Monday, July 27, 2009
Light and Free
You are used to waiting out difficult circumstances karen, thanks to your ruling planet, stalwart Saturn, and your patience is commendable. However, sometimes action is need more than taking a wait-and-see attitude, and this week you are in a predicament that demands immediate attention. Tuesday Venus in Gemini in your sector of daily activities squares explosive Uranus and you may have no choice but to stop whatever you are doing and attend to a dilemma that unexpectedly pops up in your life. It's okay to apply a band-aid to your dilemma for now, just to give yourself a little breathing room while you think up a more permanent antidote to your predicament. A long-standing dispute with a rival may end for you on Friday, as Venus enters Cancer and your sector of competitors. You may decide to let bygones be bygones in this situation, and walk away from a grudge that you have held against someone who did you wrong. Even if you decide to cease interaction with this individual for good, you will find the inner strength and stamina to put this matter to rest, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Watch how light and free you feel internally once that happens.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Thanks to my hero brother I am now a Muse fan. Planetface - you can never confuse me with that Muse fan you know again.. it is really me!!
PS Rabbit is about to go to the Caribbean!!
PPS. When are you back - I am missing our lunches and chats....hope the holiday is going well :-)
PS Rabbit is about to go to the Caribbean!!
PPS. When are you back - I am missing our lunches and chats....hope the holiday is going well :-)
Monday, July 20, 2009
Go England!!
After a fraught day yesterday trying to listen to cricket/golf/and watch Tour De France/Moto GP at least today England did the decent thing and bowled the Australians out!!
1-nil to the Poms - 3 tests to go...
Also worth saying well done Valentino Rossi - you are a genius... likewise Wiggo! Go Bradley a podium in Paris would be super ACE!!
Really - who needs football?!
1-nil to the Poms - 3 tests to go...
Also worth saying well done Valentino Rossi - you are a genius... likewise Wiggo! Go Bradley a podium in Paris would be super ACE!!
Really - who needs football?!
On The Ball
The big news for you this week is the Solar Eclipse in Cancer, karen, which is going to stir up partnership issues and bring change your way. Solar Eclipses tend to initiate new beginnings, whether you are ready for them or not. If you have been moving through a period of real difficulty and have felt that the relationship was not getting anywhere at all - this may be the time you decide to call it a day. If your relationship is working and is strong, you may be tested by events but it won't have any effect on you as a couple. This Eclipse applies to business partnerships as well as personal relationships, including friendships. There is a big focus on health issues, which may include a drive to get back into shape and a decision to eat more healthily. At work you are keen to get ahead of the pack and to prove that you have what it takes to succeed. You may be more argumentative in meetings, and could be easily provoked. But at the same time you are the one coming up with all the best ideas. Enjoy Saturday and Sunday as you may get a chance to close a lucrative deal.
All sounds fairly accurate...
Happily, things are not as bad as you feared they were about to get. Nor does it look, any more, as if your problems are due to worsen. Does this not, all on its own, constitute a vast improvement? And it is but the first of many positive changes that are soon due to come your way. Venus now forms a sharp angle to Saturn. You seek relief and reassurance. Emotionally, you want comfort, companionship and sweet understanding in store. Financially, you need to know you are at last on the road to solvency and stability. You can't expect all these things to come at once. But over time, you can expect them to come.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
When you first arrived on this planet, you were cute, sweet and tiny. You had no opinions about what you were supposed to be doing - and nobody had any great expectations of you. They didn't mind how you spent your day, as long as you ate, slept and didn't cry too much. And you were happy just to live in a spirit of relaxed, open mindedness. That was then. This is now. Now, you've got a list, as long as your arm, of things you like and things you don't. Endless reasons why you can't just relax. A reputation to live up to. Responsibilities to honour. Some of it, you can't escape. But there is quite a bit you can get out of this week!
When you have finished this, you can start that. As soon as problem A has been settled, you had better attend to difficulty B. There is no time for a sandwich or a cup of tea. You've got to crack on. And on. It is partly because of your astrological outlook that you now feel so exhausted and overwhelmed. It is partly, too, because life has a tendency to send us all round on an endless treadmill. But at least your current source of stress IS helping to make a real difference to your future. Trust that you're not wasting your time. Believe too, in your entitlement to an easier life. Worry less and relax more this week.
After yesterday I have to take some comfort from the final sentences.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Friendly Fire..
Folkestone Invicta 0-3 Gillingham
Dartford v Gillingham
Faversham Town v Gillingham
Dartford v Gillingham
Faversham Town v Gillingham
Kick up the arse
was what I got Friday.
No two ways about it. It dawns on me now that indeed there are few people I am answerable too and so to wait and pine and live in some kind of foolish hope is ultimately futile. I knew this before but somewhere along the way I lost sight of it and started to place eggs in a basket that did not exist. I am free. I can therefore do as I please. And so I get round to the question of what. Well that sort of answered itself early this morning. I will go on the self improvement course - shake off these self imposed shackles and then I will take a holiday that doesn't co-incide with something else.. or then again maybe I will. Put myself first for a change...and all the while I seek to avoid being treated like a tap. Called upon when it suits others. What about what I may or may not need?! Never mind Karoona she's so strong she can deal with the lot.. it hurts more when you do try and open the dialogue and for a change try to share stuff with the accuser.. only to be kicked up the arse and made to feel needy.
Silly me. Why do I constantly put myself there.
Hey ho. I feel better already.
