigate all the way over to Division Four to see our name in that list... my Swansea mate is relishing his fixture list slowly. Lucky git!!
Ah well 9th August normal service resumes away at Bournemouth - have never been and if its sunny may be worth a day out... UTG!
Newest Fairbrass Member...

Yup my brother and sister in law have decided children are a no go, so my 'nephew' has four legs and a damp nose. Says a lot. Not so sure about being Auntie Karen to a dog but Fletch - soon to be renamed and christened Nugget does look rather cute!! No doubt this cuteness lasts until he pees on the carpet!! Hopefully like all good children he will be trained to be seen and not heard by his erstwhile parents, and by the time I get to meet him this will not be an issue!
Welcome to the family Nugget...!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Retreat And Relax
Books etc
As for me I am currently reading Patrick Hamilton's 'Hangover Square: A Story of darkest Earl's Court'. Yes I have returned to London based fiction having read Vendela Vida's 'Let the Northern Lights Erase Your Name' in a week! Too much snow for me I'm afraid.. So now I am following the love lorn George as he clicks his way round Earl's Court in pursuit of Netta. Set in 1938 it feels damp and dark. But will George ever get his way??
I started this book by coincidence during the week my City Dairy used a passage from Patrick Hamilton's 'The Slaves of Solitude'. Which because it has such resonance for so many reasons right now I quote below:
'London, the crouching monster, like every other monster has to breathe, and breathe it does in its own obscure, malignant way. Its vital oxygen is composed of suburban working men and women of all kinds, who every morning are sucked up through an infinitely complicated respiratory apparatus of trains and termini into the mighty congested lungs, held there for a number of hours, and then, in the evening, exhaled violently through the same channels.The men and women imagine they are going into London and coming out again more or less of their own free will, but the crouching monster sees all and knows better.'
Well time has raced by. I sat down at 6pm and it's now 9.45pm. I have missed Ray Mears and Doctor Who on Beeb 3... I suspect as experience tells me I need to sleep in readiness to be breathed in by that weird force tomorrow morning...only tomorrow maybe I'll be better prepared for the exhalation...maybe.
Let's hope I find some peace at least.
Walkabout...8th-14th June
Monday - M 7.90 S 15654
Tuesday - M 4.74 S 9404
Wednesday - M 5.71 S 11313
Thursday - M 6.02 S 11926
Friday - M 6.40 S 12677
Saturday - M 6.41 S 12692
Total miles walked (Sun-Sat) - 43.49
Ave per day - 6.21
Must remember to always carry a bottle of water tho - felt very odd yesterday pm when out...
That was the week that was...
Monday evening I find myself in need of a long and aggressive walk home. I get as far a Balham. I am tired and hot.
Go Rafa!

1pm - 14th June 2008
Not my best photo - but a digital flavour of the flypast. Happy Birthday Your Majesty and Happy 90th RAF... the rest of my snaps are on celluloid!! Remember that kids!!
55 areoplanes in all - though the variety is not what it once was... very poor. But 16 F-3's all in formation at once is quite something as were 9 Typhoons. Surprisingly few spotters on Waterloo Bridge and the old Prakticas kept going for another year. Sweet.
Wish I had has this view mind you!!
Friday 13th
Blood Ties
The Apprentice

Sunday, June 15, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Another departs...
And then there was one!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Monday, June 09, 2008
Queen's BD Flypast
'with it being the 90th RAF anniversary, they are pulling out the stops for this one.
After a bit of research, and with thanks to information provided by the Lowestoft Aviation Society, you'll get the timings and groupings on
First formation over the Palace will be BBMF Lanc plus 2xSpit and 2xHurri, other sources quote the Dak as well, these will form up over DX, and probably as they did last year, try to remove the roof off my house, they don't form over Southwold and pass over East Anglia with the jet formations, they take a shorter route.
Jet formations.
1) C-130 + 2 Kingairs
2) 9xTyphoons
3) VC-10 + 2 Tornado F3 + E3 Sentry
4) 11 Tornado F-3
5) C-17 + 2 F-3
6) Nimrod + 2 F-3
7) Tristar + 2 HS125
8) 16 Tornado GR-4
If that lot don't make your eyes water, nothing will.
If you watch it from the Tower of London, you'll get the bonus of a 62 gun salute as well.
I'm sure Moggy will enjoy watching it from his usual vantage point in Southwold with a pint of Adnams, though Tower Bridge sounds a good spot to me.'
I am naturally excited and shall be stocking up on film for my Praktica's annual day out!! More so after hearing the Biggin Hill experience via someone's mobile from a supermarket car park Pop texting me his experiences on Saturday!
Reviewing Your Daily Routines
Germany 2 - Poland 0
I think its about time I understood what it feels like to support a winning team....heheh.
Pity about Federer and Hamilton today... great day for sport on TV/Radio though.... tops in fact.
Summer Party - Old Billingsgate
Saturday, June 07, 2008
3 nights
Friday, June 06, 2008
Monday, June 02, 2008
Jolly June!
Never was there a better time to start a new health and fitness regime than on the 3rd. Get your heart and your head together, make a firm resolve and get cracking. There'll be plenty to occupy your time and though you won't always feel appreciated for everything you're doing, you'll be pleased at your conscientiousness. Your well chosen words will help shift difficult discussions along so you'll reckon you're making headway in private wrangles. Then Uranus will send you scattering in all directions around the 13th. Sometimes the less you attempt, the more gets done. So trim it down to essentials. Pluto then reverses into the sign before yours for the final time mid month to stay till late November. So you'll be less obvious in your demands but will be pulling strings behind the scenes. Have another care with cash towards the 21st since you won't be concentrating as hard as usual, indeed may be panicking slightly. Thereafter you'll find affection and support comes from your significant other and you'll be much in demand socially. Though the background rumbles about one unresolved issue won't disappear till July begins.
7 years...
GFC go Geek!
Think Positively
Odd as when I was walking this morning, head still slightly sore and my left shoulder in pain from the weight of my bag on Friday's pm walk - I passed the funeral directors. 'Have you provided enough for your eventual end point?' OK not exactly worded like that but similar!
It dawned on me that as time runs its course and I fail to secure myself to anyone I could possibly die with no-one left alive to bother burying me. Well apart from the local council etc.
Think positively. Yes. Will do. Sometimes walking and thinking is a little too intense for such a small head.
Best walk and sing ... latest tune in my head 'Burning Up'... cheers Kylie! Getting me in a party mood...LOL. Wot a wake!
The natural buzz... saw me in the pub. I should have gone after 3. Oh well it was 5. I was genuinely in a good frame of mind though.
Saturday - can't say I did much. Survived. Sweet tea n toast. The best Doctor Who so far...
Sunday - do the stuff of 2 days in 1....maybe a day in bed Saturday was needed though as today has been OK. Washing & ironing all done. Washing up, hoovering all done. Walk. M&S purchases... oops I appear to have bought another dress. Come Dine with Me. Good Ol Ray Mears and the Bush Tucker Man.
And now the rare pleasure of going to bed now and listening to the England game....