Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Last day of the Year...
Monday, December 29, 2008
New Year 2009
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Welcome to Monday!
Have plenty to get on with so the day should just fly by... no distractions or points of grief either!!
Just need to get the haircut booked!
Great Magnetism
Sunday, December 21, 2008
The Winter Solstice is marked each year with the Sun's entrance into practical Capricorn, which occurs this year on December 21. This is a great time to reflect upon the past and make plans for your future. On December 22, the Sun conjuncts Pluto, now located in Capricorn as of last month. Energetic Mars enters Capricorn on December 26 when you have the drive to accomplish anything you set your mind to! Then, the new Moon in Capricorn on December 27 marks a new beginning. When Mars conjuncts Pluto on December 28, direct this powerful energy toward something you want to achieve. Old 2008 ends with a major review, as Saturn turns retrograde on December 31. Then, Mercury's entrance into independent Aquarius on January 1 begins the year with innovative ideas. The planet of love, Venus, enters the most spiritual sign of the zodiac on January 3, reminding you to see beyond human imperfections, and only the best in everyone. Teamwork is your motto as Jupiter's entrance into Aquarius on January 5 shifts the social climate. It's time to join with others to accomplish your personal goals. The full Moon in Cancer on January 10 reminds you to pay attention to your feelings. On January 11, Mercury turns retrograde in Aquarius, and it's time to conduct a thorough review of your plans for the year ahead. Then, retrograde Mercury joins Jupiter in a conjunction when you'll have plenty to say -- and so will everybody else!
December 21: Sun enters Capricorn
The Winter Solstice is marked each year with the Sun's entrance into practical Capricorn. This is a great time to reflect upon the past and make plans for your future as the Sun illumines a pathway toward the achievement of your goals. The earthy practicality and the drive of this sign present an opportunity for you to take your ambitions and really do something with them! Just like Capricorn's symbol the mountain goat, it is time to climb to the top.
December 22: Sun conjuncts Pluto
This is quite an intense and creative conjunction and is prominent in the new Moon that occurs on December 27. Conjunctions mark new beginnings, yet this particular one is so powerful (partly because Mars is close by) that it requires you to be clear about where you direct your energy -- otherwise someone else is likely to take charge. Do what you need to do to make sure you feel empowered. Then, create something amazing!
December 26: Mars enters Capricorn
Energetic Mars in such an achievement-oriented sign gives you the drive and resourcefulness to accomplish just about anything you set your mind to -- be it starting a business, sticking to your diet, writing a book or finding a mate! There are few placements that have the sheer tenacity of this combo, so make a list of what you want and get going!
December 27: New Moon in Capricorn
This is the last new Moon of the year in ambitious Capricorn, which is fitting as you reflect upon this past year and plan for the new one. Strategize and focus on what you want to achieve in the year ahead. With dynamo Mars and powerful Pluto conjunct this new Moon, it will be important to be in charge of your emotions so that you can utilize the driven nature of this combination. Although some will take this energy and try to dominate or railroad people into doing what they want them to do, the best way to use this new Moon is to have plans or projects and pour into them everything you've got! You will be amazed at what you can accomplish!
This new Moon will most affect those born December 25-29, March 26-30, June 26-30 and September 28-October 2.
December 28: Mars conjunct Pluto
This conjunction has a reputation for being power-hungry although a more enlightened way to use this energy is to take its strength and power and direct it toward something you want to achieve. If you play well with others and don't try to run everything by yourself, influential people will align themselves with you. If you are a control freak and have alienated those who could help you, now may be the time to reconsider what you are doing. Be pro-active instead of reactive and you will be miles ahead of most people. Chances are, you'll earn a few extra karma points along the way!
December 31: Saturn turns retrograde
Saturn is the builder planet. As you are creating the life you want, every now and then it's important for you to review your progress and to make sure that where you are headed is still where you want to go. Saturn turns retrograde once a year providing you with the opportunity for this important review. This retrograde period will last until May 17, 2009. For the best results, correct those areas that are built on a shoddy foundation and weed out anything that is no longer relevant to your life.
January 1: Mercury enters Aquarius
If you've never recorded your thoughts in a journal, this is the perfect year to start as the communication planet enters into the sign of the independent thinker on January 1. Aquarius is a sign known for uniqueness and innovation, so make sure you break out of old ways of thinking. This is your chance to get a fresh start in a new year!
