Tuesday, June 30, 2015
So not quite the solarisation of the old days... I can't seem to transfer 'those' pix from the iPhone to well anything... so here are some I can share..(and have on that blessed Book of Face).
I'll think of a reprise alternative....I'm sure there's a way.. you used to be able to email pix to Blogger... mm.
I'll think of a reprise alternative....I'm sure there's a way.. you used to be able to email pix to Blogger... mm.
Monday, December 01, 2014
December 1st....countdown to festive meal-for-one?
Down here the new page on my proudly positioned Vulcan calendar heralds the start of summer. The contrast between this and the first day of Advent I am more used being a Northern hemisphere kind of chappess could not be wider.
This year however I am all about NOT recognising Christmas. Last year was a totally demoralising experience, best forgotten, and the cool, damp, dark Christmas's of yore are a treasured memory. Often with close family (erm that will be just Mum and Dad then) and some other entertaining ones with odd waif and strays popping by for Christmas Pudding and a festive tipple.
This year I will be in the southern hemisphere bereft of folks and ducking any potential familial invite from the state of VIC.
This year I will be having an early morning run (maybe); oh no I won't Thursday's aren't my run day... okay so this year I will be having an early morning cycle - probably to the beach. To observe the local populous on Christmas day. And then I will bask in the sun and share such scenes with cold and damp friends back in Blighty. Then as the day progresses I'll cook something; eat something; maybe pull a cracker with myself and see who I can tempt to a Skype call. I may even determine that drinking at least half a bottle of wine/bubbles is a good thing to do. All sounds rather predictable.
It's 24 hours that I'm sure I can put to better use?
It not so much being alone on the day, rather being afraid of wasting precious non-work hours. After-all there are many many people far worse off; and the other extreme is too materialistic and greed driven for me.
So in a bid to fill the day with something worthwhile, I Google Christmas Day volunteering... nada. Well a search round Twitter may help find a purpose to the day. Or it will be like my usual Sunday - only on a Thursday!
Odd that it was the one thing I always wanted to do back home - spend Christmas Day in my flat, in my home, in London. Go for my usual walk, see what was open, what pubs etc; truly be part of the community that I weaved between the rest of the year. Could never persuade my Dad to come and stay with me; they've been happy to come to Oz however. More than once. So no, Christmas was always spent in Kent, with Dad presiding over tradition.
New Years Eve - well that's always back in the big smoke! Of course! No parties or firework displays in sleepy country Kent.
Thus my quest to discover a better use of the day starts here....
This year however I am all about NOT recognising Christmas. Last year was a totally demoralising experience, best forgotten, and the cool, damp, dark Christmas's of yore are a treasured memory. Often with close family (erm that will be just Mum and Dad then) and some other entertaining ones with odd waif and strays popping by for Christmas Pudding and a festive tipple.
This year I will be in the southern hemisphere bereft of folks and ducking any potential familial invite from the state of VIC.
This year I will be having an early morning run (maybe); oh no I won't Thursday's aren't my run day... okay so this year I will be having an early morning cycle - probably to the beach. To observe the local populous on Christmas day. And then I will bask in the sun and share such scenes with cold and damp friends back in Blighty. Then as the day progresses I'll cook something; eat something; maybe pull a cracker with myself and see who I can tempt to a Skype call. I may even determine that drinking at least half a bottle of wine/bubbles is a good thing to do. All sounds rather predictable.
It's 24 hours that I'm sure I can put to better use?
It not so much being alone on the day, rather being afraid of wasting precious non-work hours. After-all there are many many people far worse off; and the other extreme is too materialistic and greed driven for me.
So in a bid to fill the day with something worthwhile, I Google Christmas Day volunteering... nada. Well a search round Twitter may help find a purpose to the day. Or it will be like my usual Sunday - only on a Thursday!
Odd that it was the one thing I always wanted to do back home - spend Christmas Day in my flat, in my home, in London. Go for my usual walk, see what was open, what pubs etc; truly be part of the community that I weaved between the rest of the year. Could never persuade my Dad to come and stay with me; they've been happy to come to Oz however. More than once. So no, Christmas was always spent in Kent, with Dad presiding over tradition.
