were all setting up for filming outside CW's church'sthis morning as I walked to work and yes that does include the Oasis church...sadly no cast were about so I couldn't acquaint myself with any of them.. oh well!
On another note my neighbours were not at home at all yesterday so I got a proper nights kip - feel much brighter!
Except for wondering what I have done to upset/offend a work colleague...
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Oh dear
Sleep did not arrive until 3am - thanks in part to neighbours and in part to too much loud music through the head phones. And then I had switched off phone alarm - so guess what I overslept and have got to work feeling like I have been dragged through a hedge backwards... nice. Gonna be a long day...
What does it take?

Somehow I have ended up back on this train of thought again (I'm leaving Morton Harket for another day)...only this time I think I have been trying to rekindle some sense of the lust I had for the front man... a sensation I don't think I have had since those days back when. Reality and fantasy dream world seeming to be a mile or so apart. During my whistle stop tour of Kent I once more dipped into the vinyl record collection. What does it take? 12in version played twice. Quite loud. I just touched the roots of all those feelings again. When did I last think about a bloke so intently? Such passion? Such longing. Such imaginative situations. And now - I can't remember the last time I looked twice at anyone in everyday life (actually that is a bit of a lie.... Easter - Good Friday on the train/rail replacement bus service... the Brian Molko lookalike who got on at Meopham and disembarked at Chatham - he had it - but he was probably 10 years my junior - good curtain hair though). Okay so there was that incident quite recently. But nothing/no-one to spur me into to 'risky' gear. No note dropping on bicycles; under car wind screens; in newspapers etc etc, all the exercises I thought were acceptable methods of getting to know the object of your desire 10+ years ago. But not since. Not even a rogue Valentines card to stir the pot of lust.
So I have dug out my Sony Walkman - the cassette version, so I can listen to my TJ tapes and then I recalled I had my Then Jerico video with me here in London - all 5 songs of it! All 5 songs of Mark Shaw looking doe eyed and risque at me.. I have to remind myself that he no longer looks like that! I mean we are both 20 years older... me a mere 34, he now 45.. crikey 46 on the 10th June - a date I have never forgotten.
SO where has this got me? Not sure really. I suspect I am not alone in my idle rewinds of fancy - I mean Jo here has a whole website devoted to the boys but for me has it re-awakened any pulses? Ah well that for the time being would be telling. BUT I have been singing into my hair brush in front of the mirror.. that alone is a pretty good tonic for any sort of desperation! (Not that I am - not after suffering the woman at S/B station who was on her phone NON-STOP all the way to London... look love - you do exist whether or not you are talking to a n other... just stop sharing it with everyone else. I turned my MP3 player up and tried really hard not to lose my patience with the 'sweet' child sat opposite me who keep kicking me.... GRR) I do know one thing though - I still know all the words to 'Play Dead', 'The Hitcher' and 'The Happening'... scary as I can't remember a thing about Tort, Contract, Land Law... Oh well. It's Big Area and sometimes you break me up inside....must look more closely when sprinting through Tooting tho... long haired Mr Shaw... I have some questions!
I did have another thought to share - but it has gone now. Sorry.
But Derby won and went up. The more I type the less I think about having a ciggy. Which is as well. None since Friday pm.
Oh yeah - what does it take to get through a WET COLD Bank Holiday Monday?!
Music music music .....
So I have dug out my Sony Walkman - the cassette version, so I can listen to my TJ tapes and then I recalled I had my Then Jerico video with me here in London - all 5 songs of it! All 5 songs of Mark Shaw looking doe eyed and risque at me.. I have to remind myself that he no longer looks like that! I mean we are both 20 years older... me a mere 34, he now 45.. crikey 46 on the 10th June - a date I have never forgotten.
SO where has this got me? Not sure really. I suspect I am not alone in my idle rewinds of fancy - I mean Jo here has a whole website devoted to the boys but for me has it re-awakened any pulses? Ah well that for the time being would be telling. BUT I have been singing into my hair brush in front of the mirror.. that alone is a pretty good tonic for any sort of desperation! (Not that I am - not after suffering the woman at S/B station who was on her phone NON-STOP all the way to London... look love - you do exist whether or not you are talking to a n other... just stop sharing it with everyone else. I turned my MP3 player up and tried really hard not to lose my patience with the 'sweet' child sat opposite me who keep kicking me.... GRR) I do know one thing though - I still know all the words to 'Play Dead', 'The Hitcher' and 'The Happening'... scary as I can't remember a thing about Tort, Contract, Land Law... Oh well. It's Big Area and sometimes you break me up inside....must look more closely when sprinting through Tooting tho... long haired Mr Shaw... I have some questions!
