Sunday, January 28, 2007


These are the result of 2 stones I planted during Wimbledon fortnight. Survived frosts too..

Friday, January 26, 2007

It worked...!!!

Excuse the kitchen floor!!


The longest running show...

So now I am

mobile blog friendly; smartphoned; digitially unchallenged; DVD'ed and MPthreed.

Not sure I would have believed such things when I was 14 - yes a mere 20 years ago...

Its magic? Crazy the leaps we are taking? Crazy the way we have made one almighty mess of our planet - but hey I can send photos from my mobile phone to a website... so I sit here in lavish dressing gown luxury and pinch myself in wonderment.

I am a generation when a spacehopper was an advance in technology. One step up from owning plimsolls.... Shall I try another photo now?!?!

New toy!

It wasnt all bad ...
HEY KIDS!! I sent this picture from my phone - which would explain the lopsided nature of said picture!!! A picture of trafalgar Square the Friday of the Christmas weekend... there were carol singers by the tree and the quietness here compared to the bustle on Oxford Street stirred the festive senses.
Next time I'll send a picture which is the right way up!!! :-)

3 Dead Mice

Yes folks - I think judging from the size of tonights kill I have started working my way through the kids.. or whatever they call baby mice...

... and as if to compensate for this morning's disappointment of finding the Northern Line running ok - they decided instead to suspend it at 6.15pm... which was nice so I walked a lot this evening - which was good as it got the blood circulating and it helped warm me up better than I had felt all day..

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Northern Line...

suspended north bound from Morden to Kennington... erm no it wasn't not when I got to the station, having had warning text, heard it on travel news and changed my attire to be ready to stomp to Wimbledon. As I left the house it was snowing - so I was really looking forward to a day of straggly hair and damp clothes. I got to work at 9.33am. Relaxed and having read of the birth of Rabbit's daughter. Aah.

Big news in office! We're having a desk move! Again! Not sure of exact date but I am going right to the other end of the room! Wa-hey - back where I began! Like fashions I suppose - wait long enough they come round again!


When you think of Phil Mitchell?! I think about violence. And baldness.


I really have no idea. (back to 5 days!) Has she run off with her ex? Did her hubby do it? And her Dad and Mum are a bit suss...

Oh well no doubt when my neighbours wake me at 11.55pm (AGAIN! I could even hear parts of their conversation - rather ironically 'Its very annoying' Mmm tell me about it love) I will have some time to ponder these theories and others... just I need with 4 impending interview tomorrow and a further 4 on Friday! Joy! And then I'm asked what I think I am worth... ooh the answers I could give! Sabbatical for 5 months to write my masterpiece maybe?!

Dream on Karoona! Night - I'm off for a Harrods dressing gown snuggle! :-)

Five Days...

Spooky and thus far gripping - so I'm to my sofa now for episode 2... byeee!

Keep warm everyone! (I know I will - I got a rather lovely belated pressie today - a proper Harrods dressing gown - bliss! Thank you Mr Squeezy Fish xxx)


Typical! the one night I get home earlyish (ie before 7pm) and Blogger is upgrading so I can't post! So these are my note pad notes - I'll transfer them over shortly! I hope! (here they are!)

Well so much for tropical January huh! This morning snow paved the streets of London and all tube lines bar one was delayed! Hooray the northern line with its depth and heat was running as normal! Not so lucky for many others - though I suspect the walk did them good! So we have had a rather warm start to the year. Winds to halt the day to day flow and now snow. Welcome to 2007!

I on the other hand have been waging war with my mice. Sunday was the last straw - I could hear them moving and squeaking after I got back from storm trooping walk to Clapham Sarf. Out came the Little Nipper traps and some strategic planning. The perishers were taking the choccie bait and moving the traps as far behind the fridge and freezer as possible. So I was now in need of getting results. Sunday evening I planted the traps. Monday morning the trap had indeed disappeared. When I returned Monday pm, post my weekly shop, it was time to remove the freezer again and see what was behind. Nothing. But a torch and me peering behind the fridge revealed trap and dead mouse. Sprawled on its back. Dead. I jumped in horror. The beady black eyes catching mine. A moment of triumph followed, which was then tempered by thoughts of 'Oh God what I have done? And worse what do I do with it now?' So plastic gloves to the fore I eased the trap and mouse out and peeled back the catch. Into a plastic bag it went and into the bin. But the image kept haunting me as I ate my tea and washed up. Tuesday night no joy. Bait gone but no mouse. So last night a much smaller piece of choc. This evening there was another dead mouse waiting for me. I never realised quite how large they are.

