Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Never Forget

A naval lynx has WHEELS

An army lynx has SKIDS

So ok - one (for a lynx in this context is a helicopter) just flew over the Thames and I couldn't recall which was which.

Monday, October 29, 2007


is upon us. The clocks went back and its been damply raining for most of the day. The darkened skies closing in around the gloomy city. The extra hour in bed was much needed following my second 'I have drunk too much' nights out. I did though force myself out for my walk this morning. Yuk. Damp and sweaty. But it gave me the space and time I needed to think and reorder my weekend.
Funny how two nights can be so different.
The first (F for Friday) evening of chat and beer revealed all I needed to know about my riddle to move forward. Though for me there is a sense of sadness, there is also a feeling of contentment. Perhaps 'it' does exist and one day it will all fall into place. Sometimes you have to do the right thing even if it breaks your heart. One day I will learn to put myself first. Until such times I will continue to live and learn.
The second (S for Saturday) confirmed all my suspicions and brought to a close the end of a long running story, neigh saga. It also made me realise that yelling at people in pubs with the back drop of live bands playing covers, albeit quite well, whilst OK was not, for me, the great fun night out all the rest of the party goers seemed to think it was. Maybe I am losing my sense of humour. Maybe I am just a sour faced misery. Then again maybe I just find enjoyment out of different things these days. And maybe seeing people drunk and hurting themselves and others no longer holds the naive appeal it once did. To hear a familiar story from an acquaintance bought back some memories I had buried. To times when I really thought I was cracking up and that no-one was listening. The best I could do was listen (hard in a loud pub but I did make the effort) and indeed give her a hug and advise she had to be strong and take control. It's never easy but if people won't listen and try to meet you half way you have to be firm. Otherwise you change and get walked all over.
So the weekend has had its ups and downs.
At least the Gills won. I got abused by disgruntled Rovers fans at Victoria Stn 'We woz robbed' - Yup lads shit happens. It was a strange old game. I lie it was an awful game two bad teams playing arse football. And then some chap engaged me in Gills related convo on the tube home - luckily I got off a different stop. It also reminds me that so far this season no sign of the Tit. Next stop Swansea and a shortened week at work.
I'd like to think this weekend has helped me reach some decisions. Gonna to find a course of something to expand my mind and ensure I meet some new people. Going to stop fretting about the things I think I shouldn't do 'just in case' and erm dive in and see what happens. Watch this space.............

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Friday, October 26, 2007


Control - Superb! - Go and see it, especially if you are a kid of the 70's.

Filmed in grainy black and white - the details of the early 70's through to 1980 were immaculate. Spotted - light shades and kitchen pans that I had grown up with. The dress material could so easily be curtains from my pre adolescent bedroom. The rooms so bare - no plastic electronic items then - just pure large wooden record players. Funny too now that all films will be dated by the amount of smoking seen on screen. The few musical scenes shot in smoke filled pubs. -Today for a film to be realistic it will have to fore go such props. Was it a dark 2 hours & 1 min? Well apart from the monochrome choice of film there was enough 'northern' humour to make the piece at once amusing and yet at the other end of the scale totally tragic.

Even though you know the ending the story is told in such a simple way - not too much focus on the band practicing - as if they were always a finished and ready to perform band. The reality of his epilepsy and emotional turmoil. What really came across for me was the fact he was just a down to earth kind of bloke with a good heart and a sense of right and wrong. Trapped by his circumstance and fame. Trapped by the words in his head. By the time 'Atmosphere' was playing to the smoke drifting from the crematorium there was a certain sense of freedom and release about his death.

So the tube home - the 4 Joy Division songs I have on my MP3 on loop. Yes I feel a sorrow for the loss of a talent - I also feel immense lightness at the thought that the words going through his head became so iconic to a generation and that today - 27 years the words still hold true even on a tube with earphones. It wasn't all meant to be beautiful and like life it wasn't. Would it have been different if he had lived? Well he would have been 50 this year - what would his take on the world have been now? It's even more confusing and demanding than it was back then. And his loss opened the door for another iconic band. New Order. You know the rest.

Thank you to PC Anon for accompanying me - good to go to the cinema and watch as another's fingers tapped to the music. Good to be in the West End for a change - the Curzon Soho was certainly a change from the Odeon Wimbledon! People huh - always a good source of conversation! Good to catch up - an ad well answered huh!!


Will tear us apart ...


