Monday, August 31, 2009

Clearing the Air

Mars in your opposite sign of Cancer, karen, may be stirring things up between you and your partner. It is time to clear the air and get some energy back into your relationship. Heart-to-heart discussions will enable you to get to those core issues that can suck the energy out of you both as you tiptoe around trying to avoid them. The more open and honest you are willing to be, the easier it will be to find some kind of resolution. As long as Saturn is in your Ninth House you may be travelling more for business or academic purposes than for the pure fun of going on vacation. If you are trying to establish a business abroad this is a good placement as it means you are more likely to be thorough and to work hard to meet your targets. There is also the possibility of following a path or teacher who may be able to guide you to higher levels of consciousness. Mercury in your career zone is helping you to make the right connections and mix with key people. But from Sunday it will be retrograde until September 29. This means you need to be more careful when signing deals or arranging contracts.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

My recent Horrorscopes....

My stars were quite amusing for Monday -
The ability to make money while performing work you love is like hitting the jackpot. Fortunately, you'll be able to do just that. If you're unhappy with your current job, explore opportunities related to travel, education, or poverty relief. You possess impressive skills and can easily make an industry change. A close friend may be concerned by your desire to switch gears. Try not to be discouraged by their gloomy predictions. Hitting the gym can work off any tension.
so I did indeed make myself go swimming... I ended up swimming 50 lengths owing to cleaning taking place in the changing rooms and for the first 15minutes had pool all to myself (that was 20 carefree lengths), then I moved to middle lane and when the cleaning started I got tense during swim and that may explain my Tuesday/Wednesday shoulder ache... headache and poss. even toothache... Thus creating TENSION! This was exacerbated by my shower still not being fixed. In fact the builder had not even been nor phoned to explain. I was not chuffed.

Tuesday's were even more amusing... esp. with a footie trip in the offing!!

It may be impossible to keep your hands off your amour. Everything they do and say fills you with desire. If you're single, you could meet someone special at a sporting event. Keep your ears open for someone with a goofy laugh. The two of you will hit it off like strawberries and cream. If you meet with resistance, wear them down by discussing your favourite movies and performing artists. This should break the ice between you and a new partner.
SO I went to football. I was sat between my Dad and a kid aged probably 5-6yo. The only silly laughter was my own - which made the three lads in front turn and give me odd looks. And the kid next to me kept showing me his programme and asking who my favourite player was -- in the end I had to confess I loved them all. Oh and he thought Garry Richards looked like the guy from War of the Worlds ... you mean Tom Cruise... mmm Garry is quite tall, Tom is not. So who else in my life today filled me with desire... well there's the thing I suspect I have offended certain people, though how I am not sure, thus most conversations today either by text or email were silted. Mm. Footie - first half was tops. Second not so. Good to see Jason Brown though. Not so good hearing about the carnage at Upton Park.. we have Millwall at home on 12th Sept.. wish me luck.
Stars for Wednesday...
Somebody's stubborn behaviour tests your temper. You're tired of these things. Trying to bully them into making a decision will only backfire. You'll have to abandon your plans and go off on your own. Dwelling on what might have been will just drive you crazy. Set your sights on a new goal. Somewhere down the line, circumstances could change and you could champion this dream all over again.
This is far more interesting.. this morning a meeting had every chance of sending me off .. but it went quite well. As for dwelling. Been doing a lot of that recently and failing miserably to articulate any of it - to anyone. Rubbish! That is me.
Anyway tomorrow says:
A steamy physical encounter gives you a sexy glow. Don't think others can't see what's written all over you. Everybody is wondering about the change that has come over you. Maintain a mysterious silence; it will only heighten your allure. If you're looking for a job, this would be a good time to cast your net for one. Send out a slew of CVs, spread the word among your friends, and join an employment agency. Your diligence will pay off.
SO does this happen during the day? Or Wed pm? Or wot?! And if anyone would like to help fulfill the first sentence please do drop me a line... Otherwise looks like I need to sort my CV out... and that's not news either...
Mm. More as and when...