I did have another thought to share - but it has gone now. Sorry.
But Derby won and went up. The more I type the less I think about having a ciggy. Which is as well. None since Friday pm.
Oh yeah - what does it take to get through a WET COLD Bank Holiday Monday?!
Music music music .....
Monday, May 28, 2007
Splash the cash
or so our Chairman says... invest high - win games - go up.
Except he intends to do this by making the fans pay so I am guessing my season ticket will be greater than 300 quid this time out.... Which is sort of fine - apart from the lack of notice about exactly how much it will be.
But what if we pay more, get a few more players on board and this time next year I am still supporting a League One side?!! Not so good.
Let's wait and see... you all know I am cynical and worse I hate how footie has become a money game - but somehow I can't see my season ticket guaranteeing promotion!!
Congrats to the Rovers and to Blackpool for their promotions...kinda hope Derby go up later today..
Except he intends to do this by making the fans pay so I am guessing my season ticket will be greater than 300 quid this time out.... Which is sort of fine - apart from the lack of notice about exactly how much it will be.
But what if we pay more, get a few more players on board and this time next year I am still supporting a League One side?!! Not so good.
Let's wait and see... you all know I am cynical and worse I hate how footie has become a money game - but somehow I can't see my season ticket guaranteeing promotion!!
Congrats to the Rovers and to Blackpool for their promotions...kinda hope Derby go up later today..
Sunday, May 27, 2007

Still here - so I suspect the council never did come to look at the flat and the mouse problem. And as you can see the main hole they come in and out of is STILL THERE. At least now the mouse poo and wee have been cleaned up the odour gone... I not overly impressed I have to say. But one way of sorting out how bad the hang over is...
May Ball 2007 - theme 007
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Safe. & HAPPY!
Well I had been serenaded at Tottenham Court Road tube station - with an appropriate tune; as we sing it at football.. Then at my request it was Space Oddity. Whoever you were - cheers!
Friday, May 25, 2007
Dilemma (s)
I have already posed one of these to a good friend, so first up:
1) Waterstone's have all Philip Roth books in the 3 for 2 option - which 3 should I have picked up?
I already have 'The Human Stain' & 'The Great American Novel' & 'Everyman'....
2) I desperately need to sort out my holidays - I am looking at doing one of the tours with this company
I am torn between India, Italy, Borneo, America's National Parks, anywhere really!!
3) Tonight is the May Ball. So should I
Drink responsibly and make sure I do not slump in the eyes of my colleagues? Drink way too much and be improper with immediate colleagues? Not so immediate colleagues? Or just do what I always do - sit at the table and witter on about too noisy; too hot; no room on dance floor; sore feet; dress too tight/short?!
4) Having arranged to meet a friend after work last night - they were unable to make it. Text came 15 minutes after arriving at venue. Do I forgive? Add it to the list of imperfect people? Not turn up next time?
5) To watch or not watch Big Brother this series?
5) And so my immediate question - do I do my appraisal prep this afternoon or carry on with my requirements document for a Learning Management System for the firm?!
1) Waterstone's have all Philip Roth books in the 3 for 2 option - which 3 should I have picked up?
I already have 'The Human Stain' & 'The Great American Novel' & 'Everyman'....
2) I desperately need to sort out my holidays - I am looking at doing one of the tours with this company
I am torn between India, Italy, Borneo, America's National Parks, anywhere really!!
3) Tonight is the May Ball. So should I
Drink responsibly and make sure I do not slump in the eyes of my colleagues? Drink way too much and be improper with immediate colleagues? Not so immediate colleagues? Or just do what I always do - sit at the table and witter on about too noisy; too hot; no room on dance floor; sore feet; dress too tight/short?!
4) Having arranged to meet a friend after work last night - they were unable to make it. Text came 15 minutes after arriving at venue. Do I forgive? Add it to the list of imperfect people? Not turn up next time?
5) To watch or not watch Big Brother this series?
5) And so my immediate question - do I do my appraisal prep this afternoon or carry on with my requirements document for a Learning Management System for the firm?!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Harold Saxon
General opinion - it's the Master... and we won't know for sure until the last 2 episodes... eek!