So its 2-nil to me. Unlike Gills last night.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Swansea 2 - Gillingham 0

Oh well the Swansea hex is over. Well done Swansea Jack... I 'look forward' to the crowing...NOT!!!

Monday, January 22, 2007


Started well! Tops night out Thursday with Lisa - a belated birthday feast at the Turkish restuarant Tas Pide on New Globe Walk. Got home in one piece despite the fact wind had delayed most of my colleagues until 1am.
Friday - new work related gadget - a SmartPhone no less! CV reviewing all day and straight to pub at 5.30pm. A place I stayed in until 11.10pm. Oops! 5 pints of Shepherd Neame Porter - lovely!

Saturday morning I thought I felt ok - oh how wrong I was. Oh well a few extra hours in bed does no harm! Well at least Chelsea lost!

Sunday up with the lark. Washing out. Breakfast feast and then a power walk to Clapham South. My initial aim was Balham but I had got such a pace going I just kept going! Home in time to hear Arsenal beat Man U. Not that I care about the Prem - but nice to know its not a total runaway prize this seasn. And then stuffed mushrooms for tea whilst watched 'Trek' - crocs n hippos vs the wilderbeast!

Pity Monday arrives too abruptly...

Friday, January 19, 2007


Soya milk?

Okay seriously though what has happened to the weather? Where has the cold bleak January gone that we know and love? It's ridiculous, I am walking around in my summer tops and wearing only a mac to fend off the rain. Scarf and hat merely for comfort and to save wind swept hair. Something is not right and its all very well for those in power to say we need to stem the tide BUT we knew this back when I was doing Geography GCSE's & A-Levels... bit late to listen now - some 16 years down the line?! Grr.

AND other notable comments - umbrellas. They are USELESS in the wind! So stop using them, breaking them and then leaving them near waste bins. Take them home and deal with them. Or just stick a hat on! Doh!

As for Big Brother - I watched in horror last night. The first time I switched on due to the general media furore. The foul language and play ground bullying were disgusting to watch. Ashamed to be English as it all seemd too real. I mean why else do right minded people avoid confronting such behaviour? Because that's the sort of response you can expect. Frightening that we have stooped so low.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Bugs n Boots

Yesterday it was books - today boots - but in a show of self restraint I was merely picking up 3 pairs which I had finally put in for re-heeling! Aah! In other boot news I wore my 'motor-cycle' tan boots today (the most comfortable footwear I possess) with my sleek looking black dress and someone commented on how great my boots looked. Needless to say as I bounced down 5 flights of stairs the zip went wafty! Fixed now though - phew!

As for reading on the tube home - arses I'm afraid, no seat going spare and I refuse to be thrown around while I try and co-ordinate balance, turning pages and concentrating on the page as opposed to inertia and movement. So no Rabbit Run for me this evening. But I did end up in a carriage with a bloke on who I am sure was in my year at Leicester Uni - which in itself is not odd but the fact I was also sharing a carriage with him last week is. He still had his wheelie suitcase and got off at Tooting Bec. Third time I ask the question 'Oih, (Grr.) did you used to go to Leicester and study law, (Grr.) mate?' I'll let you know how that little tale unfolds.

Did get home to find a postcard on the doormat - from Australia. On the front an old style poster urging people to go out to Australia to see the Ashes matches in 1932 (and this tour lasted from September to March! Take note ECB). Some jovial Aussie then telling me that it was a memento of the 5-0 drubbing! And there was I looking forward to seeing him back in the UK tomorrow. Not so sure now! Freaky bearing in mind I dreamt about said fella last night (a rather odd dream in which my parents also featured and some mass gathering of people and for some reason I was up on a balcony far away in the corner) and was considering whether he had actually left Oz as I walked from tube to home.

So tea. Spicy vegetable tagine followed by apple & banana fritters - lush city! Who said eating well had to be boring?! And so to some TV.

Judge John Deed - discuss. What the hell is that all about? How close to reality is it? The nepotism and general deceit by those in seats of justice - all a bit worrying. And what has Mrs Mills done to her hair and why do her and Deed keep denying that they have a thing going on? Blimey remove that dynamic from the plot and they could see twice as many cases.

Is it a full moon tonight? I have heard the squeaks of mice, just now there were enough emergency sirens to suggest a major heist and now 2 cats are tearing strips out of each other in the back yard.

