Thursday, December 23, 2010

** All About Capricorn **

Every sign has a "patron planet," and Capricorn's happens to be no-nonsense Saturn. Astronomers and amateur stargazers find the rings surrounding that beautiful planet simultaneously fascinating and lovely, but these colorful circles are also an appropriate symbol of one of the things Saturn holds dear: boundaries. And as Saturn's favorite sign, Capricorns have definitely learned the value of keeping personal borders intact. After all, without self-discipline, order, rules and regulations, where would we be?

Capricorns also have a deep love for structure, a respect for experience and, not least of all, a great big dose of common sense. These folks take only calculated risks and are often the very soul of caution. In fact, if they're not careful, they can end up being a bit too pessimistic.

However, this absolutely doesn't mean that Capricorns don't know how to have fun! While their wit is dry and their humor is the exact opposite of slapstick, their sarcasm is unbeatable. What really makes them laugh, though, is intelligent humor -- the more odd and quirky, the better!

Capricorns deal with relationships much the same way they handle shopping. Their first step is to see what's out there by simply observing and comparing. They won't settle for anything less than exactly what they want. And once a Capricorn has it, they'll tend to those lucky loved ones much the same way they treat their most treasured items: They'll spoil them, pamper them and do absolutely everything they can to make things last. The fortunate person who ends up in a permanent relationship with a Capricorn can rest assured that there's absolutely nothing they won't do to keep that relationship thriving, especially as years go by!

December 21: Lunar eclipse in Gemini
Hours before the Sun enters Capricorn marking the Winter Solstice, a dramatic lunar eclipse occurs in the last degree of Gemini, highlighting all forms of communication. Whether it's captivating headlines about global and national events, or attention-grabbing information about people in your personal life, it seems like everybody has something to report! Watch for information overload, though. An innovative, yet erratic Uranus-Jupiter conjunction squares this emotional full Moon eclipse, making last-minute changes in plans likely. You'll be less frazzled if you know how to ride the waves of change.

December 21: The Sun enters Capricorn
The Winter Solstice is marked each year with the Sun's entrance into practical Capricorn, which is always a potent time to reflect upon your past and make plans for your future. Do you have something important you'd like to achieve next year? Do you have a goal to get married, find a job or contribute to world peace? No matter your ambitions, it's time to get down to business! Just like this sign's animal symbol, the mountain goat, set your sight on the highest peak and begin the journey to the top!

December 26: The Sun conjuncts Pluto
This conjunction brings a completion to a long-term cycle that began with Pluto's retrograde last April. A few months after that retrograde, when the Sun opposed Pluto last June, you had a chance to stand back and assess your power base. Now it's time to renew your focus -- this is a new cycle providing you with a fresh start. Are you standing in your power? Are you letting go of things you no longer need? Are you allowing your life to be transformed? If you know your chart, look at the house where this conjunction takes place. This is where your power base is, and if you don't get in the driver's seat, someone else may step in to take charge!

December 29: Mars squares Saturn
Sometimes the answer is simply "no." This square marks a time when what you want to do (Mars) meets the rules of the world or a person in a position of authority (Saturn). Can you get around objections or just seek another path? Perhaps. But keep in mind that you may ultimately benefit from delays, or by revising your original intentions. Something needs to be taken into account before you can proceed. Hard work is crucial for this transit -- just because things don't come easily is no reason to give up. Keep your eye on the ball, and stop and regroup as necessary. You'll see more forward movement at the end of the week.

December 29: Mercury turns direct
The last Mercury retrograde period of 2010 is over -- just in time for the New Year! No more second-guessing! Ever since Mercury turned retrograde in Capricorn on December 10, you've probably changed your mind a number of times. Hopefully, during the Mercury retrograde review, you returned to old ideas, conversations and agreements. Your ambitions (Capricorn) and the beliefs that support them (Sagittarius) have needed a thorough re-evaluation. If you've used this time well, you can now proceed with a more realistic understanding of both where you stand and what you need to do to be successful. With this knowledge, you're better prepared to make important decisions.

January 4: Solar eclipse in Capricorn
A solar eclipse is an extra-intense new Moon marking the beginning of an important and dramatic period -- one in which you can initiate important projects. Ambitious Capricorn's animal symbol is the mountain goat heading toward the peak, and you too can succeed if you take the necessary steps to reach your goal! Be smart about how you go about achieving what you want. Decide what you want to be responsible for -- and what you don't -- and take action to make your life secure through tangible, practical goals. As the Moon increases in light between this eclipse and the next full Moon on January 19, put your energies toward anything you want to see become stronger in your life.

January 4: Jupiter conjuncts Uranus
You have goals, dreams and plans, and now is the time to do something with them! In June 2010, these two planets came together in fiery Aries, encouraging you to take the initiative and reach out to the world. It was a time of big statements and actions. Now, expansive Jupiter and independent Uranus join forces in inspirational Pisces, giving you an opportunity to learn all about the power of your dreams.

January 7: Venus enters Sagittarius
When the love planet enters such a freedom-loving sign, you can't help but want to spread your wings! For those already committed, this is a great time to get out of the house together and take a trip somewhere you've never been -- even if it's in your own town. Single? During this nomadic transit, you'll have a great chance of meeting someone, so don't stay at home! Travel, attend a foreign film or take a language class. You never know -- the person sitting next to you may be your next soul mate!

January 10: Mercury sextiles Neptune and squares Uranus
Two collective, big-message planets -- Neptune and Uranus -- help you reach higher and think outside the box; they spark your imagination and stimulate your mind. Whether you need inspiration for a project or hope to meet interesting people, these aspects open up your world. Keep your eyes and ears open for opportunities to spice up your life!

January 11: Mercury squares Jupiter
You are uber-optimistic now and probably have some pretty big plans ... just be careful you don't commit to something you won't be able to follow through on. As hopeful as this aspect can be, it's also one that highlights misunderstandings. Sometimes what we say or even think is not in alignment with our beliefs. This is one of those times when you become aware of this discrepancy in yourself and others.

January 12: Mars sextiles Uranus
January 13: Mars sextiles Jupiter
Are you ready to take your projects, plans and ideas to a new level? As Mars connects with two very independent and freedom-oriented planets, you have plenty of opportunities to connect with new social circles and meet innovative people. Jupiter expands and Uranus adds change and excitement. You may feel restless for new experiences, and these aspects should deliver! Follow your impulse to shake up things up a bit.

January 13: Mercury enters Capricorn
As Mercury leaves freedom-loving Sagittarius and enters achievement-oriented Capricorn, you're finished exploring for the time being. This is an especially helpful transit for discussing the nuts and bolts of what you want. You're in an especially pragmatic frame of mind that can get your ideas to be taken seriously, so discuss where you want to commit your resources and which projects to take on. Communicate the specifics of what you want to accomplish, and people will do what they can to help you.