Did anyone
else watch Occupation on BBC One over 3 nights back in June? It was without doubt one of the best dramas put on TV for a long while.. not at all what I had expected but each episode in the trilogy made me cry. It was very odd too watching James Nesbitt in this whilst in my spare time I've been watching the entire 5 series of Cold Feet.
If it gets repeated - try and see it.
Took said cake to work. Only one near thank you/compliment.
Went to WW - back under 11st. Which pleased me. Didn't stop with work all day really. The constant performer. Silently toiling away in the background. Sometimes it feels like a conductor of an orchestra.. making sure all the elements make the right sounds and bring the melodies together at the right time.
Went swimming and did my 40 lengths in 30 minutes. I was quite pleased bearing in mind its been a fortnight and too many ciggies since I last went. There are a surfeit of pregnant ladies coming on a Monday evening now too. Which got me thinking about feeling weightless and to an extent natal. Swimming at this time of year feels a real pleasure - with the sun streaming in through the windows. The water looks clear and for a momentary glance you could be on a cruise in the med. Floating along you feel warm and safe. The quietness and ease with which all the other beings glide through the water. Its quite relaxing as well as being a pretty good work out for bingo wings.. better than tread milling I fear.
Then as I wandered back to Moorgate hair drying in the sun and turning curly I passed a girl with a huge double bass perched on her back. The size of it dwarfed her. That got me to thinking about what a great instrument to actually play. Place between your legs, hold and stroke the strings to produce a sound. Then my mind connected the two sensations of natal swimming and encapsulating a huge instrument between your thighs. Then I realised it was probably my sub-conscience reminding me that sex is something I have not had for a while... hey ho.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Under Pressure
Pressure mounts for you this week karen. In fact, you'll resemble a pot that's been left for too long on the stove and begin to boil over by the time the weekend rolls around. You are usually a master of self-control, and you pride yourself on not letting anyone see you sweat. However, you do need to be able to vent, at least in private. Tuesday Mars in Gemini in your sector of health is quincunx Pluto in Capricorn, and you may begin to experience stress related physical ailments. When you are upset, your tension and anxiety manifests itself via your body, so keep that in mind. A perplexing issue with a family member pops up on Saturday, as the Sun in home-loving Cancer opposite your personal Zodiac Sign of the Mountain Goat is quincunx Neptune. Your loved one won't tell you the truth regarding his or her life issue, and the more you press, the more he or she will back away from you. You'll need to call upon your considerable stamina to cope with your loved one. Sunday you may decide to just let loose and work out your tension at your local gym or practice yoga or meditation.
I bought a new steam iron! So I spent Friday pm ironing. Very therapeutic.
Saturday I bought a new sonic toothbrush. But don't have a razor power point to plug it in for charging so can't use it... Very stupid of me.
So pressed clothes. Manually cleaned teeth.
But I have baked a banana cake for the team tomorrow. Ah.
Sports view
You would think my life had ended from the lack of posts recently.. bearing in mind most tend to revolve about football (but then I have been told I need to find a hobby, something outside of work, and to meet more people. By a friend.) which as you know the season is closed for the time being. Though friendlies kicked off yesterday and I can say with joy that King and Barcham have signed renewed contracts. Hooray.
All that said Wimbledon fortnight was magnificent. (I saw Martina N in Wimbledon on the middle Sunday during my morning walk). The Grand Prix season is also heating up - well done Webber on a much deserved win today. Well done too to the England cricket team who somehow managed to strangle a draw today at Cardiff in the first test against the Aussies in the Ashes. Add to that the athletics and the Tour De France and frankly my cup over floweth!! Who needs Premiership football??
As for a life view.. work is very busy. I had a great week off with my brother and his return to Oz has left me bereft and sad for a week. Back to earth with a real bump. And I have felt constantly tired.. very unusual. My love life is non-existent and I'm smoking again. It is not exactly where I would choose to be - but these are my inputs therefore by default my choice.
Onto the third Rabbit book and loving it. Again.
Face it - I find making friends difficult and the ones I have are spread far and wide. To be alone or not to be alone. That too is my choice I guess...
Waiting for Godot..

I was very fortunate on Thursday to be taken to see Waiting for Godot at the Theatre Royal, Haymarket. Starring Sir Ian McKellan, Patrick Stewart, Simon Callow and Ronald Pickup. I was unsure what to expect but the actoring was brilliant - the performance played with a hint of humour that had the majority of the audience laughing heartily. For my part I was able to deal with the very hard gallery seats. Not so sure my companion did tho. Oh well. The captivating dialogue meant that 1 hour and 20 minutes raced by - the slowly numbing buttocks only felt in the interval when arising to ones feet.
I had been much looking forward to the evening since Sunday and saying ta ra to my brother. I suspect my expectations are all out of kilter. But more of that on Under the Stairs...
Monday, July 06, 2009
The Eye Of The Storm
A Lunar Eclipse in your sign, karen, makes this a potentially hectic and chaotic week. Eclipses have a way of clearing out all that dead wood, and making space for new circumstances to enter your life. The Eclipse takes place on Tuesday, but you may notice it a few days before this. If you feel unusually tired, try to take a reduced schedule. This Eclipse may bring changes to relationships and also to some of your most personal plans. But in the long term it will prove to be a blessing as you are motivated to step out of your comfort zone. Love and money may seem to haunt you. You may be seeking a relationship with someone who is financially well off, as a way to bolster your own status. But though they may be wealthy they may not be particularly kind or caring. Make sure you get to know them before you make any kind of commitment. Mars will move into Gemini at the end of the week, which will stir up your desire to improve your health and fitness routine. If you have neglected this side of life - you will now feel motivated to get back into the swing of things.
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