New Years Eve - well that's always back in the big smoke! Of course! No parties or firework displays in sleepy country Kent.
Thus my quest to discover a better use of the day starts here....
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Back to Blogger?
Well hello ladies and gentlemen, it sure has been a while.
So much so that the entire format of Blogger has undergone a massive change! It looks and feels pretty nifty and the reporting stats - well our BI team will be jealous.
So what brings me here? Oh the usual!
And the intriguing results of Google searches... my full name yields no image results. Nor does Karoona Fairy... which is a little disappointing since the heady days of regular shows and regular reveals! [I was searching for more up dated pictures of the swoonsome Anson Mount; and the discovery that he is a month younger than me; no such pictures to be found but still the distant hope that should our paths cross he would be unable to resist]. The I was randomly searching for people closer to home. (Home now being on the other side of the planet - and does using an Australian laptop generate different results?) I learn that one of my colleagues had a planning application in late 2013 and that the other is an author of tawdry romantic literature. I fear one discovery is likely to be true and the other just the coincidence of name. My full name generates lots of Fred and Richard but no Karoona.
Maybe that's why I am back. The iPhone was in over drive Sunday as I embarked on a personal portrait study trying to see how good/bad/indifferent the body and face had fared now it was in its 40's rather than its 30's... To be honest I was not too disappointed. Then again I have recently had the very fortunate experience of being told that I am beautiful. Twice. By 2 different men. And 'you've go the pretty'' by a female colleague. Is it too late at the age of 41 to perhaps become aware of your visual value?
Maybe not.
I am feeling the positive benefits of no more smoking and much more exercise. Maybe even the lighter days and decreased amount of grey ones plays a part. It certainly is not bourne about from the job I do or the personal life I appear not to have! Either way beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And since moving my real life audience has shrunk so far as to be non-existant. So any form of nicety, let alone compliment is positively cherished.
As for the pictures one day soon I will reprise the solarised self portrait. Now commonly known as a 'selfie'. A thing some of us were openly doing long before iClouds or wikileaks. I'm sure in fact the evidence exists somewhere on this very blog....
This has been good. Not quite the smokey ground floor flat experience of my beloved Fortescue Road - but as warm ups go - it has got me keen to write more.
So much so that the entire format of Blogger has undergone a massive change! It looks and feels pretty nifty and the reporting stats - well our BI team will be jealous.
So what brings me here? Oh the usual!
And the intriguing results of Google searches... my full name yields no image results. Nor does Karoona Fairy... which is a little disappointing since the heady days of regular shows and regular reveals! [I was searching for more up dated pictures of the swoonsome Anson Mount; and the discovery that he is a month younger than me; no such pictures to be found but still the distant hope that should our paths cross he would be unable to resist]. The I was randomly searching for people closer to home. (Home now being on the other side of the planet - and does using an Australian laptop generate different results?) I learn that one of my colleagues had a planning application in late 2013 and that the other is an author of tawdry romantic literature. I fear one discovery is likely to be true and the other just the coincidence of name. My full name generates lots of Fred and Richard but no Karoona.
Maybe that's why I am back. The iPhone was in over drive Sunday as I embarked on a personal portrait study trying to see how good/bad/indifferent the body and face had fared now it was in its 40's rather than its 30's... To be honest I was not too disappointed. Then again I have recently had the very fortunate experience of being told that I am beautiful. Twice. By 2 different men. And 'you've go the pretty'' by a female colleague. Is it too late at the age of 41 to perhaps become aware of your visual value?
Maybe not.
I am feeling the positive benefits of no more smoking and much more exercise. Maybe even the lighter days and decreased amount of grey ones plays a part. It certainly is not bourne about from the job I do or the personal life I appear not to have! Either way beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And since moving my real life audience has shrunk so far as to be non-existant. So any form of nicety, let alone compliment is positively cherished.
