Sunday, April 29, 2007


The number of this post.
My 501st.
Levi 501's.
Our techie meeting room is 501.

At the current rate of testing I will be here until 5.01pm. Grr. Got here at 9.30am. Was hoping to leave around 3ish so I could do 2 hour walk home - clear my head and wear myself out so I'd sleep soundly in readiness for tomorrow. Not sure if people texting me is helping especially when they are out and about having fun! Shouldn't be so ungrateful I know. At least I can listen to the radio without issue - bit like being at home really. The Archers were fairly amusing - Jennifer really hasn't understood the Ruairi (that's Rory, for those of you not familiar with Archers Irish spelling!) issue has she... Am now onto Radio 5 for the footie commentaries of the day...

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