You may do a good deed on Tuesday, KAREN, so settle in for a big thank you to arrive very soon. Venus in Capricorn trines responsible Saturn in your sector of religion and spirituality, and you devote a lot of your time toward helping a worthy cause in a country foreign to your own. You might decide to sponsor a child in a third world country or sign up for a working holiday in a locale that needs help. You keep all the good you do for others quiet, but the universe sends good karma to those who deserve it. Get ready for a nice gift box to arrive on Friday, courtesy of the Cosmos, as Venus conjuncts Jupiter in Capricorn. On Saturday, you will revise your life goals as Mercury retrograde conjuncts Neptune in your sector of values. As you reconsider what you really want out of life, your plans for yourself change, so be prepared for that occurrence. Mercury is retrograde for the next three weeks starting Monday, and you will review what you want out of life. Be honest with yourself, and don't feel guilty, no matter what you decide really makes you happy. Remember, if you don't please yourself, you will always be dissatisfied.
To prove that horoscopes are in actual fact utter tosh I can confirm that I spent Monday and Tuesday in bed with a sore throat, swollen glands and a back that felt as if fire ants were resident under the skin. Not great. I am back at work but my back still feels very odd and I keep getting sharp pains in my sides. The NHS website offered no ideas for the fire ants so I am a bit miffed. I was also fairly careless this morning and ricked my neck. I swore quite loudly and then cried. Hey ho.
It's now Friday and I am still waiting for gift box to arrive..
As for tomorrow well I am going to try and sort out a holiday. Far away from here and possibly with no return ticket....all in all I do agree that I need to satisfy myself. Organic farming with Hugh then I reckon...
On a better note Gills have finally off loaded Mr Graham. Hooray!
Two days in bed with a swollen gland?
Well aren't you the lucky one?!!
Ooohh-la-la. Entendre-tastic!
That's my change for tomorrow I hope Pink n Fizzy! Certainly Mon/Tue is was my neck...
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