January 15: Mars enters Aquarius
As action-oriented Mars leaves pragmatic Capricorn and enters one of the most independent signs of the zodiac, it's time for you to get creative, innovative and start coloring outside the lines. If you can harness the active, assertive energy of Mars and the determination of this fixed Air sign, you can make inroads into areas you never thought were possible.

January 19: Full Moon in Cancer
A full Moon always culminates what was set in motion at the previous new Moon, which this time was a solar eclipse in Capricorn on January 4. Back then, your ambitions were in the spotlight; now you have a chance to assess how far you've come, and see what you need to put in place to succeed. The polarity of Capricorn and Cancer reminds you to maintain a sensible balance between your worldly ambitions and your family, home and personal life. For many, this balancing act requires a lot of attention! During this potent and sensitive full Moon, tune into your feelings and make nurturing yourself a goal. In the days following this full Moon -- but before the next new Moon -- plan to maximize what's great, or make changes that will make you feel more comfortable and secure.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Week ahead...

Your horoscope - Week of December 20, 2010

The week holds a lot of promise, but you can also mess it up if you react rather than take hold of the reins and be more proactive. The Full Moon in Gemini on Tuesday may mean that you get rather emotional when it comes to certain relationships. Be especially careful if you're attending any festive office parties. Try not to embarrass yourself. This is especially important if you're in a managerial position. Maintain your suave sophistication!
Mmm guess what night technology drinks are!!

Mars and Pluto both in your sign are making you tight-lipped. Your nerves feel fluttery and you withdraw to spend some time alone, hoping this will allow your emotional reserves to rest up and refill. Only those who are very close to you are given a break and allowed near you! This atmosphere of tension is of course not helping you out in the love department. Singles, you lose faith that you will meet THE ONE. You've been waiting an awfully long time and your patience is wearing thin. If you're in a couple, your partner's patient with your ceaseless questioning and emotional storminess, but will still tend to flee the home stead to seek out their own emotional fresh air. On the job however, you're anything but withdrawn. Your attention's sharp and you're scanning everybody's work for errors. Any errors of your own are likely to be financial ones, no thanks to Neptune's meddling. Try to keep your holiday spending reasonable.

Your Week Ahead starting Saturday 18 December 2010: Everyone's got a sob story. Even the people who seek to be sources of hope have a secret cause for complaint. But then, everyone's got a cause for celebration too. Everyone. Even those who seem to be leading lives that are little short of a living hell have their sources of compensation and their reasons to feel, at least, a little cheerful. Be careful with your compassion this Christmas. Watch too, for your desire to make everything okay for everyone. Be generous and warm-hearted by all means, but remember that some people take genuine pleasure in feeling hard done by. It might be very cruel to deprive them of this! Your Week Ahead - Love Focus: You can say the same thing a thousand times and persuade a thousand people to say it with you. This may inspire millions more to echo your statement. It won't, though, make it true. Popularity is never a measure of quality - or veracity. You are now up against a 'widely held' opinion. It's tempting to go along with it just for the sake of an easy life. You suspect, though, that it is wrong. What right do you have to be controversial? Every right, and need. Your voice may only be one whisper in the midst of a chanting throng - but, somehow, in the run up from here to New Year, it must make itself heard.

Secret Santa

Clearly had some 'ideas'...any offers?

Monday, December 06, 2010

Decisive December?

Lucky Days: 6, 7, 16, 17, 25
Yucky Days: 1, 14, 15, 22, 28
Fashion Icon: Kate Moss
Colour: Stone
December could feel like a series of push-pulls and stops and starts. When Mercury goes retrograde in your sign on 10 December, you’ll suddenly feel like you’re thrown into a series of nostalgic reveries; relationship ghosts will be returning from the past. Regression anyone? Use this retrospective time to your advantage by looking more deeply within rather than trying to force changes on the outside. Everything is stalled and delayed under Mercury’s influence at the moment so you’re better off conserving your energy and waiting until the timing is right. Delay important contract signings and other such correspondence as long as you can. If you don’t have a choice, just be sure to double-check all of the important clauses and get second opinions. There will be plenty of re-doing over the next few weeks to be sure. The Full Moon Eclipse right on the Winter Solstice (the auspicious day when the Sun enters Capricorn) will bring a radical and unmistakable shift in direction on 21 December. Keep yourself tuned into all of the messages directing you and don’t be afraid to make the necessary changes even if they present a strange paradox to your status quo. It’s ultimately good for you, Goat, especially because the Sun will be in your sign as the clock strikes 2011.

Keep in mind that you are juggling one awkward, indeed, bizarre schedule for the next month and you can keep the wheels of industry and romance spinning. You are obliged to be the multi-faceted multi-tasker in any case, so while the peak of your attention will doubtless stay on your professional status (and the workplace politics required to secure it), advantages also come from playing social butterfly (yes, you) and from being a sly solo wolf.

An exalted Mars is the wolf in question. The red planet arrives in your skies on December 7 and departs mid-January, calling for a nettle-grasping approach to problems that have stuck around long enough. Good time for unpopular decisions! An encounter between Mars and Pluto on the 14th has a touch of crisis about it, and shows you the limitations of the muscular approach.

Everything is complicated by messenger Mercury retreating out of your skies. If you can’t get your way, at least get a commitment from others that things will happen in January.

If your birthday is at 24th- 28th, the stakes could be high, so there is no point rushing things. But equally, given the urgency of your personal position, you can’t postpone indefinitely. Inch forward by tough negotiation.

No point postponing anything social. Venus, the planet of ‘hail-fellow-well-met’, not to mention ‘Is she really going with him, why not me?’, is on hand all month to smooth your path in group situations, be they earnest seminars or nutty parties. Continue to make common cause. If you don’t get the invitation you wanted, invite yourself.

Still, look up and you’ll see Saturn, the Mountain Goat’s planet, atop your ‘scope in commanding position. Your public life – principally the career – remains under scrutiny, and the need to adapt to fresh, maybe extreme conditions cannot be dodged. You have to work with The System without becoming overwhelmed by it. (Isn’t that the Goat’s speciality?) That goes double if your birthday is in 59-60, 67-68 or 81-2. Your birthday season is a peak month for pressure until well into 2011.

The arrival of the unconquered Sun at Camp Capricorn on the 21st merits a cheer; it’s your birthday month. The accompanying lunar eclipse completes a long goodbye to a situation that you have been trying to leave behind for the last couple of years, maybe way longer. Whatever you wish to jettison from your past now floats away like so much space junk.
Your December Monthly Forecast: What is this we see before us? It looks, distinctly, like a crisis of conscience. But surely, it cannot be. What great moral issue do you need to stop and examine? Why should your life require a sudden change of attitude and direction? You know the answer better than I - or at least, you will do by the end of December. Mars is passing through your sign. A symbolic, emotive choice must be made. You may well find that 'events' precipitate all this. A key factor may start to stand in your way and prevent progress until you have reached a decision. You will, though, be glad of the outcome of your inner wrestling match.

