Friday, February 29, 2008
Revolutionary Road
I started it on Monday and am half way through. It is a subtly good read... more as and when I finish..!
Plastic of course...
On the BBC news now! Marks and Spencers are going to start charging.
The bloody things last for centuries and kill sea dwelling animals.. STOP using them!!!! It's SO simple.
thank you.
On the BBC news now! Marks and Spencers are going to start charging.
The bloody things last for centuries and kill sea dwelling animals.. STOP using them!!!! It's SO simple.
thank you.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
loads to blog about - but have forgotten what
and am too tired to bother now...
BUT today is day 59 without a ciggy....
I am in strangely positive mood despite wall to wall meetings and the added weight of doing 10 team appraisals... all in the next few weeks and trying to wedge in a week's leave. Soon be May again...and what's changed?
and am too tired to bother now...
BUT today is day 59 without a ciggy....
I am in strangely positive mood despite wall to wall meetings and the added weight of doing 10 team appraisals... all in the next few weeks and trying to wedge in a week's leave. Soon be May again...and what's changed?
Monday, February 25, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
I like
They last longer than carnations.
Have brillant colours and petal structures.
Plus the ones I buy are from the UK... perfect home grown vases of indoor sunshine.
Top find of the year so far.
They last longer than carnations.
Have brillant colours and petal structures.
Plus the ones I buy are from the UK... perfect home grown vases of indoor sunshine.
Top find of the year so far.
This week
for two mornings I have been catching the tube and getting on the same carriage as one of the Partners who works at the firm I do.
I have been in meetings with the individual before and indeed was invited to the client lunch which followed whereupon I was studiously ignored. It was during this lunch I learnt she lived in my neck of the woods, but no-one wants to hear 'support' staff stories so I could not warn her!
My dilemma each morning therefore has been - do I make conversation with said invidual? (and challenge the unspoken order) Or wait for them to make conversation with me? (And maintain the unspoken order) Do I acknowledge but remain tuned to walkman and engrossed in 'Everyman'? (And seem dismissive and rude) Or do I seem so distracted by own world that in fact I am not aware of their presence at all? (Hide behind book and hope for best minimising all awkwardness).
Guess which I did.
Can't help wishing I'd chosen another option.
Ze Books
Today after a roller coaster of emotion I did what always makes the best sense to me - I went in search of books. I have shared this with you before but today I was on a mission - not for me the 3 for 2 book stalls but for me the latter end of the alphabet... Roth, Tyler, Updike and newly Yates.
My dip back into Roth has begun with 'Everyman' - a shortish novel about a man. Whose name is never shared. Or at least has not yet been. So I was keen to explore his body of work once again. Over the weekend I logged his titles into my trusty diary so I can not buy duplicates and see which novels are pure Roth and those which are Zuckerman. I have also this year got into the habit of buying The Observer and the review this weekend talked of a Richard Yates whose work has impressed and indeed is compared to Updike and Roth. I ran this passed a Known Admirer for some critical input. It was greeted with some contempt, undetered I have decided to savour this author for myself and see if Yates does indeed fulfill the Updike Roth league so I can compare notes with AKA and maybe just maybe have a literary meeting of minds. On the way home I go to Waterstones and purchase by Roth 'American Pastoral' and 'Sabbath's Theater' and by Yates, 'Revolutionary Road' and 'A Good School'.
My observation - I am constantly disappointed by book shop assistants. Not for me a friendly smile or an approving look for my selection, instead the clear feeling that I was taking up valuable time and worse had the audacity to wear my soccer hat in the shop. Maybe these people actually resent people buying their books. I fear it may be my danger - though I'd prefer to think I would be heartened to see people consuming great works. I made the distain of said individual worse by requesting a loyalty card - well I spend a fortune on books. There's another reason I'd like my own space - I covet a proper book shelf - or two! So now with worlds to escape too the hardest decision I have is which one do I start with?!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
That December and January really takes the spirit out of people.
People at work still have colds and aches but moods are lightening with the almost light now occuring at 5.30pm. The smell of March is helping people look towards spring. Fresh starts.
I depressed myself though on Sunday by looking at house prices. They are not yet coming down enough to make me plough my savings into bricks and mortar, which is a shame cos I want to have my home and bake and entertain...have my folks stay and really pamper them.
Oh well.
It was my bro's birthday today - so I rang him this morning. I am officially middle aged cos we talked about interest rates.....crikey. Oh and freebie beer, footie and cricket. Phew!