The big question of the evening - will my neighbours be moving furniture until midnight again this evening? I have started keeping a journal of noisy incidents. My lack of sleep is driving me to minor madness - okay perhaps more outwardly evident madness and I am slightly perturbed by the furniture which has appeared in the front garden coupled with the new table and chair ensemble which was sighted in the back of their Volvo. For one split second I thought they may be storing such items while they had a nice thick carpet and underlay installed in their front room - yet I suspect I am being too optimistic and in actual fact it's more stuff to irritate their downstairs ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Grr.

Another Grr. moment (well I know how much a known admirer loves them) without a prior notice take the next instalment of cash from account so I can make it happen... well it ain't happening in cyber land... why would I converse with people online when I have a loyal following awaiting my every word on my blog?! Far more rewarding. So I cancelled my subscription and for the short while I was online at I had 2 people email me?! Crazy crazy world. And on that bomb shell I am going to bed in my air raid shelter - you can hear it coming but you never know when that moving chair is going hit.... ttfn


Not sure why. Yesterday was one of those days. I lie - the weekend was one of those weekends.

I think my brain and soul had had its appetite whet by an unforeseen possibility. The truth of which means that Karoona has to finally bring herself into the real world and consider her practical options. The realistic options. As such the idea itself was great - in my mind! The idea of moving to somewhere slightly bigger and yet not so far from where I currently am really appealed. My own space to do with as I pleased. Anyway by the time I had finished my rough n ready research yesterday I begun to see that home ownership is not such an easy trot. I really need to talk to some IFA to get the full details of what are possible for me - but my excited dream state of Friday was soon quashed. It all seems within grasp and yet so far. And do I want to forgo having a life just to put myself in a place of security?

Never mind - at least it has got me focused on looking - be it at mortgages/new flats to rent or indeed ways of increase my income streams. So that in itself can't be bad.

I had some success yesterday though - WW weigh in - got myself back below 11 stone and that cheered me and of course it was pay day.

In a fit of gloomy joy I went to the bookshop. It's where I end up if I am feeling down or indeed up! My mission: John Updike's Rabbit series. Having just finished the wonderful 'Rabbit is Rich' I had tried to start Nabokov's 'Lolita', and indeed got 30 pages in, but in my mind I was still in Mt Judge with Harry and Janice. And I knew there was more of Rabbit's life to read about. And the nagging voice in my head wouldn't let me forget about it. So I hit Waterstones on my way to Waterloo and joy of all joys they had in the rest of the series. So I am now the proud owner of ‘Rabbit, Run’, ‘Rabbit at Rest’ and ‘Rabbit Redux’. I have started reading part of a series in the wrong order but that doesn't seem to matter. This morning a delayed Northern Line train gave me 45 minutes to meet Rabbit in his 20's. It felt great to be back! I think it’s the richness of the way Updike writes is what has got me so invovled – he makes seemingly simple things like coming home so vivid and interesting. I feel like I am there, a fly on Harry's shoulder. And so on a day when the rain is falling and my mind is elsewhere with domestic and financial issues it is kinda nice to know that this evening I can lose myself in Mt Judge and the life of Harry Angstrom.

Monday, January 15, 2007

My week ahead...

Bold New You!
Mercury enters Aquarius and your money sector on Monday, KAREN, and you may start to spend considerable time thinking of ways to boost your financial status. On Tuesday, Mars and the Moon enter your own sign, and your energy and drive, along with your assertiveness, should rise. You may begin to surprise your associates with the bold new way you stand up for yourself and your beliefs. On Wednesday, one of your siblings or close relations may have surprising news, and you should be very happy to hear what he or she has to say. On Thursday, the New Moon in Capricorn may give you a brand new start in an area of your life you had almost given up on, whether in your personal or professional life. You should feel more revitalized and motivated than you have in a long time. You could also feel very content with your life and start to count your blessings, thanks to Venus conjunct Neptune in Aquarius. On Friday, you might learn of a good way to consolidate your debts. On Saturday, a new love may waltz into your life. On Sunday, your artistic urges may increase by 100 percent, and you might start writing a novel, poem, or short story. cf of Astrocenter.. lets see how it shapes up!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Gillingam 0 - Doncaster 2

I wish just wish I had stayed at home.