Friday, December 03, 2010


I do not like it.

FIFA's decision - I do not like it - I didn't think I cared until today as I listened to build up and then the result...not happy. Did the BBC make it worse? I doubt it.

Thursday, December 02, 2010


Christmas Party Fri pm... which dress should I go for?

Dress A

Dress B

Of course either will be complimented by newly highlighted hair (yup the grey/brown line has disappeared from the roots!) AND new knee high boots... !

How true!

Capricorn (Dec22-Jan20)
People will respond well to a talk or presentation. There's no need to be nervous. Just take a deep breath and imagine the audience is filled with friends. Having one or two supporters on hand can help, too. After you've fulfilled your job, go out and celebrate. A nice, quiet meal at your favourite restaurant will restore your spirits. Someone will give you a book as a present. Be sure to read it, as it will have special meaning for you.

Had my dreaded Project KO meeting today... one which in the build up has caused endless hiatus... but the eventual outcome was a relaxed, at time humorous agreement on what/who and so now the project can proceed... now off out for some food with a chum... still waiting for book as a pressie mind you!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Blog's Birthday

Was all overshadowed rather by the events that started towards the end of October. I have to say it wasn't really until today did I truly feel the weight lifted. Relief and joy. Having discovered the lump in my left breast and then being holed up in a hotel near work for 5 days solid I was unable to actually get to see the GP for a week. When I did it felt churlish - but there and then I was given an appointment to St Georges to the breast clinic. A day spent being poked an prodded and eventually having a biopsy. Which essentially means having a staple gun aimed in that area and drawing out tissue for the doctors to ponder on and test. The bruise has only just gone but the scar where they make an incision for the gun is still there.
A long week waiting with some discomfort and the unknown just hanging there. I worked really hard - buried myself in work work and coursework for my writing course and even exam prep for mid December. The week flew by - but was punctuated by a day of total anger which manifested itself in punching inanimate objects and then when the adrenalin had passed just sobbing at random things on TV.
Results day, afternoon. A long wait with numbers around me dwindling. To be told I was clear. I am not sure I ever imagined what it would be like to be in that position. Now I know. I retreated. Hid my fear by being strong and keeping occupied. And since then I have been coming to terms with how fortunate I am and how much there is to do in life. My friends kept me going - plenty of daily emails/texts. And my Mum lived through the entire experience with me - no matter how remote from her I was.
So yup on November 21st Blog turned 5 - off to primary school if you will. I missed it and have not been here too often. 2010 has posed itself as a challenging year. Emotionally certainly - but losing sense of physically who I was not on my list. I will endeavour to write more - in-between my creative writing work - which I am really enjoying!
And that's where I am off to now... ta ta.
Take care.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

November news

Lucky Days: 1, 2, 9, 10, 19
Yucky Days: 3, 4, 16, 17, 24
Fashion Icon: Sienna Miller
Colour: Charcoal
With three major planets going direct this month, you’ll be getting some necessary clarity on important issues in your life. As a hyper-responsible Capricorn, there’s nothing you like more than knowing the practical realities on the ground. That means that this month’s astrological weather will come as excellent news. First Neptune goes direct in your money house on the 7th, clearing up any outstanding financial issues and making it easier to move forward with salary negotiations. Next, Venus goes direct in your career house, clearing up confusing issues at work, or paving the way to find a new, more meaningful job. You may have been searching for a way to put yourself on the map in recent months–you can find it faster now. At the same time, if you’ve been feeling like the work you’re currently doing is less than fulfilling, you may wake up after the 18th and have a sense of what you’re truly meant to do. Finally, lucky Jupiter goes direct in your communication zone, setting the scene for auspicious opportunities to express yourself. If you’re a writer, speaker, commentator or you just want to post a blog that’ll reach a huge audience; it’s more likely to happen during the second half of November.


Lonely at the top, or happy to be part of a humming team? That is the principal question posed by this month’s planets. Today’s new Moon is firmly in the latter camp; to repeat last month’s forecast, all collective enterprises are currently favoured and the next fortnight is perfect for you to establish yourself as an indispensable member of the group, or to cajole co-workers into line.

Still, with Saturn forceful in your career zone, you’ll either be finding life as the boss (you are a Capricorn) unusually demanding or feel that the powers that be are marginalising you. Maybe both (there is always someone further up the power structure, probably another Cap). Until you have passed your birthday month, however, there’s little you can do but be seen to get the job done contentedly. Wield whatever power you have and wait for your chance.

Venus reversing into your professional world for a few weeks does you no harm, and may in fact, bring help (probably female). For those of you fooling with an office romance, Venus can also bring a recent (September) crush back into contention. It’s a dalliance worth pursuing, providing you don’t mind a few weeks of indecision on someone else’s part.

Romances and partnerships are currently hard to control, either because you are pre-occupied with the professional treadmill, or because your other half needs ‘room’. You might as well grant them it for now. December and January are more amenable for you getting warm and intimate with others. Unless you are Sagittarius rising, planets in the Archer’s skies signal retreat and downtime, especially between November 22nd and 5 December. Downtime is definitely over thereafter.

Your schedules are complicated by Mercury’s awkward pattern. The messenger planet arrives in your skies on 1st December, only to turn tail on the 11th. Agreements in the first week of December are therefore provisional; the further ahead you can plan now, the better.

The full Moon of the 20th/21st is sweet but swift; find somewhere you can be sporty or arty. Born 22-25 December? The object of this period of transition is to emerge phoenix-like from the flames.

Your November monthly forecast: Remember the Tower of Babel? The builders of this ambitious structure were supposedly put in their place by the Creator who rendered them unable to communicate. But, hang on... if skyscrapers were capable of taking people closer to Heaven, New York would be full of angels. Anyway, why make them all talk in different tongues, when even people who speak the same language rarely understand each other? It makes more sense as an allegory. We want to get close to Heaven, but as soon as we do, we realise life without struggle is bland. Try seeing November's 'unfair problem' in that light. It counterbalances a great achievement elsewhere in your world.

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Occult October?