Anyway peeps keep smiling - sorry not many entries - really busy at work and this cold snap is making me very tired so I am falling asleep on the sofa at 9.30ish... yawn! Indeed soon time for bed...
People at work still have colds and aches but moods are lightening with the almost light now occuring at 5.30pm. The smell of March is helping people look towards spring. Fresh starts.
I depressed myself though on Sunday by looking at house prices. They are not yet coming down enough to make me plough my savings into bricks and mortar, which is a shame cos I want to have my home and bake and entertain...have my folks stay and really pamper them.
Oh well.
It was my bro's birthday today - so I rang him this morning. I am officially middle aged cos we talked about interest rates.....crikey. Oh and freebie beer, footie and cricket. Phew!
Anyway peeps keep smiling - sorry not many entries - really busy at work and this cold snap is making me very tired so I am falling asleep on the sofa at 9.30ish... yawn! Indeed soon time for bed...
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Saturday, February 16, 2008
I did
finish 'The Amateur Marriage' today, in between rectal exams and neck slashings at the cinema, so am in need of a new novel to read.. a re-try of Phillip Roth beckons I fear...
and no, I did not get any cards yesterday. Romance is dead. Lucky I have a red heart on my back side, huh?
and no, I did not get any cards yesterday. Romance is dead. Lucky I have a red heart on my back side, huh?
The Moon
Most people go to the Doctors and probably prefer not to talk about it afterwards. I however can't resist the urge to write a passage about today's event as I lurch from mild amusement to down right giggles and then back to total horror.
My morning started with the worry of what to wear. I knew at some point items of clothes would need to be removed so that the area causing me pain could be examined and a notion of causes and potions for fixes given. So wide legged trousers and super large pants were called for, the same super large pants in fact I have worn all week for comfort and to provide with all those walking behind me (if they can keep up) a great view of my VPL.
To work I get - my morning consists of 2 hours of meetings and the bombshell that yet another task needs completing by the end of March. I have so much free time on my hands oh and 12 days leave still to take before the end of April that I fear for opportunities to see day light ever happening again.
At 12.30 I depart. Walk full tilt to Bank and get tube home. In surgery at 1.20pm with plenty of time to spare. I feel a bit strange. The pain has eased considerably since Monday and Tuesday when I was barely able to sit.
I am not going to see my usual doctor but a Mr Bennett. Please no Jane Austen references here. He appears around the door and calls me in.
Where do I start?
I admit an amount of embarrassment - to which he says we're not just here to deal with easy stuff.
Erm okay then. So I blurt out - well it my bum. It hurts. I haven't been able to sit comfortably - and Mon/Tues/Wed were very painful. I resist using the word arse. I want to say it hurts when I crap - but somehow the words ‘it hurts when I pass.. .’ leave my mouth and he deduces.
I have already been online to the NHS Direct website to check for piles and fissures. I don't think it’s that. But weird pimples and a real soreness have haunted me all week.
Not sure now who is feeling more awkward the Dr broaches the fact he will need to examine said area. I quip not exactly your ideal patient on a Friday afternoon, sorry. We discuss chaperones and I am then behind a curtain grateful for wide leg trousers and huge pants. Let's face it how many people ever really see your bum? Your mum when you were in nappies and maybe your lover if they are experimental or thorough. Although I guess any drunken bloke has dropped his trousers when the occasion has demanded it. I though tend to keep my bum under wraps.
'Can you show me where it hurts?'
I think to myself - how much more do I need to do - I am on the examination table with my bum facing outwards and I need to show him where it hurts?! Should I show him my tattoo while I am here?
Words like 'crack', 'cheeks', 'pimples', 'stinging' and his word 'bum hole' are used to ascertain it's not fungal. It's not exhibiting any signs that an internal examination is needed. I breathe sighs of relief. I have nappy rash?!
There was a name he gave it. Basically I have a very sore butt. He prescribes some cream and I feel sort of foolish. The pain of earlier in the week has subsided. Clearly the growth I thought I had - wasn't. It's not ring worm or piles. It's just been very uncomfortable and quick walking has increased the friction and made it worse.
I go home via chemist and apply £6.85 cream. Already it feels less sore.
As I walked back from the cinema I just felt amused.
I introduced myself and then mooned my doctor.