Monday, August 24, 2009

Exercise Caution

Hold on to your patience and your stamina, karen, because you are going to need to draw on your inner strength and fortitude this week. Don't worry; Saturn is your ruling planet, and you can deal with any challenge that comes your way! Wednesday volatile Mars in Cancer opposes powerful Pluto in Capricorn in your sector of self, and you will engage in a power struggle with someone of influence in your life. It's also possible that you will be fighting with yourself on an important matter that you are of two minds about. May sure that you don't become so distracted by your dilemma that you forget to pay attention to where you are and who you are with. This is a good week to exercise extra caution when you are in any areas that you are unfamiliar with. A good friend comes to your rescue on Sunday and lures you away from your normal household routine. The Moon in Capricorn trines the radiant Sun in helpful Virgo and your associate will see to it that you spend a day of fun and amusement. You may just decide on your own to take off for a leisurely walk through the mall, or spend time gardening.


Sunday, August 23, 2009


has been my salvation this fine day.. well apart from the dire result at the Priestfield this afternoon.. no joy happening for my tattoo... however Radio Five Sports Extra has kept me very entertained.. thanks Aggers, Tuffers, CMJ, Jim Maxwell and Vic Marks (not sure about M Hayden) it has been a great pleasure sharing every ball and wicket with you all. I was opening laughing at Victoria Stn when queuing for my train ticket.. talk of synchronised sheep shearing being the only sport the Australians might actually be able to win (they had just lost the tri-nations game by a point). They did win 2 gold medals in Berlin today.. SO tomorrow the Aussie's have got 80 runs out of the 546 that they need. Not sure how I will manage seeing as I am supposed to be at work...which also means I will miss the Grand Prix (and yes I listened to quallie while on the train down) Lewis is on a pole again.
Someone told they me they were worried about me yesterday. I shunned this. I always shun that sort of thing. I suspect I have become too self sufficient and hard. A thick barrier and no hope of being loved because I push people away. Self protection. That and not wanting to be a burden. To add to other's weighty issues. Listen but not be listened too. It was quite refreshing having a two-way convo on Tuesday afternoon...
Compassion or compromise. Words similar. How do you know which side of that coin you are?
Other notes from the day... Berocca maybe working. I went for a walk and actually enjoyed my bath afterwards. Have only spoken to people via text today - is that good?

Friday, August 21, 2009


The show I went to watch being filmed a few weeks ago starts next week... ho ho ho... See here for the low down!

And so

from the high to the low.
That is me.
I woke this morning. Rolled over and went straight back to sleep. I rang my boss at 9am. I nearly bottled it and sent an email but no I was not fit for work today so I fronted it.
Yesterday I had been so close to just lashing out at several people. It was not a good place to be in. I suspect I am just so deeply tired. Day to day things and deep down tiredness. The constant sense I am compromising myself and having to settle for the-right-thing-to-do things not the real things. So today I slept. Slept and slept. The radio was my companion and now after a long soak in a bath (oh yeah my shower broke last Friday, builder came Monday, so I missed swimming, only to tell me it was a very old electric shower not a power shower and a phone call yesterday - there may be a replacement in Newcastle so bath and strange shampoo poses are becoming my new speciality) I feel less tired but still coiled like a spring. If I want different outputs then different inputs but turning on people and making them realise how lazy, dull, uninspiring they are isn't going to help. And anyway what makes me think I am right. Maybe its actually me with the problems. Mental tiredness is an illness I am sure. Stress related dementia. Gaping holes in your sense of self. Weakness of mind making you want to destroy everything. Losing patience. Full to the brim with being patient.
I hope it passes.
I wanted to talk the doctor about the blesses pill and how my moods are beginning to get progressively darker. Like a blanket of despair descends and prevents me from thinking properly. Everything is black and white and my so called sunny disposition deserts me. I just fill instead with self loathing and distrust. And yet with all the things that have not gone well recently I have not totally lost it. Though Mrs Elephant deciding to paint outside of house this evening almost tipped me. Its like I really don't exist. Invisible. Pushed through on the street. Jumped in queues. Sat on trains. All I want is a quiet life.. leave me be like I leave you all be...
And at other times I really just want to be looked after. To not have to think about myself or anyone. Not put everyone else's feeling before my own.
My big decision to go for a weekend of 'change your life training' got cancelled. Ha ha. Sums me up really. Your life will always be like this.. why fight it?
And so.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Maybe its the pain of regeneration...

