Sunday, December 31, 2006
Gillingham 0 - Oldham 3
NOT a GOOD end to the year.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
But if any of you are interested in the place - my Oztralia blog now shows you my tour of the place! As well as fillin gup a few more of the days I was out there. Seems an age ago.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Can't you see I'm busy....!
100 things you never knew... I especially liked the one about Goths... though clearly for me I didn't quite make a fully income earning lawyer. But almost!
Well no point reading about the cricket as we have severely crashed and burned. Looking like the 5-0 option is favourite. And the news is full of tragic deaths and people still intent on killing each other. There was a story about a house in Sittingbourne being used as a cannabis factory... no surprises there then.
Went for a walk over lunch hour. Sales. All the good stuff has gone I think - though I did get 1000 evening primrose capsules for half price which I believe to be a bargain and an investment!
I was looking forward to returning. Well the tubes are quieter even though mine was trapped by signalling problems at Stockwell which gave me an extra 15 minutes to read 'Rabbit is Rich' by John Updike. Rich use of language is keeping me reading. Meanwhile on the streets it is very quiet. Hardly a soul around. Shame that as predicted the fog has lifted, the clouds are higher and it is bright and quite temperate. A great day for a long walk and plenty of photos. Oh well.
Got to work. Only a few of us in and even these few couldn't decide on a lunch venue! So a Tesco sarnie and bananas were purchased. Now I am going to spend the afternoon testing the Anchovy application and no doubt getting annoyed that it DOESN'T work!!! In other work related news - has gone live! Hooray!!
Thursday, December 28, 2006
And there it was...
24 hours passed.
and what changed?
erm as far as I can see not very much.
Oh well. Work tomorrow. Deep deep joy.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Gillingham 2 - Leyton Orient 1
Having sat and watched us squander a 3-0 lead at the Orient I was really hoping to get some points back. It came. Eventually.
We easily out played them first half - and in fact played very well. But somehow they got the goal. It looped into the top corner of the net and we were down. We saw out the half and again rued the chances not put away.
Second half own goal, sending off and a penalty. All the ingredients for a tops game. But it felt really flat - despite the largest crowd of the season. It was odd - no sense of Boxing Day or anything vaguely festive. Hey ho.
Another 3 points and a shift into the top half of the table. Very appreciated.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Tranmere 2 - 3 Gillingham
Only the second time this season and the first ever victory at Prenton Park.
A definite good start to the festive fixture list. Go the twiglet! And erm well done Mr Savage...
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Meanwhile at Heathrow the fog is keeping planes on the ground. So not the best time to fly to the other end of the country or to any part of Europe. And of course this is top news. I wonder what these people would say if the planes weren't grounded and because of the less than brillant weather conditions they were in the skies careering into each other?
So its the shortest day of the year. The Friday before Christmas. It's finally turned cold and the leaves have finally all fallen from the trees. Winter is here and that time of the year is here. Hibernation seems like a really good option!!
Travel safe everyone be it by road, rail or plane.
Stand Up ..
Just found an interesting article on the beeb web about football chants... spot the one Sittingbourne fans sing to Chatham... aah such pride in my roots!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
last night after my Wimbledon shopping run (open til 9pm!) I was walking home dreaming of multi grain pasta and pesto and olives etc when I spotted a face in the window of O'Neills! Then I spotted the second face and pressed my nose against the glass - it was Pab and Taff former regulars from the Nelson. So I went in and joined them for some festive beers and stories of untold nasti-ness related to late night drunken tube travelling. Falling down the escalator seemed quite tame!!

The today for lunch I met my brother's work colleague Ali(son) who is over from Oz to spend Christmas at her sister's in Sheffield (where apparently it is really cold). We were both suffering hang-overs so some Thai food and pints of water were in order!
I suspect tonight as people are 'breaking up' for their Christmas holidays a pint will be on the cards! Oh dear!!!
Monday, December 18, 2006
and there they were gone...
Poor old Stu. But at least the Barmy Army were still being heard...
And so we now have to wait a few years to reclaim the Ashes... back here in lil ol England.
Deep sigh. What's the betting we lose the series 5-0?
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Gillingham 1 - Bournemouth 1
Total lethargy and a general inability to get going. Which was odd cos my delivery came at 8.20am and I knew I needed to go to the Post Office. But I got to the PO at 1.15pm. And after that achievement went home for some breakfast.