As for the pictures one day soon I will reprise the solarised self portrait. Now commonly known as a 'selfie'. A thing some of us were openly doing long before iClouds or wikileaks. I'm sure in fact the evidence exists somewhere on this very blog....
This has been good. Not quite the smokey ground floor flat experience of my beloved Fortescue Road - but as warm ups go - it has got me keen to write more.
Sunday, November 04, 2012
November....It's Spring here.....
Which I am finding rather strange... and possibly why I when I saw pictures of the spring flowers I used to keep in SW19 I got all homesick.. but of course its cold and dark back home... and I do need a few months of sunshine.. at least a belated summer cos I've been waiting since Feb!!
November horrors - I don't really follow anymore. My life is a suspended vacuum so just being awake is a minor miracle.. but if I did... then well maybe these would be relevant.
Neil Spencer
November horrors - I don't really follow anymore. My life is a suspended vacuum so just being awake is a minor miracle.. but if I did... then well maybe these would be relevant.
Neil Spencer
My word...
it's all changed here since I last put pen to virtual paper and scribed some words of observation.. certainly very little wisdom.
Had to rescue my account and re set password.. how many more passwords must I remember to function in this life? It's all getting a little too much. I don't really want to be ruled by a computer... technology - cyber worlds - there will be a mother nature element there whether we like it or not. Facebook is now possibly my main source of updates. Not that I like it trying to link all my contacts. I want to choose who I connect with on my mobile phone...
It's 12.20pm here in Perth Australia. The weather is showery - except when it rains it completely tips it down. I had plans of walking, to go to the new Arena as its a free open day and then to Coles for some food stocking up. Now tho I'm not so sure I can be bothered. The full on day of cycling and soccer yesterday - plus late night EastEnders catch up sort of rendering me less than fresh today! The thing with a blog is you can read back over time and realise that actually this is not an uncommon sense to have. Whether its here or in the midst of SW19 I am essentially still the same being... singular trying to keep my spirits high with walking, shopping and not getting into a self inflicted emotional downer.
To be fair the last 8 months have pretty much been one long nose dive. Recently joining WeightWatchers has given me a better sense of purpose and the ladies at the meeting are all very friendly I actually look forward to weigh in and meeting - regardless of the weight aspects! It also helps the nightly walking regime I now have in place.
I have just been reading previous blog posts - seeking ... not sure what I was seeking to be honest. Maybe an indication of a time when I was happy. I see largely my posts are not really ever happy - just a stream of thoughts at a time when I had no-one to talk too. Bit like now. SO I have to accept I will largely go through life something of a loner and self motivated by at times random and odd desires.
I am having very vivid dreams about people from my past - work related and non work related I wonder if I should contact these people and try and repair a bridge? I am also dreaming of current peripheral work colleagues - who largely I know little about and probably never will. My time here will not reap a great harvest of close friends. Perhaps the odd one or two who showed a level of care I did not expect. Meanwhile I have made one great friend - without whom I am not sure I would be still sane enough to function without the help of prescription drugs. Truth be told - if beer was cheaper here I may well I have become a total lush - to escape the constant feeling of being a misfit. Instead I am choosing to embrace it and deal with it in different ways. I am very knowledgeable as to the paths in Kings Park Likewise the south and north foreshore. The cycle paths take me KM's away from a usual walking route and I like the freedom.. though the last few trips have been a fight against the wind and yesterday I got nicely wet and returned home with a sand band the length of my bum and back... it was even in my hair! Nice. But it was quiet and the ducks, swans and pelicans were all happily enjoying the rain and the lack of human intervention.
A Saturday ritual was reborn when I went to football. It will never be the same as the Priestfield pilgrimage - but for some light relief and a chance to escape the reality of where I am and what I am, or not, doing it helps. The NIB is being rebuilt around the fans - so it lacks a sense of sheer stadium pleasure - but its okay and nicely within walking distance of home.
Its left off raining and I feel the need to go for a walk and listen to The Archers pod cast .. then maybe the Arena and then some shopping.. I will endeavour to return with some more words. Unless I decide to email peoples past and present with whom I wish I could just call or meet for a beer.
