Friday, May 30, 2008
Euro 2008
starts on June 7th... now I had to look that up because of course England failed miserably in qualification and are not there (thank heavens - no hype & nonsense this summer - could we ever top Euro 96?).
So the questions are, will you watch and who will you support??
I am controversially going to cheer on Germany...!!
Et tu?
Meanwhile FIFA want to block the number of foreigners playing at club level.. sadly the EU laws may have something to say about that... pity. But worth a fight I feel.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Footie Madness
My footie blog ramblings have caused some interest from other fans... I am going to be sourcing some of my snaps for an Oldham fan... you see it really is about communties! NOT money and fewer England players.... We should be able to beat the USA though - surely!!
To avoid
the crippling depression I fell into around this time last year I am NOT going to attend the new partners drinks this evening, even though they are earlier this yea, free and despite the fact last time the wine was very tasty.. fingers crossed. Instead I am going home to watch the England friendly... so that will help no end!
Monday, May 26, 2008
You feel invincible, KAREN, and have an inbuilt confidence that is able to overcome almost any obstacle. But you still need to take care while Mercury is retrograde. It turns retrograde on Monday in Gemini and in your work zone. So despite your determination to get ahead, you will need to exercise caution. This is a good time to check that your antivirus software is up-to-date and that you have backed up important data. Keep documents in a safe place so that you know where they are and can reach them easily if necessary. This isn't the best time to buy a new car or computer, either, as you may not get the deal you are hoping. If you have health issues, there may be delays in getting the right treatment, but don't worry as delays can sometimes work in your favor - they are not always a negative. With a focus on your health as well as your job, this is a good time to review your goals and determine whether you are meeting your targets or not. Your joint financial zone is currently an area of great activity, so it's time to get those debts paid off.
Ray Mears - genius! Kangaroo poo makes fire... tops Sunday TV. Thank you Mr BBC.
Ray Mears is in desert survival mode as he follows in the footsteps of an unsung hero of Australian exploration to find out how John McDouall Stuart became the first European to succeed in crossing this continent from South to North and back again. Ray shows how to wring water from these barren lands and how travelling light is the key to success on such an epic journey. cf Beeb website.
While I am here I must apologise to Monty Don - I had a been a little disrespectful during the week following news he had stepped down from Gardners World. I had not at the time realised he had suffered a stroke. Hopefully he gets better soon - because although I pull my Dad's leg about him it's because I quite like his soft unassuming passion for plants. Get well soon Monty.
Bank Holiday Sunday
Today. Well better than yesterday - after the Archers, went for a walk, cooked proper food for dinner and have managed to only watch TV for the Monaco Grand Prix - well done Lewis and the Sky Sports News for pictures of the Doncaster Rovers win. Well done Donny - there is a footballing God!! Sure Mikey Gee will be glad he made the effort to go to at least one game this season, travelling the short distance down the tube line!!
Oh dear there is a singing worm on TV - advert for West + compost... talking of which my compost bin does appear to creating its own heat too!! Nice.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Bank Holiday Saturday
Oh dear. I appear to have spent the day dozing on the sofa feeling sorry for myself or playing a cameo part in multiple 'Midsomer Murders'.
I did get up intending to make the most of the weather - I did get all washing dried and nicely aired. I just didn't manage to leave the flat. I had a wash. Had scrambled egg on toast. Listened to a very amusing 'Fighting Talk'. There my day became a blur. A very delayed hangover maybe or just generally feeling run down. References to my shrinking desire have been countered with the suggestion I am depressed. I'll resist that for now. Preferring sleep. ITV3 and DCI Barnaby. Sleep. My ITV3 horoscopes said it would be a lazy day at which I felt immediately better about my lack of activity. Sleep.
To make matters worse all the usual good Sat pm TV was replaced by the Eurovision Song Contest. WHY?!?!?
So no 'Dr Who'. Boo. Or Doctors of Holby. Tea was pasta and sauce.