Wonder if tall trespasser Tim noticed my non-appearence?
Feel bad about not going and then not doing anything. Guess my lack of enthused mood just took over.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
I woke this morning at 5am to the dreaded (P) MT back ache the works so got up for my trusty nurofen - and put on Sports Extra. I then forgot my pain as I tried to work out why they were at lunch. Ah thanks Aggers - it was infact lunchtime. So I drifted in and out of consciousness dreaming of my brother in a Brazil shirt (it was yellow but there is no way he'd wear an Aussie shirt!) and me n Emma laying on the floor laughing at his antics and listened as we were all out for 215. Batsmen - ?!?! And then the Aussie onslaught began... its all very dismal. Not sure I'll bother tomorrow morning...
Good night.
It also spurred me on to purchase cards and stamps and just generally get into the spirit (of Christmas - not vodka!) after work. Yes it's true I had a quiet Friday night. I came straight home! All I have to hope now is that the good old post office can do something special for my postal package to Australia - oops!
Not so festive is the news in Suffolk at the moment. All very disturbing. The cycle of drugs is indeed a very slippy slope and the lifestyles the news is sharing with us is so far removed from my day to day existence that I am beginning to feel naive. But for five parents to lose their daughters in this way and learn the realities behind the facades they knew is truly devestating. I was beginning to wonder if I had become de-sensitised to news stories - everyday is a litany of murders, bombs, death and tragedy - but this story is horrifying on so many levels. How did we let society get like this? The one thing that Christmas won't change sadly is the poverty, depravity and desparation that so many of the planets inhabitants suffer. It makes me grateful for small mercies and wish those I know and love a genuinely peaceful season and indeed, year ahead.
This time last week..!

This time 5 years ago I was in a Chinese restaurant drinking beer!


Let's hope by the time I get to the tube it is still the same? I spent Tuesday evening sat in the tunnel between Waterloo and Kennington for 20 minutes (technical failure) the lights all dimmed while station staff walked to the train. every other day this week a passenger incident has meant a delay/stoppage. I suspect too many late nights!!
Friday, December 15, 2006
Noise Abatement Part 1
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Noise Abatement
So when I found myself in the hallway with Mr Upstairs I was polite and asked if he was ok and then asked if perhaps they'd consider that actually my bed room is underneath their lounge and perhaps possibly their constant noise was keeping me awake/waking me up. The essence being you seem to have forgotten I do actually live downstairs and your antics are upsetting my sleep patterns. I tried not to lose my temper and maybe my words could have been better - but what else can I do? Bang on my ceiling everytime they do it? Say nothing and hope it stops (it hasn't over the last couple of months)? I guess now all I have to do is wait and see. They will either make a slight effort or go all out to p*ss me off.. well more so then.
Why does putting across a well reasoned point of view make you feel as if you are in the wrong? I would understand it if I had loud parties every night or played my music at full volume til all hours. But I don't. And I think its somehow harder to disturb upwards... there's only 1 of me - there's 3 of them. And frankly I am also sick of being woken up by Mr Upstairs snoring over my head (he's on the couch for some reason but I thought it best not to mention that)... if I wanted to be woken up by snoring I'd move a snorey boyfriend in.
I feel slightly better but also a tad nervous... certainly one aspect that has changed over the last 12 months - I do find myself standing up for myself.. the wisdom of age perchance? Or blissful stubbornness?
I'll let you know how I go... oh yeah and they'll be getting a Merry Christmas and a PEACEFUL New Year card...
Monday, December 11, 2006
Sunny Sunday
Sunday, December 10, 2006
I haven't seen our Gary for at least 4 years - Shepherds Bush Empire - 6th April 2002 is my last known entry in any diary I have with me and before that Brixton Academy 20th October 2000. You were right Ziggy I was there!! And whilst searching I also discovered I have been to The Forum - 14th Jan 2000 with Lisa to see Gene.... so there we go!
Not the best photo - but proof if it were necessary that I was there!!!