The New Moon in the confident sign of Leo falls in your sector of transformation and makes this a very auspicious time to shed some old layers. Let go of anything that no longer serves you and definitely trash everything that reeks of low self-esteem. The more you’re willing to relinquish, the stronger you’ll feel.
Lucky Days: 2, 3, 12, 13, 21
Yucky Days: 9, 10, 16, 17, 22
Fashion Icon: Kate Moss
Colour: Khaki green
You’ve been tested from every angle possible in the past few months, so you’ll welcome the reprieve from last month’s heavy eclipse action. Now the eclipse pattern moves on to the sign of Aquarius to give you a chance to exhale. Even though it’s not in your own sign, the full moon lunar eclipse on 5 August will impact your financial sector over the next six months, so get out your bank statements for perusal. If you’re in good standing with your resources it could bring fresh opportunities to earn more money. If there are still lessons to be learned about valuing yourself and your time, clear the deck of old, limiting patterns that block your financial flow. The follow-up New Moon on 20 August is the perfect time to get a handle on any lingering debt or collect on money that is owed to you. If you’re looking for new ways to boost your sex life, passionate endeavours are favoured during the latter half of the month. Sexy Mars enters your partnership sector on 25 August just in time for some end-of-season sizzle. This summer will definitely go out with a bang!
Your Week Ahead: Where I grew up, they say 'Where's there's muck there's brass'. Usually I only quote colloquialisms to question them. Yet this statement is rarely wrong. Wherever there are things that people find difficult, dirty or distasteful, there are opportunities to accumulate wealth. And at an emotional level the same applies. We prosper when we find the courage to recognise the darker side of a situation and ignore this at our peril. I am not suggesting you now need to give full attention to something unappealing. But if you can give it just enough to see it for what it is - and be less afraid - you can become better off in every way. Would you like the good news or the bad news? The bad news is that you're about to get some good news! And why is this bad news? Because when you first hear it, you won't like it. Or, at least, you won't like all of it. You might scratch your head and wonder. You may even roll your eyes in despair. 'Oh surely not' you will say. This news, though, is not so bad at all. The implication may take a little while to dawn on you, but once it does, you'll feel very proud and powerful. Pay close attention to a situation, a suggestion or a development you think you don't like. It will lead to something you're deeply glad of.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Set List...last night! The one I saw!

Set List: Release, Animal, Corduroy, Why Go, Small Town, Immortality, The Fixer, Even Flow, I Got Shit, Rats, Got Some, Whipping, Light Years, Insignificance, Black, Life Wasted, Blood/("Atomic Dog" - Clinton, Shider, Spradley)

1st encore: Supersonic, Hail Hail, Footsteps, Love, Reign O'er Me, Do The Evolution, Alive