I gave up on Midsomer when the episodes where ones I had already seen.. and I diverted to Internet to watch 'Waking the Dead' having missed the Tuesday episode. Intent on going to bed at a reasonable hour I found that Friends Reunited is now free to mail friends on and as time ticked by it was clear I was going to fail in quest for reasonable bedtime. I started doing some research for my Mum about her Dad. The Internet is supposed to make that stuff easier. To a point it does but there are lots of sites now trying to cash in on family tree stuff... and so I got lost in my parents parents past... and before I knew it had gone midnight and I was cold.... that said evenings like this are quite good... time seems to stop and only when you look up do you realise the mind and brain and have been on journeys no TV prog could ever capture.
Bed, get warm and Radio BBC 7 - play about Billy Fury.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Telekon DVD
Ah yes - meant to post this earlier!! Thank you Mr Zig for alerting me to the fact that on the Gary Numan DVD, taken at the Telekon show we attended at the Forum, we can be clearly seen - 'our little heads a couple of times, caught in rapture (or something)'. I shall make sure to purchase and share in the joy of seeing us... it was a rather good gig!! :-)
Heavy Heart
is one thing - BUT I am firing on all cylinders at work once more. Which is good. For I was considering a major life shake up. A shift in focus and new horizons to conquer. Change is good and its the one thing I dread more than anything. SO I never run away - that's way too scary. I leave because it feels right for me.
Have I mentioned my surfeit of spots yet this week?? You could spend hours trying to join them... clumps of 3 on both sides and on the forehead and chin. Spotty and not distinctly teenage. I'm rambling...
Thanks siserval for dropping by - glad to hear from you and know you are OK... (that's 2 Man U fans who visited my site!!! Brave!)
It is with regret...
that I have to confess I have lost the knack to 'want' somebody. In my twenties it all seemed so simple. To lust and dream of blokes. To imagine ways of seducing them. To sleep with them in your head - first thought in morning, last thought at night. To go out with them and go with the flow.
I fear that thing called 'desire' has all but been kicked out of me. Sure I dream of passionate moments and steamy encounters. But actually doing anything about it... I can't. I freeze. I run through all the consequences and retreat. The spark extinguished. Even just touching someone on the arm or knee. I just don't. There were two occasions today, both of which I ran through in my head. But neither of which I even came close to acting on. Or believed worthwhile of trying.
I wonder if I have any urges left. Has the road become so single laned that I can't face a dual carriageway? Has my need for other things like trust and mutual respect become more important? Maybe I am too self sufficient and 'scary'. Maybe I know my own mind too well.
Yet, I know I have so much to give. Already give.
Not sure where this came from. Well I do know. Past and present all in one day. Never go back maybe? I have vivid recollections - wish I had been less sensible back then. Made a few more mistakes. To fail in somethings is at least a way of knowing you tried. To keep feelings inside for fear of unleashing more anguish. Is that really so sensible?
It is with a heavy heart I approach the weekend...
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Do I go to the Summer Party on 6th June... or cut my losses and head to Biggin Hill with my Pater to potentially get sight of the Vulcan - which means going home on the 6th so we can be up and out early on the 7th June???
Nice dress/free drink/adequate company vs tops aeroplane/donuts 'n' coffee/ace company....
Mmm....what would you do?
Nice dress/free drink/adequate company vs tops aeroplane/donuts 'n' coffee/ace company....
Mmm....what would you do?
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
as if there is such a thing........
Tuesday 15th July FULHAM (Home) 7.45pm
Thursday 17th July FAVERSHAM (Away) 7.30pm
Saturday 19th July GRAYS (Away) 3pm
Wednesday 23rd July IPSWICH TOWN XI (Home) 7.45pm
Saturday 26th July FOLKESTONE (Away) 3pm
Tuesday 29th July DOVER (Away) 7.45pm
Saturday 2nd Aug THURROCK (Away) 3pm
Tuesday 15th July FULHAM (Home) 7.45pm
Thursday 17th July FAVERSHAM (Away) 7.30pm
Saturday 19th July GRAYS (Away) 3pm
Wednesday 23rd July IPSWICH TOWN XI (Home) 7.45pm
Saturday 26th July FOLKESTONE (Away) 3pm
Tuesday 29th July DOVER (Away) 7.45pm
Saturday 2nd Aug THURROCK (Away) 3pm
Important Dates
.. David Bowie ..