Met my mate Ziggy at Kentish Town tube at 5pm for once the Northern Line was doing the biz!! Went for beers in a dimly lit north London pub called I believe the Oxford. A couple of hours later two other Numanoids jined us - Matt and Phil - who I know I haven't seen for yonks!! There was a phase back in 1994/5/6 when Gary Numan was a rather large slice of my life. I helped write a fanzine with Ziggy, Matt, Phil and Andy who seems to have dropped off the face of the planet - (there are several stories about Andy I could share but will save - especially the time he visited Leicester and thought I could turn him!). Heady days - including V96 at Chelmsford to the see the great man at a 'festival'. Ziggy and I went to see him at Nottingham Rock City and with my Germany winning sweepstake money we got a cab from Nottingham to Leicester. Other Numan trips included the disco's and staying at Matt's house and watching his interesting video's - well he was on Jim'll Fix It meeting the man! Such a young innocent boy made to sit in a go-kart and circle Gary while he sang Cars... Matt had very big feet then too. Heady days indeed. Fun days. After this particular disco evening we ended up on Clapham Common for a free gig and saw the Spice Girls... history can be so rich and varied! My article in the fanzine was a review of that self same gig. I guess this is a testimony to that evening, those great memories and the little man Gary Numan who drew all these threads together.
So The Forum - 8.30pm beer in hand we near the front on the left as Gary looked at us. The gig was to replay the album Telekon, which includes most of my favourite Gary tracks which he duly played! I was naive I have to confess to the huge 'T' that was on stage. Apparently it used during the original gig days of this album. So with T lit and the smoke rising bright lights and action...This Wreckage and a stroll down memory lane. We Are Glass, I Dream of Wires, Remember I was Vapour, Please Push No More (made more entertaining by Eddie Large's Billy Idol looking brother standing in front of us with his very tiny lady friend. It may have been love or he may have been hungry - who can say - but with the rings he was sporting I was saying nothing.) I die you die I enjoyed and the encore - my favourite song Down In the Park, and my old Karaoke favourite Are Friends Electric?!
As I have posted once already this week - chums - lives all move at such at a hefty pace we tend to neglect the good parts. It was great to see old chums and catch up. See how we are all aging gracefully! And Gary for his part seemed to enjoy the reunion of his fans - he smiling lots and exchanging comments with the audience... much the way he did when I saw him at Nottingham. So thanks Gary and thanks fellow Numanoids! Remind me to Smile - when I think of this evening - I feel it will happen without the reminder! Plus I have already seen Placebo this year! :-)
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Christmas Party
Friday, December 08, 2006
We did spend quite a bit of time being grumpy old women too... people have no manners, neighbours no consideration, commuters selfish etc etc etc.... its either our age or the city we live in!
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Blackrock Masters
Took my mum to the Royal Albert hall to see the tennis today - it's become something of a pre Christmas day out! We had a good afternoon people watching and enjoying the skill of the tennis pro's who are not 'young' enough to do the Grand Slams anymore.
Met Pops in the Porterhouse then took a turn around Covent Garden and ended up in Navajo Joes for tea - a bit loud but tops food and a good waitress meant we had an unexpected good evening. And the Hunter Valley Pinot Noir was divine!!!
A good day despite being alighted of 75 quid at the dentist for a tooth clean and a my second filling ever... it only took him 2 minutes and didn't hurt a bit - phew! Feels like my year is ending with some of the same notes that it started!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Port Vale 2 Gills 0
6 years
Is it time to move on I ask myself? How long is too long?
Monday, December 04, 2006
sadly I think this may be rather too close to the bone...
Bristol City 4 - Gillingham 3 (FAC2)
Sunday, December 03, 2006
The Prestige

Aaaahhhhhhhhh! Mmmmm!!!
The film wasn't as complex as some of the reviews had suggested... it was fairly obvious by the end what was what - but the chance to see Christain Bale, Hugh Jackman and Bowie were enough of a sway!! :-)
Friday, December 01, 2006
Well done Collingwood by the way! Finally a glimmer of hope...!!
Until whenever - laters!
Monday, November 27, 2006
You know I haven't had a whole weekend to myself yet since I returned from Australia. I must slow down - then again!!
As for the 1st Test - its ploy - I hope.
And now its Planet Earth. Night
Gillingham 1 - Rotherham 0
1 Nottm Forest 19 14 41
2 Scunthorpe19 15 35
3 Tranmere 19 10 34
4 Bristol City 19 7 33
5 Oldham 19 12 32
6 Swansea 19 6 31
7 Yeovil 19 5 31
8 Carlisle 19 3 30
9 Crewe 19 3 27
10 Gillingham 19 -3 27
But we are 10th and that feels rather good!
