Friday, August 31, 2007
Lovely weather - lovely walk (9 miles all told) - then we headed back via Lords to Regents Park - on through to Great Portland Street for a tube to Liverpool Street and a Brick Lane curry..aah! Then a post food walk - Embankment to Victoria...
Bank Holiday Monday
As it was we ended up in the The George at Clapham South scene of one my less successful blind dates... hohum!
Weather still gorgeous - but surprisingly few people about - London really has cast itself adrift...
Bank Holiday Sunday
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Gills have finally scored but I still suspect a defeat...
The weather IS finally glorious! And so all my washing is washed, dried, ironed and back in the wardrobe - let the holidays and drinking begin! Although actually I quite fancy a kip now!!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
I really wanted to say Audiobooks rock! Currently enjoying The Call of the Weird: Travels in American Subcultures read and written by Louis Theroux... Definitely a warning for those wishing to live stateside!
And by chance the featured article on Wikipedia today --- Sheerness!!!
Ah - soon be time for lunch - fish n chips in the canteen!! Yum.. then holidays!!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Fed up
It's grey. It's wet. It's cold?!
It's August still?!
Yesterday I was extremely glum. Not sure why really. Okay maybe I am - several reasons.
Radio Five's lead story about how once you reach the age of 35 you recognise all your regrets. Giving me approximately 4 months to make sure I minimise mine....
Then I got wet on the way to work.
It was Monday.
Half the office were on leave.
Half my family are in the country on leave and I am in work.
I went to WW and was not happy with the total. 10st 12.5lbs. Cross with myself. Can trapped wind equate to 5 lbs?
I had lunch at my desk. On my own. Boxed sushi.
Went for an after work walk - too many people.
Did catch the Ood on Dr Who mind you!
Felt less glum today. Buried myself in work. Eased the pain. Even tho I have strong reservations about the main project I am on.
Have been distant from key people in the office and I am not sure what the answer to that is - but I do know that often after a vented spleen things feel less isolating. Even a joint lunch with various team members in the canteen can help.
I guess I am battling with one of the 4 personas I carry. And I am battling with the new personas in the office. I have days when my desk in the corner suffocates me. I feel trapped by my position. I feel fenced in. I feel like hiding under the desk and hoping no-one notices I am falling apart.
No regrets?
More words. More actions. More art.
Some light...
The Secret Life of the Motorway 1/3. Falling in Love.
New series. Showing as part of the Motorways season, this programmes looks at the building of the first Motorway in Britain, the M6 Preston By Pass, and the complex Spaghetti Junction using archive and public information films as well as interviews with the engineers who designed them, those who built them and the people who drove on them. [S] On BBC Four.
Dumbfounded to think we have screwed the landscape so much in such a short space of time (well relatively speaking). Amused to see police man with ray guns to switch on fog lights. And how the nation learnt about road safety and the design prowess which lives on today in the form of our road signs.. Interesting indeed. A total contrast to the Britain I know - even the interviewed families all seemed fairly decent. Or maybe that's what happens when you are filmed in black and white. Hard to believe that the M62 is the English version of Hooverdam...
21st Aug
Sunday, August 19, 2007
On the bright side
Gillingham 0 - Tranmere 2
Dad bought his traditional 1 of 2 programmes for the season the first and at some point the last game souvenir... there was a queue - they'd run out. More came. They had increased to 3 quid and looked more like a glossy brochure for kit wear...
We took our seats and noticed odd items on the pitch. The twins were back and in fact all the regulars from last season were there. The odd items.....
... Fire works to see in the optimistic chairman's new season. The world's greatest anti-climatic hopeful start.
As I sit here now I still can't get myself motivated to say too much. The team is essentially all new - but it felt like more of the same and with no Jarvis to lighten the mood it was hard to feel any real emotion for the blue shirts on the pitch. By the time I got back to London it was grey, raining and cooler. I felt like I had been watching a game in November with deepen despair for my team. It's only August.
Yes they may need time to settle and learn to play together. But a quick scout around the other results and the ex-Gills players have been scoring and more importantly starting the season as they no doubt intend to continue it. The MB is full of woe and the club's marketing, whilst valiant, is somehow missing the point - we never looked like scoring and we didn't seem to want too. It took a good hour before a remotely exciting run took place.