Lucky Days: 4, 5, 13, 14, 23
Yucky Days: 1, 6, 7, 20, 28
Fashion Icon: Kate Bosworth
Colour: Forest Green
You are the embodiment of a powerhouse at the moment, Capricorn. With the majority of the planets doing your bidding, how can you lose? Embrace your shadow side and use it for the good. Face your own demons and turn them into allies. With so many planets occupying the darker waters of Scorpio this month, there is no surface-skimming allowed. It’s time to get to the bottom of issues that have been plaguing you for eons. Deep questions receive deep answers. All of life takes on a sexier tone, and you’re in love with all things black. The New Moon in your career sector on 7 October is the most auspicious time of year to plant the seeds for your loftiest professional ambitions to date. Take advantage of this stellar time to get yourself on the map as the tour de force you truly are. On the 22nd, the second Full Moon in Aries in two months hits your domestic sector. Drama could explode on the home front or with family (potentially on your mum’s side). Be extra kind to yourself (and others).


The old adage about there being no such thing as a free lunch doesn’t need repeating to Capricorns, most of whom seem to fear that debtors’ gaol is waiting if they slacken their fiercesome work rate. In October, however, you should at least be able to find some congenial fellows with whom you can break bread. Indeed, the emphasis on the sector of your solar ‘scope concerned with fellow travellers continues all the way through to your birthday.

In part, this sector is concerned with mutual back-scratching and deal-making – politics as usual – but there is also an element of idealism in play this autumn that asks how you can best project your values into the wider world. Societies, committees and other conglomerates have a powerful role to play, whether it’s your profession involved or off-duty activities in the angling club, gardening group or community choir. Finding your way into the charmed circle may take time, but you are promised pay off before Christmas.

In the more solitary realms of your work, there’s little wiggle room. The Sun and your ruler Saturn are allied at the peak of your ‘scope as October begins, and while the new Moon of the 8th favours a relaunch of your professional plans, the demands upon you, and the pace of events, looks unrelenting for now and, again, through to year’s end. Over your birthday month you have to ease off, like it or not. Until then barter with the establishment (very patriarchal if you’re female) while preserving your own power. You get stronger as the year draws to a close.

Pluto’s slow but inexorable progress through your sign is focused principally upon those born around Christmas. The so-called (by astronomers) ‘dwarf planet’ can signal momentous times; the triumph of Ed Miliband (born 24/12 1969) as Pluto crossed his Sun is a case in point. What do you really want and how far are you prepared to go to get it?

Is there any space for your intimate life? Friendships abound, though it’s you that must compromise to make them tick. Power points for Capricorn romantics are where you find them; the 13th/14th, for example, or weekend of the 23rd/24th. If you’re single, work is where your targets are likely to be found. If you’re hitched, your shared past remains a potent bond to be celebrated and renewed.

Your October Monthly Forecast: Wouldn't it be wonderful to be a robot? To have no feelings, emotions or involvement. To lead an entirely functional existence based around the fulfilment of practical need and the carrying out of duty. To have no opinions one way or another. No preferences, passions, dreams or desires. Wouldn't you be safe then? Wouldn't you be protected from the anguish of a potential disappointment? I ask only because Saturn continues to form tense alignments. You feel vulnerable. You fear there is a lot at stake. But when you end up with the very thing that you want so much, you'll be glad you've got a heart with which to feel happy!

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Sassy Sept


The problem with being a high achiever – which as a Capricorn you doubtless are, or at least someone who has managed to put a roof or three over your head – is that it’s gets so damn exhausting. And when you look back and down, at the poor impoverished scrap you were when you started out, and at the heaving masses scrabbling to climb the lofty peaks where you sit…well it can make you giddy.

This autumn is not the time to go losing your nerve, however. Saturn, the Goat’s unflinching ruler, is at its most relentless, asking you to exercise your staying powers, conjure up the commanding perspective that makes you such a formidable operator, and show the world your skills. This summer (late July in particular) has already indicated the issues in play (power and money of course). That there aren’t any quick fixes or easy options is the message likely to be repeated come the equinox. For those of you born before Christmas – and who therefore have Pluto strong in the planetary mix – drastic action may be the only and right course; opting for early retirement or changing jobs for example. For most of you it’s case of hanging in and dealing with pressure in your customary, unflappable way. You may wish to make it clear just how indispensable you are, rather than just getting on with the job.

It isn’t as if you are without allies. Mars in Scorpio from the 15th makes being seen part of the team a strong hand to play – you won’t agree with everyone around the cabinet table, but you can rub along with them, though the person you can rely on most remains yourself.

Until the 15th you should take every opportunity to indulge in ‘me time’ – it isn’t in fact indulgence but ensuring your physical and mental batteries remain topped up. Good time for research too.

Personal relationships are shifting into a more congenial phase, not least those involving the family, where summer’s dramas are either resolved or shelved. Here, the full Moon of the 23rd may come as a climactic point. Romance: its looks like the school of hard knocks and difficult to please customers, giving way to something more stirring in the latter half of the month.

Power days: 16th and 17th.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Film Frenzy

Inbetween Belgium Grand Prix (made more exciting due to changeable weather conditons) and the Indy Moto GP I did make an effort to watch some films. Having told the last stranger I met that I didn't really do films (then again A Clockwork Orange after the afternoon/evening I'd had may have explained that).
I'd been looking hopelessly for The Hours - which I found and sent back to V Woolf. And then I indulged and watched..

Moulin Rouge
Finding Neverland

Jason and the Argonauts

Spectacular! Spectacular!

Lucky Days: 7, 8, 16, 17, 27
Yucky Days: 4, 5, 10, 11, 24
Fashion Icon: Kate Moss
Colour: Burnt Sienna
Oh Capricorn, you’ve been through the ringer and know what it’s like to survive a hell and back experience on a daily basis. But the upswing of your increasingly dramatic storyline returns when Pluto comes out of retrograde in your sign on 14 September. For one thing you’ll feel lots less introverted and prone to brooding. But even more importantly: your extensive list of world-domination goals will come out of the stalled position. The fact that Mercury comes out of retrograde on 12 September only furthers your cause. Set your sights on a little bit of travel around the New Moon of 8 September landing in your long-distance adventure sector. With Venus and Mars mingling in your social zone you can expect an onslaught of sexy encounters through decadent social fetes. And then finally get ready for the almighty Full Moon (called the Harvest Moon) on 23 September. This lunation will illuminate the root of your horoscope and thus affect you on the deepest emotional level. Expect an explosive array of feelings to erupt in order for your relationships to be properly rebalanced.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

To err is human.. to forgive divine.