January 3: Venus enters Pisces
The planet of love adores being in the soulful sign Pisces. Enough talk! Enough running around! Words and busy-ness are antithetical to this transit, which lasts until February 3. Instead, find time to sit and watch a beautiful sunset, commune with nature, visit an art museum or meditate for peace, as the concept of love is not only personal when Venus travels through such a universal sign. This is also a great time to meet your soul mate or strengthen the spiritual bonds in an existing relationship.
January 5: Jupiter enters Aquarius
Jupiter takes about one year to travel through a sign and has been in ambitious Capricorn, an earth sign, since December 18, 2007. Earth signs are interested in tangible achievement; air signs (Aquarius being one) are interested in the world of ideas. Jupiter is a planet that has to do with social systems and has something to say about how we relate to the outer world. Because Aquarius is focused on groups and teamwork, expect the year ahead to be one where you are interested in finding like-minded groups and participating more in your community or in the world-at-large.
January 10: Full Moon in Cancer
Last month when the December 27 new Moon was in Capricorn, it was important to be ambitious and find a mountain to climb. Full Moons are always a culmination of what you began at the last new Moon. With this full Moon in security-oriented Cancer, it is important to tune in to your feelings. Worldly ambitions need to be balanced with personal needs. What do you do to soothe and calm yourself? Do you take a bubble bath, eat comfort food, or curl up on the couch with a good book? You'll feel extra sensitive now, and tuning in to your personal needs is a perfect way to step back from all of your out-in-the-world tasks. Saturn's trine to the Moon provides a supportive environment to enhance your security and emotional well-being.
This full Moon will most affect those born January 9-13, April 9-13, July 12-16 and October 13-17
January 11: Mercury turns retrograde
Are you ready for your first Mercury retrograde of the year? The communication planet retrogrades three times a year (although in late December of this year, we will have a fourth one that ends 2009 and begins 2010). This one starts in group-minded Aquarius, returns to Capricorn and won't turn direct until February 1. All Mercury retrograde periods are about returning to previous thoughts, discussions and ideas. Reserve decision-making until Mercury turns direct. Mercury retrograde periods are famous for misunderstandings and glitches in communications and travel systems. Double-check meeting times and travel arrangements, and wait to buy vehicles and communications products of any kind.
January 18: Mercury conjuncts Jupiter
This conjunction may be the only major aspect for the week, but when Jupiter amplifies communicative Mercury, you'll have plenty to say and so will everybody else! Because Mercury is still retrograde, this marks a week where the dialog gets louder about what everybody is already thinking and talking about. Some of the discussion will feel exciting; for some of it you may want to get some earplugs! Whether you join the conversations or not, one thing is for sure -- you won't be able to ignore them!
Enjoy the Sun's transit in Capricorn!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Good Luck
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Plan Ahead
Odd Weekend
Sports Personality of the Year
per-son-al-i-ty Pronunciation [pur-suh-nal-i-tee]
–noun, plural -ties.
1. the visible aspect of one's character as it impresses others: He has a pleasing personality.
2. a person as an embodiment of a collection of qualities: He is a curious personality.
3. Psychology.
a. the sum total of the physical, mental, emotional, and social characteristics of an individual.
b. the organized pattern of behavioral characteristics of the individual.
4. the quality of being a person; existence as a self-conscious human being; personal identity.
5. the essential character of a person.
6. something apprehended as reflective of or analogous to a distinctive human personality, as the atmosphere of a place or thing: This house has a warm personality.
7. a famous, notable, or prominent person; celebrity.
8. application or reference to a particular person or particular persons, often in disparagement or hostility.
9. a disparaging or offensive statement referring to a particular person: The political debate deteriorated into personalities.
The line up and their details can be fully viewed here. The list is as follows.
Rebecca Adlington
Ben Ainslie
Joe Calzaghe
Nicole Cooke
Lewis Hamilton
Chris Hoy
Andy Murray
Christine Ohuruogu
Rebecca Romero
Bradley Wiggins
I was truly inspired by the Olympics and could vote for each/any of those; Andy Murray has kept me entertained and listening to Five Live at odd times of the day and night (Remember Nadal?!) and has been successful this year. Lewis Hamilton - well you know I've been a huge fan all season. He for me has made F1 exciting again.