I should have known. The tube was running so I jumped on the 219 bus which went nowhere fast so I bailed out at Tooting Broadway and walked to Balham, weaving cat like between the Saturday shoppers, dawdlers etc. In my many sitting at football in the cold layers I was by the time I got on the 13.13 Southern service to Victoria sweating like a pig (sorry for the harsh picture but that was how I felt). Victoria was suspiciously quiet and the queue for tickets short but I still missed the 13.33 to Ramsgate by 1 minute. So I jumped on the slow train. Arrived at Gillingham at 14.43 pegged it up the road and into the ground. No Donny Dog.

A tight first half - we were not exactly brilliant but we held our own. Second half we came out fighting - plenty of chances - a ball over the line which was not given. The ref making several weird and wonderful decisions and all the bluster & determination of Jarvis going begging. How many misses? How many balls floated past the post?

The afternoon was kept loud by a Scouser called Adam (Tranmere supporter who had to ring his mum to tell her he had had a pie and was feeling better, nowt like sharing your hangover country wide) sat behind us with his mate and girlfriend. They knew an amount about football, sadly perhaps not quite the right amount. So all game we had a running incorrect commentary. And I can't abide fans calling players by their first name. 'Ooh Ian's having a mare. Come on Matt.' etc etc. Its just so wrong for so many reasons! Even the twins were looking back at these cretins with disgust. I kept quiet for the first half - still wondering how it took me from 12.30 to 14.55 to get from CW to Gillingham.

So back to business. They scored. Soft first goal. Inevitable second. The Gills seemed to lose heart at this point. But at least the fans were a bit more vocal.

A leisurely wander back to the station only to discover the trains back to London were delayed... oh joy. So I read the programme. Scally seems set on moving the ground to another site and I still don't quite get his arguments. To me it makes little sense when we only had over 6,000 there today. Hey ho - no doubt I will return to this theme in due course.

So the Donny Army marches on and frankly I am not sure with I should feel dishearten or rather mildly annoyed.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Transfer Windows

make me nervous...

It's not as if GFC can afford to bring in a top notch goalie (though it would be nice) or secure Mr Beckham post his Madrid career (which again would be quite pleasant, for so many reasons) so the only thing we have to look forward to is loan signings or the non-departure of our key young hopefuls (oh and of course off loading some of the more donkey ridden members of the squad).

So far promising and butch Ben Chorley has been secured on loan til the end of the season. But other than that - no real news. Plenty of rumour, but no news.

So will Jarvis stay? Will Mulligan go? Will Brill (not the best surname if you are beaten 4-1!) keep with us til May? Or can we get Jack fit? never mind Jill (Gill)!

It really is a time of many questions. A pre Christmas high followed by a Post Christmas and New Year low. The key question as ever is - can we win and will the team picked play out of their skins to ensure they win? Can we pick oursleves up from conceding 7 goals and no clean sheets? Tomorrow will start to tell us some of the answers. So if certain players are on the bench or totally absent a few more questions will be asked - not only of those not playing but those playing. Can they score? Defend? Pass? Kick? Run?

But it's a game of two halves and also a season of ups and downs. Not over til fat lady sings and all in all ... it needs power and pace to be successful. As Liverpool proved this week. Nice one Mr Hansen. Sorry didn't mean to mention ANY Premiership clubs (grr.) but it has been entertaining to see Chelsea held and Liverpool outed by ascendent Arsenal. But I digress. The key note of this is to say I am looking forward to my footie tomorrow provided I can avoid T.T.T (Tim the trepasser - or maybe tit for short) and provided we win and the crowd around me isn't too painful.

Up the Gills! Down the Rovers (and no it isn't a Corrie reference)

Wonder if Donny Dog will be there?

Friday, January 12, 2007


Special - finally caught fully on More4 on Sat pm - what a gem!!


Hey all - sorry for the total lack of the world according to Karoona thus far this week... what can I say - I've been BUSY!

Well work wise. Not so socially. Hey ho.

News from the desk - well my new TV has prompted the revolution of only really watching BBC Four. Sunday pm I sat and watched the entire series of Jane Eyre and got quite elated on emotion. For some strange reason all my secondary school days came back and the comments English teachers had made about me and literature. It also reminded that basically I am a romantic at heart! Aah!

This was followed by the Californian Dreaming series - thus far this week I have watched the music progs to try and understand why Neil Young, Joni Mitchell, The Eagles etc are so infamous and then last night from Ranch to Raunch - aah those Hollywood hills! Pools, views and one storey dream houses. The sunshine. I spent 3 months in California in 2000 - and my memories were jogged well and truly.

Monday was spent emailing with Ziggy about the great albums and songs of Sir David Bowie - and believe me by the time we finished it was a rather long list!!