Had to rescue my account and re set password.. how many more passwords must I remember to function in this life? It's all getting a little too much. I don't really want to be ruled by a computer... technology - cyber worlds - there will be a mother nature element there whether we like it or not. Facebook is now possibly my main source of updates. Not that I like it trying to link all my contacts. I want to choose who I connect with on my mobile phone...
It's 12.20pm here in Perth Australia. The weather is showery - except when it rains it completely tips it down. I had plans of walking, to go to the new Arena as its a free open day and then to Coles for some food stocking up. Now tho I'm not so sure I can be bothered. The full on day of cycling and soccer yesterday - plus late night EastEnders catch up sort of rendering me less than fresh today! The thing with a blog is you can read back over time and realise that actually this is not an uncommon sense to have. Whether its here or in the midst of SW19 I am essentially still the same being... singular trying to keep my spirits high with walking, shopping and not getting into a self inflicted emotional downer.
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The Arena (blue and white thing... 'squashed beer can'..) |
I have just been reading previous blog posts - seeking ... not sure what I was seeking to be honest. Maybe an indication of a time when I was happy. I see largely my posts are not really ever happy - just a stream of thoughts at a time when I had no-one to talk too. Bit like now. SO I have to accept I will largely go through life something of a loner and self motivated by at times random and odd desires.
I am having very vivid dreams about people from my past - work related and non work related I wonder if I should contact these people and try and repair a bridge? I am also dreaming of current peripheral work colleagues - who largely I know little about and probably never will. My time here will not reap a great harvest of close friends. Perhaps the odd one or two who showed a level of care I did not expect. Meanwhile I have made one great friend - without whom I am not sure I would be still sane enough to function without the help of prescription drugs. Truth be told - if beer was cheaper here I may well I have become a total lush - to escape the constant feeling of being a misfit. Instead I am choosing to embrace it and deal with it in different ways. I am very knowledgeable as to the paths in Kings Park Likewise the south and north foreshore. The cycle paths take me KM's away from a usual walking route and I like the freedom.. though the last few trips have been a fight against the wind and yesterday I got nicely wet and returned home with a sand band the length of my bum and back... it was even in my hair! Nice. But it was quiet and the ducks, swans and pelicans were all happily enjoying the rain and the lack of human intervention.
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The clouds coming in last Monday ... |
Its left off raining and I feel the need to go for a walk and listen to The Archers pod cast .. then maybe the Arena and then some shopping.. I will endeavour to return with some more words. Unless I decide to email peoples past and present with whom I wish I could just call or meet for a beer.
Thursday, March 01, 2012
Mad March...
March 2012
There’s no sitting still this month, Capricorn. The Sun is in Pisces, your social and communicative third house, until March 19. You’ll be juggling projects, meetings, dates, and events—a faster pace than your usual measured and deliberate style. Embrace the whirlwind; you could use a little action in your life. And this month, you’ll get it! Put your feet up after March 19, when the Sun moves into Aries, your fourth house of home and family. This is a great time for nesting, visiting relatives, and even a move. With your ruling planet Saturn retrograde (backward) in your tenth house of career until late June, it’s a better time to focus on your personal life, and take the work stuff slow and steady.
On March 8, the Virgo full moon could bring a flash of inspiration. Virgo rules your ninth house of travel, expansion, and the higher mind. You could have a “moment of truth” or an honest conversation that lends you great perspective. An entrepreneurial venture or pet project could really come together now. Your mind is curious and open, so sign up for an inspirational workshop. You may also decide to return to school, start a business, or take a trip.
If you do book a getaway this month, be warned: Mercury, ruler of travel, technology, and communication, is retrograde (backward) from March 12 through April 4. This cycle famously foils the best-laid plans, so take precautions. Leave early for flights and appointments, back up your hard drive and devices to prevent data losses, and avoid buying any new gadgets. Watch for squabbles with family members during the first half of the retrograde, while Mercury is in Aries through March 23. After that, Mercury backs into Pisces, which could stir tension with siblings, friends, and colleagues. Tread lightly with those mountain goat hooves!