I suspect I am going to find this season hard to keep motivated about. I hope I am wrong but the promises of going up and Championship football next season seem incredibly hollow at the moment. Oh well - its a marathon not a sprint and maybe somewhere down the track I'll feel differently - but right now I am pretty disillusioned with the beautiful game.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
The Aviator
So on my phone
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Thursday, August 09, 2007
And another thing
Today though was an afternoon of strategic planning - with post it notes and a white board. So satisfying to have a proper output for a 3 hour session. Yes - a hard copy version of the thought and effort applied. So next time I am moaning about my work - remind me that there are days when I adore it, mixing process with reality. Business need with technical potential... To think I wanted to stand up and defend criminals....
On a separate note - congrats to my manager for making it to his 2nd year anniversary. Not sure anyone else noticed - and it scares me how fast time has flown....but well done boss!
And now with weary eyelids to bedfordshire I must away...!
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
I stole this from a mate's blog...
When were you happiest ?
- 1994/5/6 - Leicester - when I finally realised who I was/could be.
What is your earliest memory ?
- Having asthma and being left with my Grandad while my parents did the Saturday shop. He made me feel like a little princess...
What is the trait your deplore most in yourself ?
- MOOD swings. Mis-use of my 'power' to intimidate less strong characters.
What is the trait your deplore most in others ?
- Selfishness. Humourlessness. Loudness on mobile phones. Pavement hogging. People generally I fear!
What was your most embarrassing moment ?
- Quite loudly declaring one of my former managers was a w***** - not realising he was behind me. Oops.
What is your most treasured possession ?
- Ooh tough one. Too many to say - all family related. Photos I guess.
What would your super power be ?
- To fly - FAST!
What do you dislike about your appearance ?
- My plastic front tooth - self inflicted reminder.
What is your favourite smell ?
- Mum's roast dinner... jam making... scones... smells of home. AND roses just after it has rained.
What makes you depressed ?
- Not being able to afford to buy a home in my own capital city...
Would you rather be clever and ugly or thick and attractive ?
- It's certainly folly to be wise so a slice of something else may be fun. Then again - beauty is in the eye of the beholder...
Who would play you in the film of your life ?
- ? Someone who likes cameo's? Talking to themselves!?
What is your most unappealing habit ?
- To others who are less so - tidiness!
What is your fancy dress costume of choice ?
- A furry catsuit ;-)
What is your favourite book ?
- Too many to pin down to one. As a teen - 'Silas Marner' by George Eliot
What do you owe your parents ?
- My independent thought - manners - thoughtfulness - appreciation beyond material things - my brother - knowing what unconditional love really is - all the keystones that make me - me.
To whom would you most like to say sorry and why ?
- To several friends who thought they understood me and got too close - I was pretty vile in order to maintain my defensive independence wall..
Who would you invite to your dream dinner party ?
- Bowie, Molko, Bale, Pitt, Vedder, Rafter, Cash for dreamy men/chat. OR a real dream dinner - my bro, his wife and my country/world wide mates - who I don't see nearly enough of now...
What is the worst job you have done ?
- Newspaper round - Sundays... HEAVY!
If you could go back in time, where would you go ?
- April 1st 1995 - to not do what I did do.
What do you consider your greatest achievement ?
- Surviving London life - just! And having no debts. I am unique I'm sure.
What is the most important lesson life has taught you ?
- Treat others as you'd like to be treated... oh and that a smile costs nothing.
Where would you most like to be right now ?
- It would be quite nice to be in California .. or anywhere where the school kids aren't on holiday!
Tell us a secret ?
- I have walked away from love more than once, in the name of doing the right thing in the circumstances. Always the wrong time. Oh and I used to support Palace!!
At least
AND the neighbours appear to have shipped out for their annual holiday - deep deep joy!!!
On a different tact... the Beano...

Good to see Plug and Roger the Dodger though!! :-)
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
I got up in a daze to investigate and discovered that my shower was on (hence the noise). I then saw the true horror of what it was doing.. the mirror was soaked - the windows were soaked - condensation was running down most walls and the moist heat - well I had created a sauna in my bathroom that was filling the whole flat. Luckily the shower doors were closed so no major flood...