2nd encore: Better Man/(Save It For Later), Crazy Mary, Leaving Here, Porch, Yellow Ledbetter
Not sure what part of the set I enjoyed the most - but when they played 'Footsteps' I was very emotional... as avid readers know it has been oft quoted here on Assume Nothing. And as it followed 'Hail Hail' I was very pleased... I don't want to think I wanna feel... are you woman enough to be my man... Eddie getting everyone to take 3 steps back to avoid a front crush. The banter between him and us the audience. 'I wish I could thank you all by name' ' 'Peace and love'. Magnificent!
Aah. Joy. Wore my wrist band all day at work despite several comments. Was a tad tired though!
All in all a much better end to the day than it started. Went first thing to Doctor's who had messed up my appointment so having squeezed me in I sat there for 40 mins before taking the bull by the horns and leaving. Got to work a bit hot and flustered. Skipped lunch and worked through til 1.45pm. Then changed and went to wait on the steps of St Pauls for the Actor. Weird set of emotions then set in a cross between excitement and dread! In the end it was fine. A few beers. Got to the O2 on time - another beer and a hot dog (which was a slight mistake as it kept repeating on us during the rest of the evening - soz about that). Queued to get in talking bands from our youth, gigs we had been too and people watching. Owing to the Actor's Ten Club status we could go in and stand quite near the front which was a bonus. Gomez were on first - a band I got into years ago. They didn't play anything I recognised but one tune was pretty good. Then 8.45 on came Pearl Jam - and they played through until 11.15pm. Usually by 11 I'm itching to avoid the rush and get home! But not tonight. Glad about that. As it was the walk from inside O2 to on the tube took no more than 15 mins. Spot on! At London Bridge we said our goodbyes. It had been a fantastic gig and a very enjoyable afternoon. Refreshing for me to have someone different to talk too. And not feel self conscience. Well not too much anyway.
On the tube this couple started talking to me about the gig. And when I got off at CW I rang my bro to share the moment! He seemed distant but then it was his morning and he was at work - whilst I was high as cloud and babbling about the greatness of Sir Ed of Ved!
Thanks Eddie et al. And thanks to Simon also, whom could have invited anyone else - so I am v grateful to have had the opportunity to see a band whose lyrics and music has often rung oh so poignant for me. Alive.


Live @ the 02

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What PJ played on the 11th...

'Interstellar Overdrive/'Corduroy'
'The Fixer'
'All Along The Watchtower'
'Why Go'
'Severed Hand'
'Given To Fly'
'Low Light'
'Even Flow'
'Present Tense'
'Save You'
'Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town'
'Do The Evolution'
'Got Some'
'The End'
'Inside Job'
'Soldier Of Love'
'State Of Love And Trust'
'The Real Me'
'Yellow Ledbetter'

What will they play in Manchester this evening and then more importantly for me - tomorrow at the O2?!! :-)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Check Out Your Assets

Long-term partnerships look especially sweet this week, karen, as Venus continues to move through your opposite sign of Cancer. Whatever issues or problems you may have been facing will be easily forgotten. A Mercury/Saturn conjunction on Monday may bring obstacles or delays to travel plans. It will only be temporary, so try not to fret too much. If you are trying to arrange a deal or perhaps dealing with legal issues, you may find your progress blocked. Within a day or so everything will be flowing once again. Don't take a risk on Tuesday at work - it may not pay off. The New Moon in your joint financial zone gives you the chance of a fresh start. As well as being associated with other people's money, this house is also linked with sex and deep psychological issues. If you want to heal any ongoing problems, this is a good time to start counselling or therapy. If you are combining assets in a business or a marriage situation you will be equally blessed. The Sun moves into Virgo on Saturday which brings opportunities for travel and adventure. On Sunday you may want to research a subject in depth to improve your chances of success.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Shocking start...

I was wide awake at 4am this morning. So awake I wrote my journal and made myself a cup of Horlicks. Why? I know not. Mind you I was slightly peeved to realised I'd gone to the status making someone in a freaky place elsewhere in cyberspace. Before it had read more positively and with a real sense of joy. Now not so. So I wrote. It helped. Fool. Me. I am.
Finally drifted back off at gone 5am. Alarm went, snooze, snooze, off. Darn. I was dreaming about my brother and his baby daughter. (they do not have children afore you ask!) Maybe its a sign?! Either way we were looking after her and she was beautiful. Not sure where her mother was tho.
Shower will wake me up, thought I. However my shower decided to not warm up and turned on/off randomly. So it was a very cold shower and I cursed loudly into the echo-void. Another thing to hassle my landlord about.
'Refreshed' I had breakie and got dressed. A dress. Mm. All the way to the tube I fretted it was a bad choice. But yesterday my skirt, blouse and haircut combo had courted positive feedback.
Left house later than usual, but not really late. Being on time was still achievable at this juncture.
Tube was fine until nearing London Bridge. Then we stopped. No messages nothing. After a snooze it became apparent that next stop - off and walk. So I got to work, hot and flustered and 30 mins late. Joy. My mood was not at its best.
Now. Well it's pay day. It's Friday. It's been a long week - well having worked on Sunday yesterday felt like Friday! Had a tops afternoon with Camilla and her son. Really relaxing and fun. Holland Park for a walk and ice-cream. All so peaceful and sedate.
And no I am not broody - just brooding over my options.