-- Pat Rafter --
** Christian Bale **
.. Garry Richards .. LOL
oh no sorry - these sort of dates...
1) Monday 16th June - 10am - FIXTURES RELEASED for DIV TWO!
2) Saturday 9th August - 3pm - SEASON BEGINS!!
It's only been 16 days and as you can see I am suffering. Total loose end. Dangling thread. No wonder I am single - only free for dates between now and August. When most normal people are out doing other things or on holidays..
-- Pat Rafter --
** Christian Bale **
.. Garry Richards .. LOL
oh no sorry - these sort of dates...
1) Monday 16th June - 10am - FIXTURES RELEASED for DIV TWO!
2) Saturday 9th August - 3pm - SEASON BEGINS!!
It's only been 16 days and as you can see I am suffering. Total loose end. Dangling thread. No wonder I am single - only free for dates between now and August. When most normal people are out doing other things or on holidays..
I dyed my hair yesterday. No-one commented. So it must look well natural!! Because I'm worth it!! LOL!
Incy Wincy Spider
Web. I think mine is detangling of its own accord. I get a strong sense that the threads are separating and falling apart. All the so-called romantic leads are fading. Their realities hitting home for me. How did I get so naive? So rose-tinted? Or have I just got so hungry that all those that strayed onto my web I've decided to devour?
All the internal heartache I have put myself through seems unimportant to anyone but me - the weekend just gone has re-opened my eyes. Reminded me where, with some, I sit on their list. Given a spinning race I'd rather spin my own.
Web. Now I need to spin a different one. Let this be a proper re-thread.
(Can spiders eat slugs?!)
Last week I discovered a simple way of extending my me time. I have been taking my walking gear to work and changing into it before leaving the office. As soon as I am out of the doors I cease to be part of it - work/the office. It's been like reclaiming a part of my life that I enjoy - walking. Okay so it's not early in the morning - but with the lighter evenings and a new pair of trainers I have certainly burnt a few miles in the last few days... culminating in walking all the way home on Friday (shame I then found some drinking companions and drank several pints of bitter....) which gave me the greatest buzz (the walk not the beer) - 8 miles in 2 hours dead! Come on! The beer just gave me a dull head the next day. Boo.
Total miles walked (Sun-Sat) - 40.74
Ave per day - 5.82
Monday, May 19, 2008
Falling Into Place
Sometimes life gives you lemons, but occasionally you get a big pitcher of delicious lemonade without even asking for it. KAREN, that's your scenario on Wednesday as lucky Jupiter in Capricorn sextiles Uranus in Pisces. You thought a certain situation would be difficult, so you kept putting it off. Now you will be pleasantly surprised by how easily you navigate your circumstances and how everything simply falls into place. Chalk one up for you! You continue your cycle of cosmic possibilities as the Moon enters Capricorn and conjuncts Pluto on Thursday. Your sense of personal power will be second to none, and your perception and awareness will be strong. You are a practical Earth Sign, and once you couple your common sense with your new insight and discernment, there is no person you cannot outwit and no situation you can't win. Remember that as you go about your daily activities this week, and you will come out ahead in all your interactions and experiences. This weekend, you may receive unexpected thanks from someone you helped in the past. He or she has never forgotten your kindness and will let you know that in a heartfelt way.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
I lied
I was feeling okay until I read this.... I so DON'T want Leeds to get promoted. Hurts my pride.
Yup really that shallow!
Come on Donny - tomorrow!! :-)
At least the weather has returned to proper football weather! Wet n chilly.
Just as well I purchased a rather sensible (middle aged) water proof whilst in Bristol several weeks ago...pah.
Talking of middle aged - which wasn't really the purpose of this post today my view was sought over the sort of music teenage girls listen too... I am afraid I know not. My teenage years are long behind me. Should I be flattered or disgruntled? There is a real range of ages attributed to me within the department - anything between 43 and 16. If I was self absorbed I may be a bit bothered. Instead I am secretly chuffed that so many have made the effort to think about it - and aren't I mean for not sharing B-D cake with the whole dept?! Otherwise they may actually realise I am over 30... oh well.