Your Week Ahead starting Saturday 28 August 2010: 'There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self.' So said the great philosopher Aldous Huxley. There's not much now in the external world that you can easily adjust, but in your inner world, there's a great change that you can bring about. Those two worlds are much more deeply connected than most of us ever realise or remember. Alter your point of view and you'll also alter what you are looking at! Convince yourself that you can reach your objective and you'll start to see how that's possible. If there's something you're unhappy about, seek a source of inner strength that doesn't depend on changing circumstances. Your Week Ahead Part Two - Love Focus: 'The just is close to the people's heart, but the merciful is close to the heart of God.' The poet's words remain as relevant now as ever they were. Justice excites us. We strive for it. We crave it. Mercy, though, we are not always so enthusiastic about. We feel that some people deserve what they get. We do not feel able to forgive or we do not see it as our duty to look for that ability within ourselves. Yet a spark of the divine exists in us all. We owe it to ourselves, the people around us... and to whatever (or whoever) put us here to be as generous as we can be with our kindness. You won't regret being big- hearted this week.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mental Triggers

Mobile text message alert tones


The Shard


Nope sorry this post isn't going to be about happy tunes oft heard on commercial radio stations. You should by now all know me much better than that - I can't abide adverts when listening to the radio, so I don't listen to them.

I just fancied using that word.

Last night was my chance to revel in literature night. Having finished the White Queen I was ripe for inspiration so Beeb 4 was my port of call straight after a hellish Enders* and a even more hellish Panorama. (Just what you need to relax after a murky Monday family courts and Londoners with more woes than a 13 fingered human).

No no I was engrossed instead by In their own words: British Novelists - picking up from last week. I was ashamed at the names I knew but had not placed as being British, nor whose works I had actually read. I scoured my book shelf and sure enough a fair few were there. As for some of the others I have heard their work dramatised on the radio. All great stuff. It got me restless again. Inspired to write - desperate to crack on with my course and even more detached from my day to day job...needless to say wandering to work this morning after a enlongated tube journey was far from inspiring. Plus the new book I have started is a bit 'delibrate', not sure I will stick with it. My evening out has been cancelled - so to Waterstones I shall go - to look for some tube fodder. Can't beat a good book... beats faffing around on dating websites for sure...

* For anyone who is as sad as me and who watches Enders still - do you ever get confused at the end of each programme when they give out the BBC helpline number if you have been affected by any of the issues in this evening's programme.... my first complication is knowing which of the many disturbing social traits I am supposed to ring about... drug taking; prison pregnancy; bad hairdos; domestic violence; alcohol abuse; eviction; single mothers; bad shoulder pads; child abuse; exam cheating; gay relationships amongst Muslim men etc etc... how many buttons does a phone key pad have? Press 1 for domestic violence etc etc.... ?!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Last night as I sat on the tube wending my weary way home it occurred to me that I was on the precipice (well not quite - I was sat squashed on the Northern line) of 3 versions of London.

The present day. Commuters and tourists (yes its holiday season) in various states of attire all rushing through a tunnel homeward bound. Meanwhile I was reading the The White Queen, by Phillipa Gregory and getting my history fix. She is currently holed up in Westminster Abbey. 1483 and her husband the King has died and her son should be taking the throne but evil dead King's brothers have other ideas. So while she views the Thames from her sanctuary I have crossed it in sun light and dodged the photographing visitors.

To complete my London segue I'm re-living the brilliance of Parklife.. a classic Blur album. Released in 1994 it was a huge success and everyone was jumping to Boys & Girls. 'Tracy Jacks' and 'London Loves' did it for me.

Happy Chappie!

I wonder why!

Bring back Shelagh and Nicky...

This week and last Shelagh and Nicky have been on their hols so the Breakfast show on Radio 5 has been invaded by Phil Williams and Rachel Burden...
I cannot stand Rachel. But at least her week day appearances means she is not on at the weekend... then again that's another rant...
So I have been listening to Radio 4's Today programme for the duration I am in the bathroom and am awoken by Five Live when the alarm goes off... this has proved somewhat amusing as I get to hear the same story told 2 different ways. This morning for example was woolly mammoths and how they became extinct. Also the differing styles in quizzing Nick Clegg on the 100th day of the coalition government... the weather man is also different but essentially pedalling the same facts. I miss the laughs and rapport of my Nicky and Shelagh though. Evan Davies has quite a cute voice and there is far less emphasis on the Premiership on Radio Four...
which reminds me..
The Guardian never did reply to my reply to their email notification about Monday's paper being filled with Premiership news the other week. I responded with a gentle reminder that there were other leagues - what about them and that they began the day after the email was sent... I await some news. Real news. About something other than money and 'doing' badly.. its all tosh!
Weekend - at last though Fighting Talk is back... all we need now is that twerp Gethin Jones to crawl back into his hole and Danny Baker's amusing turns to resume... summer on Five can be quite naff unless there's sport on from 9am!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Last Wednesday afternoon ...

Ladies wot Lunch!

Then walk....
Then slurp cocktails and desserts @ Oxo Tower
(Tea and Coffee and a large Cocktail - YUM!)

Then walk in search of more drinkies and some comedy action!
Thanks to my companions for the afternoon, Lucy (belated Happy Birthday!), Carole (sorry you are leaving us at the end of August) and Manisha (Congrats on 10 years @ HL!) and thanks to the heavens for not opening!

Heheh. I am a complete glutton for punishment... I signed up to this website because the idea of meeting people in a lunch hour or after work for a quick beer appealed to me. However thus far interest has been sparse. One bloke emailed to say I looked stunning.. I eventually got this and replied a week or so later (work has been mental). I mentioned he did not scrub up so bad either. Next day I looked - he had blanked his profile and his picture had been removed. I was blocked, I guess. WTF?! I'll get my coat.
And this weekend I went on a 'date'. Cripes anyone who makes your first destination an iron mongers is probably not going to be a long term choice. Needless to say contact since Saturday has been nil. Like the Gills nil-nil...
It's all rather 'depressing' and for sure keeps reminding me how much different I felt in March/April with Yarns. I do wonder if that feeling was that 4 lettered word that I must not use. Ever. He keeps popping up on my Windows Live homepage.. changed his pic. He is still v attractive, to me at least. He obviously does not realise I have such access to his life. So I'll not be changing my details in case it alerts him. He has also responded to emails regarding Moto GP..and Sunday whilst tuned into Brno I was still nags at me - WHY?! Or rather WHY NOT!?
SO I have tasked myself with jazzing up my profile..
please help - what three words would you use to describe me? I need some pointers!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Sunday pm

I finally used up the last egg from the double yolk batch... (its OK it had been hard boiled) and guess what folks it was indeed a double yolker... so out of 6 eggs - 4 had double yolks. Marvellous! Not my most inspiring tea though - sardines, boiled spuds, peas and hard boiled egg.. maybe there is a reason I am single...

Weekly aghastness...