Carling Cup Round 2

Just read that the next big team to come to Priestfield is Blackburn Rovers... woohoo! Think I may have to go to that fixture!

Ever feel stuck in a hole?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Monday, August 10, 2009


karen, you enjoy planning your life. What you don't enjoy is being taken by surprise, even if the surprise is a good one! That's understandable, because Saturn, the planet of order and control, is your ruler. However, Monday you need to juice up your spontaneity vibe, as dynamic Mars in dualistic Gemini squares Saturn in your sector of philosophical thought. You'll encounter an event that will encourage you to experience life in a free-flowing fashion; in fact, you will astonish yourself by throwing your schedule out the window, and going with the flow for the rest of the week! You'll do some serious thinking regarding a major issue in your life on Friday, as the radiant Sun in Leo opposes Jupiter in your sector of values. You are at a turning point in many ways, and you are ready to reassess your goals and dreams. You usually consider all the pros and cons of any life choice before you start the wheels of action in motion, and that's good. Because of your careful and methodical qualities, you rarely embark on the wrong path, and if you do make a mistake, you are able to quickly backtrack to square one!

Friday, August 07, 2009

Post rain curls

Summer 2009

The Rabbit Series.
Yesterday I started 'Rabbit at Rest'. It starts by setting the scene. The Lockerbie air bombing. The on the news - the bomber seeking to see out his final days in his home country.
Rabbit Redux. Moon landings. Anniversary of.
Updike - you were/are a legend.
Planetface - thanks for pointing in this direction.
In some sense it's been a very good summer...started with promotion for GFC.
An Ashes test win this weekend and it will have been a v v good summer.
I talk as if the summer is over.
On the train Wimbledon bound it was hard to believe a month ago it was all so different. So much warmer, drier, brighter, so much more complete - thanks to my brother's presence.
This evening it was humid grey and very wet. And Murray, Federer and Roddick were long gone. As has my bro. Though the texts have been more frequent. The Ashes helps.
Saturday I return to Priestfield.. summer fades so quickly.


Okay okay. So I buy a new Muse lp to add to my collection and treat myself to Lady Ga Ga.. I also got Florence and the Machine.. her music used on Holby City and then connected on Radio Five when they previewed Mercury Prize Winners... and so I have been listening to her.. and her voice has been driving me wild cos it reminds me so much of someone else...!!! Aargh. And then tonight as I splashed home through the puddles I thought it had come to me. The c-d deluxe single Millwall Matt sent me whilst in the US in the summer of 2000 - Mandalay... Flowers Bloom disc 3. Containing 'Flowers Bloom', 'You Say' and 'Sleep'.

Most brilliant. Never really got Matt's feelings for me - but this c-d is a rather good legacy...

The reflection I see
Bears no
Resemblance to me
I look around the place I live
And wonder
How I came to choose the things I did
In the morning
He smiles
At the start of another day
He smiles
Kisses my shoulder
Cradles his body
Behind mine
Shin to toe to thigh to mind X5
I wake and know the time will come
The day unfolds
That everything will resonate
Flowers bloom
In desolate places
In the morning
He smiles
At the start of another day
He smiles
Kisses my shoulder
Cradles his body
Behind mine
Shin to toe to thigh to mind X4
Shin to toe to thigh to mind to mine
Sometimes it seems
All the birds are flying south
While I am grounded
One day I'll wake
And everything will resonate
Flowers bloom
In desolate places
In the morning
He smiles
At the start of another day
He smiles
Kisses my shoulder
Cradles his body
Behind mine
Shin to toe to thigh to mind X4
Shin to toe to thigh to mind to mine'

But now as I listen I am still not sure! Can anyone help me!!? Tori Amos? Cocteau Twins - Liz Fraser? Belly's Tanya C? MMMM - help me someone!!