In spite of the retrograde, March can still spark some positive emotions between you and your loved ones. On March 22, the Aries new moon brings hopeful new energy to your personal life. Is it time to move into a bigger place, talk babies, or make a change with your family? Your mother, child, or a significant woman could play a role in events around this new moon. Since this moon is also conjunct Mercury and Uranus, planet of surprises, an unexpected pregnancy is possible for some Capricorns. It may also be time to “cut the cord” with a parent or child and strive to be a bit less dependent.
Spring fling, anyone? Capricorns aren’t usually ones to take love lightly, but this month puts you in more playful spirits than usual. Romantic Venus and adventurous Jupiter are together in Taurus, your fifth house of passion, love, and glamour. You may find yourself wanting to dress up, go on fun dates, or enjoy some spicy, sexy times with your sweetie. This is the perfect month to break out of a rut, right in time with the changing season. Initiate more romance, give a lavish gift, spoil and be spoiled.
Single Capricorns should cast a wider net in your search. Jupiter is the planet of long-distance travel and cross-cultural alliances. You could fall for someone from a different country or background—or you might meet someone while vacationing. This could be especially strong at the March 8 Virgo full moon, which puts you in an open-minded and curious headspace. You’re willing to take a chance instead of being overly practical or skeptical. With Mercury retrograde from March 12 through April 4, people from your past could come out of the woodwork. Who knows? An old friend or acquaintance could suddenly look attractive to you.
The week of March 11 through March 17 is also lucky for love. Jupiter will form a grand trine to transformational Pluto in Capricorn and sexy Mars in Virgo. It will be hard to contain your feelings, and you could be expressive in ways you normally aren’t. Sure, there could be some drama or a few fireworks, but most likely, it will only make things hotter between you and your beloved. Peacekeeper Venus is standing by to ensure that you mostly make love, not war.
The fifth house rules fertility, and with Jupiter here, a pregnancy is possible now—especially since you’ll be getting plenty of opportunities. If you’re trying actively to conceive, aim for the days around March 22 Aries new moon, which is in your fourth house of motherhood. Are you ready for a makeover, or even a complete change of your look? You might even enlist the help of a professional stylist, a makeup artist, or a Sartorially-savvy friend to draw out the classic glamour that your sign is famous for (hello, cheekbones).
Work continues to plod along this month, now with a few frustrations that inspire heavy sighing (and not the good kind). Why does it all seem so…dull? Flat? Pointless? From February 7 through June 25, your workaholic ruling planet Saturn is retrograde (backward) in Libra, your career house. It’s the equivalent of slow traffic grinding to a near-halt. Although work is the one area where you reliably rock, it’s definitely NOT getting your rocks off now.
There’s a silver lining to all of this, though. Several planets are moving through more personal zones of your chart. Rather than beat your head against the same brick wall, go spend time on friends, family, and your love life. Take something of a sabbatical—at least, from worrying, stressing and burning the candle at both ends. Refill those other tanks and it will put work into perspective. (Raise your hand if you’re a Capricorn who uses work to avoid dealing with other parts of your life!)
Of course, with taskmaster Saturn and your astrologically dutiful DNA in the mix, it’s not like you’re running off to join the circus. Saturn retrograde is an opportunity to restructure and streamline your life, though. Perhaps you built things up too quickly, overloaded yourself with responsibilities, or took on something big without planning properly, leaving your life lopsided. Maybe you’re still adjusting to new challenges and responsibilities. Identify where you’re “working harder, not smarter,” and make some fundamental changes. Are you still afraid to seize the mantle of your own authority? It’s time to get over that insecurity and own your power.
The March 8 Virgo full moon can bring a lot of insights and epiphanies, as it beams into your ninth house of wisdom, travel, and perspective. You may literally have a chance to travel for business (or use some of those stashed-up vacation days). Try to do so before March 12, when Mercury retrograde makes traveling a little trickier. If you’re an entrepreneur, this is a great day to launch a new line, product, or promotion, especially if it benefits the local community or aligns with a global cause.
