Saturday, September 30, 2006
My brain
The radio has been my friend, not that I was conscious for most of the day. Now I am just aware that I have Monday even more high pressured. Getting all my work things sorted. As for now going to brave some food and then thinkg about tidying up flat/doing washing and generally getting myself in some sort of order so that tomorrow I can start making piles of things to take.
Mum and Dad landed ok - if a day earlier than they had led my brother to believe. Oops.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
7 more views...
I am currently living with lists. Lists of things still to purchase for trip; list of things to pack; list of things to do before I go... I am feeling there are too few hours to do too many things!! Oh and the weather looks naff for weekend so washing of essential clothes to take could be a pain to get dry... fret fret fret!!!
Leyton Orient 3 - Gillingham 3
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Quick book update
Cherubs and Mirrors

Today however I was in London - Monday and for a change I was on fairly good form. Maybe its the demob effect - or maybe its the fact that with now 5 days to go I have plenty to prepare and sort out before I can leave with a clear conscience. So being busy gives me a buzz. I had lost a 1lb and generally felt very bouncy as I walked to and from WW at lunch time. COme the end of the day and more additions to my never ending list of things to do I decided to walk to Waterloo. The long way. It was nearly 7pm, the leaves were falling, the gates to the Embankment parks were closed and the final drops of rain were falling. The dusk on the river brought out the lights of the South Bank. Total contrast to the river in July yet still enough to make me smile. I want to drink it all in before I go away. Not sure why - I have this morbid idea about things and want to indulge in all my favourite views and walks before I go. Just in case.
The weekend was slightly odd. The relationship I have with my parents taking a few different twists and turns. I have no idea how it feels to be 65+ and no longer going to work. No concept of how I would feel if my day to day control and routine were suddenly gone. I wish I could provide answers but I suspect that's something you face when it happens and when you do get there habit and character are so entrenched it becomes harder to see the options. I also have no concept of what it is like to share your life with someone for 36 years, so its hard to know what to say. The shifting sands of parent child relationships. Yet as they are both among my best friends I suspect all I can do is show my concern and offer my honest views. Gently of course! Communication, communciation, communication. Which is why I have suggested to my future sister in law that we spend some time together while I am out there. A chance to talk and learn about each other. Nothing heavy just a means to connect perhaps. Gosh. Sometimes my assertiveness scares me. I never used to be like that!!! Maybe its my newly formed cleavage which has brought about this change of aura!!! Eye eye!!
Monday, September 25, 2006
Oldham Athletic 4 - Gillingham 1
The ground itself was fine enough. At least the seats had backs. The sun was not in the eyes and the stand covered. We supped a Boddingtons - well we were just off the Manchester ring road.

Found a seat and took some pictures of the ground, the weather more than tolerable for the time of year so a soccer shirt and sun glasses were the order of the day. Lots of singing and drum banging from the 247 Gills fans who had also travelled north. Cheerleaders came out for pre match entertainment, as the mascots of the land were amassing in some part of the UK for the Mascot Grand National held today. The cheerleading concept is pretty dire, but this one had a highlight, namely the groundsmen putting the underwater jet sprays on and yes soaking the poor little girlies.
The Teams run out... the only thing we did do right!
The result less impressive. The first goal was a mistake. Two defenders falling over each other and goalie helplessly looking at the ball in the back of the net. The second goal not much better. The third. Well kicked off for the second half. One touch long boot up the pitch. A bounce and oops its gone in over the keepers head. Embarassing. Where were the midfield? What happened to the defence. Two subs at half time couldn't rouse us. WAS this the same side who had filleted Swansea last Saturday??
We got a penalty. A minor achievement. And with Oldham exerting more pressure it looked as though we were going to sink the last Bristol City levels as per last season. Their last goal was a screamer and the pick of the bunch. And so the coach journey home. Quiet. I listened to music and dozed. By 10.30 we were home. Its one way to spend a Saturday and certainly not everyone's cup of tea. A fairly good day out - but a naff result and an indictment of the state of the league.

Oh well - Leyton Orient Tuesday pm. What hell will I go through then I wonder? Well not a 10 hour round trip coach ride that's for sure!!!
Friday, September 22, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Sumptuous September!
For these obvious reasons it has kept everyone's mood light and jolly! Hoorah!
Rigby and Peller
Joy and des'pair'!
5 years ago
Wednesday, September 20, 2006

My passion, My 'religion', My romance.
The more fundamental questions need to be addressed... Does the FA want to ensure grassroots continue? Can the FA stem the tide? Financially how many more clubs are going to have dalliances with adminstration? Will the sport only be satisified when all that remains is an elite division of 20 clubs with all other leagues disbanded? I do wonder.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
I seem to recall
Have logged my error issues with Blogger this morning - I am still smarting about losing such a long post - but at least I know I have now helped the greater good by reporting the issue!