I fear I am moving more towards Facebook at the moment.. as for Twitter... erm am seeing if I can get mobile with it - then maybe it will have merit..!? Both these mediums do not require many words to be written - unlike blogging of course - that folks is all about words...
So I guess I have come here on a very wet Thursday night to relay 'stuff'.
This week has been like house arrest. Four days in a room with a tiny American, some ladies from a legal-ish team and some more ladies from a finance team. Me the IT in the middle. As an experience of getting stuff done I have to concede when the room was just us ladies it happened. No alpha male or female cat games. We were each fighting for our corner but in a positive and measured way. Professionally. The actual contrast from the view at my desk (mainly men) has been refreshing.
But the price has been my lunch time social life has going to pot. Crikey. It really has been like detention.
When I have escaped I have sat in the canteen on my own scoffing pasta salad. Advertised as with artichokes and red onions. But neither were present. Just pesto and rocket... A slight improvement on sandwiches however.
I now have 16 pages of notes however to write up and then distill to my male superiors. All this in the week Harriet Harman dares to suggest that things only get done when there is a woman in the fore ground. I am finding this all rather poignant. The last few working weeks have seen me described as a minute taker only, or a tea lady. Then subjected to 30 minutes of diversity and inclusion training. Dignity at work. I would just hope to be treated with respect for who I am and the job I do. It seems though that if you are in control and on top of your game you are deemed a threat - and as such become fair game.
To be fair I am much calmer about the whole set of incidents than I was. If anything if has given me a inner sense of purpose and calmness. Stick to my instincts and due diligence and I can walk my line across any terrain. My only regret - not expressing my angst when I should have done. The anger I felt towards my immediate colleagues has also subsided. It has given power to my elbow.
I am not claiming to do a better job than anyone else I work with, but I have on more recent occasions wondered if the dramatic antics of the male populous are actually a barrier to success/progress ever happening. My experience of female bosses is practically zero, with one notable exception. For the most part I have managed cordial working relationships with the male bosses I lacked respect for. With others I have managed cordial working relationships in the face of much deeper waters running less than still. Sleeping with a boss will make the 9 to 5 life interesting to say the least. Snogging him and hoping his sister/wife do not find out will also raise the stakes. Falling in love with him will probably lead to resignation and starting a new life elsewhere. It rarely works out. I imagine with a female boss you bitch more behind the backs or at best you find a solid friend. Sharing of handbags not necessary however. My one exception was very much an older wiser sister figure. I have no need for a surrogate mother - my mum is more than sufficient in my life.
So where is all this leading? Nowhere really. It sort of fits with other discussions this week about working mums and those women who stay at home. My hat is firmly on the peg of staying home to bring up my sprog. However this for me would be a very well thought about decision. In lieu of spawning my life is pretty much the effort and commitment I put into my job. Its what gets me out of bed. So it needs to be more than just stimulating - it needs to reward (and not financially) - though paying all my bills without a worry is another thing I strove for - if you are going to be independent you need a solid sense of cash flow. I have used my brain and 'charm' to give my self the security I have. But now its starting to go stale. I will have been in present seat for 9 years in December. The recent clashes have stressed me to the point of visible shakes at work, severe headaches at weekends. And my smoking habit has peaked. All in all things are slipping from my grip. I cannot recall the last time I was actually 'happy'. When I last laughed so it hurt. When was the last time I got a sense of achievement from my 8 hours? Mm.