Beauty sleep beckons. The curse of being 43 - need more shut eye. Night.
Annie's Finest
"The Saddest Song"
Darling are you feeling
The same thing that I'm seeing
The troubles of the day
Took my breath away
Took my breath away
Now you're no longer talking
And I'm no longer listening
There's nothing left to say
Said it anyway
Said it anyway
And I want you not
And I need you not
I'm dying
Cos this is the saddest song I've got
The saddest song I've got
Darling are you healing
From all the scars appearing
Don't it hurt a lot
Don't know how to stop
Don't know how it stops
Now there's no sense in seeing
The colours of the morning
Hold the clouds at bay
Chase them all away
Chase them all away
And I'm frozen still
Unspoken still
Cos this is the saddest song I've got
The saddest song I've got
Darling are you feeling
The same thing that I'm seeing
The troubles of the day
Took my breath away
Took my breath away
Now you're no longer talking
And I'm no longer listening
There's nothing left to say
Said it anyway
Said it anyway
And I want you not
And I need you not
I'm dying
Cos this is the saddest song I've got
The saddest song I've got
Darling are you healing
From all the scars appearing
Don't it hurt a lot
Don't know how to stop
Don't know how it stops
Now there's no sense in seeing
The colours of the morning
Hold the clouds at bay
Chase them all away
Chase them all away
And I'm frozen still
Unspoken still
Cos this is the saddest song I've got
The saddest song I've got
The random song on the tube which kinda says stuff in the way I wish I could. But seldom do. But it captures a stream of thoughts I have had so very close to the surface recently. And that is what makes music so powerful.
Yes. Even Gary. 'Cars'.
The really odd part - I no longer feel sad. I feel energised and adventurous. Not immune, but maybe the vaccine booster helped... Back out to prove my spirits.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Twas the eve before pay day... so I went to check out the new CW M&S - it is brillant!! Opens to 10pm and any time after 8pm it is practically empty... and my weakness for purchasing undies was once more fully tested... oh well a girl can never have enough sexy bras n panties!! (This was a taster for watching Lee on the Apprentice!)
Monday, May 12, 2008
'ASICS stands for "Anima Sana In Corpore Sano“ - a sound mind in a sound body. The powerful alliance of body and soul is the one and only purpose of ASICS sport technologies. You are more than a body and sport is more than a physical thing. It’s about being in tune with your inner self and your surroundings. Whoever you are, wherever you are, whatever league you are in: Join the party.'
And I thought they were just supposed to protect my feet....
This is a great week for all kinds of projects and plans, and for making progress in regard to them. You will feel on top of it all and keen to press ahead. Expect ideas that are really quite exciting to come out of the blue. You have plenty of reasons to be glad as you are beginning to see a way all your biggest dreams can come true. The pieces of the puzzle are coming together in ways that seem nothing short of miraculous. Romance and creativity are high on the agenda this week. If you run your own business, you are likely to find that opportunities to showcase your talents keep showing up. All you need to do is make the most of them. Don't enter into any dodgy contracts on Wednesday as you may lose out. Get-rich-quick schemes won't work. Sunday brings more fun, plenty of romance, and lots of opportunities to meet up with friends you haven't seen in a while. A new relationship could get off to a great start and looks as though it could be a real meeting of minds. Mars in your joint financial zone is encouraging you to contemplate serious wealth.
Alternately and sounding much more like it...for Monday 12th
Capricorn (Dec22-Jan20)If you knew how things were going to pan out it would be easier to make choices. There are decisions you have to make and delaying the inevitable is counter productive. Asking someone else to make your choices for you is an equally as disastrous move. Just take one step at a time and don't think too far into the future. Think for yourself. You're on your own now and the choices before you have to be yours. Call my Capricorn advice line to hear why spending time with close friends who boost your morale and help you see things from a different perspective will be great for your self esteem.