What will it mean for the Universe? What will it mean for Andrew Gormley's strange men all looking towards Haywards Gallery? What will it mean for the Doctor? Will Tom Baker ever do a voice over again?
Roll on Saturday!!!
As an aside/link I thought Freema looked swell at the BAFTA awards. Was slightly miffed that Victoria Wood got one (she was awful in Victoria's Empire). I was however drawn by Jim Broadbent's BAFTA win to watch 'Longford' last night. About how a Lord who found religion became a prisoner visitor and in the process got to know Myra Hindley (as much as anyone ever could I suspect).
Got me thinking - I guess a key reason I did a law degree was my fascination for criminals/crime and public attitudes towards it. This programme seemed to graze all those issues and punch up the ideal that people can reform - maybe she did - maybe she didn't. Can a person who is 'evil' ever change? Be educated out of it? What makes people evil in the first place? It was a well put together drama and I went to bed with as many questions as answers...
What will it mean for the Universe? What will it mean for Andrew Gormley's strange men all looking towards Haywards Gallery? What will it mean for the Doctor? Will Tom Baker ever do a voice over again?
Roll on Saturday!!!
As an aside/link I thought Freema looked swell at the BAFTA awards. Was slightly miffed that Victoria Wood got one (she was awful in Victoria's Empire). I was however drawn by Jim Broadbent's BAFTA win to watch 'Longford' last night. About how a Lord who found religion became a prisoner visitor and in the process got to know Myra Hindley (as much as anyone ever could I suspect).
Got me thinking - I guess a key reason I did a law degree was my fascination for criminals/crime and public attitudes towards it. This programme seemed to graze all those issues and punch up the ideal that people can reform - maybe she did - maybe she didn't. Can a person who is 'evil' ever change? Be educated out of it? What makes people evil in the first place? It was a well put together drama and I went to bed with as many questions as answers...
when buying new trainers don't then attempt to walk 10 miles in them without a period of breaking them in! My legs and general health were fine Monday morning but the backs of my feet had been rubbed raw - so I am now struggling to find comfortable shoe wear for day to day! Ouch! Oh well if this lovely weather continues the sandals will be out - painted toe nails already in place!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Weekender - Sat/Sun
The Doctor nearly frazzled to death... eeek! Casualty was dull - so dull I decided to put my photos in an album - 1990-1999 - very amusing!!
I worked Sunday am and then walked home!! Straight walk home, 10 miles in 2 hours... to white wine and cricket in the pub... lovely!
I worked Sunday am and then walked home!! Straight walk home, 10 miles in 2 hours... to white wine and cricket in the pub... lovely!
Weekender - Fri/Sat
Well Friday's quick pint turned into something of a session - I suspect much needed!
Couple (OK 4) pints of Master Brew in the Bishops Finger - followed by several vodka cokes in a local establishment I found myself in. The local establishment is not really a replacement for the beloved Nelson but it has its moments. So after meeting a few more friendly locals I discovered my pit at 1am. Nice.
Saturday morning I was remarkably bright and breezy and sorted my washing - went for a wander at some local shops (new trainers; new bag - for work so I can carry stuff on my back not under my arm which restricts pace and some girlie make up for impending May Ball) and returned home in time for footballing history.
Yes the new Wembley opened its doors for the football spectacular we had 'all' been waiting for, The FA Cup Final. The teams were Man Utd and Chelsea the cream of the Premiership. It was going to be a game never to forget.
Or so they said.
In my drunken stupor Friday night I had rounded on several people and expressed my utter disgust at the media hype, the footballing in-consequence and my belief it would be a boring 0-0 draw with some penalties at the end. Yet even though I foresaw most of this I still sat in front on my TV at 3.00pm to join in the 'footballing' experience (cos apparently if you love football how can you NOT watch the FA Cup Final?!) So I watched and then in the comfort of my sofa I erm fell asleep.
I dreamt of pleasant things - a new stadium for the Gills, no debts, great Wembley trips to come and winning a few more games over a season to get us in the top half of the table... and then I woke up (clearly that level of excitement is too much even for me).
Joy 0-0 and the second half of extra time. I was so pleased with my Friday pm prediction. As it was I was slightly out - but only slightly. Drogba scored and it was over. Did I care? Not really.