Have a haircut at lunchtime! Much needed.
Oh and the Metro headline this morning stated the bleedin' obvious 'Global Warming IS fault of man' (note not woman!) well I am glad I didn't have to pay for that particular newspaper....(worth picking up though for the pictures of the American Ryder Cup team in their tweeds and tank tops!!?!?! My how modern!?)
Celeb Spot...
Michael Howard Tory MP walking into Redfern Ave. He looked very ill to be honest. But it transpires he is a Swans fan. Would explain it. Or perhaps the look of Tory Blue contempt headed from my way made him look a bit unsettled?!
Certainly quieter walk back. Have to say most of the police men on the route back looked very tasty! Am I getting old?! No I didn't say they were looking young!
And those I have penned have been lost when I try to publish. So a potted version of my recent 'lost post'.
Spooks. Why was it grey weather wise on the bridge when Adam and Ros met? It was sunny in town?
Men - why walk with a hand in your pocket?
Dr S - I was discussing how brillant being in Bristol with you had been. Pity the weekend was a no goer - been good to catch up.
Trip to Australia. Excited. Apprehensive - leaving work in its current aura/London/ 24 hour flight.
PC - took all my time yesterday.
Ripped cd's.
Went to bed at 1am yesterday, if I rewrote my original post for today then would be doing so again tonight.
Going to save this as a draft... BRB
Big four Prem teams - erm 2 goals between them.
David and Sophie (voice of Vicar Janet) to song before Sam seduces Ruth.
ooh Christian Bale on FIlm 2006. AND David Bowie!!! I say.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Gillingham ootball Club
Gillingham 3 - Swansea City 1
We were supreme! Totally supreme!
'Looks like Cox and Jarvis destroyed us from reading the press reports', Swansea Jack.
My response: It felt that way when I was there on Saturday pm – but seeing the goals on the Championship yesterday morning it all looked a bit Sunday am in the park.
In truth Jarvis’ goal was a beauty, as for Cox he is always liable to score the odd one or two – so that’s him for the season! It was pretty amazing seeing us push harder and actually string together passes and shots. We should have had more goals. The Swansea boys looked a bit lost. Perhaps they shouldn’t play in black when away! The atmosphere when the second went in was of joy. Some relief, which was heightened by the third. I refuse thought to start singing 'easy! easy! easy!' when this happens as I suspect it is bound to turn the result on its head! It didn't. Even the substitution of our former player T Williams wasn't enough to upset our apple cart! Top performance! Was proud to wear my shirt! Very proud indeed!
I am off to Oldham Saturday for my first proper away day this season – that will be a test. Can’t believe how tight the division looks now… here we go again. Just hope we can retain some sense of form. Report and travelling fan pictures to appear here at a later date!
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Bring on the Swans!
I reckon 1 all. Maybe 2 all. A draw either way. Oh and no fighting ont he way back to the station afterwards.
Read all about it here tomorrow pm!
I have not switched it on since April and consequently an Ops guy came to check that I still had it. I did. I do. So I switched it on and charged it up knowing that I would then put back in my desk drawer and forget about it until Christmas again. I mentioned this in passing to my boss.
It has now been altered so it uses my mailbox.
I am now emailable no matter where I am.
I feel slightly perturbed at this thought.
Friday, September 15, 2006
As I walked to Bank tube with my ruck sack of nearly purchased books - this guy walking towards me caught my eye. I thought Oh no another drunken Londoner... but no - he looked at me smiled and as we passed said 'Hey, great outfit!' ... I said Hey thanks, smiled carried on walking and thought of my earlier posting - yes I did get a spring in my step but better still I realised I wasn't alone in my desire to share some good vibes for a change. So whoever you were Mister - THANK YOU!
What WERE the chances of that ever happening? Let alone today? Straight after I'd posted a thought I had been having for weeks..... ?!
Wouldn't it be good..
Wednesday morning Five Live were talking about fans leaving early. And how you should never leave early - and name the game you left early and wished you hadn't. I nearly texted in to say game I wish I had left early and the reasons why.. oh yeah to avoid abuse and missiles. But I didn't.
It seems the press still have this remit to convey to us how rosy everything is in the fans garden (except England games when the hooligans become prime documentary fodder again). Well clearly it is not.