Been back out walking in the evenings and amazingly enough managed to lose a 1lb over Christmas - which was nice. Not so nice going to WW weigh in on Monday and being faced with the New Year's resolutes - mm I wonder how long they will keep coming?! Ventured up to Old Street tube stn - which bought back many memories of my early BT years, ah Defoe Court and Scott n Kim amongst others!! Bunhill Row.

Erm and then I ran around like a banshee trying to get a bag I bought in the Next sale fixed. No joy - so I took it back and got me money back. Bit disappointed as it was the perfect handbag (well apart form the hideously broken zip!)

I did get taken for lunch on Tues - belated b-d scoff and enjoyed a beef n horseradish sarnie - which was tasty! And today I took a mate to lunch as a pre b-d treat as she is out of office next week...

Some tops news though my brother emailed confirmation of his flight details - so he and Mrs Fairy will be in the UK in August! Excellent - the plan is to go to the Reading festival at some point. Tops rocking!!!

Tonight is drinks with the firms managing partners and tomorrow interview panel. So more news as and when I land in my lounge Saturday pm after the Gills have beaten Donny!!! ttfn

Monday, January 08, 2007

Saturday, January 06, 2007


Managed to have a birthday drink and get home in one piece! So today I am up (well my bro rang at 8.30am!) and not wondering where my tooth is or why my leg hurts! Hooray! A year older and hopefully wiser!!
And now a day of FA Cup football - come on you minnows!

Friday, January 05, 2007


Tonight!! GREENWING!!!

The world

and his wife are back at work today... grr!

Not until everyone returns do you appreciate the quiet tubes, the faster service and the distinct lack of unwanted newspapers strewn everywhere. And the pavements were roomy! Not so this morning.

I must stop muttering to myself when I want to comment on individuals stopping suddenly, walking zig zag across the pavement and/or generally dawdling!

Thursday, January 04, 2007


Okay so it wasn't ALL bad!
Eddie and I would like to say Thank YOU!

For Christmas stuff - thank you's go to Kim, Melsie, Sophie, Kezza, Cress, Ziggy, Mikey Gee, Lisa, Shirley & Mike for cards! To Pam for scarf which I am wearing to work! To Mike n Shirl for a tops Christmas Day lunch. To Ma and Pa for card and tops pressies (esp the Planet Earth dvd set and book, and Pops for the model Phantom!) and to Stu n Emma for tops piccies - Eddie looks resplendent above my bed! And you guys look pretty buff in my lounge!

To those of you who texted over the festive period - Matt T, Swansea Jack, Dan C, Furry, Zig, Cress, Kim, Baggy, Dr Marc! And Mr G! Cheers!

And for burfday stuff - (yes my ungrateful spoilt brat phase has passed) Cress, Shirley & Mike, Camilla, Furry (thx for lunch - much appreciated!), Mikey Gee (cheers for more Roth to read!) Ma n Pa and Stu n Em, and to those who texted or emailed or indeed posted comments here - again thank you! Cheers Mr G for calling me - defo brightened up my day, as did the email from Emma!

As I said to someone today no expectations so everything is a bonus - well looking back on yesterday and Christmas its really the same ethic - I guess part of getting old is realising there are few surprises on your birthday - just the gentle reminders of the good people you already know are in your life - so thank you all!

Today I feel a much more contented soul! And in part its down to you lot!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Other top Capricorns!

23 December 1964 - Eddie Vedder! (yum!)
25 December 1954 - Annie Lennox - tops voice
28 December 1954 - Denzel Washington
1 January 1909 - Barry Goldwater - erm big in water stuff in California
3 January 1942 - John Thaw (Leeeeewis)
8 January 1947 - Sir David of Bowie (my hero!)
8 January 1935 - Elvis - the King
8 January 1942 - Stephen Hawking ('genius')
18 January 1904 - Cary Grant (North by Northwest one of my fav Hitchcock movies)

And there are indeed many many more....
And the one I am not so sure about...
31 December 1941 - Sir Alex Ferguson...mmm. Well you can't win em all huh Alex?!

This Life 10+

Come on - own up who watched it?

For me it seemed only fitting to switch on at 9pm (the time of my birth) on a Tuesday (the day I was born (full of grace !?)) to catch up with some old friends. Fitting to note that 10 years on of the five only 1 is still practicing law - mm that too sounds very familiar!