Do I care now? Nope not at all. Two very well off teams with players who can only play when there's a real financial gain to be had and frankly if Man U are willing to play into the hands of boring let's keep em contained Chelsea then that's what happens. I feel a slight sorrow for anyone who paid a fortune to go; get a ticket, spend a TENNER on a programme (for that I hope it was Interactive). But most of all I feel sorry for football. For the lower division clubs which were touched by the FA Cup draws along the way - was that all their efforts were really worth? These games really do make a difference to a season if you get a big club - the excitement, the romance and the slim hope it could be you at Wembley... But on the performance of our top notches - oh well.
Next year maybe.
And if not us, the Gills, please can we have some other exciting teams in the final next year?!?!? PLEASE!!! Give us all some hope! Spurs V West Ham would be good!
So Saturday was redeemed .. just ...by Doctor Who!!!
Couple (OK 4) pints of Master Brew in the Bishops Finger - followed by several vodka cokes in a local establishment I found myself in. The local establishment is not really a replacement for the beloved Nelson but it has its moments. So after meeting a few more friendly locals I discovered my pit at 1am. Nice.
Saturday morning I was remarkably bright and breezy and sorted my washing - went for a wander at some local shops (new trainers; new bag - for work so I can carry stuff on my back not under my arm which restricts pace and some girlie make up for impending May Ball) and returned home in time for footballing history.
Yes the new Wembley opened its doors for the football spectacular we had 'all' been waiting for, The FA Cup Final. The teams were Man Utd and Chelsea the cream of the Premiership. It was going to be a game never to forget.
Or so they said.
In my drunken stupor Friday night I had rounded on several people and expressed my utter disgust at the media hype, the footballing in-consequence and my belief it would be a boring 0-0 draw with some penalties at the end. Yet even though I foresaw most of this I still sat in front on my TV at 3.00pm to join in the 'footballing' experience (cos apparently if you love football how can you NOT watch the FA Cup Final?!) So I watched and then in the comfort of my sofa I erm fell asleep.
I dreamt of pleasant things - a new stadium for the Gills, no debts, great Wembley trips to come and winning a few more games over a season to get us in the top half of the table... and then I woke up (clearly that level of excitement is too much even for me).
Joy 0-0 and the second half of extra time. I was so pleased with my Friday pm prediction. As it was I was slightly out - but only slightly. Drogba scored and it was over. Did I care? Not really.
Do I care now? Nope not at all. Two very well off teams with players who can only play when there's a real financial gain to be had and frankly if Man U are willing to play into the hands of boring let's keep em contained Chelsea then that's what happens. I feel a slight sorrow for anyone who paid a fortune to go; get a ticket, spend a TENNER on a programme (for that I hope it was Interactive). But most of all I feel sorry for football. For the lower division clubs which were touched by the FA Cup draws along the way - was that all their efforts were really worth? These games really do make a difference to a season if you get a big club - the excitement, the romance and the slim hope it could be you at Wembley... But on the performance of our top notches - oh well.
Next year maybe.
And if not us, the Gills, please can we have some other exciting teams in the final next year?!?!? PLEASE!!! Give us all some hope! Spurs V West Ham would be good!
So Saturday was redeemed .. just ...by Doctor Who!!!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
the council exterminators are at my flat as we speak .... before I left for work this morning I uncovered all the holes they have nibbled into various walls, skirting boards and floor boards so council man and landlord can see the damage and issues..... hopefully a 3rd party may enforce upon my Landlord sorting out my kitchen.
I can also report the Superdrug bright orange earplugs do the job - once you put them in correctly (according to the pack instructions!) so much so my clock alarm is now at 100 decibels to wake me in the morning.. which this morning was a relief as I had been dreaming of the Firm's document management system... yikes.
Oh yeah and Jose got arrested for dog stuff!? Yawn.
I can also report the Superdrug bright orange earplugs do the job - once you put them in correctly (according to the pack instructions!) so much so my clock alarm is now at 100 decibels to wake me in the morning.. which this morning was a relief as I had been dreaming of the Firm's document management system... yikes.
Oh yeah and Jose got arrested for dog stuff!? Yawn.
This amused me...
I did watch the F-word last night - (Tuesday's have now become fortress Channel 4 - 'How to look good naked' followed by our Gordon, as Holby City has been superceded by Holby Blue - why I know not) and as the punters were tucking into horse meat my face was grimacing and my morals twanging.... otherwise I quite like the show. Bit of straight talking never did anyone any harm!
Well except Black Beauty of course.
I did watch the F-word last night - (Tuesday's have now become fortress Channel 4 - 'How to look good naked' followed by our Gordon, as Holby City has been superceded by Holby Blue - why I know not) and as the punters were tucking into horse meat my face was grimacing and my morals twanging.... otherwise I quite like the show. Bit of straight talking never did anyone any harm!