Your Week Ahead starting Saturday 14 August 2010: Do you want some good news? Would you like to be truly uplifted and inspired? Are you now feeling nervous about reading the rest of this forecast lest it causes you to become vulnerable by raising a hope that then gets dashed? Your answer to that last question reveals a lot. If you are now too confident, you may inadvertently overlook the obvious drawback to a tempting proposition. If, though, you are too sceptical, you may fail to spot that the drawback can be compensated for. You need a blend of caution and hope. You also need to trust your ingenuity. Think smart thoughts and you'll yet get great results. Your Week Ahead Part Two - Love Focus: Is life fair? That depends on what we mean by 'fair'. Some people seem to have been born blessed with very obvious gifts. It can seem as if others appear to have been short-changed. Then, as we go through life, it can seem as if some of us just keep on winning while others have to wrestle with hard times. These, though, are very shallow superficial ways of judging our situations. The most enviable ability you could ever have is the ability not to envy anyone. Count your blessings this week. You've got many more assets and advantages than you realise. Use your ingenuity and nurture your faith.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Monday, August 09, 2010

toot toot

You're a wise soul, Capricorn. On Tuesday you'll experience a moment of truth in a certain situation. It's time to open your eyes and look at the matter clearly. Family issues flare up on Thursday. The Moon opposes erratic Uranus in your home zone. A relative will be unwilling to listen to your point of view. You'll need to keep your opinions to yourself. On Saturday you'll feel very restless. Consider taking a day trip to a new location.

Most of the planetary activity this week centres on your career sector. Mars and Venus are there for starters, firing up your ambition to move ahead with your agenda, and a Venus/ Pluto square can make you demanding and inflexible. Remember to turn on the charm and work towards compromise, it will get you further than trying to force your hand. Even romance is dominated by work issues, as jealousy crops up over too much time spent at the office. Try instead to examine your expectations of your partner and your relationship. A Moon/ Neptune opposition cautions you to be careful with who you give your money to.

Your Week Ahead: What do you have to be thankful for? What are you entitled to resent? Automatically, unconsciously, we make judgements about events, circumstances and experiences. We deem them good or bad and then think no further about whether we have applied the correct label. No process of selection, though, is ever perfect. We all mistakenly celebrate gains of dubious merit. We all complain about factors we should be glad of. Look again, this week, at something that seems to be a problem. Actually, it's a gift. Accept it, embrace it and watch everything improve as a direct result of your new, wise understanding.

Your Week Ahead Part Two - Love Focus: Humans do not have the capacity to be permanently rational and logical. They can summon that ability for short bursts but if they try to throw their inner switch so it remains 'on all the time,' they are bound to blow a fuse. The most dangerous folk are not the ones who do silly things, they are the people who vehemently insist that their every judgment is impeccable. You're not sure quite what you are doing now. That's actually a very reassuring indication that you may be doing exactly the right thing. Make fewer judgements about others, about yourself and about your situation. Make more effort to nurture hope.

Your Monthly Forecast: Some things happen too quickly. We just don't have enough time to enjoy them. Other situations seem to drag on interminably. We feel we can't wait for them to be over... but we HAVE to wait! You're now tired of living with a particular difficulty. The good news is you no longer have to. Change is coming at a surprising speed. Suddenly, instead of wanting a process to speed up, you're more concerned about slowing it down. What's happening, though, is right. August is potentially one of the most important months of your life. It brings the culmination of a process that has been building up for months. You have nothing to fear and everything to gain from all that lies ahead.

Why Some Men Have Dogs And Not Wives

1. The later you are, the more excited your dogs are to see you.

2. Dogs don't notice if you call them by another dog's name.

3. Dogs like it if you leave a lot of things on the floor.

4. A dog's parents never visit.

5. Dogs agree that you have to raise your voice to get your point across.

6. You never have to wait for a dog; they're ready to go 24 hours a day.

7. Dogs find you amusing when you're drunk..

8. Dogs like to go hunting and fishing.

9. A dog will not wake you up at night to ask, "If I died, would you get another dog?"

10. If a dog has babies, you can put an ad in the paper and give them away.

11. A dog will let you put a studded collar on it without calling you a pervert.

12. If a dog smells another dog on you, they don't get mad. They just think it's interesting.

13. Dogs like to ride in the back of a pickup truck.

And last, but certainly not least:

14. If a dog leaves, it won't take half of your stuff.

Monday, August 02, 2010

August overtures..

Lucky Days: 2, 3, 10, 19, 20
Yucky Days: 6, 7, 12, 13, 26
Fashion Icon: Sienna Miller
Colour: Royal Blue
Everything is in its right place for change. While most other zodiac signs are experiencing a forced slow-down this August, Capricorn is going strong. That’s because Saturn, your ruler, is one of the few planets not out of phase this month. Not only that, Saturn is in his most exalted state gracing the top of your horoscope, crystallising your grandest professional dreams into perfect manifestation. With Mars and Venus powering up your career sector along with Saturn, expect your status and ranking to skyrocket— seemingly overnight thanks to the triple threat of Venus, Mars and Saturn. Yes, you are on the map indeed. The New Moon in your transformation sector on 9 August brings the impetus to shed old skin and outworn wardrobe items. While the Full Moon in your communication sector on 24 August brings the busiest week of catching up on correspondence and finishing up any summer coursework. Not a typical summer vacation for most, but you wouldn’t trade success for all the leisure time in the world. Caps were born to conquer.

And now for some theatre!

The New Wimbledon Theatre has some good stuff coming up... sign me up for Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake and Reginald D Hunter, Armstrong & Miller, oh amd maybe some HMS Pinafore!!


Tuesday 27th July

Tower Bridge up!

Sunday - another double

Ignore the tuna :-s

Fridays double yolk

So ...

it's been a long 3 months. May, June and July, but there they are gone. I have failed miserably to book my Cuban adventure - but at least this evening I have booked my course... so starting in October I'll be doing something in my own time that I truly love... writing.

The plan sort of took hold this morning on my walk... spend the next 3 years working towards my end goal and so by the time I am 40 I can start to work the way I want to work.. not the current nearly 50 hour week...

I was on leave on Friday - I have slept fairly solidly since Thursday evening. No social activity. No interaction. Just sleep and radio. I did go for a walk Sat/Sun am - and yesterday ventured to Waterstone's for books.. No Bret Easton Ellis mind you which was what I was after.. a compromise - still came away with 3 books...! Chekhov. ''The Essential Tales of'. Philippa Gregory, 'The White Queen' (to recapture my last holiday) and 'Her Fearful Symmetry', by Audrey Niffenegger (who wrote the awesome 'The Time Travellers Wife'.) It's an optimistic set of purchases as I haven't read a book all the way through for a while. The last being Philip Roth's The Ghost Writer and I only managed that because it was supremely short. For a novel. Interesting ideas though. I need to get back into some of my more relaxing routines. I have been blown off course for a long while. The year is now over half way old. The nights are drawing in. Wearing vest tops and sandals won't last much longer.