Friday, November 24, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
This Life...
Now I must avoid my usual trick of watching This Life til 1am!! I had forgotten how brilliant that was as a programme, the music, London, the profession etc, and I look back at my legal career and wonder... what if? Hey still close to the law but actually feel I am achieving more where I am - especially in the last 12 months... a partner tonight said I was wonderful! Smirk! With witnesses! So come on Anna, come on Miles - where are you now!! Can't wait for the ten year catch up!
Right defo off to bed now! Ta ra and bon soir!
The Ashes..
But the purpose of the post - I won't be able to tune into the start of the Ashes tomorrow so here is my public show of good wishes to the England team. I will be listening to my DAB radio at odd hours of the day and wishing I was at various venues with the Barmy Army!! Come On England - lets show those Aussie what the Poms are really made of... I will shortly be following this up with my snaps of the G - MCG that is!! Although if the Aussies do badly a blubbing G may yet appear!
Good luck England - and make sure you stay away from that Aussie lager! Stick with the dark stuff - Toohey's Old, James Squires Amber Ale, Dogbolter, Carlton Black and Cascade Stout to name a few of my high recommended tipples!!! We bring Bat and Ball!!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
The eve of assume nothing's birthday
Today has been spent manically beavering away over work items, stored procedures, methods & classes and aspx.cs pages... that's Project Management. Honest! After an early-ish start (not helped by tube network being totally up the spout) I managed to produce my PLAN!!! Leaving office at 7.30pm. Effort in equals, well, we'll see! The pressure of a deadline helps, half the office being on manoeuvres also helped! Peace and quiet!! It reminded me of my youth and doing my homework. Music and method. Yes I am off to the Paris office Wednesday morning for 3 days. Looking forward to it - but just want everything sorted before I go. Got a work event at Vinopolis tomorrow pm and then Thursday pm the Anchovy project is being celebrated - would feel a fraud if my end of the bargain was half cocked.
Spent the weekend here and in Kent - a flying visit home. Seconded the official wedding photos - there are some really good ones in the set! Aah happy days - all seems so long ago.
So what have I learnt over the last year? Like so many aspects of my character, that I have acquired, the blog started prompted by somebody I fancied. He and I were short lived. We are still in touch but I suspect it has no mileage - I haven't seen him in over a year despite the fact he is now in London. Shame really. Meow!! :-) I have a tattoo which was partly cos of someone I fancied and those amongst you who know my past may say my long hair was heavily influenced by a love interest. Hee hee! The rest unfortunately is fairly and squarely me! Cynical. Downbeat. Bubbly. Slightly mad. Slightly sad. Overly emotional and totally misunderstood. Still determined mind you and loving my current climbs. Just loving being me at the moment. Rollercoaster. It's a new ride every day.
Whilst looking for some ear phones in my cupboard in my old bedroom I stumbled across my journals - wow! I shuddered when I read some of the tings I wrote about. All the crushes I had - usually on people I had not even spoken too. Oh I wonder if the poor sods realised! The letters, printed emails and things I wrote - not much seems to have changed and yet everything has changed! Were have those people gone? Suzanne S, Jenny S, Rob Jones, Andy, Jo F, Nicola S, Gillian, Gill, Sarah Thomas, Bina Bagga, Sonia W, Sam Pick, Kevin Mansell, Dave 'lead bollocks' Ferra, Pete, Hitain, Darren G, Chrissy D, David L, Adam E?? All names from the past. Wonder who they are now? And the recurring names! Baggy, Ziggy, Dr Marc, Konrad, Sean and Lisa. Friends for life despite the ups and downs! AND of course all the new names harvested over the last (almost) 6 years here in London in this job, Swansea Jack, Maccer 40p, Camilla, Vaughany, Simon Morley, Lord RDM, Mikey Gee, John Dicko, Furry, etc etc. So I have learnt that life is always a tapestry - a never ending weave of threads. The circular nature of certain relationships - they ebb and flow but I am truly content - fit to bursting in fact - with the knowledge that for every dark time there has been a lighter time!
So thank you readers - thanks for the contributions all of you who do - always a pleasure! Thanks everyone for the memories, learning curves, love, angst, influences and laughter!