Now I am fretting - how did it happen? Its an electric shower which you need to turn on at the wall before it works. Had I not turned it off after cleaning it before I went to bed (don't ask! -You do odd things occasionally to avoid the thought of I want a ciggy). And even so if was on at the wall - HOW did it switch itself on? Moths rebel? Flies rebel? Mice conquer levitation to turn on shower?
So what with this and weird time travel experiences I am in a spooked and flustered mood. Any one with any ideas please do say.
Anyway this morning all the flat windows were still condensated despite my opening windows at 4.30am.... aah just what I needed interrupted sleep.. to compliment neck ache and toothache. Again. Nice.
Monday, August 06, 2007
I do
His laughs come from flippant puns and day to day musical observations. Which I like. I mean, I laugh at my own!
So where have I been?
On tour?
In detox?
No sadly not one of the above.
Been snowed under with work. Counting to 10 in the fight against noisy neighbours (who decided 3 bicycles in the hallway was acceptable - sadly at 11.15pm on a Thurs pm I did not. Sorry bike.) Trawling shamelessly around the Next sales... made some tops purchases! Some odd evenings out. Beers. Food. And a never ending case of 'what if...?'
Clean bill of health at doctors and dentist. And yet I spent the whole of last week suffering with neck ache and head aches. I checked it out on NHS direct. Blimey it went straight to red and 999. It was sore and it put me on back foot - but I had 3 apparently chipper days at work... Jekyll? Hyde?! I was cross and spoiling for a fight one day and then sweetness and light on brain keeps waking me up in the middle of the night - fretting about life. Housing. Money. Job. Love. Argh.
Finally returned my month old, broken MP3 player to the manufacturer - a new one is on its way. Finally. A month without music is driving me nuts on my day to day commute! Have had a semi-replacement - sort of - Blackberry Curve with 2GB card in it. Not as brill but does the job! Shame re-syncing the thing ended up with only one working album! So I have over dosed on 'The Editors'! Which is a good album! Ta again Baggy!) It will become synonymous with my current read 'The Secret History', Donna Tartt.
Been avoiding the staff canteen and working the local Japanese restaurant - top rocking sushi, miso soup and tempura! Lovely! Tiffin opposite is as good though - they do a mean lentil curry.
Dyed my hair. Lighter!
Not as much walking as I would like - too long in the office. Oh yeah and mid August client meeting in Bonn. Which would be great if wasn't going to be a day-trip. Joy!
My brother has been on the blower. Excited about trip! Not long now.
And I guess the bottom line is - too much work makes Karen a dull girl... so fewer reasons to blog. Heyho.
23 days
Ok the 2 drags of someone else's - YUK! But mainly none purchased. Not one smoked since 13th July...
Sunday, August 05, 2007
So summer arrives...
It is very close and warm outside - that smell of heated concrete and housing filling the nostrils. The local shopping parade was heaving with people who have forgotten what else to do in the sunshine this morning. Sorry Mum I was too late and by the time I got to Argos it was MANIC. So I gave up the fight and returned home. I'll go after work tomorrow. Fewer people. I hope.
My answer for the sunshine? Well I just sat and watched the Grand Prix... and now against my better judgment listening to two dull teams have a leisurely game of footie at the 'New' Wembley Stadium. Nope sod it - I am going use this opportunity to listen to the Archers - here live through my computer while I type. I am determined to not acknowledge the start of the season until I have had a few weeks of summer. So all those signings the Gills have made and all the gossip can wait. Mid September maybe a better time to re-engage.
There are some benefits to it being August - school holidays - makes for fewer people on the tube in the mornings. The evenings differ cos by then the tourists have woken up. But all in all the British summer has gone from nowhere to scorching in the space of a week. I am guessing it won't last. It does also mean that there are fewer people at work. School holidays mean people going off for their 2 week family holiday. In theory means fewer work demands - bit of time to plan and get strategic. Do you realise Friday was the first time this year I have worn sandals to work? Crazy. This time last year I was greeting the end of the 2 month heatwave!
Summer. Foot and mouth returns. Flood damage still a problem. No drought. Yet.