Well whilst yesterday I successfully did something with my day, it is fair to say that today I have not.
I awoke stiffly at 9.15am completely unaware of anything. I flicked the radio on and listened to Sportsweek. Got to admire Gary Richardson. Like a terrier with his guests seeking the answers to the questions they don't want to answer. 10am The Archers. Ah the pure decadence of staying in bed with a cuppa and the radio. It got extended this morning as the guest on Desert Island Discs was Annie Lennox. My heroine. So at midday I finally extradited myself from the bed and trudged to the lounge. The sun through the closed blinds still filled the room with bright golden light. I watched the Grand Prix. Listened to the end of the Premiership for 07/08. More salad. Washing up.
I actually spent most of today arsing about with wma files and the mystery that is why they don't all work on any old device. Seems you have to convert DRM files to mp3. I hate technology. When it works it is totally brilliant - I mean thousands of songs on one device that is the size of a ciggy box. But when it doesn't work - you spend HOURS farting about on the web and downloading stuff to make other stuff work. I nearly burnt out the base of a pan whilst steaming potatoes and any hope I had of just sitting and reading my Ian McEwan book went right out the window. Hey ho. Now my Windows Media player is being an ass and my new portable radio - well it does podcasts, they are mp3 but none of my ripped DRM files. I give up.
As for Sunday pm TV. Forget it darlings - its an arid wasteland...
So. So that was the weekend that was. Quite quite dull. Too much time for introspection that's for sure. It dawns on me the reason I find it so difficult to be out loud with my thoughts is because I was always taught that children should be seen but not heard. I am yes now an adult but I never felt I had to shout or talk much to be noticed. If I kept focused and did my best the results would make people notice me. Now it's my curse. Far easier to write it down. Far easier to hid behind a brilliant page of words and grammar and punctuation. Far easier to believe that least said ... soonest mended. And when you have thought things through all the way, it probably is.
Less damaging.
I awoke with what can only be described as a real sense of emptiness. Nowhere to go. Nothing much to do. No-one to see.
I lay in bed contemplating if my head hurt from too many Early Birds from the previous evening or whether I was just feeling grey for other reasons. I got up. Sloshed a glass of water down my neck, put some washing in the machine and returned to bed.
When I did finally surface at 10am it was driven by my promise to Mazza to purchase a green top for her. It was enough of an incentive to get me washed and dressed. Albeit after a phone call to her, the Jehovah's Witnesses dragging me to the door in my PJ's and Cancer Research cold calling. I left the house at 1pm - the weather heavy and dense with warmth. Retail therapy has it limits. I purchased some much needed new trainers - my others worn from too many miles walked. Some three quarter trousers for said purpose and the green top Mazza wanted. Then to Boots. Hair dye. Argos. DAB portable radio. Next. I tried to resist. Failed. Bought some sandals.
Retail therapy is OK. But it's not the same as getting up, dressing ready for a game and catching a train/coach to go to a venue and lose yourself for 2 hours in the trials of your chosen team. I got back to the house just over an hour later. Time for food. I decided to go for a walk in the evening to avoid the heat. I watched Doctor Who. Then went for a stomp. New trainers passed the test. The evening air was still warm and the sky blue with splashes of red as the sun was slowly free falling down behind the sky line. The blossom and flowers were smelling sweetly. I was in a world of my own. No-one knew where I was, who I was or what the devil was going on in my head. So many internal conversations. Too many perhaps.
As I walked Alexandra Road with my head up drinking in the colours of the trees, no-one much along the street, it was with some surprise that when I dropped my eyes a rather dashing male was walking towards me and smiling. Coat over his shoulder, dark haired. As seemingly carefree as I. As he passed me I did wonder at myself for the strange feeling that waved over me as our eyes met. Life can be so weird at times. Looks of strangers. Smiles.
I continued at full pace only venturing to look behind me when much further down the street. He was not there. Silly me.