Don’t overdo it this month, Cappy. You’re juggling more than usual, and some of your support systems might be a little weaker than you’re used to. With your ruler Saturn retrograde, this isn’t the best time to take on more than you can handle. Although you may be fielding a lot of tempting invitations and offers, try not to overbook yourself. With spiritual, healing Neptune now in your third house of friendships and communication, you might want to try a meditation workshop, a book club, or even look into getting certified in something like yoga teacher training. Too woo-woo for your earthy inclinations? Just aim for deeper, more heartfelt connections and conversations with your friends—even hosting a little salon at your home for people to talk about an interesting topic.
Your home life has its highs and lows this month. From March 12 through March 23, Mercury is retrograde in Aries, your domestic fourth house. This can stir up tension with relatives, or make you feel anxious and stressed-out at home. You may also be resisting some necessary self-care. Why are you being so hard on yourself, Capricorn? You may need to resolve something with a sibling or close friend when Mercury retrograde backs into Pisces from March 23 through April 4. Watch out for petty arguments—people will certainly try to suck you into them, and you’ll need to rise above the fray.
Is it time to rearrange some furniture, declutter, or just make your space a little cozier? The March 22 Aries new moon helps you reconfigure your personal domain, or to finally hang that artwork and unpack those boxes of personal mementos. Pull out the spring linens or paint a wall in a cheerier hue. New moons set off six-month cycles, so you may also decide to move, get pregnant, or just make a fresh start with family now.
With visual Venus and worldly Jupiter together in your fifth house of self-expression this month, maybe it’s time to hang up some travel memorabilia or to add some Zen or Parisian accents to your décor (especially if it falls in the Capricorn uber-minimalist aesthetic). Perhaps you should even take some glamorous headshots, family pictures, or even boudoir photos. Why not?
Love Days: 26, 4
Money Days: 11, 19
Lucky Days: 9, 17
Off Days: 2, 29, 6, 15
There’s no sitting still this month, Capricorn. The Sun is in Pisces, your social and communicative third house, until March 19. You’ll be juggling projects, meetings, dates, and events—a faster pace than your usual measured and deliberate style. Embrace the whirlwind; you could use a little action in your life. And this month, you’ll get it! Put your feet up after March 19, when the Sun moves into Aries, your fourth house of home and family. This is a great time for nesting, visiting relatives, and even a move. With your ruling planet Saturn retrograde (backward) in your tenth house of career until late June, it’s a better time to focus on your personal life, and take the work stuff slow and steady.
On March 8, the Virgo full moon could bring a flash of inspiration. Virgo rules your ninth house of travel, expansion, and the higher mind. You could have a “moment of truth” or an honest conversation that lends you great perspective. An entrepreneurial venture or pet project could really come together now. Your mind is curious and open, so sign up for an inspirational workshop. You may also decide to return to school, start a business, or take a trip.
If you do book a getaway this month, be warned: Mercury, ruler of travel, technology, and communication, is retrograde (backward) from March 12 through April 4. This cycle famously foils the best-laid plans, so take precautions. Leave early for flights and appointments, back up your hard drive and devices to prevent data losses, and avoid buying any new gadgets. Watch for squabbles with family members during the first half of the retrograde, while Mercury is in Aries through March 23. After that, Mercury backs into Pisces, which could stir tension with siblings, friends, and colleagues. Tread lightly with those mountain goat hooves!
In spite of the retrograde, March can still spark some positive emotions between you and your loved ones. On March 22, the Aries new moon brings hopeful new energy to your personal life. Is it time to move into a bigger place, talk babies, or make a change with your family? Your mother, child, or a significant woman could play a role in events around this new moon. Since this moon is also conjunct Mercury and Uranus, planet of surprises, an unexpected pregnancy is possible for some Capricorns. It may also be time to “cut the cord” with a parent or child and strive to be a bit less dependent.