I do love taking pictures - and this series caught my eye - The Genius of Photography on BBC Four. AND I really want to go and see Reflect at the Royal Albert Hall - as it kinda rings true for me and for my very small but 'endless possibilities' Cybershot camera phone...possibly the best gadget I have ever bought - never rings but takes great photos! ;-)

Thursday, October 25, 2007


I am finally wearing the suit I purchased as a stand by for my bro's wedding. It has made me realise the very real down side of working in a 99% male environment - no-one notices!! However a very well dressed female manager from another department did make a very nice compliment about said suit whilst I was in the lift. Which was nice. Browns and pinks! Oh yes I am branching out!!

Otherwise the weather has become grey and damp. Not good for straight hair - it goes frizzy! And in this suit the rain shows up as dark splats on the material! Marvellous - ever changing art.

I am off to the cinema tonight to see 'Control' - which I am sure will hearten my spirits no end!!! Love, will as they say, tear us apart.
And that then is the answer to my never ending riddles. Torn apart by emotions of love.
The question is then - how do you deal with being torn apart and do you ever really get put back together again?

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


In the Old Testament, shibboleth was a password used by the Israelites. It was chosen because their enemies could not pronounce it.
Note: By extension, a shibboleth is an often-repeated slogan

Other definitions can be found here

So in terms of describing the crack?! I am going for this one - 1382, the Heb. word shibboleth "flood, stream,"

Friday, October 19, 2007


light headed had to sit down and drink some sugary tea.

Got slightly drunk last night (red wine the killer beverage) and it helped me talk about things once I found someone with a phone switched on. Fortuitously when I did, it was the call I made to mum and pop - not sure they were that grateful when i rang at 10.30ish....!

But glad they answered and that they listened - just needed to get some things out in the open. Thanks both x

Photo of the day


Today the mighty Vulcan once more took to the skies! I managed to catch it on TV whilst in the canteen. Even the noise gets the hairs on my neck dancing again....thanks BBC Leics... and they want to cut the work force... pah.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

On this day 2006

I was at the MCG!

Today however... 'Today you could get yourself worked up about things that are not as important as you make them out to be. Try to give yourself some space to just wind down. Compromise is not easy for you at the moment since you hold really strong opinions and dislike having to fit in just to keep the peace. You will speak your truth no matter the consequences. You just want everyone to keep in their own corner and not interfere with you.' How true!!! Though it may depend on the interpretation of interfere!!

Photo of the day

Monday, October 15, 2007

Photo of the day



Capricorn "You're feeling isolated, perhaps because nobody shares your values or political beliefs. It feels as though you're screaming in the wind. Instead of setting yourself up for further rejection, you may want to indulge in some solitary pursuits. Writing in a journal could be very therapeutic. In a few years' time, you may be surprised to learn how many other people shared your feelings of loneliness. Until then, keep a stiff upper lip."

I feel that way cos I have put myself there. Again. I suspect. The other choice is to stop feeling.

Next Weekend...

Come On England - beat the Sarf Africans and let's retain the Rugby World Cup and make real history.
Come on Lewis Hamilton - win the Brazilian Grand Prix, win the Championship and make real history.
(I am though a typical English fan - full of pessimism!! It would be VERY nice though!)

Sunday Service

A friend of mine is currently touring with his ensemble. It's given him some time to reflect and watch marvellous sunsets around the Cornish coast. One section of wisdom shared on his blog is the following:
"I'm convinced being generous is a better way to live.
I'm convinced forgiving people and not carrying around bitterness is a better way to live.
I'm convinced having compassion is a better way to live.
I'm convinced pursuing peace in every situation is a better way to live.
I'm convinced listening to the wisdom of others is a better way to live.
I'm convinced being honest with people is a better way to live." - 'Velvet Elvis' : Rob Bell.

I am not a religious nut, in fact I don't really worship at all. (My 'Christian' Upstairs Neighbours convince me that a Sunday service allows people to think that they can behave as they wish and then be made to feel alright about it. A belief I strongly take umbrage against.) This passage though needn't be read as a means to connecting with God. It's surely the root core of any day to day sense of humanity? All I ever try to do is to live as well as I can within the confines of the people around me. Shame most of the time I end up ranting up about their stupidity. Selfishness.

I do know I need to forgive a few people and bury some bitterness.

Late Red

Is a rather nice Autumnal Hop beer.

Autumnal Sunday

Somehow I managed to get up do my ironing whilst listening to the Archers and the go for a walk. The autumnal sun meant there was enough heat to wear but just a T Shirt. The leaves on the trees are all turning. Some a deepen red, other shiny oranges and yellows. The pavements are dusted with gently browning hand shaped leaf wear.