I fully understand that GFC are seen as the local enemy. We live in caravans, they live in tower blocks. But even in previous meetings (admittedly Saturday afternoons) I don't recall scenes like Tuesday. I do recall boarded up pubs and generally waiting for a later train, maybe that's why I have missed all this 'action' in the past, but certainly not the anger and desire to get stuck in. I wonder what it would have been like if they had won and been strutting their stuff? Will I go to the away fixture? Maybe I will - just to get a balanced view. Away crowds do tend to be more vocal and predominantly males who want to spend their spare cash on a Saturday away day. But this was a Tuesday - an evening. Mmm. Maybe more beers pre train down and then some on the train. I am keen to see how the fans are on their own turf.
Quick aside! I bought my 06/07 shirt on Tuesday (another rant on that front - 40 quid for badly sewn together pieces of horrid material 'stitched' together in some kind of random way - disgraceful) and today when emptying out my rucksack (to put new reads in) I found a plastic bracelet (like the make poverty history ones) which is blue, and white (and red - another rant moment looms!) but says 'The Gills Twelfth Man' and rather patronisingly 'Never Look Back'. Huh some of us don't forget the past - our past. So now I have two! The other is even less obvious! Thanks Dad! Both are now hot discussion points!
Strive to get to top of mountain? Cling on to even the craggiest ledge? Not sure.
Maybe someone has just got my goat?
I can tell you that I do not like goat's cheese. So there.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Gillingham 2 - Millwall 1
As a brief round up we won. Darren Byfield got booed and jeered a lot and the Millwall fans were their usual charmless selves. Mind you the Rainham End was more vocal than they have been for ages (what did Darren do that was so awful?). Anyway there were several 'handbag' moments on the pitch and a good smattering of yellow cards. No reds - credit to ref to be fair. 4 minutes added time so on 2, I nipped to tunnel early to avoid rush and make sure I got my train - my usual trick on a Tues night. But. But that was the easy bit..
View from the Rainham End ...
The walk back to the station was made difficult as the police were only letting Wall fans use the direct route. When asked if there was another way to station the response was yeah wait til this lot have gone, this while several fans were being grabbed and pushed up against the police vans. I could tell then that that wasn't going to be for a while. So I spotted a fellow London bound fan and followed him. Got to the station and as opposed to walking round to front ducked through side gate onto coast bound platform to cross over bridge to London bound side. My god the London bound side was 6 deep in raging Millwall fans who on spotting moving targets decided to throw coins across the tracks. The fuzz just let them, even when mentioned as passing them at the top of the steps. Grinning goons. It was just waiting to kick off. Not sure how many were arrested on Balmoral Road - but the MB says there were several groups arrested near their houses. Its moments like these which give the game its bad name and more to the point add weight to the myth that is Millwall.
I knew tonight would be spicey - it's the first time since the championship that there have been police at the station or indeed on the train down from London. Not sure if so many help or hinder really. Just encourage those fans who want to be mouthy and irritate those of us who don't want to miss our train.
Hey ho - no doubt more comment and observation tomorrow when I have calmed down a bit...
Needless to say back on form vs the Wall.. come on then kids where was your 'Real Talent, Real Passion & Real Football?' - More like 'Really Poor side; Really vile fans and Really nothing to recommend you to me.' Shame really. No-one Likes Us is a good song. I mean we even borrowed it for a few seasons. But not anymore - The Last Waltz... boy didn't that set of fans have the local bobbies dancing and a few of us fuming.
Right my head hurts and my bed beckons.. well done Gills - lets keep it up and collar the Swans on Saturday!
The Apprentice
Paul Scally says he will step down as Gillingham chairman if a suitable investor who is in a position to take the club forward makes an approach. Scally, who has been in charge since 1995, is unhappy at being booed by fans after last week's defeat to Scunthorpe. He intends to complete his objectives for the club - which include announcing new stadium plans before Christmas and restructuring the club's debts. But he will leave early if the right party wants to take over the Gills.
Why do we need to move to a new ground? We can't fill the one we do have and the debts are mainly down to trying to provide the current venue with facilities which would tide the club through - ie tops conference rooms and a new club bar. The are not tiding us through. And if we move, how are half of the Medway Towns gonna get to the ground? The beauty of Priestfield is that its a scoot away from the station. Move it to some out of town site and even fewer youngsters or London dwellers will bother to go...
Keep it local. Use some imagination to fill the ground we do have and then use the cash to buy some players - worry about a new site when we are on the cusp of the Premiership...grrr.
Team news for later... Jackman out (suspended following red at Donny) Sanchos (Grent) late fitness test. And needless to say Millwall are likely to field our ex-hero Darren Byfield. Let's hope he can't be bothered to score!! We'll show em whose got Real Talent, Real Passion and Real Football!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
So far I have failed. Four today. But now the packet is finished I intend to try harder tomorrow.