My morning started with the worry of what to wear. I knew at some point items of clothes would need to be removed so that the area causing me pain could be examined and a notion of causes and potions for fixes given. So wide legged trousers and super large pants were called for, the same super large pants in fact I have worn all week for comfort and to provide with all those walking behind me (if they can keep up) a great view of my VPL.
To work I get - my morning consists of 2 hours of meetings and the bombshell that yet another task needs completing by the end of March. I have so much free time on my hands oh and 12 days leave still to take before the end of April that I fear for opportunities to see day light ever happening again.
At 12.30 I depart. Walk full tilt to Bank and get tube home. In surgery at 1.20pm with plenty of time to spare. I feel a bit strange. The pain has eased considerably since Monday and Tuesday when I was barely able to sit.
I am not going to see my usual doctor but a Mr Bennett. Please no Jane Austen references here. He appears around the door and calls me in.
Where do I start?
I admit an amount of embarrassment - to which he says we're not just here to deal with easy stuff.
Erm okay then. So I blurt out - well it my bum. It hurts. I haven't been able to sit comfortably - and Mon/Tues/Wed were very painful. I resist using the word arse. I want to say it hurts when I crap - but somehow the words ‘it hurts when I pass.. .’ leave my mouth and he deduces.
I have already been online to the NHS Direct website to check for piles and fissures. I don't think it’s that. But weird pimples and a real soreness have haunted me all week.
Not sure now who is feeling more awkward the Dr broaches the fact he will need to examine said area. I quip not exactly your ideal patient on a Friday afternoon, sorry. We discuss chaperones and I am then behind a curtain grateful for wide leg trousers and huge pants. Let's face it how many people ever really see your bum? Your mum when you were in nappies and maybe your lover if they are experimental or thorough. Although I guess any drunken bloke has dropped his trousers when the occasion has demanded it. I though tend to keep my bum under wraps.
'Can you show me where it hurts?'
I think to myself - how much more do I need to do - I am on the examination table with my bum facing outwards and I need to show him where it hurts?! Should I show him my tattoo while I am here?
Words like 'crack', 'cheeks', 'pimples', 'stinging' and his word 'bum hole' are used to ascertain it's not fungal. It's not exhibiting any signs that an internal examination is needed. I breathe sighs of relief. I have nappy rash?!
There was a name he gave it. Basically I have a very sore butt. He prescribes some cream and I feel sort of foolish. The pain of earlier in the week has subsided. Clearly the growth I thought I had - wasn't. It's not ring worm or piles. It's just been very uncomfortable and quick walking has increased the friction and made it worse.
I go home via chemist and apply £6.85 cream. Already it feels less sore.
As I walked back from the cinema I just felt amused.
I introduced myself and then mooned my doctor.
I have had VPL all week.
The word 'bum hole' is officially a medical term.
An Evening with Johnny Depp...

Tim Burton's genre - I guess you either loath it or love it. I quite like the darkness and I certainly like the hairstyles Mr Depp ends up with.
As for a musical - well I love all that too. My favourite films inc. 'Mary Poppins' and 'The Wizard of Oz'. 'Sweeney Todd' however is not one for the kids. It has a few smirk worthy moments - but very few. The atmosphere oozes off the screen however and the charcoal eyes and deep red bloods contrast throughout.
Mrs Lovett with her butchering cleaver, Sweeney with his murderous shaving blade, as they dance in the pie shop, as they dance in the bake house. The dream of being by the seaside - pure theatre.
I admit not a film for everyone - but a defo winner for me. I am absent mindedly wandering round the house singing 'Sweeney, Sweeney' in my worst ever cross between Anthony Bewley/David Bowie and Johnny Depp. Oh Sweeney, Sweeney and pretty women... Rickman and Spall evil evil evil.
I was though slightly disappointed with the ending. Abrupt to say the least...
Pie anyone?
Friday, February 15, 2008
No Country for ....
'In the Valley of Elah'

Comes as a highly recommended film to go and see. In my humble opinion. It's well acted, tightly plot lined and by the end I was in tears. (An emotional cripple I may be).
It does what few films do - it takes a real swipe at the US today and for its most recent history. Emotive yet done with a graceful subtly that a viewer can take as much or as little influence from it.
The deadpan Tommy Lee Jones is thorough and believable and my heart was wrenched by Susan Sarandon's performance.
The up-ended telephone table and scattered sweets.
As the credits rolled and Annie Lennox sang my one thought was 'What have you done Mr Bush, what have you done?'