Well except Black Beauty of course.
Bee Girl
Pearl Jam - Bee Girl
Bee girl, you're gonna die.
You don't wanna be famous, you wanna be shy.
Do your dances alone in your room.
Becoming a star will become your doom.
Bee Girl, be a girl. [x2]
You know time is long, and life is short.
Begin to live while you still can.
Believe in nothing, believe me,
Those who can be trusted can change their mind.
When the anxious is the present, unwrap your gifts, take your time.
Everything you imagine needn't be stuck in your mind.
Bee Girl, be a girl... [x2]
Thanks Eddie et al - heard this on random last night on stomp to waterloo - Begin to Live while you can... be a girl... seemed to fit.
think I am down hearted. I am ok in myself.
I just have days when I feel that requesting time with people I perceive to be friends, or indeed are, can be interpreted as being a desperado. I guess the problem is I have few friends in the locale. And I have got used to being by myself. And I am conscious that I devote too much time to work and not enough to pursuits outside - so my opportunities for expanding my friend network is worsened.
I guess when was more about me getting off my back side and making an effort to meet new people.
and apologies to those people for whom my needs, now and again, to spend time with them as other humans seems to be clingy. desperate. I'm not - I just like you! As a human! And there are various people I have had that feeling with recently... its no doubt self induced. So ignore if so.
And on that note time to leave work and spend an entertaining evening at home. On me todd! ttfn.
I just have days when I feel that requesting time with people I perceive to be friends, or indeed are, can be interpreted as being a desperado. I guess the problem is I have few friends in the locale. And I have got used to being by myself. And I am conscious that I devote too much time to work and not enough to pursuits outside - so my opportunities for expanding my friend network is worsened.
I guess when was more about me getting off my back side and making an effort to meet new people.
and apologies to those people for whom my needs, now and again, to spend time with them as other humans seems to be clingy. desperate. I'm not - I just like you! As a human! And there are various people I have had that feeling with recently... its no doubt self induced. So ignore if so.
And on that note time to leave work and spend an entertaining evening at home. On me todd! ttfn.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
does being alone/of one/single become desperate to those close to you?
i wrote another post - full of anger and loathing - but in true me style its a draft. why share my deepest fears with the world...when this question sums it up?
i wrote another post - full of anger and loathing - but in true me style its a draft. why share my deepest fears with the world...when this question sums it up?
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Who do people say you look like?

Chloe O'Brian from 24?!

Well that is according to a colleague at work. I do not have Sky so it meant nothing to me - and I said straight away well I have been called far worse.
Not sure I see it myself. Nor did I see the comparison with Ms C Rice.
There was an Eastenders character - Sandra Di Marco whom I also got compared too...
Funny old world!!
Peep Show
For ages I have meant to say what an amusing find this programme has been..Peep Show with Mitchell and Webb. I first caught it on E4 on Friday evenings and the latest series is currently on C4.
I mention it now as Friday's episode was around the theme of a stag weekend. Jez & Mark on a canal boat going @ 4mph along the canal.... sound familiar? Has Furry set a trend? Did Furry also end up with a bag of bar-b-q turkey legs? Was the blog a cunning disguise?
Either way the imagery made me chuckle that little bit louder.
I mention it now as Friday's episode was around the theme of a stag weekend. Jez & Mark on a canal boat going @ 4mph along the canal.... sound familiar? Has Furry set a trend? Did Furry also end up with a bag of bar-b-q turkey legs? Was the blog a cunning disguise?
Either way the imagery made me chuckle that little bit louder.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
On Imagine last night with Alan Yentob... I went interactive to see their dance - hilarious!
You can download a one-off genuine G & G print on the Imagine Website - but hurry!
You can download a one-off genuine G & G print on the Imagine Website - but hurry!
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
I have
toothache. neck ache. eye ache.
Superdrug just made a packet out of me in potions! Was able to find the highly recommended ear plugs there as well though - which was good bearing in mind my pointless. soaked to the skin experience in Tooting yesterday!
Superdrug just made a packet out of me in potions! Was able to find the highly recommended ear plugs there as well though - which was good bearing in mind my pointless. soaked to the skin experience in Tooting yesterday!