So sorry Furry - you are 3 days ahead of me which means the nicotine is out of your system and I have the joy of not giving into my cravings to come.. that said I have had half as many ciggies today than usual and I know from past experience I can do it. Just need to be strong and know it is for my own good.
So tomorrow is the beginning...of the ending.
Monday, September 11, 2006
The caravan holiday had me in fits of laughter. Where was the joy in that?!?! Bad parking. Emptying the chemical toilet. Trying to 3-point turn the caravan and car so badly that the police were called. Finally chip pan totally exploding the caravan and upsetting the caravan parker next door. I suspect it was largely staged as the chaps dislike caravans generally - but it was better than most delibrate comedies! Superb!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Doncaster 1 - Gillingham 2
2 nil up at half time with 10 men. Fought our way to 90 minutes with a win and 3 points. I must wash my Gillingham shirt more often!! :-) Roll on Tuesday night's home game against Millwall! (Which let me say the game at the New Den today saw my friend get sent off nevertheless Brighton still won!!) Hopefully the result today has also cheered my Pops up - he has been getting very low regarding Kent sporting teams...
We love you Gills! Especially Flinders who by all accounts was a magnificent man between the sticks!
Friday, September 08, 2006
We are between us in the office doing impressions of the OK Corral... John Wayne eat your heart out. We've got off our horses and are drinking our milk whilst walking around with bandy legs! Mind the gap at Embankment - the only way to do that gracefully was to nose dive off the train - not step.. any bending or extending of the leg is comical in that I have lost control over it! It happens or it doesn't! I realised last night the true meaning of slept like a log - it was the only to sleep - any form of movement or trying to shift into a comfortable position was a mission. I gave up and stayed as I was...
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Today is a Full Moon...
(apart from my legs seizing up so I am forced to stay at my desk ALL day)
Update: Erm Tony Blair re-affirmed what he had already told us... the sun shone. The trains and tubes were their usual hit and miss selves. And well that was about it really. No-one discovered the meaning of life - or stopped people being killed overseas - or indeed here. I was far from the predicted tetchy and in fact powered through some tasks in the morning and the afternoon achieving all I had set out to do. The one major change? I bought some storage boxes for the kitchen to throw my recyclables in to... not exactly rocket science huh!!
It was though this day last year I started talking to Thesp. And in a months time I will be at my brother's bucks party - which for those of you not Auslingual is a stag do - the honorary bird allowed to attend! Contraversial?!
One chap, who wasn't very good, did spend the entire game shouting in a deep Yorkshire accent, 'Turn and face, turn and face', 'Come on - team movement', 'Who are you marking? - come on mark up' and the best one 'Don't let him get away from you'... to which I retorted - 'Good grief Dan don't get away from him!'. I guess our team ethic was to survive the 4 lots of 10 minutes and see how we could do - no pre tournament practice or really any tactics. The teams are only valid with a girl playing - so I was on for the full group stages. Our main tactic - everyone (except me) to take a turn in goal (John Tec proved rather groovy at this role) and the team to have a rolling sub.. so it was for us a 5 a side team. I quite enjoyed it! The plucky underdogs against all other teams of at least 2 girls and most had 'squads' of 12+ (I wore my Gills shirts - the one Chippy used to play in!). We came joint bottom of our group level with the turn and facers in green. A few hand shakes and a few laughs in the pub afterwards. Team spirit was high as we consumed several pints and polished off a very large bowl of chips, quiche and naan bread which our goalie had saved from upstairs. All in all a postive day - at one point they even started to talk about the work shop I had run through with them in the afternoon! Confidence boost for me and I hope them (being the whole dev team - not just the plucky dev footie team!)
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Your Birthdate: January 2 |
Your strength: Your universal compassion Your weakness: Your unpredictable mood swings Your power color: Mauve Your power symbol: Butterfly Your power month: February |
GFC - Admin?
Which may explain why since I bought my first box they have never again been seen in SavaCentre... thus from my box of 24 I am eeking them out 1 a day until I can secure another box. Mind you the cereal aisle in said supermarket looked as though a swarm of locusts had been through it this evening and swiped the lot... more baron shelves than you could shake a stick at. So I bought some Cheerios instead. No pun intended...
Need a laugh?
Yes the annual works 6-a-side is on and each team must include a female player... sadly for our team that means - me, me and me... What I have failed to tell the guys is that I get quite aggressive when I play football (take after me Dad) and I also haven't run for any length of time since I was 13 years old.
I suspect I may be more use to the team dressed in a fursuit and being the mascot - wooing the fans and turning the event into something out of 'It's a Knock Out'. I will try and get someone to take some piccies so you can at least have an online laugh - perhaps make it pay per view. Well it worked for Sky...