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
You want to change the world this week, KAREN, and you start in your own backyard. You are very tired of your daily routine, the way you look, and the activities you engage in, and you want to shake up your life now, not tomorrow. Powerful and transformative Pluto is in Capricorn in your sector of self, and that strong energy will lead you into some very enlightening life experiences. Tuesday the Moon in Taurus trines Pluto, and you will be eager to get started on your new lifestyle. You may consider dramatically changing the way you look and dress, or you might want to explore your creativity in new and unique ways. Just be sure you don't remodel yourself so drastically that you don't recognize yourself when you look in the mirror. Valentine's Day brings out your giving side, and you help out a friend who could use a hand. The Sun in Aquarius trines Mars in your sector of volunteerism, and you make an effort to spread goodwill to those who need it. Sunday the Moon in Cancer is opposite Jupiter in Capricorn, and you want to indulge yourself a bit too much, so watch the calories.
Gone Mad?
The weather this weekend has been like late April... t-shirt weather - very very unsettling to see blossom coming out, daffadils blooming and the skies blue. It is February.
Other madness? Oh the FA wanting to make the Premiership global. Face it kids the 'good' old days are long gone. Get rid of 'em I say. Let 'em break away (of course I refer to the top 4 clubs) just save the rest of us from all this bluster. It's about money - it has been for years.
As for lost good old days - my team lost again. No good stuff there right now.
I spent much of Saturday recovering from beverage over dose. It was the first Friday this year I have been drinking with people from work. And whilst I enjoyed it, I did feel odd/vulnerable on the late tube home and more resentful than usual to miss my early Saturday morning walk due to hang over properties. Got a second wind at 3pm and went for a walk - and bought myself a new hand held mixer, some baking tins and all the other ingredients bar the bananas needed to make banana and caramel cake... see below. It's lovely!!! (I already had the banana's - they were gently going brown and I wanted to do something with them as oppose to compost them... ).
Other than that a relaxed weekend ... time for bed soon tho!
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Friday, February 08, 2008
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Where have I been?
Not bean.
When not resenting each moment at work, I have been ill. Hiding under the duvet when ill. Hiding under the duvet when not ill. Dreading that MOnday am work related chirpy 'How was your weekend?' Please let me be excused such cross examination.
When not hiding under duvet been online but online playing online games. Check out for such delights. Getting good at Gold Rush, Luxor and Zuma.
Hence few posts and even fewer photos. Been hiding if I am honest. Getting very low and losing sight of things. Too much time alone to think makes me think well here it is mid 30's and erm what have to show for it?
In that space of time I have missed two Gills home games. A sure sign I have not been 100%.
I can report that Strictly Come Dancing Live on the 26th Jan at the all new exactly like the old Wembley Arena, was very good and both Mazza and Lisa enjoyed themselves! Go Matt n Flavia!
Am slowly coming round. Feel much better physically - mentally and emotionally - repairs on going.
So thanks for still checking in and reading.
I can recommend Anne Tyler's 'An Amateur Marriage' by the way. Started on Monday - 100 pages in already. Helped by a v slow tube in this morning and then every southbound train via Charing X terminating at Kennington - where I sat for 30 mins waiting for a tube with a smidge of space for me to get on... ah the joys of London life.
Night - I'm off to listen to Radio 5's super Tuesday - the US election rounds.. fascinating!
When not resenting each moment at work, I have been ill. Hiding under the duvet when ill. Hiding under the duvet when not ill. Dreading that MOnday am work related chirpy 'How was your weekend?' Please let me be excused such cross examination.
When not hiding under duvet been online but online playing online games. Check out for such delights. Getting good at Gold Rush, Luxor and Zuma.
Hence few posts and even fewer photos. Been hiding if I am honest. Getting very low and losing sight of things. Too much time alone to think makes me think well here it is mid 30's and erm what have to show for it?
In that space of time I have missed two Gills home games. A sure sign I have not been 100%.
I can report that Strictly Come Dancing Live on the 26th Jan at the all new exactly like the old Wembley Arena, was very good and both Mazza and Lisa enjoyed themselves! Go Matt n Flavia!
Am slowly coming round. Feel much better physically - mentally and emotionally - repairs on going.
So thanks for still checking in and reading.
I can recommend Anne Tyler's 'An Amateur Marriage' by the way. Started on Monday - 100 pages in already. Helped by a v slow tube in this morning and then every southbound train via Charing X terminating at Kennington - where I sat for 30 mins waiting for a tube with a smidge of space for me to get on... ah the joys of London life.