In terms of a personality ... mm each time I see the athletes in a non sporting environment I feel disappointed - yet their Radio interviews have made me warm to them, Rebecca Romero esp. SO who does my vote go too... I really can't say! In terms of commitment it needs to go to an Olympian - the 4 year thing, the individual thing etc etc. Chris and his 3 gold? Rebecca and her 1 to make it 2 in differing events? Rebecca and her 2 totally unexpected and record breaking golds? Nicole for getting us started? Bradley for being a team stalwart? Christine for being SO relaxed in her victory?
Mmm. Help?! Thoughts?
Strictly Gone Cock-Up
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Nice Barnet..
Oh well its an hour or so on the tube so i'll be dry for the most part!!
Still a dull ache but at least my irrational mood has lifted... ha ha ha! Just as well as my doorbell was pressed loud and long twice this morning - dragging me out of the shower only to discover an official wishing to serve notice of something to my upstairs neighbours... Groan. PULL the cord and ring THEIR bell!!! My doorbell even states my name!?! Hey ho.
Anyways gotta get my layers on.. ta ta.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Who in their right mind would be a girl?!
Tra la la..
That said girl today wears new dog-tooth check skirt, carbon coloured stockings and a meek smile.
Full Moon...
That said I got a lot of work done today.
Very little idle chatter.
Very little anything.
Did I dream it?
Thursday, December 11, 2008
I have worked out that doing what I want to make me happy sets my expectations - so I get inner contentment. All other things then become a treat and a genuine surprise. I have never enjoyed mine due its timing. Always a crushing disappointment!
So I empathise. That said -
*Happy Birthday Simon*
Just think - tomorrow you will be as far away from the next one as poss!
I appear
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
And now
Charles Wemmbley Hogg (BBC 7)
Hairy Palms
And bulgey swimmers eyes...
Thx for calling Sparky!! Good luck with job hunt x
Swimming...or drowning?

Monday, December 08, 2008
Heaven Sent
Darn it
The frost and the river as it warmed in the sun were so perfect. How could I ever get bored with this country? Or indeed this part of it? Especially at this time of day when most are still snoring into their dribble soaked pillows.
A selection of the rest of my Colourful Nature pictures can be found now on Kazza's Walks
Saturday, December 06, 2008
This represents early joy. Paul, me and Dan....(who now knows what a fluffer is....)
And these are the merry members of my team... Fai, Paul, Chris, Dan, Tan and Manisha.
And the plastic teeth have been removed.... I think...
So that was my 8th attendance.
I was up at 9am this morning. Head not too sore. I left at nearly midnight and avoided a punch up at Monument - avoided being chatted up from Bank onwards (late night tubes are fascinating for watching the male species line up their prey) and got home & drank 2 pints of water. I did at least get my Madge song request 'Holiday' and for the Oasis song 'Roll With It' was fortunate to have dance floor pretty much to self... Lovely! Like a good bop! I avoided any embarrassing scenes or situations and even spoke to the nice chap from Finance! Thank heavens that's out the way for another year without mishap! Next time just remind me to wear my jeans and a spangly top...
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
MSN Messenger
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Has my
Monday, December 01, 2008
Your December Forecast:
Wishes Granted
FA Cup Magic..
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Karoona Star'fish'
In other news... I am not a celebrity but if I was I would be yelling to get me out of that camp.. what a vile slice of life.
The new coco pops
Monday, November 24, 2008
Dynamic Change
Week Ahead Part Two: 'Mirror mirror, on the wall... who's the fairest Capricorn of all?' This is not, really, a likely question. It's hard to imagine anyone born under your sign requesting a reply, especially from an inanimate object made of glass. But, then, these are exceptional times we are living through. Just ask the International Monetary Fund. If banks, those bastions of stability can need the kiss of life... if heroes like Obama can get into the White house... why can't Capricorns suddenly turn a little vain? It won't last long. It doesn't need to. Right now, you are the fairest. Venus is in your sign. Numerous admirers insist you're the top of their list. Act with the dignity that you'd expect a pin-up to show!