Inside I felt calm and content. Why can't all days have this air of colour and stillness?

Meanwhile I am having to work out whether my 'not talking things through approach' is really helping? I suspect it is not. I just don't feel comfortable being really honest at the moment. I'd rather stay quiet and hope the decisions will be made for me. But I know that's not the case either. I know I have to sort out my destiny. I know I have to seize the day. Before I really am too over the hill to make the most of my youth and health. And yet all I keep doing is talking about it. I feel stuck in the slow lane. And no amount of signalling to over take is helping - the gradient just keeps getting higher and I keep getting slowed up.

Pay day and hair cut tomorrow. Wooh-hoo.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Friday, October 12, 2007

I feel rotten...

chest all tight and yukky.

Achey limbs and crackly feeling skin.

Truly scrumptious!

Never mind in the process of writing the departments blue print!! (Evil cackle!)

Enjoy your 'sunny' Friday wherever you are!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Oh dear

c/o BBC website - Blackwell 'flabbergasted' by loss
Luton boss Kevin Blackwell has vowed to transfer-list up to seven players after their 4-3 defeat against Gillingham in the Johnstone's Paint Trophy.
"This was a disgraceful way to lose and what it means is I'll put six or seven on the transfer list," he said.
"I was flabbergasted. There's a malaise in this football club and we have to pick it up since I have been here.
"The will and desire is not there. I've given them 15-16 games and I'm not happy with the team."
Blackwell added: "I can't rely on them and if I can't rely on them, they can't play for Luton."

Come on mate - losing to us isn't THAT humiliating surely?!

Haircut BOOKED

Monday 15th October...

so then... short n black? short n blonde? bob? or just a trim!?

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Photo of the day

JPTS2: FT Gillingham 4-3 Luton

Bloody typical.

Not amusing

Yesterday the Gillingham caretaker manager walked out.

The stark reality of my team's fate is really starting to dawn on me. I couldn't even face clicking the teletext button onto the next page to see how we were doing in the Mickey Mouse cup. A home game against Luton. But at 20 quid a pop and my croaky (for that read husky and sexy) voice not getting any better I figured a quiet night in *again* would be a better choice.

So who is being lined up? The MB is rife with rumour - the ex Scouse meat head Steve McMahon. The latest sacking from Palace of Peter Taylor has got the old faithful all excited. Would we like him back - I guess so. Should you ever go back? Erm in our situation what else can we lose?! OK - still a bit. Martin Allen has been mentioned and the manager of Stevenage, Mark Stimson, is so loudly denying it one does wonder. All I know is that any manager will need to have nerves of steel. The players either want it or they don't and this division is more about belief than skill. Perhaps Billy Graham is who we really need?


"You're supposed to be a gnome!" Millwall fans to Northampton's pint-sized full-back Danny Jackman. (Formerly a Gills player. A rat who left before the ship sunk maybe?)

For other amusing quotes take a look here...

Flipping Lurgy Unlimited

The office is carrying various bodies of virus filled humans. Snotty noses. Sneezes. Coughs. And today with the darkened skies and real vow of silence. Even the 4 of us who ventured into the rain to go to the canteen were struggling to make conversation. Mind you the menu options were a suspicious smelling seafood pie, over cooked chips and well I ended up with jacket spud and chicken stroganoff. It lacked a good serving of chicken, but it was less wind provoking than the jacket spud and baked beans I consumed yesterday lunch time. Thankfully my end of the room is eerily quiet.

In fact silence and gloom seem to have descended. As if the city is mentally preparing for hibernation.

I left the office at 6.30ish tonight by which time it had stopped raining so I went for my walk. The lights all glimmering on as the dark enveloped the city. The rain stained pavements splashed with newly fallen autumnal leaves. The air smelled of the northern chills to come. Seems only a few days ago I wandered the same route and reminded myself of the pact I had made the previous year to hold a party on one of the boats in the evening sunshine. Early June. Still didn't do it this year. I have this romantic notion it will be were I have my engagement party. Ha ha. At this rate it'll be my 40th!!

Aah well.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

NigEx Preview

Tonight it's breakfast... so toast on the bus then? Hardly revolutionary!!

To be updated accordingly!

OMG. Chickpeas. Salt. Oil. ON toast. No thank you. I'll be sticking to my very quick Ready Brek or indeed cereal and milk.

(Thank goodness the dressing gown stayed together too)

Karoona Pre TV Farts

What is it with the Beeb this autumn? Flesh fest?