Night - I'm off to listen to Radio 5's super Tuesday - the US election rounds.. fascinating!
A weird combination of The Observer speedy crossword which I am still doing this fine Tuesday, bean soup and erm the weather led me to a web site called mostly wind. . The answer was Piccolo. The soup three bean and red lentil. The weather outside - slightly more wind than yesterday.
Somehow Mostly Wind seemed erm pertinent for my day.
Oh pardon me.
Somehow Mostly Wind seemed erm pertinent for my day.
Oh pardon me.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Green...Go Go Go!

However whilst in Sainsburys grimacing at the red sections I did manage to buy a tops non-plastic bag - just right for carrying home my 48 Weetabix.
Check out their website - we are what we do
Am thinking I may buy one for all my chums! :-)
Hands up who sends Valentine's cards?
Own up!
I sort of do - but I do resent the fact it has now become an excuse for all the other merchandising to be shoved on us. Fluffy slippers, chocs, cufflinks, stuffed toys etc etc were a few of the delights appearing live in my local Sainsbury's. A nice simple card from an unknown or indeed a known admirer is all it was ever supposed to be about. That chance to say something to someone you wouldn't normally say.. now its just give us ya money overload.... pah.
So back to the original purpose - who sends a card?
Own up!
I sort of do - but I do resent the fact it has now become an excuse for all the other merchandising to be shoved on us. Fluffy slippers, chocs, cufflinks, stuffed toys etc etc were a few of the delights appearing live in my local Sainsbury's. A nice simple card from an unknown or indeed a known admirer is all it was ever supposed to be about. That chance to say something to someone you wouldn't normally say.. now its just give us ya money overload.... pah.
So back to the original purpose - who sends a card?
More Power To You
Your approach to life and to the way you express yourself, KAREN, is going to change quite dramatically now that Pluto has moved into your sign. The presence of Jupiter is going to make you more daring than ever. You know what you want, and you have the absolute determination to get it. If you are already successful in your life, you will become even more so from this point on. But you could make even bigger mistakes as the risks you take will have higher stakes than usual. It will be a grand adventure whatever you do. Mercury is currently retrograde in your financial zone, and this is going to slow payments and any other financial business going on. Be careful if you are making purchases or buying big-ticket items. Be sure to keep receipts - you may need them. Mars is now direct in your health zone, so if you have had problems with stubborn colds, sore throats, or other infections, these should begin to ease off. Keep moving, and stay flexible - you will feel so much better if you do. Your love life seems to be well and truly in your hands. You hold the aces - so create the relationship of your dreams.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Good Karma
You may do a good deed on Tuesday, KAREN, so settle in for a big thank you to arrive very soon. Venus in Capricorn trines responsible Saturn in your sector of religion and spirituality, and you devote a lot of your time toward helping a worthy cause in a country foreign to your own. You might decide to sponsor a child in a third world country or sign up for a working holiday in a locale that needs help. You keep all the good you do for others quiet, but the universe sends good karma to those who deserve it. Get ready for a nice gift box to arrive on Friday, courtesy of the Cosmos, as Venus conjuncts Jupiter in Capricorn. On Saturday, you will revise your life goals as Mercury retrograde conjuncts Neptune in your sector of values. As you reconsider what you really want out of life, your plans for yourself change, so be prepared for that occurrence. Mercury is retrograde for the next three weeks starting Monday, and you will review what you want out of life. Be honest with yourself, and don't feel guilty, no matter what you decide really makes you happy. Remember, if you don't please yourself, you will always be dissatisfied.
To prove that horoscopes are in actual fact utter tosh I can confirm that I spent Monday and Tuesday in bed with a sore throat, swollen glands and a back that felt as if fire ants were resident under the skin. Not great. I am back at work but my back still feels very odd and I keep getting sharp pains in my sides. The NHS website offered no ideas for the fire ants so I am a bit miffed. I was also fairly careless this morning and ricked my neck. I swore quite loudly and then cried. Hey ho.
It's now Friday and I am still waiting for gift box to arrive..
As for tomorrow well I am going to try and sort out a holiday. Far away from here and possibly with no return ticket....all in all I do agree that I need to satisfy myself. Organic farming with Hugh then I reckon...
On a better note Gills have finally off loaded Mr Graham. Hooray!
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