Spring fling, anyone? Capricorns aren’t usually ones to take love lightly, but this month puts you in more playful spirits than usual. Romantic Venus and adventurous Jupiter are together in Taurus, your fifth house of passion, love, and glamour. You may find yourself wanting to dress up, go on fun dates, or enjoy some spicy, sexy times with your sweetie. This is the perfect month to break out of a rut, right in time with the changing season. Initiate more romance, give a lavish gift, spoil and be spoiled.
Single Capricorns should cast a wider net in your search. Jupiter is the planet of long-distance travel and cross-cultural alliances. You could fall for someone from a different country or background—or you might meet someone while vacationing. This could be especially strong at the March 8 Virgo full moon, which puts you in an open-minded and curious headspace. You’re willing to take a chance instead of being overly practical or skeptical. With Mercury retrograde from March 12 through April 4, people from your past could come out of the woodwork. Who knows? An old friend or acquaintance could suddenly look attractive to you.
The week of March 11 through March 17 is also lucky for love. Jupiter will form a grand trine to transformational Pluto in Capricorn and sexy Mars in Virgo. It will be hard to contain your feelings, and you could be expressive in ways you normally aren’t. Sure, there could be some drama or a few fireworks, but most likely, it will only make things hotter between you and your beloved. Peacekeeper Venus is standing by to ensure that you mostly make love, not war.
The fifth house rules fertility, and with Jupiter here, a pregnancy is possible now—especially since you’ll be getting plenty of opportunities. If you’re trying actively to conceive, aim for the days around March 22 Aries new moon, which is in your fourth house of motherhood. Are you ready for a makeover, or even a complete change of your look? You might even enlist the help of a professional stylist, a makeup artist, or a Sartorially-savvy friend to draw out the classic glamour that your sign is famous for (hello, cheekbones).
Work continues to plod along this month, now with a few frustrations that inspire heavy sighing (and not the good kind). Why does it all seem so…dull? Flat? Pointless? From February 7 through June 25, your workaholic ruling planet Saturn is retrograde (backward) in Libra, your career house. It’s the equivalent of slow traffic grinding to a near-halt. Although work is the one area where you reliably rock, it’s definitely NOT getting your rocks off now.
There’s a silver lining to all of this, though. Several planets are moving through more personal zones of your chart. Rather than beat your head against the same brick wall, go spend time on friends, family, and your love life. Take something of a sabbatical—at least, from worrying, stressing and burning the candle at both ends. Refill those other tanks and it will put work into perspective. (Raise your hand if you’re a Capricorn who uses work to avoid dealing with other parts of your life!)
Of course, with taskmaster Saturn and your astrologically dutiful DNA in the mix, it’s not like you’re running off to join the circus. Saturn retrograde is an opportunity to restructure and streamline your life, though. Perhaps you built things up too quickly, overloaded yourself with responsibilities, or took on something big without planning properly, leaving your life lopsided. Maybe you’re still adjusting to new challenges and responsibilities. Identify where you’re “working harder, not smarter,” and make some fundamental changes. Are you still afraid to seize the mantle of your own authority? It’s time to get over that insecurity and own your power.
The March 8 Virgo full moon can bring a lot of insights and epiphanies, as it beams into your ninth house of wisdom, travel, and perspective. You may literally have a chance to travel for business (or use some of those stashed-up vacation days). Try to do so before March 12, when Mercury retrograde makes traveling a little trickier. If you’re an entrepreneur, this is a great day to launch a new line, product, or promotion, especially if it benefits the local community or aligns with a global cause.
Don’t overdo it this month, Cappy. You’re juggling more than usual, and some of your support systems might be a little weaker than you’re used to. With your ruler Saturn retrograde, this isn’t the best time to take on more than you can handle. Although you may be fielding a lot of tempting invitations and offers, try not to overbook yourself. With spiritual, healing Neptune now in your third house of friendships and communication, you might want to try a meditation workshop, a book club, or even look into getting certified in something like yoga teacher training. Too woo-woo for your earthy inclinations? Just aim for deeper, more heartfelt connections and conversations with your friends—even hosting a little salon at your home for people to talk about an interesting topic.