By the time I got back home I was very hot. It had been fun though exercising on a Saturday evening when the rest of the world were either dressed up for fun n frolics or sat idly watching TV with with their windows open. I slipped back into my bolt hole in time for 'Casualty' and 'Love Soup'. Thankfully the flat always stays cool. So I could chill back down and be content I hadn't entirely wasted the day, but finding a new weekend routine always takes time.
Friday, May 09, 2008
Go the Lichties!
Just for you pc anon! Didn't realise they were in the frame for play off promotion - good luck to them! (But not your other team!! ;-) Blue is the colour in those races)
Tops read...
Am currently engrossed in 'The Child in Time' by Ian McEwan. A book I acquired after a trip to meet an Internet date in East Anglia some 3 years ago. It is brilliantly written (in my opinion) - the descriptions of his train journey from London Victoria and his changing relationship with his parents struck so many cords. Am looking forward to discovering more of his work after this read...
This book comes hot the heels of 'The Ballad of Peckham Rye' by Muriel Spark; (lots of dialogue, little prose and does the Rye still exist? good observational piece tho) and 'A Good School' & 'Cold Spring Harbour' both by Richard Yates. More American literature - interesting parallels between the two, not as good as 'The Revolutionary Road' however.
Have to say its quite nice to be back in London albeit fictionally.
This book comes hot the heels of 'The Ballad of Peckham Rye' by Muriel Spark; (lots of dialogue, little prose and does the Rye still exist? good observational piece tho) and 'A Good School' & 'Cold Spring Harbour' both by Richard Yates. More American literature - interesting parallels between the two, not as good as 'The Revolutionary Road' however.
Have to say its quite nice to be back in London albeit fictionally.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
GFC News
You see though the season has ended the news stories do not...
players will come and players will go
que cera cera
Todays in and outs: Simon Royce has put pen to paper on a new 12 month contract (That's good news!). Fellow 'keeper Derek Stillie has retired (that's sad news - he had been valiant recently with safe hands Royce out) while Leroy Griffiths (a genuine shame), Craig Stone, Kevin Maher, Barry Cogan, Geroges Ba (SO why did we GET him?!?!?) and Kelvin Jack (ABOUT BL00DY TIME!!) have been released.
players will come and players will go
que cera cera
Todays in and outs: Simon Royce has put pen to paper on a new 12 month contract (That's good news!). Fellow 'keeper Derek Stillie has retired (that's sad news - he had been valiant recently with safe hands Royce out) while Leroy Griffiths (a genuine shame), Craig Stone, Kevin Maher, Barry Cogan, Geroges Ba (SO why did we GET him?!?!?) and Kelvin Jack (ABOUT BL00DY TIME!!) have been released.
Apparently according to the official GFC site Crofts and King have pledged their commitment to stay. If this is true I am rather happy!! Good call lads!
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
People keep asking how I deal with it - not really sure it is that - just think it comes with being single...good or bad. Who can say.
I know its only May - but it looks as if it is here - for a week at least. (Well its been 6 days already!!)
SO I get to tear my hair out each morning deciding what to wear. This is a challenge as I need a jacket or something to put MP3 into so when I walk at mach 3.0 the tunes do not bounce and scupper my player. Yesterday leather coat - too warm by far - especially on a very slow SWTrain back to Wimbledon. Today body warmer.. Not sure yet. Ask me after walk home. I also after many years find skirts less comfortable than you blokes may think. Today is the neutral stitch option and a vest top with seethru-ish blouse. Days like these I get a weird hankering for darkness and invisibility. On the other hand I also get a hankering to don three quarter length trousers, fill a bottle of water, slap on some sun block and go for a jolly good walk. Soon.
I did though yesterday take another of Gok's pieces of advice - and wore non-thongs. Apparently real knickers help promote your booty. (And I am all in favour of promotion as opposed to relegation right now). My VPL - well no-one commented. Did it make a difference? Not sure to be honest. I guess so. Shrugs. My voice has not come down any octaves so perhaps not!
There is a positive side to the warm weather - I get to chuckle at the fashion disasters and successes of others. I can almost feel those sandals rubbing.....