Friday saw the start of The Tudors (excuse me but when has Friday pm 9-10 been an ideal time to show case new dramas?) This has one key draw - namely Jonathan Rhys Meyers. And I did manage to find a repeat on Sat pm - well past my bedtime. And having flitted between that and 'Crash' on Five US my toes had curled enough.

Then this afternoon I get my BBC Four Newsletter which informs me that Fanny Hill is to be on the channel this month. I remember purchasing this literary feast at university. My oh my. She learnt a lot in a short space of time! So there we go - expect yet more odious ranting as and when I have watched said programme - purely for critical purposes of course!

Monday, October 08, 2007

This time

last year I was on my brothers bucks do...

Where did the time go?

Karoona's TV Fart

Thank you thank you Louis for bringing us a gem of a prog this evening on an evening which seems to have become the recurring nightmare of a Saturday (Strictly Come Dancing AND X Factor both being on). Sunday evening TV has indeed hit the doldrums. Except for the obvious clashes - sorry Mr Palin, I had to miss you - there are few wholesome viewing choices. So deep joy at the return of 'Top Gear' - the photography on this programme alone allows me to forgive any other angst people have about the show. Plus an idle curious for Mr Slow. However I digress.

Louis Theroux: Under the Knife took us to LA, Beverley Hills to see 'normal' people discover their true identity via liposuction, implants and tucks. It was startling for a US surgeon to accuse London types to not care about their appearance - I mean in our climate the only cosmetic surgery us gals are looking for is hair treatment that ensures no more frizz. Flaunting our thighs and breasts only happens during the summer, and April was months ago.
The closest example to myself was a just 30 yr old who had had an on-off relationship with a guy for 8 years. Having split the day before (how unfortunate) she had hired a lifestyle coach to sort her out. Which meant lipo from all areas, breast implants (D's are all the rage) and a brow lift. (Her life coach must have been on a tidy percentage). This was all being done for her own self esteem. Okay so I could go for a suction, I am though already a D and for a 30+ er quite perky! As for a brow lift - have you seen my spam!? So she went through all this our Laura - and yes by the end looked pretty fine - I mean no frizzy hair anywhere. Anyway, enter her on-off b/f. She started to cry and he had a quick letch and she could tell by his expression she had made him happy. OMG. He basically said yup you look much better now love - so I am more than happy to be seen with you now. Typical. Had surgery helped her inner self - I suspect not.

As for the others - erm male implants are not good. And breast implanting looks really painful...ouch.

Prior to Louis I did discover the antidote to 'Jamie at Home'... Ray Mears' Wild Food. An utter delight! Sorrel tarts. Now that's making the most of your garden - big or small. Put that in yer woolly hat Oliver. Goodnight.


And taking pictures of requires an SLR camera. These were taken on my Western Thames walk.

Okay I admit total blankness. Must be time for a walk.


like a Saturday with all the Premiership games on the radio today.

Feels like my ribs are going to explode. I can't even get motivated to do my ironing. Sigh.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Swindon 5 - Gillingham 0

How gutting...

Chairman Paul Scally has offered supporters who travelled to Swindon 2 free tickets to a home game of their choice. If you travelled on the official coaches you can also claim free travel to Carlisle. Mr Scally left the County Ground 10 minutes from time disappointed and feeling physically sick.


What can I say. One moment we're on a high - the next on a miserable low. Shame there are more low's than highs. A combination of a long week, heavy Friday night and the dregs of a cold meant I was snug in bed when usually I'd be up and out for footie. Probably as well.


Get in - we beat the Aussies!!

I cannot believe it! Well that's not totally true - I had a feeling we might beat them, and the margin - 2 points. Amazing! And I am not a great fan of Rugby Union - but even I was using what voice I have left to yell at the TV.

Certainly made for some cheer while my footie team are getting whipped.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Deep Diving Day Two

Today I wrote proper code!!

Gillingham 3 - Leyton Orient 1


It's late - I need my bed - but what a great result - beat top o the league O's!

Match report to follow!


Tuesday, October 02, 2007


That smile of hers is vaguely sinister.

And her constant grazing vaguely unpleasant.

Optimistic October?

Well one can try. And I fear need too.

Made the connection that for 2 weeks each month I am a nightmare. The bad ebb. Thankfully I am currently in the good flow two weeks of the month.

Also made several other connections about my recently dark mood and where it has been stemming from. Two key sources - the fallout of my brothers trip and also the break away from work allowing me to look at situations there with a step-backed-from-the-situation view. I have to face the reality of both and deal with each much more maturely, however much each are upsetting me. Fact being I can't change either. So I either let it tear me apart or I rationalise each and move on.