Hokey Cokey
And so the end of season determines who stays and who goes. According to the GFC official site four contracts offered - 6 not.. Can't help feeling letting Leon Johnson go is a crime. Oh well. Let's see if Cox, Flynn, Spiller and Jackman re-sign. predictably no mention of Matty J. I can only assume the deal has been done which would explain why he hasn't played out the last few games nor been mentioned thus far... In other news the fixtures for next season will be released on 14th June! Hooray!
Monday, May 07, 2007
Bank Holiday Monday
and its grey and drizzling... nice.
Have decided next Saturday will be hair dying day! Colour to be confirmed!
Have spoken to my bro and sis-in-law this morning - planning for their trip in August! Be good to spend some time together and be sharing my city with them for a few days.
As for the rest of the day - just off out for a damp stomp! :-)
Have decided next Saturday will be hair dying day! Colour to be confirmed!
Have spoken to my bro and sis-in-law this morning - planning for their trip in August! Be good to spend some time together and be sharing my city with them for a few days.
As for the rest of the day - just off out for a damp stomp! :-)
tea bags...rock!
I have to say I have really appreciated every minute of today. A complete reversal from last Sunday! Had a lovely cooked breakfast, did some pottering, listened to the last day of the Championship - well done Nayron & Sunderland, good to see the Gills' alumni doing well! And then after a marathon Eastenders (sad huh - but now and again dozing in front of the TV is necessary! I listened as Arsenal & Chelsea drew... ahh! So Man U Suck win the league and all that remains is final slug off for the FA Cup. With the footie over 6-0-6 and spag bol for which I had made the sauce last night - delicious!
Just watched a rather spooky, mind bending & disturbing Dalziel and Pascoe... and best up they are making us wait to next week for the conclusion.
I do have one gripe this evening DOCTOR WHO IS NOT ON NEXT WEEK COS OF THE BLEEDIN' EUROVISION SONG CONTEST!!! Someone better save me next weekend....and the best part of today - knowing you don't have to get up and go to work in the morning.
I have to say I have really appreciated every minute of today. A complete reversal from last Sunday! Had a lovely cooked breakfast, did some pottering, listened to the last day of the Championship - well done Nayron & Sunderland, good to see the Gills' alumni doing well! And then after a marathon Eastenders (sad huh - but now and again dozing in front of the TV is necessary! I listened as Arsenal & Chelsea drew... ahh! So Man U Suck win the league and all that remains is final slug off for the FA Cup. With the footie over 6-0-6 and spag bol for which I had made the sauce last night - delicious!
Just watched a rather spooky, mind bending & disturbing Dalziel and Pascoe... and best up they are making us wait to next week for the conclusion.
I do have one gripe this evening DOCTOR WHO IS NOT ON NEXT WEEK COS OF THE BLEEDIN' EUROVISION SONG CONTEST!!! Someone better save me next weekend....and the best part of today - knowing you don't have to get up and go to work in the morning.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Gillingham 0 - Yeovil Town 2
And so the season draws to a close. It has had its ups and downs. Thankfully with a few unexpected results we pulled ourselves out of the relegation zone before today, thanks to those wins at Chesterfield and the home win against Bristol City.
Today's game scored high on the boring meter. With each minute I was hoping that added time would be short. It was an empty game. We were safe in our mid table obscurity and they were safe in their play off zone. The Tit was around outside the ground, with wife, in a suit so I assume to 'celebrate' 'his' teams successful safety he treated himself to a box. Twit. Though the way 90 minutes dragged today, free beer and upmarket pie n chips might have been a better alternative.
Ah well 90 minutes up. We finish 16th on 59 points. The team do a circuit. We applaud our thanks. Who will still be in that bunch next season? Who can tell? Then the seasoned season ticket holders shrug their shoulders and we wonder if we will all be back again next season. The pie family, the twins, the Pompey fan, the lad & his mate to my left, Colin and Arfur on Dad's right. Faces and lives which we only see for 90 mins each Saturday spent at the Rainham End. May they have a good summer. We bid adieus and go our separate ways.
So as a team we say goodbye to Scunthorpe and Bristol City (hope they fork out for some seat backs at the away end now) and we also see the quartet of Chesterfield (nice place!), Bradford, Rotherham (pity chaps you really did try hard to overcome the 10 point deficit) and Brentford slip into League Two. As for potential away venues next season we can welcome - Walsall, Hartlepool and Swindon (eek) & a n other from League Two and coming down to join us.... Southend, Luton and Leeds. Yes that says Leeds.