The social commentary, the observations about 'youth' of today and the unrequited love of Miles and Anna. Ultimately I was left wanting more! Will Miles return? How will his travels go? Will Anna have a baby via Miles or Warren and a spatula? Will Millie and Egg make it? So many more questions than answers - but it was heartening to see the key 5 still had that spark and could still shift between their natural alliances to create a sense of friendship.

It made me wonder how I would feel catching up with people I haven't seen fro 10 years - so if I knew you in 1997 what do ya reckon!?! Even meeting the folks from my bar course would be fascinating. I suspect I am the only one of the core gang (Mel, Sophie, Darren, Delia, Mark) who isn't yet spliced or with child! However unlike Miles I do not 'own' a mansion, mind you neither did he!! In '97 I was in Leicester facing work related traumas and decided to give it all up and move down south. I also made the decision I wanted to be a barrister! Or rather make better use my 'yawn' law degree. I was living on my own then too - in a flat 5 mins walk from work! What memories that place holds! I guess my greatest realisation - I was more open to try new, daring stuff back then. Everything and ANYTHING seemed possible. '97 was Glasters year. Tents and rain. Now I like my routine - and still haven't learnt to deal with my hangovers.

Good observation about the legal world too I thought. Defecting from it. How its becoming harder to survive especially at the Bar. And then the 30+ syndromes - Millie torn between her career and the career of motherhood which she clearly preferred. And Anna desperate for a child. I wondered which of the two I most resembled. Not sure either to be honest. Biological clocks. Mine hasn't started to tick-tock with me yet. Or has it?! I think finding a decent place to live might be key factor in that decision. Oh yeah and a male set of genes! Or maybe just a man in jeans?!

The weight of expectation.

But ask yourself - who really sets this expectation.....?

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


A year older..... and quite possibly a year grumpier! Well spending your birthday at work is no where near as good as spending it on a coach to Huddersfield....!!

2007 started well.. ha ha. Then the TV blew up. Then the rain soaked my clothes out on the line. Then I ruptured evey muscle in my body lugging a new TV home. And the Gills were 1 up but let Millwall smash us 4-1. Grrr. And and and and ... I confess I lost my temper yesterday and threw all sorts of things round the house. Nearly picked a fight with some life form in the queue at Argos and generally wondered what the hell it was all about. Happy New bleedin Year.

I suspect turning 34 (well at 9pm this evening I will!) has made me analyse my life. Oh dear - could take a while to get out of this hole!

Oh well something to look forward to later - This Life 10+ - Lovely!!

Happy New Year everyone - ignore me - I will get over it! Eventually!!!!

Amendment for known admirers benefit - other 2nd Jan burfdays


Happy Birthday to me!

Millwall 4 - Gillingham 1

Not sure what the worst part of today was. But a Byfield hat-trick against us certainly didn't help my mood. So while I saved my neck and £19 quid by staying home I ended up spending a fortune elsewhere. All I wanted was to make the most of the sunshine and go for a long stomp. ha ha ha. Best laid plans and all that.

Happy New Year.

Monday, January 01, 2007

New Year's Eve...2007

was spent largely in my lounge listening to the wind, rain and fireworks.

Sunday afternoons/evening's are meant for lounging. I am not sure if spending NYE by yourself means you are an alien or whether it means I was too lazy to rally round and try and find some where/one/thing to spend the time with. As it was I sat and immersed myself in films and DVDs well after the Eastenders omnibus! Watched 'Beaches' and cried. Wondered why I don't feel as if I have a mate like that!! Maybe I do. And maybe life isn't like a film.

I have to say at this point that Christmas TV has been AWFUL. Well what choice was there - all the programmes shown tonight were basically repeats of programmes they had already showed, and I had astutely avoided watching them first time round.

Wish I had braved the wind and rain and gone to the cinema now. The weather has been awful today. Cold, miserable and ugh.

Oh well the fireworks at the London Eye looked terrific. Good to see my city doing something right.

I think the basic problem is that I tend to mentally celebrate New Year at 1pm when it turns midnight down under! So Happy New Year Stu and Emma. And yes Mr G - Happy New Year to you too! Thanks for the texts guys!

And my resolutions totalled 0. A resolution should be for life not just for New Year - so I will endeavour to continue to be thoughtful and caring toward my fellow man and as ever keep on with WW and okay if pressed seriously work up to quitting the smokes..... to be honest I actually liked 2006. Was doing well at work - running a half crewed office and loving the challenge. My social life had picked up and I felt happier about myself. Now the clock has turned I sense distrust of this new year... the downwards portion of the rollercoaster.....

Hey ho. Bed.