I find meeting new people is a great opportunity to re-discover the good bits of yourself. To sell yourself as a person without people having predefined ideas about you or indeed no previous convictions! I also had a really good long chat with my oldest friend - we are both experiencing the oddities that come with mid 30's and no conformist milestones in our lives. It felt good just knowing I wasn't alone, and that I had such strong bonds.

I must stop looking and wishing for things I can't have and make the best of the things I do.

And with that I am looking forward to footie tomorrow pm and catching up with Pops after his trip.

Deep Diving Day One

Today I have mostly been ... trying to keep my eyes off the deep dive instructor... !?

Okay so my day starts at 9am - following a fairly painless trip to Aldgate. To a smallish room with at least 8 laptops, a white board, 2 flip charts, a huge A4 ring binder folder each & a projector. Along with myself and 4 other clients in smart business casual, some in house people also were down to London to learn about the product.

When I stumbled into the room there was a bloke sorting out cables etc - 'could only be IT support' I thought to myself. 'Shame he is cute' I also thought!
But no, as the introductions started it became apparent he was leading the next 4 days. Aah bliss - funny how learning totally alien stuff seems less tiresome when you are transfixed by gorgeous eyes, nice accent and my Achilles heel - long hair. Mm. He is of course married and lives in LA but it makes a pleasant change! And doubtless I will learn a lot - plenty of questions!!!

So today I wrote a simple archetype, process and page...I actually used a system to create code and stuff - my talents are never ending!? But when we were left to build the items by ourselves with minimal instructions I panicked - I have not touched a coding framework for years - let alone created forms and attached attributes to objects. I know I went bright red with frustration - so long since I was really lost as to what to do. But deep breath and some sanity checks plus a reassuring hand on the shoulder and away I went. I am really looking forward to the rest of the week and going back to the office with a real sense of knowledge, and hopefully powerful direction. It has really put me in one of my teams shoes for a change and helped me measure how well I delegate similar types of task.

Now all I need to do is make sure I don't get too distracted!

Smart Casual Pt II

Okay so the firm hears my plea - see here - and provides a policy to describe smart casual or rather smart business casual... HELP!!! I am so very confused!!

'emphasis on business' - so I was right unwashed and ripped - not good. 'revealing clothes' not permitted either - so the leather coat needs a white tee shirt and a green tank top under it then? No denim. So are cords alright?! Trainers and flip flops out! Well in this weather only an Antipodite would wear such things!!

Today I opted for black shift dress and boots. Plus a rose coloured cardie. I think it was OK.. but in terms of day to day at work I am sticking to my suits - I worked darned hard to look semi decent in them so they stay!!

Monday, October 01, 2007


Watch & redyed hair!

Sunday Night TV

Used to be good.

This evening my entertainment pleasure was provided by 'Wife Swap' (C4) - Pete Burns living with Razor Ruddock for a week, interspersed with 'Help Anthea I'm Infested' (BBC Three) were ants and cockroaches were making people's lives a misery. I am no Charlie Brooker - but is this really the best we can do at 8pm on Sunday evening when most of the populous is secretly dreading Monday am and resenting the fact that tomorrow its back to the routine? I want some drama - something to immerse & relax my brain in before having to use it fully tomorrow on something which pays the bills.

That said I learnt a lot. Pete Burns is astute. And ants are horrible.


The Gillsconnect MB has been a hot bed of theories and moaning northern argument since yesterday's result. I find all this mildly irritating. If a club is BIG then why are they in Division 3 with us? We make no pretence to be anything other than small, underfunded and yes though it really pains me to say it, not very good. BUT we are there like so many other clubs from around the country and provide a life line to people each weekend - a source of focus. I have only seen football violence when clubs with a reputation decide to live up to it.. Yes Leeds. Yes Millwall. I have been to many away grounds and always been impressed by the generally friendly and balanced attitude of fans - yes we all have our bias but that's the nature of being a fan. Being a football fan allows you to admit naffness, misfortune, hard done by ness and joy when a result deservedly goes your way.

Scally paying the ref?! If we had any money he wouldn't use it that way. If players don't understand the concept of a yellow card - then well serves them right. I wanted to say how well Leeds had pulled themselves up - but now I don't care.

See you on the last day of the season - and no matter where we are - I'll maintain my dignity.

Smart Casual

What exactly does that mean?

Washed and combed? No stained garments? Or a suit which doesn't match worn with a tee?

Jeans and a blouse ok?

Guess I'll find out tomorrow in Day 1 of 3e Deep Dive... (maybe it means a diving suit with cuff links?)