And now for a footie score I think!!! Saturday's result - Bristol City 3 - Gillingham 0 - does not bode well for cup game. Question is should I go?!
Right I need SLEEP!!!!
SO Assume Nothing!
Question and attempt everything - you never know where it may take you.... :-)
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Anyway hair been re-dyed so now it looks blonder than ever! ha ha.
Had a good week all in all. Folks back in UK in one piece and Stu shared his Pearl Jam concert with me - ace!
At least the sun is out today... anyway gotta dash! Laters!
Monday, November 13, 2006
Me at...

I think my moans of 'Nooo!' were heard all the way down the street. Can't quite the memories of last time we (I) went there out of my head!
Full draw
Farsley Celtic/Milton Keynes Dons v Blackpool
Cheltenham/Scunthorpe v Wrexham
Brighton v Stafford/Maidenhead
Bristol City v Gillingham
Shrewsbury/Hereford v Port Vale
Macclesfield/Walsall v Rochdale/Hartlepool
Stockport v Wycombe
Weymouth/Bury v Chester
Barnet v Northampton/Grimsby
Tranmere v Peterborough
King's Lynn v Oldham
Darlington v Swansea
Salisbury City v Nottingham Forest
Torquay v Leyton Orient
Bristol Rovers v Bournemouth
Bradford v Havant & W/Millwall
Swindon v Morecambe
Mansfield v Doncaster
Chelmsford/Aldershot v Basingstoke Town
Rushden & Diamonds v Tamworth
Ties to be played on the weekend of 2 December
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Gillingham 4 - Bromley 1 (FAC 1)
Draw is tomorrow ... can't wait!!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
15,000th Episode
Ruth bottled it. Like a firework left in the rain she lit the fuse - drove to Oxford and once there decided not to explode... oh well the Devonian goblin will take this badly and probably let slip to David... so the story will smoulder on for a wee bit longer...all in all a huge build up for a slightly disappointing finale. Top be expected bearin gin mind the characters and how of character they have been for the last three weeks... watch this space for more gossip!
League Cup
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Gillingham 2 - Chesterfield 1
Nah - just another reminder why I love the game.
We were 1 nil down for 89 minutes!
WE SNATCHED VICTORY FROM THE JAWS OF DEFEAT!!!!! A first! Twiglet and MacDonald. Joy joy joy!
Lots of other weird things happened today too. People talking to me, solely because I was wearing a Gills shirt. All rather strange - I obviously had the 'its safe to talk to her' face on today - not that I was aware of any difference. Odd. Odd.
Who cares - 3 points and untold joy on a chilly afternoon. Plus the sunset over the Brian Moore Stand was totally awesome.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
The Archers..
thank you!
Starter for ten... it's a simple tale of everyday country folk.. (who at the moment seem preoccupied with having affairs with other people. That's the onset of winter for you and of course the threat of lessening EU subsidy)
For those of you not in the know check it out here!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Tube journeys
Sunday, October 29, 2006
FA Cup Round One
Means I can wear my Gills shirt, scarf and hat on the tube n train again and get stared at by blokes who can't get their heads round the fact its a bird on her own with an interest in football... grr. Get out more lads.... and don't stare - if you have a question just ASK!!! We won!! :-)
Gillingham 2 - Carlisle United 0
Friday, October 27, 2006
Port Phillip Bay
That's if I can shake off this sore throat... Grr.... !!!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Gloomy at 6.30am
Gloomy at 6.30pm
Gloomy in my brain.
The post holiday blues has hit. Or maybe its S.A.D. Dived right into that one I fear.
Gloomy @ home cos Internet access temporarily suspended while I get a new modem... very unhappy about this.
Oh and I was advised today that it takes a day to recover for each hour you were out of your time zone... so that's about 13+7hours = 20 days then!! Joy! See you properly in November!!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Pre post holiday blues?!
So I will endeavour to get to Williamstown, have proper time in St Kilda and do an MCG tour... !! Yes cursing of the turf to take place so that the Poms do the biz over Xmas!!