Your home life has its highs and lows this month. From March 12 through March 23, Mercury is retrograde in Aries, your domestic fourth house. This can stir up tension with relatives, or make you feel anxious and stressed-out at home. You may also be resisting some necessary self-care. Why are you being so hard on yourself, Capricorn? You may need to resolve something with a sibling or close friend when Mercury retrograde backs into Pisces from March 23 through April 4. Watch out for petty arguments—people will certainly try to suck you into them, and you’ll need to rise above the fray.
Is it time to rearrange some furniture, declutter, or just make your space a little cozier? The March 22 Aries new moon helps you reconfigure your personal domain, or to finally hang that artwork and unpack those boxes of personal mementos. Pull out the spring linens or paint a wall in a cheerier hue. New moons set off six-month cycles, so you may also decide to move, get pregnant, or just make a fresh start with family now.
With visual Venus and worldly Jupiter together in your fifth house of self-expression this month, maybe it’s time to hang up some travel memorabilia or to add some Zen or Parisian accents to your décor (especially if it falls in the Capricorn uber-minimalist aesthetic). Perhaps you should even take some glamorous headshots, family pictures, or even boudoir photos. Why not?
Love Days: 26, 4
Money Days: 11, 19
Lucky Days: 9, 17
Off Days: 2, 29, 6, 15
Thursday, February 02, 2012
2012: Fab Feb?
Lucky Days: 8, 9, 17, 18, 26
Yucky Days: 4, 5, 10, 11, 25
Fashion Icon: Kate Moss
Colour: Grape
If ever you were in dire need of a vacation, it’s this month, darling. With your ruler going out of phase in your career sector on 7 February, coupled with Mars still retrograde, you’ll feel like cooling your jets and focusing on some much needed rest, revelry and relaxation. Plus the most spiritual and glamorous planet of them all, Neptune, is about to take up a fourteen-year residence in your thinking zone starting on the 3rd. Get ready to cleanse your entire mental make-up with the most compassionate, Zen-like influence imaginable. On the 7th, the Full Moon in Leo (in your sexuality sector) sparks your current libidinal fires. Make time to explore where your love and lust lie this month. Work is invited to take a back seat – honour the timing of everything by enforcing a reprieve. Do this despite the fact that you can always come up with someone or something that needs to be taken care of; put yourself first this time.
Having Saturn as one’s ruling planet has its advantages, meaning that where other signs wilt under the weighty issues associated with Saturn (whose metallic correspondence is lead!), Capricorns prove just how resilient and authoritative they are. Saturn represents needs-must, and as it now sits stationary in your career zone, a case of anything-to-survive likely prevails at work. The planet’s retrograde from February 7 doesn’t exactly let you off the hook, but it does ease the pressures under which you have been operating over the last eight months.
The backslide of another planet, Mars, also promises to ease frustrating circumstances. Righteous fury, to which even stoical Caps are not immune, also promises to ebb with Mars’ retreat, not least for birthdays circa January 12-14. You may, however, have to take your foot off the go-faster pedal.
Mostly, your ‘scope has a pleasingly upbeat air. The forward march of Jupiter, ‘the greater benefic’, along with a flurry of planets in Pisces, brings an extrovert, optimistic strand to your outlook. In terms of romance, friendship and meeting new people, February and March promise a flurry of activity and well-wishing. For those of you with creative jobs or past-times, here’s your chance to shine. If you are in the business of communication – and most people are these days, one way or another – then an upgrade of your digital infrastructure is in order.
In any case the new Moon of the 21st brings a following wind to any enterprise involving education, whether as student or teacher, to group activities, and to anything that smacks of a spiritual search.
The most problematical transits in play concern your home base (or property or family), notably if you were born around 21-24 December, where a certain amount of disruption and uncertainty is to be expected, welcomed even. Birthday between 29 December-January 1st face the even more unsettling prospect of Pluto, a signal that a deep transformation is under way. It isn’t likely to be an overnight thing, but it does hand you the chance of a complete self-reinvention, either in your chosen line of work or on a personal level.
Your Valentine: do-gooder!
Friday, January 27, 2012
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