Next week the football season re-starts. Division Two. I have my season ticket but I am unsure as to how enthused I am likely to be.. there are far more entertaining sports out there... currently the European Athletics are on, yes I am wireless and knackering my back in the 'comfy' chair, whilst typing and watching athletics. Earlier - The Grand Prix. Excitement in the pit lane and I do like to see Vettel beaten. The last week - cricket - M Vaughan and Aggers have been priceless on TMS. And last Sunday night I was genuinely on the edge of my 'comfie' chair as the Moto GP crowd made their way round Laguna Seca. The race that last year drew me in. Having spent a pleasant day with folks perusing aviation art - and then having Sunday lunch and a free beer - I knew that getting home I would be waiting for 10pm.. I love it! Even my Gillingham team picture has been consumed by a Rossi with a crutch... he came third?! Aliens. Aliens. Ah. And there's the rub. He is still in my head. Every day a reminder. Be it a loud bike roaring past or some other spoiler.

(More piccies see here)

I suspect my lack lustre state at work is as much the realisation that the respect I once had has gone. I should feel more but its just anger towards First Man, towards Yarns it is still disbelief. And a tinge of regret. How different might the last 3 months of been? The only high at work - possibly placing myself in the middle of a total fall out.. contradicting all the 'solutions' the business wants me to implement with the basic hard facts - its not the answer.

Either way last Monday I was the walking dead.. even missed swimming. I worry that smoking has finally caught up with me. Today so far only had two - my head feels less heavy and my body less tight. Despite the urge to go back to bed after the GP I did manage to stay awake and even called home.

I hate feeling so tired and displaced. I hate feeling safer behind the walls of my flat rather than out in the world. Where did the confidence of March go? Am even boycotting Facebook.. I was getting desperate for attention. It's not the answer.

There have been some high points this past week...but they are for me to know... and possibly you to find out.
I can give an exclusive... that egg box had a further 2 eggs with double yolks - see soon to be sent mobile pictures!

Auspicious August?

General....For modern astrology, no planet is all bad or all good. All have their positive negative attributes. Ancient and medieval astrologers had no such ambiguity; for them Saturn was ‘the greater malefic’ and Mars ‘the lesser malefic’. Jupiter was ‘the ‘greater benefic’ and Venus ‘the lesser benefic’.

No matter how rounded one’s outlook, however, it is hard to see the combination of Saturn and Pluto in much of a positive light. Their cycle, which takes 33-37 years between conjunctions, has unfortunate associations. In the twentieth century, World War One started shortly before Saturn and Pluto met in 1914. Their opposition in 1931 coincided with the trough of the Great Depression.

Their next conjunction, in 1947, coincided with the subdivision of the Indian sub-continent and its plunge into bloodshed. Israel also came into being at this time and was immediately at war with its Arab neighbours.

The next conjunction in 1982 coincided with the oil crisis, as Arab states restricted supply, and with the Israel-Lebanon war. The opposition of Pluto and Saturn in 2001 coincided with the events of 9/11 and the onset of the ‘war on terror’.

This month, on 21 August, Saturn and Pluto square up to each other for the third time in a year – November 2009 and January 2010 being the previous occasions. This is three quarters of the way round the cycle that completes in 2020.

The late Charles Harvey described critical aspects between Saturn and Pluto as indicating periods when ‘there is a need to ‘get back to basics’, a feeling that only some kind of drastic action will suffice’.

On an individual level, Aries, Librans, Capricorns and Cancerians born near the equinox and solstice points are those who are most likely to feel this in their personal lives, but a mood of austerity, focus and touch choices looks likely to be widespread.

Let’s hope that August and the season of Leo also manages to conjure up some hazy, lazy, crazy days of summer by way of compensation.

Wondering when the cosmos is going to cut you some slack and let you freewheel a little? The chance of temporary escape is certainly in the air – the month of Virgo that begins on the 23rd is very sweetly starred for downtime, especially since with Mercury in retrograde, you’ll be away from the petty bureaucratic torments that accompany it.

There is no dodging your ruling planet, however, which is on an inexorable march across the roof of our ‘scope right up until new year, a period when your formidable executive powers will be put to the test. As much might already be apparent, since Saturn is already squaring up to other planets, emphasising your split loyalties between work and home/family. It is, of course, a balancing act, though in August you might have to give your work more of your time and energy than you care for. With both Venus and Mars dominating your professional profile, you can, at least, present yourself as the noble public servant and ultimate safe pair of hands. Any family turmoil promises to calm down this autumn.

Love and marriage? It looks hard to fit such matters into the schedule. Partnerships are where you can find an outlet for all the pent-up energy you can’t express at work; warn them that you may have to vent. Single? Anyone attractive at work? For all, the weekend of the 20th/21st has a lustrous quality.
Your August Monthly Forecast: Some things happen too quickly. We just don't have enough time to enjoy them. Other situations seem to drag on interminably. We feel we can't wait for them to be over... but we HAVE to wait! You're now tired of living with a particular difficulty. The good news is you no longer have to. Change is coming at a surprising speed. Suddenly, instead of wanting a process to speed up, you're more concerned about slowing it down. What's happening, though, is right. August is potentially one of the most important months of your life. It brings the culmination of a process that has been building up for months. You have nothing to fear and everything to gain from all that lies ahead.

Your Week Ahead starting Saturday 31 July 2010 - Love Focus: Must everything always involve an uphill struggle? You're starting to wonder how long your patience will last. You can't quite believe how many setbacks you have encountered lately. Don't dwell too long on any of these this week. A conjunction of Venus and Saturn is coming up. Either you're about to get a brief respite from some raging storm - or you're about to discover lasting relief from a source of stress that has become all too familiar. Which it turns out to be depends on how positive and optimistic you can now bring yourself to be. Forget what's worrying you. Focus, this week, on what truly inspires you the most.
You’re a problem-solver, pure and simple. But why do you sometimes find it so hard to unravel your own personal issues? You’re a master at fixing what’s broken at the office, or even helping your friends get through various crises. This time, think about what’s going on in your own most intimate life, and apply a bit of that elbow grease there.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Art on Sunday

Here I was...The Mall Galleries last weekend 25th - and my favourite works...