Today's game scored high on the boring meter. With each minute I was hoping that added time would be short. It was an empty game. We were safe in our mid table obscurity and they were safe in their play off zone. The Tit was around outside the ground, with wife, in a suit so I assume to 'celebrate' 'his' teams successful safety he treated himself to a box. Twit. Though the way 90 minutes dragged today, free beer and upmarket pie n chips might have been a better alternative.
Ah well 90 minutes up. We finish 16th on 59 points. The team do a circuit. We applaud our thanks. Who will still be in that bunch next season? Who can tell? Then the seasoned season ticket holders shrug their shoulders and we wonder if we will all be back again next season. The pie family, the twins, the Pompey fan, the lad & his mate to my left, Colin and Arfur on Dad's right. Faces and lives which we only see for 90 mins each Saturday spent at the Rainham End. May they have a good summer. We bid adieus and go our separate ways.
So as a team we say goodbye to Scunthorpe and Bristol City (hope they fork out for some seat backs at the away end now) and we also see the quartet of Chesterfield (nice place!), Bradford, Rotherham (pity chaps you really did try hard to overcome the 10 point deficit) and Brentford slip into League Two. As for potential away venues next season we can welcome - Walsall, Hartlepool and Swindon (eek) & a n other from League Two and coming down to join us.... Southend, Luton and Leeds. Yes that says Leeds.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
I have been accused of not publishing peoples comments recently..
I can hand on heart say if you submit a comment that reaches my moderation box then I DO publish comments (except for one which was a bit detrimental to Robert Elms - thanks Paul Morley). Blogger doesn't always get said comments - in which case I suggest you email me accordingly and I will incorporate comments.
If it fails or I fail to publish after a few days - try resubmitting the comment - meanwhile I will raise an error with Blogger...
crikey life imitating work already....
Apologies to all who have been affected - this has not been delibrate. The comments make the blog and encourage me to write more frequently... so keep 'em coming!
I can hand on heart say if you submit a comment that reaches my moderation box then I DO publish comments (except for one which was a bit detrimental to Robert Elms - thanks Paul Morley). Blogger doesn't always get said comments - in which case I suggest you email me accordingly and I will incorporate comments.
If it fails or I fail to publish after a few days - try resubmitting the comment - meanwhile I will raise an error with Blogger...
crikey life imitating work already....
Apologies to all who have been affected - this has not been delibrate. The comments make the blog and encourage me to write more frequently... so keep 'em coming!
I found this..
Born on the 2nd, January:
A bit of a Capricorn flake, this person frequently backs out of a project, a house buy or even a marriage at the last minute and makes everybody around her nervous. January 2 was blessed with all the usual good fairy gifts at birth. The good looks are magical. The brain fast. The charm snaps, crackles and pops. But January 2 just can't make up her mind. In part it's the Eeyore tendency common to many winter people. Her beauty praised, January 2 moans about the spot on her chin. A job well done pleases the boss and this worker murmurs that it would have been better if the computer hadn't kept crashing. Weddings are a nightmare. They can't decide if the future spouse is right for them, if the flowers should be white, if estranged Uncle David should be invited and if the food should be smoked salmon or coronation chicken. Best men born on this day, bridegrooms, and worse still, fathers always tell deeply Capricorny jokes in wedding speeches and then worry for the rest of the day that they weren't fanny enough. Many do manage to control the flakey side to their nature, and then a little doubt can be useful, keeping them watchful as they rise up the ladder. Best places for an ambitious January 2 are some form of politics where their industry, sharp wits and honesty marks them out, the armed forces, police force and for the arty ones, the theatre, design and architecture. But where marriage or living together is concerned, this can be an unreliable date upon which to hang your hat. January 2 men can be found whispering 'My wife doesn't really understand me' to a long-legged person in a secret bar. And the girls easily come to the conclusion that they've hitched themselves to a falling comet. This star is always convinced that there's a lusciouser shade of blue in another part of the night sky. (POSSIBLY)
January 2 is fascinated by haunted places and likes to motor around Britain ghost spotting. At Oldstone Hall in Devonshire locals insist the ghost of Laura Dimes still haunts her ruined bedroom. Forbidden by her parents to meet her secret husband, Laura's riding hat was spotted one morning in the pond, close to the bank. Bizarrely, Laura's dead body stood bolt upright, directly beneath the hat. More generally, Cornwall's Bodmin Moor is one of Britain's most haunted landscapes. There are skeletons driving ghostly carriages, people who vanish in a strange mist that descends and remote spots brimming with horrific feelings of timeless melancholy. (WHAT A LOT OF ROT!)
