Wednesday, June 27, 2007


I have a few... and the last week or so I have been very very dark. In fact tomorrow heralds a fortnight of self doubt/fears/loathing/ irritability etc etc. What is going on?

The weather ... well this time last year I was bemoaning the heat. This month has been mad - floods and city centre's deluged. Frightening in fact. In a ground floor flat I would have little chance to save much...

Me at work - severe self doubt. Finally getting back into my stride - in charge this week. Deep ends. This morning started well - I poured orange juice over my cornflakes. I got an early tube which took forever so I was in at 9.27am which annoyed me - when at the helm need to set the standard. And and and. All in all little things which I need to deal with better.

Me at the weekends - confining myself to barracks. Not even a walk.

I need a kick up the backside. I today decided I perhaps needed a spa weekend - to treat myself and revive my brain cells and pamper my bod.

Well tomorrow is midweek and I'm meeting a chum after work - which I am looking forward too...and I did make a few differences today ... somewhere.


Anonymous said...

Black on the ouside black is how i feel on the inside...Mozza aways cheers me up!

4 weeks until you get spanked at Watford X

Karoona said...

i still feel black...