There is a connection with some other events. Yes I have bumped into several of my old bosses recently. And yes I did (see above) once upon time - with both. However. Each have a sense of care towards to me. Each recognised my brightness. Saw that I was not of the usual mould. And they clearly saw something else me that I have yet to grasp. Am I ever sexy? I have my doubts. Yet apparently when my face relaxes and I smile I am beautiful. Not feeling so beautiful today I can tell you. Retreat to introspection. So one boss I bumped into by total chance. We ended up getting rather drunk. He had grown quite wide and his accent was harder to understand! The other I had arranged to meet for one purpose and ended up instead just talking/having a conversation with for 2 hours in Embankment park. It was very liberating to be part of a two-way conversation and not just a listening sponge.
Other weird and wonderful events? I am going to see Pearl Jam on the 18th August - with The Actor. Strange but very true. I am very excited to be seeing Eddie Vedder and have been choosing my all time Top 10 PJ songs. (Nearly wrote snogs!) and also to be catching up with The Actor for 4th time in my life!
Having been implored to find a life outside of work I appear to be doing just that. Out of a week 2 nights have been spent in alone in the last few weeks. A bit of effort and my life springs alive again. Perhaps that's my unseen talent? Myself and Sparky have been meeting for post Ashes test dinners - losers pay. In fact even in the draw situ the Aussie has paid. Each evening has been amusing and relaxed. Odd dreams abound though about all of the above!
Other news. Am off to see Camilla next week. I struggle sometimes not to pour my heart out to her. But I have come to the conclusion least said. I rang her yesterday for sanity! To hear her bubbly voice - it oozes sunshine from the phone! It worked. And then 2 hours with TTWD. I am glad of my decision last night. Trust is a really weird thing. It was good to talk though.
This evening I walked. Got very wet. In my walking sandals. Lovely! My hair is as curly as a Monday pm post swimming.
And the one event that really made me smile today? Whilst booking my haircut. I have a weird love/hate relationship with Tony and Guy. Its not like the heady days of Fish (that was always a laugh and my male Aussie hairdresser and I would be there long after closing laughing like drains, those were the days), its more manufactured and corporate. Not helped ny the manageress being a petite dark haired woman who loves to woo her male clients. It's fascinating to watch. Going in to book my haircut it was she who took my request. Telling me there were two of me in the database (God help you doppelganger - mind you you are probably living the life I should have had OR its a case of duplicates in which case I am back in detention) she checked slots. My hairdresser Louise came bounding over (v v un-Tony & Guy like) and smiling broadly asked me when I was coming in! I was really touched by her genuine enthusiasm. I replied as soon as you can fit me in. I think she would have cut my hair there and then! Any way petite Manageress mumbled a time for tomorrow and printed out my appointment slip. Louise meanwhile smiled again and told me she would see me tomorrow. It really cheered me. The harden petite one out flanked by me the offish frizz ball and her energetic lead stylist. LOL. Not a laugh to make me ache - but defo a rather inward beaming grin. So tomorrow haircut! Hooray! Its gotten too long. Dye it v soon too. Ready for Eddie Vedder! ;-)
And now with the news that at 7th August - at 34 minutes past 12 the time date will read
12:34:56 07/08/09...
its time for candor under the stairs... ta ra for now and cheers chums - you're keeping me sane in that random way my life does.

Monday, August 03, 2009

On the Case

Monday is great for gathering information, karen, and adopting a detective-like fanaticism for uncovering the truth. Whatever you need to know you will be able to find out. Your focus is on getting to the heart of the matter and honing in on the truth. You may have to do a lot of research to get to this stage, but for you it will be worth it. The Lunar Eclipse in your personal financial zone is going to shake things up and cause a mini-revolution. Financial issues may come to a head, and bring up a lot of emotion. You may feel particularly vulnerable at this time. If you can create a vision of what you want to achieve, your financial dream, this is a good opportunity to be able to live it. If you use all your senses to bring yourself into the state of abundance you wish to attain, and keep doing this on a daily basis, you will eventually get what you want. The focus on your health zone may be the reason you have stepped up your exercise program and are now making sterling efforts to go the gym. The end of the week is best for creating fruitful liaisons, whether business or romantic.