Wish me luck - I sense my smoking days are about to catch up with me and worse the lads are not going to appreciate me doing so when I should be in the penalty box scoring (girls score a goal = 2 goals. I think our captain has plans to just stand me on the penalty spot and then play pin ball with me - I mean with an @rse my size something should deflect off and in surely?!).
You never know I may surprise myself and then GFC will have to sign me up....
Hold the front page..
The tube was manic this morning at 8.30am and much busier yesterday when I wandered on at my more usual time of 8.44am. And it was not much better after work yesterday - despite an after work drink's do delaying my journey until gone 8pm. Not sure which state I prefer - emptier tubes and quiet non-stressed office but the tangoing around heaving lost tourists OR packed tubes, busy buzz at work and emptier pavements...
Either way the walk to Waterloo this evening at 7ish was most calming. The walk itself was at least. The cyclists on the pavement were harassing me though. I think I will create some stop signs to hold up to them in future - or get a t-shirt made with the message on front & back.
The walk was also punctuated by the sudden London evening phenomonen.. freebie evening newspapers. I ducked from the first vendor but as I walked along the Embankment it was clear I would have many more men and women waving papers at me to dodge. So I took one of the new London Lite's and then one of the London Paper. I soon discovered that this meant I had a defence mechanism - I could hold them both up in a pseudo V sign manner to avoid further harassment. They are both free and the winner by a minute mile is the London Lite who seem to think that Gillingham is a London club... mmm. Not strictly true but if gentley reminds all those Kent people who flee to the City at weekends that there is a club on their doorstep I'll be happy. It's also a treat to see us mentioned regularly for a change..
Monday, September 04, 2006
Date #1 -- see previous pastings. Now back in Cornwall. Nice eyes but short.
Date #2 -- shelved on the basis of a phonecall. I believe you can tell a lot about a person by their voice. I heard enough.
Date #3 -- took place @ a pub in Clapham Sth today. He was shorter than Date #1 and the date lasted less time. So obvious was it an 'internet date' that even the fellow drinkers in the beer garden were commenting to each other about how lacking in spark we were. Oh well.
Cilla you need not buy a hat and I shall be hibernating from my seach for the next 2 months...I fear I have issues I need to resolve and bascially my heart isn't it - nor do I have a sense of excitement about any of it. Timing is all.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Gillingham 0 - Scunthorpe 2
Got to my seat at 7.15pm and watched the sun as it set over the away end. The crowds began to filter in at 7.40pm and here we all were again. Except the twins were absent, the Pie family missing and my Dad was testing his mental mettle at a wine and wisdom.
Gills started brightly, a good early 10 minutes. We had several chances which we failed to convert. The rest of the first half looked like ours for the taking. But then Scunny exerted some pressure. A corner. A goalie with legs like goal posts and through the ball went. 1 nil down. The crowd were furious. Frustrated to yet again be behind despite playing the stronger for the majority of the time. So many of these games have looked as though whoever socres first will indeed sit on the lead and win it. Tonight suddenly seemed no different. The confidence ebbs away and the team start to make basic errors and worse stand off from the play. Goal 2 was therefore inevitable. Our defence were left stranded at the half way line. Half time came with lots of boos as the team went off.
Half time is usually lively - lots of movement as people go for their teas and chips. Tonight it was just very quiet. Disbelieving that we were not one but two down. Worse, knowing that there were few possibilities for us to get back into this. Then Ronnie took Pouton off. WHY?! He was going for an attacking formation but none of our strikers seems to have that killer instinct. Give credit where it is due - Randolph was top drawer second half saving us from a 5 nil drubbing. 'Grent' Sanchos battled through the second half and we had a few glimmers of hope. But this division breeds several traits - time wasting esp goal keepers (Scunny's got booked 5 mins from time which frankly was too late) and wanton rolling about in agony or squatting as if winded to distract the play. Needless to say there were no injuries this evening just blatant time wasting.
So as the second half wore on the core fans in the Rainham End started up their chanting. 'We want Scally out, we want Scally out' and the ironic 'ITV Digital' - the key reason apparently why we are in so much debt. Who do you blame? The chairman? The division? The football leagues generally? SKY? At the end of the day I could not blame the team - they do play in good spells but they lack the ability to move it forward and be fearless in the area. Decisiveness in the box please lads! As for the other issues - the fans will probably never know the true depth of the problems at GFC - until possibly it is too late. I feel at once helpless and angry. At times the only way to get through a game like this is to laugh. But it really isn't that amusing. The future seems all too flimsy.