Until then chaps/chappesses I am missing people, London and my radio!! ;-) Take care and catch ya all in few days... x
But I am guessing you are all dying to know how the wedding went!?! Well I think as a family we cracked it - our dresses were repeatedly commented on for being stunning and my Mum did look a million dollars. We had gone for a professional make up job that morning - it took a wee while but was defo worth it. Dad had his DJ on and stormed the floor with his speech. I did my reading without a faulter and all in all we held our heads high and smiled broadly as Stuart and Emma made their love official.
The rehearsal on the Friday was perhaps more emotional than the actual day.
The wording, music everything had been written and agreed by Stu and Em - so the vows were non-traditional but summed their relationship up perfectly. The venue meant the back drop was beautiful - sun over the vine yard and lakes. The guests were all well behaved. And the bride and groom looked a picture! I nearly cried when Stu mentioned me specifically in his speech - but I fought back hard and kept vaguely composed. I'll stick up some photos when I get home so you can see fully how well my brother scrubs up and how gorgeous his wife to be looked.
On the whole the time spent in Hobart veered from relaxing and fun to uptight and stressy. When Martin and I got off the plane at Hobart it was 32 degrees and the wind had a life of its own - it was strong! There were also bush fires raging across the ranges in the vicinity of the vineyard were the wedding was to be held and the highways were being shut at intervals because it was so dangerous. The wind and the heat did not paint a great picture. Thursday pm started at Customs House with Carlton Black on tap then the group of us all met up for dinner - I had steak.
Friday we pottered - and helped with moving of luggage and general nerve calming of my brother. The afternoon was the rehearsal and wine tasting at Meadowbank. I took a liking to the Cabernet, very very tasty. At 4pm we were ushered outside for the rehearsal. Various people doing readings - well in turned out just 2 of us! My poem, Love's Philosophy by Percy Bysshe Shelley was to appear directly after they were married and had been able to kiss! During rehearsal with the sun and the view and all these key people as I read the words I got quite a lump in my throat. I think there were several others who felt the same way. The pause and aahs before the applause.
We continued drinking there and then tottered back into town - watching the smoke rising! Dinner was to be at 42degrees, a nice joint on the front in Hobart centre. We were all struggling by t8pm though - it had been a long day and the Saturday was going to be even longer... we struggled through! More beers! And on the way back the groom's party such as it was - me, Ma and Pa, Stu n Martin n Steve - piled into The Little Sydney Hotel opposite our hotel for a last beer... Moo Brew dark! And there was a live band playing good stuff - covers of Duran Duran numbers and it was just great to be altogehter and spending Stu's last single hours with smiles on our faces!!
Saturday morning - get up wash and sort hair so that by 5pm it would be settled and shiny! Big breakfast in a place called Dukkah's - it was very very lovely! Then at midday a make over and the count down... strange how these important days always go so fast. No sonner had we had our make up done we were dressed, putting button holes onto groom and grooms men and gettign a cab down to the pier to pick up the double decker bus that would seem to take forever to get us tot he venue...!! Some hours later we were all on the bus back to Hobart - singing and smiling. Stuart and Emma now Mr and Mrs... F!
Congratulations to them both!
The Archers
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Viva la Tas
Best man turned up in one piece and we have dragged him across many miles of the city - St Kilda for cakes on Akland St, Carlton to view the Uni village - and various foodie joints. You will never starve in Melbourne. Just left Stu's house and bride and groom seem fairly relaxed - all just praying for good weather and their guests to pick up the bus at 3.45pm!! We'll be there. In our all weather dresses!!
Spent the rest of Sunday walking the Yarra passed the Olympic Park and Collingwood's home ground. Monday picked up best man aftera long walk round the circle of the city taking in Flagstaff Gardens, Carlton Gardens and the Fitzroy. Looking forward to sharing the photos with you all. Days are all merging into one at the moment. I guess the true reality will hit when we are all gathered in Hobart and fretting about weather/tights/spandex pants etc etc. Oh yeah and reading outloud to the masses! oops!
Not really much to say except my sunburn has merged into a nice tone and all spots have disappeared! ha ha! Just a word of caution - scented loo paper is the pits! As is Aussie night time TV. My saving grace Sport 927 on the radio not quite Five Live but moderately ok! This evening Martin and I are going for food and a beer - then tomorrow the Sky bus picks us up at 9.25am for the airport. So I when I next write my brother will be a husband and I will officially have a sister-in-law! Oh and hopefully GFC will have beaten Forest 3-0! Take care all x