Blur - Resigned
I think too much
on things i want too much
it makes me hateful
and i say stupid things
only you can fill my blank heart
and i'm resigned to that
i wish the sun
could just keep me warm
and i'm resigned to that
i'll forget to breathe someday
i've never stopped to think why...
cf Modern Life is Rubbish 1993
on things i want too much
it makes me hateful
and i say stupid things
only you can fill my blank heart
and i'm resigned to that
i wish the sun
could just keep me warm
and i'm resigned to that
i'll forget to breathe someday
i've never stopped to think why...
cf Modern Life is Rubbish 1993
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Leeds Utd 2 Gillingham 1 - Relegation
Was not totally unexpected. I have had much time to consider its consequence since Saturday's game. I have been philosophical (emotionally exhausted), angry (cold light of day) and sad (stark realisation of next season). However the facts stand for themselves. We failed repeatedly to get the second goal and close a game. 3 points kept eluding us and we ended up with only 1 point for more games than I care to mention.
The final day of the season itself started at 7.15am when the double decker coach left Sittingbourne station and we began our 5 hour trip up the A1 to Leeds. We got to Elland Road at 1.30pm (well with pick ups and a 45 min stop it makes sense!) and spent about another 20mins just trying to get into the car park. The place was buzzing.
Gillingham had sold 1,300 tickets and as there were only 5 coaches quite a lot of fans had got up there under their own steam. We were up in the South East Upper stand. In the corner. A small enclave surrounded by 38000 Leeds fans. The programme was free. Well Bates was using it to promote his oh so wonderful team. The coverage for the away team. 3 pages. Pitiful.
Dad & I took our seats at 1.55pm. Nervous energy had us not worrying about drinks or food or anything. The team (minus my man Garry Richards - boo) came out to warm up. The Gills fans sang relentlessly as Elland Road filled with the white shirts of Yorkshire and beyonds fan base. The blue of our corner just kept belting it out. Before the game started at 3pm, we saw the Kaiser Chiefs take a bow and then to subdue all the singing fans 3 tenors came out onto the pitch and sang some rather good operatic music. It stunned all the fans into a bemused silence. The calm before the storm. Before we could blink we were kicking off. As the Leeds team stood poised to kick off the first half the Gills players came over to our corner - clapped us and set about the task.
It was going to be one of those games. We had some very enthusiastic fans in front of us - who were not going to sit down, but were instead going to wave their shirts above their heads, stand and turn to those of us behind and try to conduct the singing. They really did not need too and all the time they were standing - so were we. The stewards were not at all happy. But I was not sitting down and NOT seeing the game. This was everything to me.
I am not sure you can ever explain to non-football fans the sensation of being part of a group of a 1,000+ passionate singing voices. The beating of your heart. The loss of awareness for anything except singing as loud as possible and giving 100% of your belief. Being at Elland Road on Saturday will live with me for as long as the trips to Wembley, Highbury, Stamford Bridge, the Britannia Stadium (we managed to stay up) and the fateful trip to the County Ground when Forest sent us down in 2005. All days which take your emotions to the highest heights and the lowest lows.
Today though we were singing in the belief that if we won the rest would take care of itself. Cheltenham had to lose as did Bournemouth (thx to Zig for the updates & general all day support!) - as you can imagine there were radio's, mobiles and general noises made throughout the game about the other scores - but it was all meaningless if we didn't win. We started brightly - easily the more in control and certainly looking like a team who wanted to win. When the goal went in (Simeon Jackson, 20 minutes) the SE Upper went utterly MENTAL!! Dad & I were hugging each other and anyone else to hand. The noise levels just rose and rose. The Leeds crowd were very very silent. We didn't care. We were small in numbers but large in voice.
Today though we were singing in the belief that if we won the rest would take care of itself. Cheltenham had to lose as did Bournemouth (thx to Zig for the updates & general all day support!) - as you can imagine there were radio's, mobiles and general noises made throughout the game about the other scores - but it was all meaningless if we didn't win. We started brightly - easily the more in control and certainly looking like a team who wanted to win. When the goal went in (Simeon Jackson, 20 minutes) the SE Upper went utterly MENTAL!! Dad & I were hugging each other and anyone else to hand. The noise levels just rose and rose. The Leeds crowd were very very silent. We didn't care. We were small in numbers but large in voice.
