My 'trusty' first aid kit... hot n cold compresses, oodles of tea and a few biccies..
For a split second I stopped thinking and fell.. down an escalator. I should probably not make an entry of this but as all I capable of doing at the moment is sitting and resting - may as well keep a record of my bruises and cuts... so this is really a photo montage - probably not first choices for any CV or dating agencies sites... but I guess I have to start somewhere. So people - take nothing for granted and don't assume everything will stay the same way. It only takes a split second....

The pikey look... yes I have what feels like a huge space in my teeth.

Scary green bits.... the eyes and the bruise - nose much better than Saturday.

Sorry not waxed... but the current cause of most of my pain.

Not just one step... but a second one had a go too.
For a split second I stopped thinking and fell.. down an escalator. I should probably not make an entry of this but as all I capable of doing at the moment is sitting and resting - may as well keep a record of my bruises and cuts... so this is really a photo montage - probably not first choices for any CV or dating agencies sites... but I guess I have to start somewhere. So people - take nothing for granted and don't assume everything will stay the same way. It only takes a split second....

The pikey look... yes I have what feels like a huge space in my teeth.

Scary green bits.... the eyes and the bruise - nose much better than Saturday.

Sorry not waxed... but the current cause of most of my pain.

Not just one step... but a second one had a go too.
So I spent the morning in A&E - I walked for a bus - luckily the 493 drops you off in the hospital grounds. A&E wasn't like on the TV - much less dramatic - lots of blokes hobbling around like me. Had my triage and then saw the Minors Injury Doctor - X-Rays and no obvious break so I am not counted as an emergency and sent home via the Pharmacy. Anti inflammatories to ease the swelling and let the under lying crunching stuff become more obvious when I visit GP after a week of the tablets.
The reception nurse freaked me out with tales of what happens to bad teeth - so inbetween other things I will be hobbling to the dentist at some point. Great. Expense.
I think the worse thing is the actual getting to and from a place like hospital - its so against my nature to admit not feeling ok - and it was humbling seeing folk being pushed around on beds/in chairs oblivious of the world around them... I so dread ending up like that. And in London its not like my folks are round the corner to drop me off. Community? Mm. But best be safe and the nurses/doctors very helpful. So now to find something tempting to eat! More raised legs and cold compress too - all that activity on it today have really made it twinge. So early night and plenty of rest. I hate being out of action.
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