In Tarot the 2nd card of the Major Arcana is The Priestess. She brings an awareness of otherwordly secrets, gentle reserve and a hatred of gossip. Bad qualities include edginess, untrustworthiness, a hard heart and laziness. (MAYBE------- YOU TELL ME!!!)
A bit of a Capricorn flake, this person frequently backs out of a project, a house buy or even a marriage at the last minute and makes everybody around her nervous. January 2 was blessed with all the usual good fairy gifts at birth. The good looks are magical. The brain fast. The charm snaps, crackles and pops. But January 2 just can't make up her mind. In part it's the Eeyore tendency common to many winter people. Her beauty praised, January 2 moans about the spot on her chin. A job well done pleases the boss and this worker murmurs that it would have been better if the computer hadn't kept crashing. Weddings are a nightmare. They can't decide if the future spouse is right for them, if the flowers should be white, if estranged Uncle David should be invited and if the food should be smoked salmon or coronation chicken. Best men born on this day, bridegrooms, and worse still, fathers always tell deeply Capricorny jokes in wedding speeches and then worry for the rest of the day that they weren't fanny enough. Many do manage to control the flakey side to their nature, and then a little doubt can be useful, keeping them watchful as they rise up the ladder. Best places for an ambitious January 2 are some form of politics where their industry, sharp wits and honesty marks them out, the armed forces, police force and for the arty ones, the theatre, design and architecture. But where marriage or living together is concerned, this can be an unreliable date upon which to hang your hat. January 2 men can be found whispering 'My wife doesn't really understand me' to a long-legged person in a secret bar. And the girls easily come to the conclusion that they've hitched themselves to a falling comet. This star is always convinced that there's a lusciouser shade of blue in another part of the night sky. (POSSIBLY)
January 2 is fascinated by haunted places and likes to motor around Britain ghost spotting. At Oldstone Hall in Devonshire locals insist the ghost of Laura Dimes still haunts her ruined bedroom. Forbidden by her parents to meet her secret husband, Laura's riding hat was spotted one morning in the pond, close to the bank. Bizarrely, Laura's dead body stood bolt upright, directly beneath the hat. More generally, Cornwall's Bodmin Moor is one of Britain's most haunted landscapes. There are skeletons driving ghostly carriages, people who vanish in a strange mist that descends and remote spots brimming with horrific feelings of timeless melancholy. (WHAT A LOT OF ROT!)
In Tarot the 2nd card of the Major Arcana is The Priestess. She brings an awareness of otherwordly secrets, gentle reserve and a hatred of gossip. Bad qualities include edginess, untrustworthiness, a hard heart and laziness. (MAYBE------- YOU TELL ME!!!)
C'mon the Pool!
What a win! 40p man - beware!!
Ironic really - maybe the God of Football, Gola, is finally proving that the spirit of football will prevail - MONEY can't buy success. How Jose then had the gaul to say that the Blue team played better I do not know... oh well. Torn as to who I want to win tonight - part of me think hey an all English final would be novel - but then again!
Ironic really - maybe the God of Football, Gola, is finally proving that the spirit of football will prevail - MONEY can't buy success. How Jose then had the gaul to say that the Blue team played better I do not know... oh well. Torn as to who I want to win tonight - part of me think hey an all English final would be novel - but then again!
sleep so here I am - early. The tube was farily pleasant - not too sweaty at that time of the morning.
Five Live Breakfast were talking about moths and how they are becoming endangered - I must let them know my flat is a breeding ground. I almost felt bad for the number I have swotted.
The other ground break news - my flat is mice filled once more. So the traps have been re set and my resolve to exterminate high.
I suspect I have anger issues. Not sure from where, but they are certainly there.
And so my first day as ADM... not much really changes! Keep smiling all.
Five Live Breakfast were talking about moths and how they are becoming endangered - I must let them know my flat is a breeding ground. I almost felt bad for the number I have swotted.
The other ground break news - my flat is mice filled once more. So the traps have been re set and my resolve to exterminate high.
I suspect I have anger issues. Not sure from where, but they are certainly there.
And so my first day as ADM... not much really changes! Keep smiling all.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Not my team. But me. Which is almost as good!!
Today I have been promoted to Assistant Development Manager. Hooray!
Drinks on me then!! :-)
Today I have been promoted to Assistant Development Manager. Hooray!
Drinks on me then!! :-)
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