Half time. We had not got a second. By now we also knew Cheltenham were 1 up. And Bournemouth were drawing. I was fretting. During April I have watched all Gillingham's games. I knew that without he cushion of a second goal we were vulnerable to late equalisers or worse flukey winners a la Swansea.
So on the 69th minute the nails started going in the coffin. Donny had equaliser. But so had Leeds. We had to summon the energy and drive to get another goal. For whatever reason the manager made substitutions which did not help my mood. Miller on for Mulligan - got to be a mistake. It was. Great to see Oli and Griffiths come on tho. But despite throwing the kitchen sink at them - our least favourite minute - 88 - saw Leeds get the winner. Trigger had a goal mouth fumble and missed. So close. So so close. But it was not to be. Much like our season.
'Que Cera Cera
Whatever will be will
We're going to Shrewsbury
Que Cera Cera.'
Cheltenham had also won so no amount of us scoring and winning would have made any difference.
There was an ovation for the team and they were humbled and clapped us as if we had played too. They were crest fallen. The electric atmosphere and joint will was now a squib. The chants for Scally to leave began once again. My phone suddenly came to life. Some with sympathy, others to gloat.
You see supporting a team has its ups and downs. Gillingham are now back where they were when I first started watching them. Philosophically I hope if we keep the core players we can build on the solid performances and see ourselves rise back up through the divisions. BUT that depends on our chairman NOT doing a runner with the ground - our one asset. Otherwise I fear the worse. No ground. No cash and worst of all possibly no team.
Dad & I pushed our way through gloating Leeds fans back to the coach - but my heart was not as heavy as it had been when I returned from Nottingham by myself in 2005 - 2 days after my boyfriend had moved out and facing the reality my team were out of the Championship and into Division One. Not a good May that one.
This year relegation does not hurt as much, I have been predicting it since February - but I am angry that the club has declined so easily. The heart of a lion is among the fans but the money and rumours have stifled our progression.
I hope Stimson is given a chance. I hope we can get rid of the waste of space members of the squad (which totals some 39 names?!) and build a plucky, solid and tough side - who defend bravely and score effortlessly - only more so and better than the other clubs in Division Two.
SO trips to look forward too? Well Brentford and Barnet are close to home - and these are some other yet to be visited grounds....
Lincoln City
Accrington Stanley
Dag & Red
Notts County
Lincoln City
Accrington Stanley
Dag & Red
Notts County
The coach trip back to Kent took exactly 5 hours and as many Leeds fans came back on the M1 as us. Charmers. NOT. I listened to a 'Bit of Blur' by Alex James and then Blur on random. The day summed up by 'Sing' and 'For Tomorrow'. I felt okay. I felt it had been a good day despite the outcome. I knew I could not have been anywhere else... and I know I'll be there next season - cheering on the extended family.
Have Fun
You resolve to let more fun into your life on Monday, thanks to the New Moon in your sector of play, entertainment, and amusements. You are ruled by Saturn, the demanding, karmic planet of the cosmos. It's true that Saturn gives you a lot of good stamina and enables you to keep your feet on the ground, but you also need to explore your silly self at times, and this week that is exactly what you will do. Of course, you will still make clear and considered decisions, and no matter what, you will never trust a con artist or hand over your hard-earned money to a snake oil salesperson, but you will kick back and enjoy yourself more than you have in a long time, and that's good news for you. On Sunday, the Sun in Taurus sextiles inventive Uranus in your sector of communication and self-expression, and you are able to talk to the people you meet in a very easy and affable manner. Sometimes you put your guard up and find casual conversation a bit difficult. Now you will express yourself and your thoughts easily and comfortably with everyone you know. Your social life should pick up quite a bit.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Friday, May 02, 2008

I'll follow you over land and sea, and to Leeds and take the good with the bad... For the statto's amongst you - here is a good overview!!
Thursday, May 01, 2008
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