Philip E West
“Phantoms and the Ark Royal”
104 x 63 - Oil
£5950.00 (Unsold)

Simon Mumford AGAvA
“Volitant Victor”
65 x 35 - Oil
£375.00 (Sold)

Paul Warrener AGAvA
“ “Q3 Scramble””
55 x 44 - Pencil
£250.00 (Unsold)

Thursday, July 08, 2010


I missed the Archers cos I was listening to Five Live and the Kate Silverton 10am interview - if you get a chance take a listen...
Gill Hicks lost both her legs in the 7/7 bombings 5 years ago. She was truly inspiring and I was overwhelmed with her story.
Today is one of those days that if you were in London at the time you have vivid memories of where you were when you heard. Today I got on the tube as usual.. taking it all for granted in some way and yet aware of how fortunate everyday really is - no matter what external influences may throw at you.
The last few days I have been called intelligent, strong, disciplined and resilient. Compared to Gill's story I just feel humble. I wrestle with my internal anguish which I seem unable to truly shake off... The tempestuous early part of 2010 somehow not really reason enough to still feel so listless when away from public gaze.
Take care and make the most of every moment...

Jolly July??

Lucky Days: 6, 7, 14, 23, 24
Yucky Days: 3, 4, 10, 11, 16
Fashion Icon: Kate Moss
Colour: Taupe
The crazy eclipse patterns that sent your world into unbelievable upheaval last month continue, but with the promise of balance. Domestic/family issues are perhaps the trickiest to navigate as Uranus goes retrograde in your home sector for the remainder of the summer, starting on 5 July. Keep reactive fears in check and don’t do anything that will stir the pot. People will look to you to hold down the fort in the midst of calamity and chaos. The New Moon Solar Eclipse in your relationship sector paves the way for a truce or new beginning with anyone you’ve recently been at odds with. If you’re on the search for a relationship, mark this as a precious opportunity to start a refreshing tryst with the right intentions. Your planetary ruler Saturn returns to the exalted sign of Libra on 21 July and will remain there for the next two-plus years. This bodes well on every level, but it’s especially great for your professional status. Consider this your well-deserved reward for weathering the challenging storms of June.

Your July Monthly Forecast: People say, 'I'm on a diet'. So they skip supper. Then, later, when nobody is looking, they raid the refrigerator. Other people say, 'This is what I believe in. Here's what I believe to be right and here's what I think is wrong. Their actions, though, do not always support their fine, principled words. What am I getting at? Well, there's no need to be defensive. Of the many folk on this planet, you are amongst the most straightforward and self-aware. But, er... in one particular area of life this month, you might just be kidding yourself a little. Better to identify an inconsistency and make an honest allowance for it than to live in denial!

July brings a solar eclipse, a stationary Jupiter, a repeat of the Saturn/Uranus opposition, a conjunction of Mars and Saturn, and a right angle from Jupiter to Pluto. The long awaited T-square in the sky is coming to life in the sky. It's a rare alignment of powerful planets. It speaks of revelation, awakening, discovery... and rediscovery. No matter what sign you are, you'll find this an exceptional month. And if you hang on to your positivity, you'll come out of July refreshed and re-inspired by all you've seen and all you now (rightly) believe to be possible.
As we edge towards August, we approach the culmination of this year's rare T Square. Find the strength to face what you've been trying to ignore and to beat whatever's been beating you.

Stability is everything to a Capricorn, but this month’s eclipses are more likely to signal a moment when you’re obliged to make changes. The circumstances of the family and/or your partner may be the catalyst for an adjustment – you’re being offered a peak of what’s rumbling down the road in a few months’ time, so you can start planning.
Meanwhile here’s a week to administrate and to push through practical projects with which you have been battling for months. The end of July makes a good deadline for resolution of outstanding business, after which a new cycle in your professional and property affairs opens.
Romance: you’re more likely to be doing the chasing than to be chased.

THE solar eclipse in the foundations of your chart makes you sure about what you want from life.
This gives you a calm inner strength that helps you undertake a series of changes that make home life happier and the family a real team again.
Plans to work from home take shape and could be very profitable.
Venus aligns with Mars to mix up a spicy brew of romance, respect and sexy fun. Jupiter adds luck to projects shared with another Aries.
It's all about commitment, so even if you think a deal is sealed, take time to reinforce your belief in it. To say, and show, how confident you are. A sociable planet mix makes you at ease in any company, and in your working world this takes you upwards, fast.
SINGLES You're inspired when you hear someone talk about dream destinations - and soon there's a buzz of attraction that could grow into a shared lifetime journey.
You attract people with your warmth, high energy and daring love style, and can be protective and loyal. But because your ruling planet is Mars, you have a sparky temper, speak your mind, act on impulse, race into relationships too fast - and then get bored. But you can win the love game by giving yourself more time to get to know prospective partners and, by doing this, build a stronger foundation for love.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Week ahead...


You’re into a pivotal month with a bang, with this very weekend likely to illuminate your future path, or at least make an interesting diary entry. As Pluto is involved, so is getting to the bottom of things. Good time for a purge of goods and chattels. There are more revelations to come before July is out. Take the initiative on long-term plans, especially anything to do with the job/new job. The business end of the year arrives late summer, but you can set things in motion now.
This being the month of your partner sign of Cancer, all one-on-one relationships are up for re-evaluation and a check to see they are still fit for purpose. Achieving intimacy may entail some financial sweetening. Horse trade with partners, be wary around open rivals.

Your Week Ahead starting Sat, June 26: You are not quite like other people. You are made of different stuff. You are, for example, more diligent and dedicated, more determined to stick with what you believe in, regardless of the pressure to settle for a lower standard. And you are fussier about what you do or don't want. Given this, there's no point in trying to judge yourself by anyone else's standards. Nor is there a point in listening to someone else's judgement of you! This week, while a new comet passes through the sky, people can think what they want. Regarding one key issue at least, you are right and need neither prove this nor apologise for it.

Your Week Ahead Part Two - Love Focus: It's always nice to feel supported, understood, appreciated, respected and powerful. It's nice to feel this way - but it's rare for us to get quite so much help. Often, life seems like an obstacle course, full of dangers we must dodge, plus hurdles we must somehow surmount. It could all be easier, of course, if you had lower standards and less idealistic aspirations. But you can't give up on these just because they don't always make you popular. The new cosmic comet speaks of your need to be strong and purposeful. That may not bring you universal acclaim but it does mean that at least some of what you are after, you will get.

The Moon’s eclipse in Capricorn today is due to bring new opportunities for growth and change your way, so do not hold on to the past, or let a loved one who needs reassurance from you hold you back. This is not a time of endings, but of new beginnings, so ask for their support and include them in your plans.

Saturday's lunar eclipse was in your sign and next month's solar eclipse is in your opposite sign - all of which suggests pending change both in family dynamics and at work. Between eclipses people often make the decision to move on or to do things very differently. Expect a little of that this week and for certain people to announce that they're taking the weekend to think things over. In some respects this might please you enormously. It could be that a headache is going. And yet: at a different level you could feel disquiet about the unfinished business that will be left unresolved. With the high probability of extraordinary developments in a partner's world too, there's much for you to think about. It might help to see all this as scene-shifting (which might even be literal: redecoration may be discussed). The accent is very much on change.